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Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
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Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to
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(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
(5) |
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o |
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o |
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Date filed: |
April 25, 2008
Dear Fellow Stockholder,
It is with great pleasure that I invite you to attend our 2008
annual stockholders meeting on May 22, 2008. I am honored to
have you as one of our stockholders and hope that you will be
able to attend the meeting. In the event that you are unable to
attend, however, it is important that your shares are
represented; therefore, please be sure to sign, date, and mail
your proxy in the provided envelope, or vote your proxy by phone
or internet as instructed, at your earliest convenience.
Best Regards,
Edward K. Aldag, Jr.
Chairman, President and CEO
May 22, 2008
To Our Stockholders:
The 2008 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Medical Properties
Trust, Inc. will be held at The Summit Club, 1901
6th Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama, on May 22,
2008, beginning at 10:30 a.m. Central Time, for the
following purposes:
1. To elect the eight director nominees described in the
enclosed Proxy Statement;
To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent
registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2008; and
3. To transact any other business that properly comes
before the meeting.
Only stockholders of record at the close of business on
April 1, 2008, are entitled to receive notice of, to
attend, and to vote at the meeting and any adjournment thereof.
you from voting your shares in person if you choose to attend
the Annual Meeting.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Michael G. Stewart
Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
April 25, 2008
May 22, 2008
This Proxy Statement is being furnished to the stockholders of
Medical Properties Trust, Inc. (the Company) in
connection with the solicitation of proxies by the Board of
Directors to be voted at the 2008 Annual Meeting of Stockholders
to be held at The Summit Club, 1901 6th Avenue North,
Birmingham, Alabama, on May 22, 2008, beginning at
10:30 a.m. Central Time, and at any adjournment
At the meeting, stockholders will be asked to vote on proposals
to (1) elect the eight director nominees described in this
Proxy Statement and (2) ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP
as our independent registered public accounting firm for the
fiscal year ending December 31, 2008. Stockholders will
also transact any other business that properly comes before the
meeting; although, as of the date of this Proxy Statement, the
Board of Directors knows of no such other business to be
presented. When you submit your proxy, by executing and
returning the enclosed proxy card, or by voting by telephone or
internet, you will authorize the persons named in the enclosed
proxy to represent you and vote your shares of common stock on
these proposals as specified by you. If no such specification is
made, shares represented by your proxy will be voted:
FOR the election of the eight director nominees; and
FOR the ratification of KPMG LLP as our independent registered
public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2008.
The proxy holders will also have discretionary authority to vote
your shares on any other business that properly comes before the
This Proxy Statement and the accompanying materials are first
being sent or given to our stockholders on or about
April 25, 2008.
What is
the purpose of the meeting?
At the meeting, our stockholders will vote on proposals:
1. To elect the eight director nominees described in this
Proxy Statement; and
To ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as our independent
registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2008.
In addition, our management will report on our performance at
the meeting and respond to appropriate questions from
Who is
entitled to vote?
The record date for the meeting is April 1, 2008. Only
stockholders of record at the close of business on April 1,
2008 are entitled to receive notice of the meeting and to vote
at the meeting the shares of our common stock that they held of
record on that date. Each outstanding share of common stock
entitles its holder to one vote on each matter voted on at the
meeting. At the close of business on March 31, 2008, there
were outstanding and entitled to vote 66,364,324 shares of
common stock.
Am I
entitled to vote if my shares are held in street
If you are the beneficial owner of shares held in street
name by a brokerage firm, bank, or other nominee, such
entity is required to vote the shares in accordance with your
instructions. If you do not give instructions to your nominee,
it will nevertheless be entitled to vote your shares on
discretionary items but will not be permitted to do
so on non-discretionary items. We have been informed
that Proposal 1 (election of directors) and Proposal 2
(ratification of auditors) are discretionary items on which your
nominee will be entitled to vote your shares even in the absence
of instructions from you.
How many
shares must be present to conduct business at the
A quorum must be present at the meeting in order for any
business to be conducted. The presence at the meeting, in person
or by proxy, of the holders of a majority of the shares of
common stock outstanding on the record date
33,182,163 shares will constitute a quorum. Abstentions and
broker non-votes will be included in the number of shares
considered present at the meeting for the purpose of determining
whether there is a quorum.
happens if a quorum is not present at the meeting?
If a quorum is not present at the scheduled time of the meeting,
the holders of a majority of the shares present in person or
represented by proxy at the meeting may adjourn the meeting to
another place, date, or time until a quorum is present. The
place, date, and time of the adjourned meeting will be announced
when the adjournment is taken, and no other notice will be given
unless the adjournment is to a date more than 120 days
after the original record date or if, after the adjournment, a
new record date is fixed for the adjourned meeting.
How do I
vote my shares?
If your shares are held in street name, you may
be eligible to provide voting instructions to your nominee by
telephone or on the Internet. If you are a beneficial owner
of shares held in street name (i.e., your
shares are held in the name of a brokerage firm, bank, or other
nominee), you may be eligible to provide voting instructions to
your nominee by telephone or on the Internet. A large number of
brokerage firms, banks, and other nominees participate in a
program provided through ADP Investor Communications Services
that offers telephone and Internet voting options. If your
shares are held in street name by a brokerage firm,
bank, or other nominee that participates in the ADP program, you
may provide voting instructions to your nominee by telephone or
on the Internet by following the instructions set forth on the
voting instruction form provided to you.
You may vote by mail. If you are a registered
stockholder, you may vote by properly completing, signing,
dating, and returning the accompanying proxy card. The enclosed
postage-paid envelope requires no additional postage if it is
mailed in the United States or Canada. If you are a beneficial
owner of shares held in street name, you may provide
voting instructions to the brokerage firm, bank, or other
nominee that holds your shares by properly completing, signing,
dating, and returning the voting instruction form provided to
you by your nominee.
You may vote in person at the meeting. If you are a
registered stockholder and attend the meeting, you may deliver
your completed proxy card in person. In addition, we will pass
out written ballots to registered stockholders who wish to vote
in person at the meeting. If you are a beneficial owner of
shares held in street name and wish to vote at the
meeting, you will need to obtain a proxy form from the brokerage
firm, bank, or other nominee that holds your shares that
authorizes you to vote those shares.
Can I
change my vote after I submit my proxy?
Yes, you may revoke your proxy and change your vote at any time
before the polls are closed at the meeting in any of the
following ways: (1) by properly completing, signing,
dating, and returning another proxy card with a later date;
(2) if you are a registered stockholder, by voting in
person at the meeting; (3) if you are a registered
stockholder, by giving written notice of such revocation to our
Secretary prior to or at the meeting; or (4) if you are a
beneficial owner of shares held in street name, by
following the instructions given by the brokerage firm, bank, or
other nominee that holds your shares. Your attendance at the
meeting itself will not revoke your proxy.
How does
the Board of Directors recommend that I vote on the
Your Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR the
following proposals:
1. The election of the eight nominees to the Board of
Directors; and
The ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as our
independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal
year ending December 31, 2008.
happens if I do not specify on my proxy how my shares are to be
If you submit a proxy but do not indicate any voting
instructions, your shares will be voted FOR each of the
Will any
other business be conducted at the meeting?
As of the date hereof, the Board of Directors knows of no
business that will be presented at the meeting other than the
proposals described in this Proxy Statement. However, if any
other proposal properly comes before the stockholders for a vote
at the meeting, the proxy holders will vote the shares
represented by your proxy in accordance with their best judgment.
How many
votes are required for action to be taken on each
Election of Directors. The eight director
nominees will be elected to serve on the Board of Directors if
they receive a plurality of the votes of the shares present in
person or represented by proxy at the meeting and entitled to
vote on the subject matter. This means that the eight director
nominees will be elected if they receive more votes than any
other person receiving votes. If you vote to Withhold
Authority with respect to the election of one or more
director nominees, your shares will not be voted with respect to
the person or persons indicated, although they will be counted
for the purpose of determining whether there is a quorum at the
Ratification of Independent Auditors. KPMG
LLPs appointment as our registered independent public
accounting firm will be ratified if this proposal receives a
majority of the votes of the shares present in person or
represented by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote on the
subject matter.
How will
abstentions be treated?
You do not have the option of abstaining from voting on
Proposal 1 (election of directors), but you may abstain
from voting on Proposal 2 (ratification of the
Companys auditors). With respect to Proposals 2, an
abstention will have the effect of a vote against the proposal.
How will
broker non-votes be treated?
Broker non-votes will not have any effect on
Proposal 1 (election of directors) or Proposal 2
(ratification of our auditors).
The Board of Directors proposes that the eight nominees listed
below, all of whom are currently serving on our Board, be
elected to serve as directors until the 2009 annual meeting of
stockholders and until his or her successor is duly elected and
qualified. The Board of Directors does not know of any reason
why any nominee would not be able to serve as a director.
However, if any nominee were to become unable to serve as a
director, the Board of Directors may designate a substitute
nominee, in which case the persons named as proxies will vote
for such substitute nominee. Alternatively, the Board of
Directors may reduce the number of directors to be elected at
the annual meeting.
Edward K. Aldag, Jr. Mr. Aldag, age 44, is
our founder and has served as our Chief Executive Officer and
President since August 2003, and as Chairman of the Board since
March 2004. Mr. Aldag served as our Vice Chairman of the
Board of Directors from August 2003 until March 2004 and as our
Secretary from August 2003 until March 2005. Prior to that,
Mr. Aldag served as an executive officer and director with
our predecessor from its inception in August 2002 until August
2003. From 1986 to 2001, Mr. Aldag managed two private real
estate companies, Guilford Capital Corporation and Guilford
Medical Properties, Inc. Mr. Aldag served as President and
a member of the Board of Directors of Guilford Medical
Properties, Inc. Mr. Aldag was the President of Guilford
Capital Corporation from 1998 to 2001 and from 1990 to 1998
served as Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer and
was a member of the Board of Directors from 1990 to 2001.
Mr. Aldag received his B.S. in Commerce &
Business from the University of Alabama with a major in
corporate finance.
