
                                 UNITED STATES
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A

          Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                    Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.  )

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[_] Preliminary Proxy Statement

    RULE 14A-6(E)(2))

[X] Definitive Proxy Statement

[_] Definitive Additional Materials

[_] Soliciting Material Pursuant to (S) 240.14a-11(c) or (S) 240.14a-12

                             MOHAWK INDUSTRIES, INC.
              (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required.

[_] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

    (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


    (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


    (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
        the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


    (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


    (5) Total fee paid:


[_] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[_] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
    Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
    was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
    number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

    (1) Amount Previously Paid:


    (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


    (3) Filing Party:


    (4) Date Filed:



Reg. (S) 240.14a-101.

SEC 1913 (3-99)

                            [Mohawk Industries Logo]

To the Stockholders of Mohawk Industries, Inc.:

     You are cordially invited to attend the annual meeting of stockholders to
be held on Thursday, May 16, 2002, at 10:00 a.m. local time, at the corporate
headquarters of the Company, 160 South Industrial Boulevard, Calhoun, Georgia

     The principal business of the meeting will be to elect a class of directors
to serve a three-year term beginning in 2002 and to consider and vote upon the
Mohawk Industries, Inc. 2002 Long-Term Incentive Plan. During the meeting, we
also will review the results of the past year and report on significant aspects
of our operations during the first quarter of 2002.

     Whether or not you plan to attend the annual meeting, please complete,
sign, date and return the enclosed proxy card in the enclosed, postage-prepaid
envelope at your earliest convenience so that your shares will be represented at
the meeting. If you choose to attend the meeting, you may revoke your proxy and
personally cast your votes. To receive a map and driving directions to the
corporate headquarters, please call Christi Scarbro at (706) 624-2246.

                                             Sincerely yours,

                                             /s/ Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum

                                             JEFFREY S. LORBERBAUM
                                             President & Chief Executive Officer

Atlanta, Georgia
March 29, 2002

                             MOHAWK INDUSTRIES, INC.
                         160 South Industrial Boulevard
                                 P. O. Box 12069
                             Calhoun, Georgia 30701

                                  May 16, 2002

     The annual meeting of stockholders of Mohawk Industries, Inc. (the
"Company") will be held on Thursday, May 16, 2002, at 10:00 a.m. local time, at
the corporate headquarters of the Company, 160 South Industrial Boulevard,
Calhoun, Georgia 30701.

     The meeting is called for the following purposes:

     1. To elect three persons who will serve as the Company's Class I directors
for a three-year term beginning in 2002;

     2. To consider and vote upon the Mohawk Industries, Inc. 2002 Long-Term
Incentive Plan; and

     3. To consider and act upon such other business as may properly come before
the meeting or any adjournments thereof.

     The Board of Directors has fixed March 22, 2002 as the record date for the
determination of stockholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting.

                           PERSONALLY CAST YOUR VOTES.

                                         By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                         /s/ Jerry L. Melton

                                         Jerry L. Melton,
                                         Vice President & Corporate Secretary

Atlanta, Georgia
March 29, 2002

                             MOHAWK INDUSTRIES, INC.
                         160 South Industrial Boulevard
                                 P. O. Box 12069
                             Calhoun, Georgia 30703


                                 PROXY STATEMENT


     This Proxy Statement is furnished by and on behalf of the Board of
Directors of Mohawk Industries, Inc. ("Mohawk" or the "Company") in connection
with the solicitation of proxies for use at the annual meeting of stockholders
of the Company to be held on Thursday, May 16, 2002, and at any and all
adjournments or postponements thereof (the "Annual Meeting"). This Proxy
Statement and the enclosed proxy card will be first mailed on or about March 29,
2002, to the stockholders of record of the Company (the "Stockholders") on March
22, 2002 (the "Record Date").