Virginia A. Clarke. Ms. Clarke, age 49,
has served as a member of our Board of Directors since February
2005. Ms. Clarke has been a search consultant in the global
executive search firm of Spencer Stuart since 1997.
Ms. Clarke was with DHR International, an executive search
firm, during 1996. Prior to that, Ms. Clarke spent
10 years in the real estate investment management business
with La Salle Partners and Prudential Real Estate
Investors, where her activities included asset management,
portfolio management, capital raising and client service, and
two years with First National Bank of Chicago. Ms. Clarke
is a member of the Pension Real Estate Association.
Ms. Clarke graduated from the University of California at
Davis and received a masters degree in management from the
J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern
G. Steven Dawson. Mr. Dawson, age 50, has
served as a member of our Board of Directors since April 2004.
From July 1990 to September 2003, he was Chief Financial Officer
and Senior Vice President-Finance of Camden Property Trust
(NYSE: CPT) and its predecessors. He is currently a private
investor and serves on the boards of four other public companies
(all of which are real estate investment trusts) in addition to
his service for us. These other public companies are as follows:
Alesco Financial Inc. (NYSE: AFN), American Campus Communities
(NYSE: ACC), AmREIT, Inc. (AMEX: AMY), and Desert Capital REIT,
Inc. (a non-listed public mortgage REIT). Mr. Dawson is
chairman of the audit committees for American Campus and AmREIT.
He is on the compensation committees of American Campus and
AmREIT and is the chairman of the nominating and governance
committee at Alesco. In addition to serving on its board,
Mr. Dawson is also the acting chief financial officer of
Desert Capital and is a partner and managing director of its
outside advisor. Mr. Dawson holds a degree in business from
Texas A&M University and is a member of the Real Estate
Roundtable at the Mays Graduate School of Business at Texas
A&M University.
R. Steven Hamner. Mr. Hamner, age 51,
is one of our founders and has served as our Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer since September 2003 and
as a director since February 2005. In August and September 2003,
Mr. Hamner served as our Executive Vice President and Chief
Accounting Officer. From October 2001 through March 2004, he was
the Managing Director of Transaction Analysis LLC, a company
that provided interim and project-oriented accounting and
consulting services to commercial real estate owners and their
advisors. From June 1998 to September 2001, he was Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer of United Investors Realty
Trust, a publicly traded REIT. For the 10 years prior to
becoming an officer of United Investors Realty Trust, he was
employed by the accounting and consulting firm of
Ernst & Young LLP and its predecessors.
Mr. Hamner received a B.S. in Accounting from Louisiana
State University. Mr. Hamner is a certified public
Robert E. Holmes, Ph.D. Mr. Holmes,
age 66, has served as a member of our Board of Directors
since April 2004. Mr. Holmes, our lead independent
director, is a Professor of Management and Former Dean and
Wachovia Chair of Business Administration at the University of
Alabama at Birmingham School of Business, positions he held
since 1999. From 1995 to 1999, he was Dean of the Olin Graduate
School of Business at Babson College in Wellesley,
Massachusetts. Prior to that, he was Dean of the James Madison
University College of Business in Harrisonburg, Virginia for
12 years. He is the co-author of four management textbooks,
numerous articles, papers, and cases, and has served as a board
member or consultant to a variety of business firms and
non-profit organizations. He is past president of the Southern
Business Administration Association, is actively engaged in
AACSB International the Association to Advance
Management Education, and serves on the Boards of the
Entrepreneurial Center, Tech Birmingham, the Alabama Council on
Economic Education, and other organizations. Mr. Holmes
received a bachelors degree from the University of Texas
at Austin, an MBA from University of North Texas, and received
his Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas with an emphasis on
management strategy.
Sherry A. Kellett. Ms. Kellett, age 63,
has served as a member of our Board of Directors since February
2007. Ms. Kellett was the former corporate controller and
principal accounting officer at BB&T Corporation, where she
was a member of their eight-person executive management team
from 1998 through her retirement in 2003. She is currently a
member of the board of directors of Highwoods Properties, Inc.,
based in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she serves on the audit
committee, and MidCountry Financial Corp., based in Macon,
Georgia, where she serves on the audit and compensation
committees. Ms. Kellett has also served on the boards of
the North Carolina School of the Arts Foundation, Piedmont
Kiwanis Club, Senior Services, Inc., The Winston-Salem
Foundation, the Piedmont Club, and the N.C. Center for Character
William G. McKenzie. Mr. McKenzie, age 49,
is one of our founders and has served as the Vice Chairman of
our Board of Directors since September 2003. Mr. McKenzie
has served as a director since our formation and served as the
Executive Chairman of our Board of Directors in August and
September 2003. From May 2003 to August 2003, he was an
executive officer and director of our predecessor. From 1998 to
the present, Mr. McKenzie has served as President, Chief
Executive Officer, and a board member of Gilliard Health
Services, Inc., a privately-held owner and operator of acute
care hospitals. From 1996 to 1998, he was Executive Vice
President and Chief Operating Officer of the Mississippi
Hospital Association/Diversified Services, Inc. and the Health
Insurance Exchange, a mutual company and HMO. From 1994 to 1996,
Mr. McKenzie was Senior Vice President of Managed Care and
Executive Vice President of Physician Solutions, Inc., a
subsidiary of Vaughan HealthCare, a private healthcare company
in Alabama. From 1981 to 1994, Mr. McKenzie was Hospital
Administrator and Chief Financial Officer and held other
management positions with Gilliard Health Services, Inc.
Mr. McKenzie received a Masters of Science in Health
Administration from the University of Colorado and a B.S. in
Business Administration from Troy State University. He has
served in numerous capacities with the Alabama Hospital
L. Glenn Orr, Jr. Mr. Orr, age 68,
has served as a member of our Board of Directors since February
2005. Mr. Orr is Chairman of Orr Holdings, LLC, previously
The Orr Group, which has provided consulting services for
middle-market companies since 1995. Prior to that, he was
Chairman of the Board of Directors, President and Chief
Executive Officer of Southern National Corporation from 1990
until its merger with Branch Banking & Trust in 1995.
Mr. Orr is member of the Board of Directors, chairman of
the governance/compensation committee, and a member of the
executive committee of Highwoods Properties, Inc. He is also a
member of the Board of Directors of General Parts, Inc. and
Broyhill Management Fund, Inc. Mr. Orr previously served as
President and Chief Executive Officer of Forsyth Bank and
Trust Co., President of Community Bank in Greenville, South
Carolina, and President of the North Carolina Bankers
Association. He is a member, and the former Chairman, of the
Board of Trustees of Wake Forest University.
of Directors Recommendation
The Board of Directors consists of eight directors. Our current
directors are Edward K. Aldag, Jr., Virginia A. Clarke, G.
Steven Dawson, R. Steven Hamner, Robert E. Holmes, Ph.D.,
Sherry A. Kellett, William G. McKenzie, and L. Glenn
Orr, Jr. The directors are elected at each annual meeting
of stockholders and serve until the next annual meeting of
stockholders and until their respective successors are elected
and qualified, subject to their prior death, resignation,
retirement, disqualification, or removal from office.
It is the policy of the Board of Directors that a majority of
the directors be independent as defined in the listing standards
of the New York Stock Exchange (the NYSE). The Board
of Directors has determined that five directors
Virginia A. Clarke, G. Steven Dawson, Robert E.
Holmes, Ph.D., Sherry A. Kellett, and L. Glenn
Orr, Jr. are independent under the NYSEs
listing standards.
The Board of Directors holds regular meetings on a quarterly
basis and on other occasions as necessary or appropriate. The
Board of Directors met 10 times in 2007. The Board of Directors
has four standing committees: the Audit Committee, the
Compensation Committee, the Ethics, Nominating, and Corporate
Governance Committee, and the Investment Committee. The Audit
Committee met five times in 2007; the Ethics, Nominating, and
Corporate Governance Committee met one time; the Compensation
Committee met four times; and the Investment Committee met at
each meeting of the Board of Directors. All directors attended
at least 75% of the total number of meetings of the Board of
Directors and of the committees on which he or she served in
In connection with its regular meetings, the Board of Directors
meets in executive session in which management directors are not
present. Mr. Holmes has been designated as the lead
independent director and in that capacity presides at these
executive sessions. The directors of the Company are encouraged
to attend our annual meeting of stockholders absent cause. Seven
directors of the Company attended the 2007 annual meeting of
of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors delegates certain of its functions to its
standing Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, Ethics,
Nominating, and Corporate Governance Committee, and Investment
The Audit Committee is comprised of three
independent directors, Messrs. Dawson and Orr and
Ms. Kellett. Mr. Dawson serves as chairman. The Board
of Directors has determined that each member of the Audit
Committee is financially literate and satisfies the additional
independence requirements for audit committee members, and that
Mr. Dawson and Ms. Kellett each qualifies as an
audit committee financial expert under current
Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC)
regulations. The Board of Directors has also determined that
Mr. Dawsons service on two other public
companies audit committees has not impaired his ability to
effectively serve on our Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee oversees (i) our accounting and
financial reporting processes, (ii) the integrity and
audits of our financial statements, (iii) our compliance
with legal and regulatory requirements, (iv) the
qualifications and independence of our independent auditors, and
(v) the performance of our internal and independent
auditors. The specific functions and responsibilities of the
Audit Committee are set forth in the Audit Committee Charter, a
copy of which is posted on our website at The information on our website
is not part of this Proxy Statement. The report of the Audit
Committee begins on page 12 of this Proxy Statement.
The Compensation Committee is comprised of three
independent directors, Messrs. Orr and Holmes and
Ms. Clarke. Mr. Orr serves as chairman of the
Compensation Committee.
The principal functions of the Compensation Committee are to
evaluate the performance of our executive officers; review and
approve the compensation for our executive officers; review and
make recommendations to the Board of Directors with respect to
our incentive compensation plans and equity-based plans; and
administer our equity incentive plan. The Compensation Committee
also reviews and approves corporate goals and objectives
relevant to the Chief Executive Officers compensation,
evaluates the Chief Executive Officers performance in
light of those goals and objectives, and establishes the Chief
Executive Officers compensation levels. The specific
functions and responsibilities of the Compensation Committee are
set forth in more detail in the Compensation Committees
Charter, a copy of which is posted on our website at The report of the Compensation
Committee begins on page 18 of this Proxy Statement.
The Compensation Committee makes all compensation decisions with
respect to the Chief Executive Officer and all other executive
officers. The Compensation Committee also reviews and makes
recommendation to the full Board of Directors regarding the
Companys incentive compensation plans and equity-based
plans. In 2007 the Compensation Committee engaged SMG Advisory
Group LLC, or SMG, a nationally recognized compensation
consulting firm specializing in the real estate industry, to
assist the committee in determining the amount and form of
executive compensation and considered information presented by
SMG when reviewing the appropriate types and levels for the
Companys non-employee director compensation program.
Information concerning the nature and scope of SMGs
assignments and related disclosure is included in
Compensation Discussion and Analysis beginning on
page 14.
The Ethics, Nominating, and Corporate Governance Committee
is comprised of three independent directors, Mses.
Clarke and Kellett and Mr. Holmes. Mr. Holmes serves
as chairman of the Committee. The Ethics, Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee is responsible for, among other
things, recommending the nomination of qualified individuals to
become directors; recommending the composition of committees of
our Board of Directors; periodically reviewing the Board of
Directors performance and effectiveness as a body; recommending
proposed changes to the Board of Directors; and periodically
reviewing our corporate governance guidelines and policies. The
specific functions and duties of the Committee are set forth in
its Charter, a copy of which is posted on our website at
The Ethics, Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee will
consider all potential candidates for nomination for election as
directors who are recommended by the Companys
stockholders, directors, officers, and employees. All director
recommendations must be made during the time periods, and must
provide the information, required by Article II,
Section 2.03 of the Companys Amended and Restated
Bylaws. All director recommendations should be sent to the
Ethics, Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee,
c/o Secretary,
Medical Properties Trust, Inc., 1000 Urban Center Drive,
Suite 501, Birmingham, Alabama 35242. The Committee will
screen all potential director candidates in the same manner,
regardless of the source of their recommendation. The
Committees review will typically be based on the written
materials provided with respect to a potential director
candidate. The Committee will evaluate and determine whether a
potential candidate meets the Companys minimum
qualifications and requirements, whether the candidate has the
specific qualities and skills for directors, and whether
requesting additional information or an interview is appropriate.
The Board of Directors has adopted the following minimum
qualifications and specific qualities and skills for the
Companys directors, which will serve as the basis upon
which potential director candidates are evaluated by the Ethics,
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee:
(i) directors should possess the highest personal and
professional ethics, integrity, and values; (ii) directors
should have, or demonstrate an ability and willingness to
acquire in short order, a clear understanding of the fundamental
aspects of the Companys business; (iii) directors
should be committed to representing the long-term interests of
our stockholders; (iv) directors should be willing to
devote sufficient time to carry out their duties and
responsibilities effectively and should be committed to serving
on the Board of Directors for an extended period of time; and
(v) directors should not serve on more than five boards of
public companies in addition to our Board of Directors.
The Ethics, Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee has
recommended the nomination of all eight of the incumbent
directors for re-election. The entire Board has approved such
The Investment Committee membership is comprised
of all of our current directors. Mr. Aldag serves as
chairman of the committee. The Investment Committee has the
authority to, among other things, consider and take action with
respect to all acquisitions, developments, and leasing of
healthcare facilities in which our aggregate investment will
exceed $10 million.
Ethics, and Stockholder Communications
Corporate Governance Guidelines. In
furtherance of its goal of providing effective governance of the
Companys business and affairs for the long-term benefit of
its stockholders, the Board of Directors has approved and
adopted Corporate Governance Guidelines. The Corporate
Governance Guidelines are posted on our website at
Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. The
Company has adopted a Code of Ethics and Business Conduct which
applies to all directors, officers, employees, and agents of the
Company and its subsidiaries. The Code of Ethics and Business
Conduct is posted on our website at
Stockholder and Interested Party
Communications. Stockholders and all interested
parties may communicate with the Board of Directors or any
individual director regarding any matter that is within the
responsibilities of the Board of Directors. Stockholders and
interested parties should send their communications to the Board
of Directors, or an individual director,
c/o Secretary,
Medical Properties Trust, Inc., 1000 Urban Center Drive,
Suite 501, Birmingham, Alabama 35242. The Secretary will
review the correspondence and forward any communication to the
Board of Directors, or the individual director, if the Secretary
determines that the communication deals with the functions of
the Board of Directors or requires the attention of the Board of
Directors or the individual director. The Secretary will
maintain a log of all communications received from stockholders.
The Company provides, free of charge, hard copies of our annual
report, our
Form 10-K,
our quarterly reports on
Form 10-Q,
current reports on
Form 8-K,
and all amendments to these reports as soon as reasonably
practicable after such material is electronically filed with, or
furnished to, the SEC. Also available, free of charge, are hard
copies of our Corporate Governance Guidelines, the charters of
our Ethics Nominating and Corporate Governance, Audit, and
Compensation Committees, and our Code of Ethics and Business
Conduct. All of these documents are available on our website, as
well, at
The Audit Committee of our Board of Directors has appointed KPMG
LLP as independent registered public accounting firm to audit
our financial statements for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2008. During fiscal 2007 KPMG served as our
independent registered public accounting firm and also provided
certain tax and other audit related services. KPMG has served as
our independent registered public accounting firm since shortly
after our formation in 2003.
of Directors Recommendation
Executive Officers, and Other Stockholders
The following table provides information about the beneficial
ownership of our common stock as of March 31, 2008, unless
otherwise indicated, by each director of the Company, each
executive officer named in the Summary Compensation
Table in this Proxy Statement, all directors and executive
officers as a group, and each person known to management to be
the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the outstanding shares
of common stock.
Number of Shares
of Shares
Name of Beneficial
Beneficially Owned
Directors and Executive Officers:
Edward K. Aldag, Jr.
Emmett E. McLean
R. Steven Hamner
William G. McKenzie
Michael G. Stewart
Virginia A. Clarke
G. Steven Dawson
Robert E. Holmes, Ph.D.
Sherry A. Kellett
L. Glenn Orr, Jr.
All directors and executive officers as a group (10 persons)
Other Stockholders:
AXA Assurances I.A.R.D. Mutuelle
AXA Assurances vie Mutuelle
AXA Courtage Assurance Mutuelle
26, rue Drouot
75009 Paris, France
The Vanguard Group, Inc.
100 Vanguard Blvd.
Malvern, PA 19355
Inland American Real Estate Trust, Inc.
2901 Butterfield Road
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Nomura Asset Management
1-12-1, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku.
Tokyo, Japan
Less than 1% of the outstanding
shares of common stock.
Based on 66,511,876 shares of
common stock outstanding as of March 31, 2008 and includes
80,000 vested common stock options and 46,302 vested deferred
stock units. Shares of common stock that are deemed to be
beneficially owned by a stockholder within 60 days after
March 31, 2008 are deemed outstanding for purposes of
computing such stockholders percentage ownership but are
not deemed outstanding for the purpose of computing the
percentage outstanding of any other stockholder. Except as
otherwise indicated in the notes to this table, beneficial
ownership includes sole voting and investment power.
Includes 684,960 shares of
unvested restricted common stock and, as unvested restricted
common stock, which the named officer has no right to sell or
pledge. Of the vested shares held, 80,000 shares are
pledged as security. All other vested shares are held in an
account of margin privileges.
Includes 178,792 shares of
unvested restricted common stock and, as unvested restricted
common stock, which the named officer has no right to sell or
pledge. Includes 8,400 shares in custodial accounts for
Includes 259,169 shares of
unvested common stock and, as unvested restricted common stock,
which the named officer has no right to sell or pledge. All
other vested shares are held in an account of margin privileges.
Includes 90,130 shares of
unvested restricted common stock and, as unvested restricted
common stock, which the named officer has no right to sell or
pledge. All shares are held in an account of margin privileges.
Includes 148,610 shares of
unvested restricted common stock and, as unvested restricted
common stock, which the named officer has no right to sell or
pledge. All other vested shares are held in an account of margin
Includes 20,000 shares of
common stock issuable upon exercise of a vested stock option,
11,609 deferred stock units which may be converted into shares
of common stock and 14,670 shares of unvested restricted
common stock. In addition, all shares held by Mr. Dawson
are held in an account of margin privileges.
Includes 20,000 shares of
common stock issueable upon exercise of vested stock options,
11,542 deferred stock units which may be converted in to shares
of common stock, and 14,670 shares of unvested restricted
common stock. In addition, shares held by Mr. Orr includes
700 shares held in trust account and in accounts for his
wife and daughter.
Includes 11,750 shares of
unvested restricted common stock.
See notes (1) - (9) above.
Based on a Schedule 13G filed
February 14, 2008. Includes shares of common stock held by
AXA Konzern AG (German), AXA Rosenberg Investment Management LLC
and AllianceBernstein L.P. AllianceBernstein L.P. is a
subsidiary of AXA Financial, Inc. AXA Financial, Inc. is owned
by AXA, which also holds AXA Konzern AG (German) and AXA
Rosenberg Investment Management LLC. AXA is controlled by AXA
Assurances I.A.R.D. Mutuelle, AXA Assurances vie Mutuelle and
AXA Courtage Assurance Mutuelle as a group. AXA Konzern AG
(German) and AXA Rosenberg Investment Management LLC direct the
voting of 15,100 shares and 2,451,763 shares,
respectively, or 0.02% and 3.69% respectively, of the shares
outstanding of the Company.
Based on a Schedule 13G filed
February 14, 2008. Includes shares of common stock held by
Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary
of The Vanguard Group, Inc. Vanguard Fiduciary
Trust Company directs the voting of 36,660 shares, or
0.01% of the shares outstanding of the Company, of which it is
the beneficial owner as a result of its serving as investment
manager of collective trust accounts.
Based on Schedule 13D filed on
August 20, 2007.
Based on Schedule 13G filed on
February 8, 2008.