     Proxies will be voted as specified by Stockholders. Unless contrary
instructions are specified, if the enclosed proxy card is executed and returned
(and not revoked) prior to the Annual Meeting, the shares of the common stock of
the Company (the "Common Stock") represented thereby will be voted FOR election
of the nominees listed in this Proxy Statement as directors of the Company and
FOR the approval of the Mohawk Industries, Inc. 2002 Long-Term Incentive Plan
(the "Incentive Plan"). A Stockholder's submission of a signed proxy will not
affect his or her right to attend and to vote in person at the Annual Meeting.
Stockholders who execute a proxy may revoke it at any time before it is voted by
(i) filing a written revocation with the Secretary of the Company, (ii)
executing a proxy bearing a later date or (iii) attending and voting in person
at the Annual Meeting.

     The presence of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting, present in person or by proxy, will
constitute a quorum. Shares represented by proxies that are marked withhold
authority or "abstain" will be counted as shares present for purposes of
establishing a quorum. Shares represented by proxies, which include broker
nonvotes, will also be counted as shares present for purposes of establishing a
quorum. A broker nonvote occurs when a broker or nominee holding shares for a
beneficial owner votes on one proposal, but does not vote on another proposal
because the broker or nominee does not have discretionary voting power and has
not received instructions from the beneficial owner. Once a quorum is
established, the election of directors will require the affirmative vote of a
plurality of the shares of Common Stock represented and entitled to vote in the
election at the Annual Meeting and the approval of the Incentive Plan will
require the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast by holders of the
shares of Common Stock at the Annual Meeting. Neither withholding authority to
vote with respect to one or more nominees nor a broker nonvote will have an
effect on the outcome of the election of directors. Neither abstentions nor
broker nonvotes will have an effect on the outcome of the Incentive Plan.

     Pursuant to the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation (the
"Certificate of Incorporation"), holders of Common Stock will be entitled to one
vote for each share of Common Stock held. Pursuant to the provisions of the
Delaware General Corporation Law, March 22, 2002 has been fixed as the Record
Date for determination of Stockholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the
Annual Meeting, and, accordingly, only holders of Common Stock of record at the
close of business on that day will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the
Annual Meeting. On the Record Date, there were 67,054,254 shares of Common Stock
issued and outstanding held by approximately 360 Stockholders.


                       PROPOSAL 1 - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The Company's Certificate of Incorporation provides for the Board of
Directors of the Company to consist of three classes of directors serving
staggered terms of office. Upon the expiration of the term of office for a class
of directors, the nominees for that class will be elected for a term of three
years to serve until the election and qualification of their successors. The
Class I directors, John F. Fiedler, Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum and Robert N.
Pokelwaldt, have been nominated for re-election at the Annual Meeting. The Class
II and Class III directors have one year and two years, respectively, remaining
on their terms of office and will not be voted upon at the Annual Meeting.

     The Company's Certificate of Incorporation provides that the Company shall
have at least two and no more than eleven directors, with the Board of Directors
to determine the exact number. In addition, the Certificate of Incorporation
divides the Board of Directors into three classes, with each to consist, as
nearly as possible, of one-third of the total number of directors constituting
the entire Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has by resolution set the
number of directors at nine.

     It is the intention of the persons named as proxies to vote the proxies for
Mr. Fiedler's, Mr. Lorberbaum's and Mr. Pokelwaldt's election as a Class I
director of the Company, unless the Stockholders direct otherwise in their
proxies. Each of Mr. Fiedler, Mr. Lorberbaum and Mr. Pokelwaldt has consented to
continue to serve as a director of the Company if re-elected. In the
unanticipated event that Mr. Fiedler, Mr. Lorberbaum or Mr. Pokelwaldt refuses
or is unable to serve as a director, the persons named as proxies reserve full
discretion to vote for such other person or persons as may be nominated. The
Board of Directors has no reason to believe that Mr. Fiedler, Mr. Lorberbaum or
Mr. Pokelwaldt will be unable or will decline to serve as a director.

     The affirmative vote of a plurality of the shares represented and entitled
to vote in the election at the Annual Meeting at which a quorum is present is
required for the election of the nominees.


Director, Director Nominee and Executive Officer Information

     Based on information supplied by them, set forth below is certain
information concerning the nominees for election as Class I directors and the
directors in Classes II and III whose terms of office will continue after the
Annual Meeting, including the name and age of each, his current principal
occupation (which has continued for five years unless otherwise indicated), the
name and principal business of the organization in which his occupation is
carried on, the year each was elected to the Board of Directors of the Company,
all positions and offices held during 2001 with the Company, and his
directorships in other publicly held companies.