Section 16(a)
Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
requires that our directors and executive officers and the
beneficial owners of more than 10% of our equity securities file
with the SEC initial reports of, and subsequent reports of
changes in, their beneficial ownership of our equity securities.
Based solely on a review of the reports furnished to us with
respect to fiscal year 2007, we believe that all SEC filing
requirements applicable to our directors and executive officers
were satisfied.
The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors has selected KPMG
LLP as the independent auditor to perform the audit of our
consolidated financial statements for 2007. KPMG has audited our
consolidated financial statements since 2003. KPMG is a
registered independent public accounting firm.
Representatives of KPMG are expected to be present at the
meeting. They will have an opportunity to make a statement if
they so desire and will be available to respond to appropriate
questions from our stockholders.
and Non-Audit Services
The Audit Committee is directly responsible for the appointment,
compensation, and oversight of our independent auditor. In
addition to retaining KPMG to audit our consolidated financial
statements for 2007, the Audit Committee retained KPMG to
provide other auditing services in 2007. The Audit Committee
understands the need for KPMG to maintain objectivity and
independence in its audits of our financial statements. The
Audit Committee has reviewed all non-audit services provided by
KPMG in 2007 and has concluded that the provision of such
services was compatible with maintaining KPMGs
independence in the conduct of its auditing functions.
To help ensure the independence of the independent auditor, the
Audit Committee has adopted a policy for the pre-approval of all
audit and non-audit services to be performed by its independent
auditor. Pursuant to this policy, all audit and non-audit
services to be performed by the independent auditor must be
approved in advance by the Audit Committee.
The table below sets forth the aggregate fees billed by KPMG for
audit and non-audit services for the 2007 and 2006 financial
Audit Fees
Audit-Related Fees
Tax Fees
All Other Fees
In the above table, in accordance with the SECs
definitions and rules, audit fees are fees for
professional services for the audit of a companys
financial statements included in the annual report on
Form 10-K,
for the review of a companys financial statements included
in the quarterly reports on
Form 10-Q,
and for services that are normally provided by the accountant in
connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements;
audit-related fees are fees for assurance and
related services that are reasonably related to the performance
of the audit or review of a companys financial statements;
tax fees are fees for tax compliance, tax advice,
and tax planning; and all other fees are fees for
any services not included in the first three categories.
Committee Report
The Audit Committee is comprised of three independent directors
and operates under a written charter adopted by the Board of
Directors (a copy of which is available on our web site). The
Board of Directors has determined that each committee member is
independent within the meaning of the NYSE listing standards.
Management is responsible for the Companys accounting and
financial reporting processes, including its internal control
over financial reporting, and for preparing the Companys
consolidated financial statements. KPMG LLP, the Companys
independent auditor, is responsible for performing an audit of
our consolidated financial statements in accordance with the
standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and
for expressing an opinion on the conformity of the
Companys audited consolidated financial statements to
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America. In this context, the responsibility of the Audit
Committee of the Board of Directors is to oversee the
Companys accounting and financial reporting processes and
the audits of the Companys consolidated financial
In the performance of its oversight function, the Audit
Committee reviewed and discussed with management and KPMG the
Companys audited consolidated financial statements as of,
and for the year ended, December 31, 2007. Management and
KPMG represented to the Audit Committee that the Companys
audited consolidated financial statements as of, and for the
year ended, December 31, 2007, were prepared in accordance
with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States of America. The Audit Committee also discussed with KPMG
the matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing
Standards (SAS) Nos. 89, 90, and 114 issued by
the Auditing Standards Board of the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants. SAS Nos. 89, 90, and 114 set
forth requirements pertaining to the independent auditors
communications with the Audit Committee regarding the conduct of
the audit.
The Audit Committee received the written disclosures and the
letter from KPMG required by Independence Standards Board
(ISB) Standard No. 1, Independence
Discussions with Audit Committees, as amended. ISB Standard
No. 1 requires the independent auditor to disclose in
writing to the Audit Committee all relationships between the
auditor and the Company that, in the auditors judgment,
reasonably may be thought to bear on independence and to discuss
the auditors independence with the Audit Committee. The
Audit Committee discussed with KPMG its independence and
considered in advance whether the provision of any non-audit
services by KPMG is compatible with maintaining their
In addition, the Audit Committee obtained from KPMG a formal
written statement, consistent with ISB Standard No. 1,
describing all relationships between KPMG and the Company that
might bear on KPMGs independence, discussed with KPMG any
relationships that may impact their objectivity and
independence, and satisfied itself as to their independence.
When considering KPMGs independence, the committee
whether their provision of services to the Company beyond those
rendered in connection with their audit of the Companys
consolidated financial statements and reviews of the
Companys consolidated financial statements, including in
the Quarterly Reports on
Form 10-Q,
were compatible with maintaining their independence. The Audit
Committee also reviewed, among other things, the audit and
non-audit services performed by, and the amount of fees paid for
such services to, KPMG. The Audit Committee met five times in
The members of the Audit Committee are not professionally
engaged in the practice of accounting or auditing and, as such,
rely without independent verification on the information
provided to them and on the representations made by management
and KPMG. Accordingly, the Audit Committees oversight does
not provide an independent basis to determine that management
has maintained appropriate accounting and financial reporting
processes or appropriate internal controls and procedures
designed to assure compliance with the accounting standards and
applicable laws and regulations. Furthermore, the Audit
Committees reviews and discussions referred to above do
not assure that the audit of the Companys financial
statements has been carried out in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards, that the Companys audited
consolidated financial statements are presented in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles, or that KPMG is,
in fact, independent.
Based on the Audit Committees review and the meetings
described above, and subject to the limitations on its role and
responsibilities described above and in the Audit Committee
Charter, the Audit Committee recommended to the Board of
Directors (and the Board of Directors approved) that the audited
financial statements as of, and for the year ended,
December 31, 2007 be included in our 2007 Annual Report on
Form 10-K.
The foregoing report is provided by the undersigned members of
the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors.
G. Steven Dawson (Chairman)
Sherry A. Kellett
L. Glenn Orr, Jr.
Officers and Other Senior Management
For information regarding Mr. Aldag, Mr. Hamner and
Mr. McKenzie, please see Proposal 1
Election of Directors above.
Emmett E. McLean. Emmett E. McLean, age 52, is
one of our founders and has served as our Executive Vice
President, Chief Operating Officer and Treasurer since September
2003. Mr. McLean has served as Assistant Secretary since
April 2004. In August and September 2004, Mr. McLean also
served as our Chief Financial Officer. Mr. McLean was one
of our directors from September 2003 until April 2004. From June
to September 2003, Mr. McLean served as Executive Vice
President, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer, and board
member of our predecessor. From 2000 to 2003, Mr. McLean
was a private investor and, for part of that period, served as a
consultant to a privately held company. From 1995 to 2000,
Mr. McLean served as Senior Vice President
Development, Secretary, Treasurer and a board member of
PsychPartners, L.L.C., a healthcare services and practice
management company. Prior to 1992, Mr. McLean worked in the
investment banking field. Mr. McLean received an MBA from
the University of Virginia and a B.A. in Economics from The
University of North Carolina.
Michael G. Stewart. Michael G. Stewart, age 52,
has served as our General Counsel since October 2004 and as our
Executive Vice President and Secretary since January 2005. Prior
to October 2004, Mr. Stewart worked as a private investor,
healthcare consultant, and novelist. He advised physician and
surgery groups on emerging healthcare issues for four years
before publishing four novels during a five-year period. From
1993 until 1995, he served as Vice President and General Counsel
of Complete Health Services, Inc., a managed care company, and
its successor corporation, United Healthcare of the South, a
division of United Healthcare, Inc. Mr. Stewart was engaged
in the private practice of law between 1988 and 1993.
Mr. Stewart holds a J.D. degree from Cumberland School of
Law of Samford University and a B.S. in Business Administration
from Auburn University.
Discussion and Analysis
Objectives of Executive Compensation. The primary
objective of our executive compensation program is to align the
interests of management with the interests of our stockholders.
The executive compensation program is also intended (i) to
motivate the performance of management with clearly-defined
goals and measures of achievement, and (ii) to attract,
retain, and reward experienced, highly-motivated executives who
are capable of leading us effectively and contributing to our
long-term growth and profitability.
Total Compensation Package. We utilize a combination
of cash and equity-based compensation to provide appropriate
incentives for our executives. Executive officers are eligible
to receive a combination of annual base salary, annual incentive
bonuses, annual restricted stock and option grants, and
multi-year awards of restricted stock and other equity
instruments under our Second Amended and Restated 2004 Equity
Incentive Plan (the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan).
The Compensation Committees guiding principle is that the
compensation of our officers should be set so that, if the
Company continues to perform at its current level, the average
total compensation (including the value of restricted shares and
stock options) of officers is, in general, at approximately the
75th percentile of compensation paid to comparable officers
at REITs that are approximately similar in size to the Company.
In 2007, the Compensation Committee engaged the services of SMG
Advisory Group LLC SMG, a nationally recognized
compensation consulting firm specializing in the real estate
industry, and we continued to use the services of SMG in 2008.
We did not have any prior relationship with SMG. In 2007, the
Compensation Committee directed SMG to, among other things,
(1) review and assist the Compensation Committee in
evaluating the Compensation Committees compensation
philosophy for our executive officers, including the portion of
total compensation that is awarded in the form of salary, bonus
and equity based compensation, (2) provide market analysis
of competitive pay practices and the adequacy and
appropriateness of our compensation arrangements,
(3) assist the Company in identifying the relevant peer
group(s) for such comparative purposes, (4) recommend to
the Compensation Committee any modifications or additions to the
Companys compensation programs that it deems advisable,
and (5) assist the Compensation Committee in setting
executive compensation levels, including the portion of total
compensation that is awarded in the form of salary, bonus, and
equity-based compensation. In 2008, SMG continued to evaluate
our executive and director compensation practices in light of
evolving market conditions. As such, the compensation review in
2007 by SMG compared our executive pay practices against a peer
group of the following REITs (the Peer
Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.