Nominees for Director

   Class I Nominees For Director (Current Terms Expire 2002)

     John F. Fiedler--Mr. Fiedler (age 63) has been a director of the Company
since March 20, 2002, the time the Dal-Tile acquisition was completed. Mr.
Fiedler is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Borg Warner Inc. Prior to
joining Borg Warner in June of 1994, Mr. Fiedler was Executive Vice President of
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, where Mr. Fiedler was responsible for North
American Tires. Mr. Fiedler's 29-year career with Goodyear included numerous
sales, marketing and manufacturing positions in the United States and the Far
East. Mr. Fiedler is also a director of Roadway Express, Inc.

     Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum--Mr. Lorberbaum (age 47) has been a director of the
Company since March 28, 1994 and served as President and Chief Operating Officer
of the Company since January 24, 1995. Effective January 1, 2001, Mr. Lorberbaum
succeeded Mr. Kolb as Chief Executive Officer and currently holds the position
of President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Lorberbaum joined Aladdin Mills,
Inc. ("Aladdin"), a company acquired in 1994 by Mohawk, in 1976 and served as
Vice President--Operations from 1986 until February 25, 1994 when he became
President and Chief Executive Officer of Aladdin.


     Robert N. Pokelwaldt--Mr. Pokelwaldt (age 65) has been a director of the
Company since the consummation of the Company's initial public offering in April
1992 (the "Initial Public Offering"). Mr. Pokelwaldt served as Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer of York International Corporation, a manufacturer of air
conditioning and cooling systems, from January 1993 until his retirement in
October 1999. He also served York International from June 1991 until January
1993 as President, Chief Executive Officer and a director and, from January 1990
until June 1991, as President and Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Pokelwaldt is
also a director of Carpenter Technologies Corporation, a manufacturer of
specialty steel, Susquehanna Pfaltzgraff Corp., a manufacturer of dinnerware
products and an owner/operator of radio and cable systems networks, Intersil
Corp., a telecommunications chip manufacturer, and First Energy Corporation, a
generator and power distribution company.

Continuing Directors

   Class II Directors Continuing in Office (Terms Expire 2003)

     Bruce C. Bruckmann--Mr. Bruckmann (age 48) has been a director of the
Company since October 1992. Mr. Bruckmann has been a Managing Director of
Bruckmann, Rosser, Sherrill & Co., Inc., a venture capital firm, since January
1995. From March 1994 to January 1995, Mr. Bruckmann served as Managing Director
of Citicorp Venture Capital, Ltd. ("CVC, Ltd.") and as an executive officer of
399 Venture Partners, Inc. (formerly Citicorp Investments, Inc.). From 1983
until March 1994, Mr. Bruckmann served as Vice President of CVC, Ltd. Mr.
Bruckmann is also a director of AmeriSource Distribution Corporation, a
distributor of pharmaceuticals, Town Sports International, Inc., a fitness club
operator, Anvil Knitwear, Inc., an activewear manufacturer, Penhall
International, Inc., a renter of operator-assisted construction equipment,
California Pizza Kitchen, Inc., a casual restaurant chain serving pizza, pasta
and salads, and Mediq, Inc., a renter of movable critical care and life-support
medical equipment.

     Larry W. McCurdy--Mr. McCurdy (age 66) has been a director of the Company
since the consummation of the Company's Initial Public Offering. Mr. McCurdy was
President and Chief Executive Officer of Moog Automotive, Inc., a privately held
manufacturer of automotive aftermarket products, from November 1985 until April
1994. Moog Automotive, Inc. was acquired by Cooper Industries, Inc., a
manufacturer of electrical and automotive products, tools and hardware, in
October 1992, and Mr. McCurdy became Executive Vice President-Operations of
Cooper Industries, Inc. in April 1994. Mr. McCurdy held that position until
March 7, 1997, when he became President, Chief Executive Officer and a director
of Echlin Inc., a worldwide manufacturer of motor vehicle parts. On December 17,
1997, Mr. McCurdy was elected Chairman of the board of directors of Echlin, Inc.
In July 1998 Echlin was merged with Dana Corporation, a global leader in the
engineering, manufacturing and distribution of components and systems for
worldwide vehicular and industrial manufacturers. Mr. McCurdy served as
President of the Dana Automotive Aftermarket Group from July 1998 until his
retirement in August 2000. Mr. McCurdy also serves on the boards of directors of
American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings, Inc., Lear Corporation, both
international manufacturers for original equipment vehicles, Breed Technologies,
Inc., an equipment supplier of air bag sensing devices and air bag components
and Genuine Parts, Inc., a North American automotive parts distributor.