BioMed Realty Trust
Cogdell Spencer, Inc.
Colonial Properties Trust
Corporate Office Properties Trust Inc.
Digital Realty Trust, Inc.
First Potomac Realty Trust
Health Care REIT, Inc.
Healthcare Realty Trust
Kite Realty Group Trust
LTC Properties, Inc.
Maguire Properties, Inc.
1 For
Mr. McKenzie, the Vice Chairman of the Company, we used for
comparison the following REITs with an executive that serves
solely as the chairperson or vice chairman: Digital Realty
Trust, Inc., Felcor Lodging Trust Incorporated, Glimcher
Realty Trust, Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc., Kite Realty
Group Trust, Maguire Properties, Inc., Shurgard Storage Centers,
Inc., Trizec Properties, Inc., W.P. Carey & Co. LLC,
and Weingarten Realty Investors.
Nationwide Health Properties, Inc.
Omega Healthcare Investors, Inc.
Parkway Properties, Inc.
Thomas Properties Group, Inc.
Ventas, Inc.
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust
Our current level of performance is consistent with our
strategic business objectives of providing distributions to
shareholders that are competitive with those of our peers (while
maintaining or improving distribution pay-out ratios),
developing and acquiring properties at above average yields, and
achieving strong penetration in our chosen markets. Our total
compensation is generally targeted at the 75th percentile
to match the level of performance that we expect to achieve
relative to our peer group and, in concert with our
pay-for-performance model, is designed to attract and retain the
best talent. In some cases the actual target for a particular
officer could be more or less than the 75th percentile
based on his individual performance, experience, tenure, or
compensation relative to other officers. In order to set the
appropriate level of compensation in accordance with this
principle, the Compensation Committee has reviewed market
compensation data provided by SMG.
The methodology that the Compensation Committee used in setting
target compensation for 2008 was similar to what was done in
2007, which includes an analysis of the market data from the
Peer Group, a review of performance goals, and a comparison of
internal officer compensation.
Our compensation at the senior executive levels is established
to ensure that our top officers rewards are most focused
on long-term goals, objectives, and achievements. The proportion
of compensation for senior level officers is more heavily
weighted in long-term equity. In accordance with SEC rules, the
five named executive officers were identified based upon title
(for CEO and CFO) and total compensation (as calculated in
accordance with the Summary Compensation Table) of
officers who are in charge of a principal function.
Base Salary. The Compensation Committee establishes
the base salary levels on the basis of assigned
responsibilities, executives performance, and the
performance of the Company as a whole. Base salary levels are
reviewed annually to better align the Company with its peer
group and any increases are also contingent upon the success of
the executive in developing and executing the Companys
strategic plan and the success in exercising leadership and
creating stockholder value, with a minimum increase equal to the
increase of the Consumer Price Index. The base salary paid to
each of the named executive officers in 2007 is set forth in the
Summary Compensation Table on page 21 of this
Proxy Statement. For 2008, the Compensation Committee has
determined that the following base salaries will be paid:
Mr. Aldag
Mr. McLean
Mr. Hamner
Mr. Stewart
Mr. McKenzie
Cash Bonus. During the first quarter of 2007, our
Compensation Committee established criteria for determination of
whether any annual cash bonuses would be paid to our executive
officers for the 2007 calendar year. Officers are eligible for
100% of their respective Targeted Annual Cash Bonus if our Total
Shareholder Return (TSR) for calendar 2007 is equal to or
greater than the 67th percentile of all U.S. Equity
REITs. For each percentile point greater or less than 67, the
eligible bonus amount will be increased or reduced by 3.33%, the
result of which is that if our TSR is less than the
33rd percentile, there will no eligible bonus, and if our
TSR is greater than the 99th percentile, the eligible bonus
will be 200% of the Targeted Annual Cash Bonus. Generally, the
officers Targeted Annual Cash Bonus was 100% of their
respective base salaries.
In 2007, virtually all equity REITs produced negative returns to
shareholders due to substantial declines in share prices. Our
share price was not excepted and the resulting Total Shareholder
Return was below the 33rd percentile. Accordingly, despite
the fact that we had strong relative and absolute 2007
operational performance and, other than stock price, the Company
exceeded every goal set for 2007, our executive officers
received no cash bonuses for 2007 performance. The Compensation
Committee has established criteria for 2008 that relies more
heavily on measureable and controllable operational performance
than the completely market price performance that was used in
2007. Total shareholder return will still weigh heavily on the
executives long term compensation.
A bonus deferral option plan was established by the Compensation
Committee in 2005, whereby each executive may elect to receive
restricted common stock at a 26% discount to the market value in
lieu of some or all of the annual incentive bonus. Restricted
stock granted pursuant to the bonus deferral plan vests in three
years, at the rate of 25% on the date of grant, and 37.5% on
January 1 in each of the following two years. Shares of
restricted stock granted under the bonus deferral option plan
are equivalent to 135% of the amount of cash bonus which the
executive would otherwise receive. The price per share is based
on the average market price per share on the date of approval of
the bonuses by the Compensation Committee. Subject to limited
exceptions, if the executives employment with the Company
is terminated, the unvested portion of any restricted stock
received pursuant to the bonus deferral plan would be forfeited.
Long-Term Incentive Awards. The Compensation
Committee may grant long-term, equity-based incentive awards to
our executive officers under the Equity Incentive Plan. Under
the Equity Incentive Plan, the Compensation Committee may grant
long-term, equity-based awards in the form of incentive stock
options, nonqualified stock options, restricted common stock,
restricted stock units, deferred stock units, stock appreciation
rights, and performance share units. Based on an assessment of
competitive factors and performance, the Compensation Committee
determines an award that is sufficient to both properly reward,
and provide future incentive for, each executive officer. The
Compensation Committee intends to closely align the interests of
the executive officers with those of the stockholders generally
by making incentive awards in the form of restricted stock.
Restricted stock granted under the Equity Incentive Plan are
designed to provide long-term performance incentives and rewards
tied to the price of our common stock. To encourage retention,
restricted stock awards will generally vest over periods of
three to five years, valued at the average price per share of
common stock on the date of grant.
For 2007, the Compensation Committee considered the
Companys performance, both in the absolute terms and
relative to the Peer Group, FFO growth performance, which
increased almost 24% per share, the effectiveness of management,
and progress on various corporate initiatives. These initiatives
included growth in assets, development of new tenant
relationships, improvement of our portfolio credit profile, and
strengthening our balance sheet.
Based on the achievement levels described above, the actual
numbers of shares of restricted stock granted to the named
executive officers in 2008, with respect to performance in 2007,
are set forth in the table below. The dollar value for long-term
incentive awards included in the Summary Compensation
Table under the Stock Awards and Option
Awards columns represent the financial statement (GAAP)
expense that the Company recognized in 2007, based on specific
accounting standards, while the Grants of Plan-Based
Awards Table sets out under All Other Stock
Awards, the number of shares of restricted stock granted
to the named executive officers in 2007, with respect to
performance in 2006. The following table sets out the number of
shares of restricted stock granted to the named executive
officers on February 14, 2008, with respect to performance
in 2007.
Number of Shares
Named Executive
of Restricted
Mr. Aldag
Mr. McLean
Mr. Hamner
Mr. Stewart
Mr. McKenzie
The shares of restricted stock set
forth in this column were granted on February 14, 2008. The
shares will vest ratably over a period of five years beginning
on February 14, 2009, subject to accelerated vesting (in
the case of termination of employment without cause, or upon
death, disability, or retirement, or upon a change in control of
the Company (as defined in the Equity Incentive Plan) or
forfeiture of unvested shares (in the case of termination of
employment for any other reason). Dividends are payable on all
vested and non-vested shares at the same rate as dividends paid
on all outstanding shares of the Companys common stock.
The Compensation Committee approved on March 8, 2007, and
the stockholders approved on May 30, 2007 the general terms
of a multi-year incentive program (the 2007 Program)
that is administered under our existing equity compensation
plan. The 2007 Program is designed to motivate, retain, and
reward the Companys senior executive officers based on the
achievement of key business objectives while maintaining
alignment of their interests with those of our stockholders. The
2007 Program replaced our previous long-term incentive
compensation program for senior officers, although awards
previously granted under existing plans remain outstanding.
The 2007 Program consists of three basic components: time-based
restricted equity awards, core performance restricted equity
awards, and superior performance awards. Time-based awards vest
ratably over a seven-year period. Core performance awards vest
over a seven-year period based on achievement by the Company of
specific total return benchmarks. Cash dividends are paid on all
award shares, including unvested portions.
Superior performance awards, which are intended to encourage
management to create stockholder value in excess of industry
expectations in a pay for performance structure, are
earned based on achievement of the Companys certain stock
price targets or specific total return benchmarks. If our
average stock price (over 30 consecutive trading days) is equal
to or greater than $26 in 2009 or 2010, 100% of the superior
performance award is earned. If our average stock price never
attains $20 in 2009 or 2010, one-third of the superior
performance award is earned if our total stockholder return from
March 1, 2007 through December 31, 2010 is at or above
the 50th percentile of the total stockholder return of the
REITs in the Morgan Stanley REIT Index. If our average stock
price is between $20 and $26, between 33.334% and 75% of the
superior performance award is earned. Once the superior
performance award is earned based on our performance, it is
subject to further time vesting. One-third of the superior
performance awards vest on the fourth anniversary of grant and
an additional third vest on each of the succeeding two
anniversaries, based on continued employment. During the
performance vesting period, cash dividends are paid with respect
to the maximum shares or units that could be earned under the
superior performance award at a rate equivalent to 20% of our
normal dividend rate.
Some or all awards under the 2007 Program, at the election of
the awardees, may be granted in the form of operating
partnership profits interest units of MPT Operating Partnership,
L.P., the entity through which the Company conducts
substantially all of its business. Subject to vesting and the
other terms of the applicable award, these profits interest
units are exchangeable for shares of the Companys common
stock or cash, at the Companys election. Distributions on
the profits interest units equal the dividends paid on the
Companys common stock on a per unit basis, subject to the
terms of the applicable award.
All determinations, interpretations, and assumptions relating to
the vesting and calculation of awards under the 2007 Program are
made by the Compensation Committee. In the event of a change in
control of the Company during the vesting period, all grants
would become fully vested.
The following table sets out the awards to executives on
August 17, 2007.
Time (Service)
Core Performance
Based Restricted
Restricted Equity
Restricted Equity
Named Executive
Equity Awards
Edward K. Aldag, Jr.
Emmett E. McLean
R. Steven Hamner
William G. McKenzie
Michael G. Stewart
Represents an award in the form of
a profits interest in the Companys operating partnership.
Other Benefits. We maintain a 401(k)
Retirement Savings plan and annually match 100% of the first
three percent (3%) of pay contributed, plus fifty percent (50%)
of the next two percent (2%) of pay contributed, to such plan by
any employee (subject to certain tax limitations). We offer
medical and dental plans, a portion of the cost of which is paid
by the employee. Messrs. Aldag, McLean, Hamner, Stewart,
and McKenzie each have employment
agreements with the Company pursuant to which certain other
benefits are provided to them. The financial terms of each such
employment agreement are set forth in Potential Payments
Upon Termination or
Practices with regard to dates and pricing of stock and
option grants. The Compensation Committee
determines the number of shares underlying options and shares of
restricted stock to award to each officer and grants such
awards. The date of the award is the date of the scheduled
February meeting of the Compensation Committee at which the
Compensation Committee votes to approve the option or the
restricted share amount. The exercise price of each option
granted is the closing price of our common stock on such date of
In all cases, our options are dated (i) on the date of a
scheduled Compensation Committee meeting at which the option
amount is approved, (ii) on the date of a new hires
start with the Company as approved by the Chairman/CEO in
advance of the start date, or (iii) on the date of a
terminated senior executives departure from the Company as
set out in formal terms approved in advance. Option exercise
prices are determined by the NYSE closing price of our common
stock on such date of grant. Additionally, all officers must
receive prior authorization for any purchase or sale of our
common stock.
Section 162(m). The SEC requires that
this report comment upon the Companys policy with respect
to Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended, which limits the deductibility on the Companys
tax return of compensation over $1 million to any of the
named executive officers of the Company unless, in general, the
compensation is paid pursuant to a plan which is
performance-related, non-discretionary, and has been approved by
the Companys stockholders. The Company believes that,
because it qualifies as a REIT under the Code and pays dividends
sufficient to minimize federal income taxes, the payment of
compensation that does not satisfy the requirements of
Section 162(m) will generally not affect the Companys
net income. To the extent that compensation does not qualify for
a deduction under Section 162(m), a larger portion of
stockholder distributions may be subject to federal income
taxation as dividend income rather than return of capital. The
Company does not believe that Section 162(m) will
materially affect the taxability of stockholder distributions,
although no assurance can be given in this regard due to the
variety of factors that affect the tax position of each
stockholder. For these reasons, the Compensation
Committees compensation policy and practices are not
directly guided by considerations relating to
Section 162(m).
Committee Report
The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed with our
management the Compensation Discussion and Analysis on
page 14 of this Proxy Statement. Based on such review and
discussions, the Compensation Committee recommended to the Board
of Directors that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be
included in this Proxy Statement.
* * *
L. Glenn Orr, Jr. (Chairman)
Robert E. Holmes, Ph.D.
Virginia A. Clarke
of Executive Officers
Summary Compensation Table. The following
table sets forth the compensation paid for 2007 to the Chairman
of the Board, the President and Chief Executive Officer, the
Chief Financial Officer, and each of the three other named
executive officers. We have employment agreements with each of
the named executive officers. These employment agreements
provide the following annual base salaries in 2007: Edward K.
Aldag, Jr., $485,000; Emmett E. McLean, $330,000; R. Steven
Hamner, $330,000; Michael G. Stewart, $275,000; and William G.
McKenzie, $191,000. On each January 1 hereafter, each of the
executive officers is to receive a minimum increase in his base
salary equal to the increase in the Consumer Price Index. These
agreements provide that the executive officers, other than
Mr. McKenzie, agree to devote substantially all of their
business time to our operation. The employment agreement for
each of the named executive officers is for a three-year term
which is automatically extended at the end of each year within
such term for an additional one year period, unless either party
gives notice of non-renewal as provided in the agreement.
These employment agreements permit us to terminate each
executives employment with appropriate notice for or
without cause, which includes (i) the
conviction of the executive of, or the entry of a plea of guilty
or nolo contendere by the executive to, a felony (exclusive of
any felony relating to negligent operation of a motor vehicle
and also exclusive of a conviction, plea of guilty or nolo
contendere arising solely under a statutory provision imposing
criminal liability upon the executive on a per se basis due to
the Company offices held by the executive, so long as any act or
omission of the executive with respect to such matter was not
taken or omitted in contravention of any applicable policy or
directive of the Board), (ii) a willful breach of his duty
of loyalty which is materially detrimental to the Company,
(iii) a willful failure to materially perform or materially
adhere to explicitly stated duties that are consistent with the
terms of his employment agreement, or the Companys
reasonable and customary guidelines of employment or reasonable
and customary corporate governance guidelines or policies,
including, without limitation, any business code of ethics
adopted by the Board, or to follow the lawful directives of the
Board (provided such directives are consistent with the terms of
his employment agreement), which, in any such case, continues
for thirty (30) days after written notice from the Board to
the executive, or (iv) gross negligence or willful
misconduct in the material performance of the executives
Each of the named executive officers has the right under his
employment agreement to resign for good reason,
which includes (i) the employment agreement is not
automatically renewed by the Company; (ii) the termination
of certain incentive compensation programs; (iii) the
termination or diminution of certain employee benefit plans,
programs, or material fringe benefits (other than for
Mr. McKenzie); (iv) the relocation of our principal
office outside of a 100 mile radius of Birmingham, Alabama
(in the case of Mr. Aldag); or (v) our breach of the
employment agreement which continues uncured for 30 days.
In addition, in the case of Mr. Aldag, the following
constitute good reason: (i) his removal from the Board of
Directors without cause or his failure to be nominated or
elected to the Board of Directors; or (ii) any material
reduction in duties, responsibilities, or reporting
requirements, or the assignment of any duties, responsibilities,
or reporting requirements that are inconsistent with his
positions with us.
The executive employment agreements provide a monthly car
allowance of $1,000 for Mr. Aldag and $750 for each of
Messrs. McLean, Hamner, and Stewart. Messrs. Aldag,
McLean, Hamner, and Stewart are also reimbursed for the cost of
tax preparation and financial planning services, up to $25,000
annually for Mr. Aldag and $10,000 annually for each of
Messrs. McLean, Hamner, and Stewart. We also reimburse each
executive for the income tax he incurs on the receipt of these
tax preparation and financial planning services. In addition,
the employment agreements provide for annual paid vacation of
six weeks for Mr. Aldag and four weeks for
Messrs. McLean, Hamner, and Stewart and various other
customary benefits. The employment agreements also provide that
Mr. Aldag will receive up to $22,148 per year in
reimbursement for life insurance premiums, which amount is to
increase annually based on the increase in the Consumer Price
Index for such year, and that Messrs. McLean, Hamner, and
Stewart will receive up to $11,074 per year in reimbursement for
life insurance premiums which amount is to increase annually
based on the increase in the Consumer Price Index for such year.
We also reimburse each executive for the income tax he incurs on
the receipt of these premium reimbursements. Messrs. Aldag,
McLean, Hamner, and Stewart are also reimbursed for the cost of
their disability insurance premiums.
The employment agreements referred to above provide that the
executive officers are eligible to receive the same benefits,
including medical insurance coverage and retirement plan
benefits in a 401(k) plan to the same extent as other similarly
situated employees, and such other benefits as are commensurate
with their position. Participation in employee benefit plans is
subject to the terms of said benefit plans as in effect from
time to time.
If the named executive officers employment ends for any
reason, we will pay accrued salary, bonuses, and incentive
payments already determined, and other existing obligations. In
addition, if we terminate the named executive officers
employment without cause, or if any of them terminates his
employment for good reason, we will be obligated to pay
(i) a lump sum payment of severance equal to the sum of
(x) the product of three and the sum of the salary in
effect at the time of termination plus the average cash bonus
(or the highest cash bonus, in the case of Mr. Aldag) paid
to such executive during the preceding three years, grossed up
for taxes in the case of Mr. Aldag, and (y) the
incentive bonus prorated for the year in which the termination
occurred; (ii) other than for Mr. McKenzie, the cost
of the executives continued participation in the
companys benefit and welfare plans (other than the 401(k)
plan) for a three-year period (or for a five-year period in the
case of Mr. Aldag); and (iii) certain other benefits
as provided for in the employment agreement. Additionally, in
the event of a termination by us for any reason other
than cause or by the executive for good reason, all of the
options and restricted stock granted to the executive will
become fully vested, and the executive will have whatever period
remains under the options in which to exercise all vested
In the event of a termination of the employment of our
executives as a result of death, then, in addition to the
accrued salary, bonus, and incentive payments due to them, they
shall become fully vested in their options and restricted stock,
and their respective beneficiaries will have whatever period
remains under the options to exercise such options. In addition,
the executives would be entitled to their prorated incentive
In the event the employment of our executives ends as a result
of a termination by us for cause or by the executives without
good reason, then in addition to the accrued salary, bonuses and
incentive payments due to them, the executives would be entitled
to exercise their vested stock options pursuant to the terms of
the grant, but all other unvested options and restricted stock
would be forfeited.
Upon a change of control, the named executive officers will
become fully vested in their options and restricted stock and
will have whatever period remains under the option in which to
exercise their options. In addition, if any executives
employment is terminated by us for cause or by the executive
without good reason in connection with a change of control, the
executive will be entitled to receive an amount equal to the
largest cash compensation paid to the executive for any twelve
month period during his tenure multiplied by three.
If payments become due as a result of a change in control and
the excise tax imposed by Code Section 4999 applies, the
terms of the employment agreements require us to gross up the
amount payable to the executive by the amount of this excise tax
plus the amount of income and other taxes due as a result of the
gross up payment.
For an
period after termination of an executives employment for
any reason other than (i) termination by us without cause
or (ii) termination by the executive for good reason, each
of the executives under these employment agreements has agreed
not to compete with us by working with or investing in, subject
to certain limited exceptions, any enterprise engaged in a
business substantially similar to our business as it was
conducted during the period of the executives employment
with us.
The employment agreements provide that these named executive
officers are eligible to participate in our equity incentive
plan. The employment agreements also provide that the named
executive officers are eligible to receive annual cash bonuses
based on the bonus policy adopted by the Compensation Committee.
Compensation Table
Change in
Pension Value
Incentive Plan
All Other
Name and principal positions
Stock Awards
Option Awards
Edward K. Aldag, Jr.
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President
Emmett E. McLean
Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Treasurer and
Assistant Secretary
R. Steven Hamner
Director, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
William G. McKenzie
Vice Chairman of the Board
Michael G. Stewart
Executive Vice President General Counsel and Secretary
Represents a $12,000 automobile
allowance, $28,446 for the cost of tax preparation and financial
planning services, $3,479 for the cost of disability insurance,
and $24,197 for the cost of life insurance and includes $25,563
to reimburse Mr. Aldag for his tax liabilities associated
with such payments.
Represents a $9,000 automobile
allowance, $18,949 for the cost of tax preparation and financial
planning services, $412 for the cost of disability insurance,
and $14,641 for the cost of life insurance and includes $14,503
to reimburse Mr. McLean for his tax liabilities associated
with such payments.
Represents a $9,000 automobile
allowance, $972 for the cost of disability insurance, and $4,883
for the cost of life insurance and includes $4,440 to reimburse
Mr. Hamner for his tax liabilities associated with such
Represents a $9,000 automobile
Represents a $12,000 automobile
allowance, $24,100 for the cost of tax preparation and financial
planning services, $3,479 for the cost of disability insurance,
and $18,405 for the cost of life insurance and includes $17,831
to reimburse Mr. Aldag for his tax liabilities associated
with such payments.
Represents a $9,000 automobile
allowance, $4,005 for the cost of tax preparation and financial
planning services, $374 for the cost of disability insurance,
and $14,641 for the cost of life insurance and includes $7,822
to reimburse Mr. McLean for his tax liabilities associated
with such payments.
Represents a $9,000 automobile
allowance, $1,296 for the cost of disability insurance, and
$15,339 for the cost of life insurance and includes $6,435 to
reimburse Mr. Hamner for his tax liabilities associated
with such payments.
Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table. We have provided
the following Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table to provide
additional information about stock awards granted to our named
executive officers during the year ended December 31, 2007.
Estimated Future Payouts Under
All Other Option
Estimated Future Payouts Under Non-Equity
All Other Stock
Awards: Number
Exercise or Base
Grant Date Fair
Incentive Plan Awards
Incentive Plan
Awards (1)
Awards: Number of
of Securities
Price of Option
Value of Stock
Grant Date
Shares of Stock or
Awards ($/sh)
and Option
Name (a)
Options (#)(j)
Edward K. Aldag, Jr.
Emmett E. McLean
R. Steven Hamner
William G. McKenzie
Michael G. Stewart
The awards made in August, 2007
contain three vesting features: a service-based award which
vests annually in seven equal installments beginning
December 31, 2007; a performance based component based on
achieving a nine percent annual return (7.5% in 2007) in
each year from
and a performance based component which awards an increasing
number of shares based on the Company achieving specified stock
price targets by the December 31, 2011, or alternatively,
which allows for a lower number of awards based on the Company
achieving a targeted level of total shareholder return through
December 31, 2011.
Represent awards of restricted
common stock which vest at no cost if the participant provides
the requisite service.
Outstanding Equity Awards at December 31,
2007. The table below shows the outstanding equity
awards held by our named executive officers as of
December 31, 2007.
Equity Awards at 2007 Fiscal Year-End Table
Incentive Plan
Equity Incentive
Incentive Plan
Plan Awards:
Market or
Number of
Number of
Number of
Market Value
Number of
payout value
Number of
Shares or
of Shares or
of Unearned
Units of
Units of
Shares, Units
Shares, Units
Stock Held
Stock Held
or Other
or Other
Options (#)
That Have
That Have
Rights that
Rights That
Options (#)
Not Vested
Not Vested
Have Not
Have Not
Name (a)
Exercisable (b)
Price ($)(e)
Date (f)
Vested ($)(j)
Edward K. Aldag, Jr.
Emmett E. McLean
R. Steven Hamner
William G. McKenzie
Michael G. Stewart
54,455 shares vest in equal
quarterly installments on January 1, 2008, April 1,
2008 and July 1, 2008. 14,000 shares vest in annual
installments from February 14, 2008 through
February 14, 2011. 50,000 shares vested in annual
installments from March 8, 2008 through March 8, 2012.
128,571 shares vest in annual installments from
December 31, 2008 through December 31, 2013.
23,453 shares vest in equal
quarterly installments on January 1, 2008, April 1,
2008 and July 1, 2008. 5,000 shares vest in annual
installments from February 14, 2008 through
February 14, 2011. 22,500 shares vested in annual
installments from March 8, 2008 through March 8, 2012.
60,000 shares vest in annual installments from
December 31, 2008 through December 31, 2013.
11,845 shares vest on January 1, 2008.
31,312 shares vest in equal
quarterly installments on January 1, 2008, April 1,
2008 and July 1, 2008. 5,500 shares vest in annual
installments from February 14, 2008 through
February 14, 2011. 25,000 shares vested in annual
installments from March 8, 2008 through March 8, 2012.
64,286 LTIPs vest in annual installments from December 31,
2008 through December 31, 2013. 10,061 shares vest on
January 1, 2008.
13,084 shares vest in equal
quarterly installments on January 1, 2008, April 1,
2008 and July 1, 2008. 600 shares vest in annual
installments from February 14, 2008 through
February 14, 2011. 15,000 shares vested in annual
installments from March 8, 2008 through March 8, 2012.
34,286 LTIPs vest in annual installments from December 31,
2008 through December 31, 2013.
12,506 shares vest in equal
quarterly installments on January 1, 2008, April 1,
2008 and July 1, 2008. 3,000 shares vest in annual
installments from February 14, 2008 through
February 14, 2011. 12,500 shares vested in annual
installments from March 8, 2008 through March 8, 2012.
30,000 shares vest in annual installments from
December 31, 2008 through December 31, 2013.
11,281 shares vest on January 1, 2008.
Vest based on total shareholder
return and stock price criteria over the period 2008
Option Exercises and Stock Vested Table. The
following table sets forth the aggregate number of options to
purchase shares of our common stock exercised by our named
executive officers in 2007 and the aggregate number of shares of
common stock that vested in 2007. The value realized on exercise
is the product of (1) the fair market value of a share of
common stock on the date of exercise minus the exercise price,
multiplied by (2) the number of shares of common stock
underlying exercised options. The value realized on vesting is
the product of (1) the fair market value of a share of
common stock on the vesting date, multiplied by (2) the
number of shares vesting.
Exercises and Stock Vested Table
Options Awards
Stock Awards
Number of Shares
Number of Shares
Acquired on
Value Realized on
Acquired on Vesting
Value Realized Upon
Name (a)
Exercise (#)(b)
Exercise ($)(c)
Vesting ($)(e)
Edward K. Aldag, Jr.
Emmett E. McLean
R. Steven Hamner
William G. McKenzie
Michael G. Stewart
Payments upon Termination or Change in Control.
The following table shows potential payments and benefits that
will be provided to our named executive officers upon the
occurrence of certain termination triggering events. The
change-in-control provisions in the employment agreements are
designed to align managements interests with those of our
shareholders. See the discussion above under Compensation of
Executive Officers for information about payments upon
termination or
All equity interests included in the termination and
change-in-control calculations represent previously awarded
stock-based awards.
Involuntary - Not
Change in
for Cause;
Control -
Change in Control -
Change in Control -
Executive for Good
Termination for
For Cause/Without
Without Cause/For
Reason; Permanent
Cause; Executive
Good Reason
Good Reason
without Good Reason
Edward K. Aldag, Jr.
Emmett E. McLean
R. Steven Hamner
William G. McKenzie
Michael G. Stewart
of Directors
As compensation for serving on our Board, each independent
director received an annual fee of $30,000 in 2007, plus $1,000
for each Board of Directors meeting and each committee meeting
attended as a member. Independent committee chairmen receive an
additional $5,000 per year, except for the Audit Committee
chairman who receives an additional $10,000 per year. We also
reimburse our directors for reasonable expenses incurred in
attending these meetings. Our Compensation Committee may change
the compensation of our independent directors in its discretion.
In 2007, the Compensation Committee engaged SMG Advisory Group
LLC (SMG), an independent compensation consultant,
to assist it in conducting a competitive review of the
Companys non-employee director compensation program. More
specifically, SMG reviewed (1) how the use of each
component of total compensation (e.g., cash retainers, meeting
fees, and equity awards) compared to market practice, and
(2) how the total compensation for Board and committee
members compared to market practice. SMGs report presented
data comparing our director compensation to market levels using
a group of 123 REITs. Taking into consideration all of
SMGs findings and recommendations, the Compensation
Committee increased the annual fee for independent directors to
$30,000 starting in 2007.
Directors who are also officers or employees receive no
additional compensation for their service as directors.
Upon joining our Board of Directors, each of our current
independent directors (other than Ms. Kellett) received a
non-qualified option to purchase 20,000 shares of our
common stock with an exercise price of $10.00 per share.
One-third of these options vested upon grant. One-half of the
remaining options have vested on each of the first and second
anniversaries of the date of the grant. In addition to these
options to purchase stock, our current independent directors
(other than Ms. Kellett) were each awarded 2,500 deferred
stock units, which represent the right to receive
2,500 shares of common stock at no cost in March 2008 (in
the case of Mr. Orr and Ms. Clarke) and in April 2007
(in the case of Mr. Holmes and Mr. Dawson). Each
director (other than Ms. Kellett) also received a grant of
17,500 shares of restricted common stock and grants of
7,000 deferred stock units. The deferred stock units represent
the right for each of the directors to receive 2,000 shares
of common stock in October 2008 and 5,000 shares of common
stock in May 2009. In lieu of cash dividends, deferred stock
units entitle the holder to receive an equivalent number of
additional deferred stock units equal to the cash dividends. The
restricted shares vest over three years in equal quarterly
amounts beginning October 1, 2005. Ms. Kellett joined
our Board on February 15, 2007. Each director received a
grant of 5,750 shares of restricted common stock in May
2007 (vesting in three equal annual installments beginning in
May 2008).
The following table summarizes the compensation earned by our
non-employee directors during the year ended December 31,
of Directors
Change in Pension
Fees earned
Value and Nonqualified
All Other
or paid in
Stock Awards ($)
Incentive Plan
Deferred Compensation
Name (a)
cash ($)(b)
(c )
Earnings (f)
Total ($)
Steve Dawson
Robert Holmes
Virginia Clarke
Sherry A. Kellett
Glenn Orr
Outstanding Share Awards at December 31, 2007
Stock Options
Deferred Stock Units
Steve Dawson
Robert Holmes
Virginia Clarke
Sherry A. Kellett
Glenn Orr
Compensation Plan Information
The table below sets forth information regarding the shares of
common stock to be issued upon the exercise of the outstanding
options, warrants, and rights granted under our equity
compensation plans and the shares of common stock remaining
available for future issuance under our equity compensation
plans as of December 31, 2007. Reference is also made to
Note 7 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
included in the 2007 Annual Report on
Form 10-K.
Number of Securities
Shares of Common Stock
to be Issued Upon Exercise
Exercise Price of
Available for Future
of Outstanding Options,
Outstanding Options,
Issuance Under Equity
Plan Category
Warrants and Rights
Warrants and Rights
Compensation Plans
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders
Includes 45,290 deferred stock
units, stock options for 130,000 shares of common stock
granted solely to the Companys independent directors and
non-executive employees, and 720,000 shares of restricted
common stock and profits interests in the Companys
operating partnership, which will be awarded if the Company
achieves certain stock and shareholder return targets by
December 31, 2011.
Represents the weighted average
exercise price of 130,000 stock options. The deferred stock
units, shares of restricted common stock and units of profits
interests have no exercise price.
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
No member of the Compensation Committee during 2007 is or was an
officer or employee. In addition, no executive officer served
during 2007 as a director or a member of the compensation
committee of any entity that had an executive officer serving as
a director or a member of the Compensation Committee of our
Board of Directors.
All related person transactions must be reviewed and approved by
a majority of the disinterested directors on our Board of
Directors in advance of us or any of our subsidiaries entering
into the transaction; provided that, if we or any of our
subsidiaries enter into a transaction without recognizing that
such transaction constitutes a related party transaction, the
approval requirement will be satisfied if such transaction is
ratified by a majority of the disinterested directors on the
Board promptly after we recognize that such transaction
constituted a related person transaction. Disinterested
directors are directors that do not have a personal financial
interest in the transaction that is adverse to our financial
interest or that of our stockholders. The term related
person transaction refers to a transaction required to be
disclosed by us pursuant to Item 404 of
Regulation S-K
(or any successor provision) promulgated by the SEC. For
purposes of determining whether such disclosure is required, a
related person will not be deemed to have a direct or indirect
material interest in any transaction that is deemed to be not
material (or would be deemed not material if such related person
was a director) for purposes of determining director
independence pursuant to standards of director independence
under the NYSE rules.
As of the date hereof, the Board of Directors knows of no
business that will be presented at the meeting other than the
proposals described in this Proxy Statement. If any other
proposal properly comes before the stockholders for a vote at
the meeting, the proxy holders will vote the shares of common
stock represented by proxies that are submitted in accordance
with their best judgment.
of Proxies
We will solicit proxies on behalf of the Board of Directors by
mail, telephone, facsimile, or other electronic means or in
person. We will pay the proxy solicitation costs. We will supply
copies of the proxy solicitation materials to brokerage firms,
banks, and other nominees for the purpose of soliciting proxies
from the beneficial owners of the shares of common stock held of
record by such nominees. We request that such brokerage firms,
banks, and other nominees forward the proxy solicitation
materials to the beneficial owners and will reimburse them for
their reasonable expenses.
Proposals for Inclusion in Proxy Statement for 2009 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders
To be considered for inclusion in our proxy statement for the
2009 annual meeting of stockholders, a stockholder proposal must
be received by us no later than the close of business on
December 22, 2008. Stockholder proposals must be sent to
Secretary, Medical Properties Trust, Inc., 1000 Urban Center
Drive, Suite 501, Birmingham, Alabama 35242. We will not be
required to include in our proxy statement any stockholder
proposal that does not meet all the requirements for such
inclusion established by the SECs proxy rules and Maryland
corporate law.
Stockholder Proposals
Our Amended and Restated Bylaws provide that a stockholder who
desires to propose any business at an annual meeting of
stockholders must give us written notice of such
stockholders intent to bring such business before such
meeting. Such notice is to be delivered to, or mailed, postage
prepaid, and received by, the Secretary at Medical Properties
Trust, Inc., 1000 Urban Center Drive, Suite 501,
Birmingham, Alabama 35242 not less than 90 days nor more
than 120 days prior to the first anniversary of the date of
the mailing of the notice for the preceding years annual
meeting. However, in the event that the date of the annual
meeting is more than 30 days before or more than
60 days after the anniversary date of the preceding
years annual meeting, notice by the stockholder to be
timely must be so delivered not earlier than 120 days prior
to such annual meeting and not later than the later of
60 days prior to such annual meeting and 10 days
following the issuance of a press release announcing the meeting
date. The stockholders written notice must set forth a
brief description of the business desired to be brought before
the meeting and certain other information as set forth in
Section 1.02 of our Amended and Restated Bylaws.
Stockholders may obtain a copy of our Amended and Restated
Bylaws by writing to our Secretary at the address shown above.
Nominations of Directors
Our Amended and Restated Bylaws provide that a stockholder who
desires to nominate directors at a meeting of stockholders must
give us written notice, within the same time period described
above for a stockholder who desires to bring business before a
meeting. Notice of a nomination must be delivered to, or mailed
and received at, Medical Properties Trust, Inc., 1000 Urban
Center Drive, Suite 501, Birmingham, Alabama 35242,
Attention: Secretary. As set forth in Section 2.03 of our
Amended and Restated Bylaws, the notice must set forth certain
information as to each person whom the stockholder proposes to
nominate for election or re-election as a director and as to the
stockholder giving the notice.
Our annual report for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2007 will be mailed to stockholders of record on or about
April 25, 2008. Stockholders wishing to receive a separate
copy of the 2007 Annual Report and this Proxy Statement may
write or call us at: Medical Properties Trust, Inc., 1000 Urban
Center Drive, Suite 501, Birmingham, AL 35242 Attention:
Investor Relations
If any person who was a beneficial owner of our common stock on
the record date for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders desires
additional information, a copy of our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
will be furnished without charge upon receipt of a written
request identifying the person so requesting a report as a
stockholder of Medical
Properties Trust, Inc. at such date. Requests should be directed
to: Medical Properties Trust, Inc., 1000 Urban Center Drive,
Suite 501, Birmingham, AL 35242 Attention: Investor
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Michael G. Stewart
Birmingham, Alabama
April 25, 2008
Properties Trust, Inc.
1000 Urban Center Drive, Suite 501, Birmingham, Alabama
TO BE HELD ON MAY 22, 2008
The 2008 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Medical Properties Trust, Inc. will be held at The
Summit Club, 1901 6th Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama, on May 22, 2008, beginning at 10:30 a.m.
Central Time. The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the combined Notice of 2008 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy Statement dated April 25, 2008, accompanying this proxy, to which
reference is hereby made for further information regarding the meeting and the matters to be
considered and voted on by the stockholders at the meeting.
The undersigned hereby appoints Edward K. Aldag, Jr. and R. Steven Hamner, and each of them,
attorneys and agents, with full power of substitution, to vote, as the undersigneds proxy, all the
shares of common stock owned of record by the undersigned as of the record date and otherwise to
act on behalf of the undersigned at the meeting and any adjournment thereof, in accordance with the
instructions set forth herein and with discretionary authority with respect to any other business,
not known or determined at the time of the solicitation of this proxy, that properly comes before
such meeting or any adjournment thereof.
The undersigned hereby revokes any proxy heretofore given and directs said attorneys and
agents to vote or act as indicated on the reverse side hereof.
(Continued and to be signed on the reverse side)
May 22,
Sign, date and mail your proxy card in the envelope provided as soon as possible.
6 Please detach along perforated line and mail in the envelope provided. 6
1. |
To elect eight directors. |
o |
o |
o |
FOR ALL NOMINEES EXCEPT (See instructions below) |
Edward K. Aldag, Jr. |
Virginia A. Clarke |
G. Steven Dawson |
R. Steven Hamner |
Robert E. Holmes, Ph.D. |
Sherry A. Kellett |
William G. McKenzie |
L. Glenn Orr, Jr. |
INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s), mark FOR
ALL NOMINEES EXCEPT and fill in the circle next to each nominee from whom you wish to withhold
your vote as shown here: l
2. |
To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as independent
registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2008. |
With respect to any other item of business that properly comes before the meeting, the proxy
holders are authorized to vote the undersigneds shares in accordance with their best judgment.
To change the address on your account, please check the box at right and indicate your new address
in the address space provided above. Please note that changes to the registered name(s) on the
account may not be submitted via this method. o
Signature of Stockholder |
Date: |
Signature of Stockholder |
Date: |
Note: Please sign exactly as your name or names appear on this proxy. If the shares are held
jointly, each holder should sign. If signing as executor, administrator, attorney, trustee or
guardian, please indicate your full title as such. If the shares are held by a corporation,
partnership or limited liability company, please sign the full name of the entity by the duly
authorized officer, partner or member, respectively.