     Sylvester ("Jack") H. Sharpe--Mr. Sharpe (age 70) has been a director of
the Company since October 1999. Mr. Sharpe has served as Executive Vice
President of the Residential Business of the Company since January 1995. From
1975 to 1995, Mr. Sharpe served as the Executive Vice President of Aladdin.

   Class III Directors Continuing in Office (Terms Expire 2004)

     Leo Benatar--Mr. Benatar (age 72) has been a director of the Company since
the consummation of the Company's Initial Public Offering. Mr. Benatar has been
an Associated Consultant with A. T. Kearney since May 1996. From June 1995 until
May 1996, Mr. Benatar was Chairman of the Board of Engraph, Inc., a manufacturer
of packaging and product identification materials. Before June 1995, Mr. Benatar
served as Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of
Engraph, Inc. for more than five years. Engraph, Inc. was acquired by Sonoco
Products Company, a manufacturer of packaging and product identification
materials, in October 1992, and Mr. Benatar served as Senior Vice President and
a director of Sonoco Products Company from October 1992 until May 1996. Mr.
Benatar is also a director of Interstate Bakeries Corporation, a manufacturer
and distributor of food products, Aaron Rents, Inc., a furniture and appliance
retailer and Paxar Corporation, a provider of identification and tracking
solutions to retailers and apparel manufacturers. From January 1, 1994 until
December 31, 1995, Mr. Benatar also served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Atlanta.


     David L. Kolb--Mr. Kolb (age 63) served as President of Mohawk Carpet
Corporation (now one of the Company's principal operating subsidiaries) until
Mohawk Carpet Corporation was acquired by the Company in December 1988, at which
time he became Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of
the Company. Effective January 1, 2001, Mr. Kolb retired from his position as
Chief Executive Officer. Prior to joining Mohawk Carpet Corporation, Mr. Kolb
served in various executive positions with Allied-Signal Corporation for 19
years, most recently as Vice President and General Manager of Home Furnishings.
Mr. Kolb is also a director of Chromcraft Revington Corporation, a furniture
manufacturer, Oglethorpe University, The Georgia Board of Industry, Trade and
Tourism and Paxar Corporation, a provider of identification and tracking
solutions to retailers and apparel manufacturers.

     W. Christopher Wellborn--Mr. Wellborn (age 46) was Executive Vice
President, Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary of Dal-Tile from
August 1997 through March 20, 2002 when he was named a director of Mohawk and
the President of Dal-Tile, at the time the Dal-Tile acquisition was completed.
From June 1993 to August 1997, Mr. Wellborn was Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer of Lenox, Inc.

     In connection with the merger of Aladdin with a wholly owned subsidiary of
the Company in February 1994 (the "Aladdin Merger"), the Company agreed to
appoint to its Board of Directors up to two persons designated by the former
shareholders of Aladdin, and Messrs. Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum and Sylvester H.
Sharpe are such designees. The Company is required to nominate up to two persons
designated by such holders for election or re-election, as the case may be, to
the Board of Directors of the Company and to use its best efforts to cause such
nominees to be elected to the Board of Directors. At such time as the former
shareholders of Aladdin have disposed of 50% or more of the Common Stock issued
to them in the Aladdin Merger, the Company will be required to nominate only one
such person to the Board of Directors, and at such time as the former
shareholders of Aladdin have disposed of 75% or more of the Common Stock issued
to them in the Aladdin Merger, the Company will no longer be required to
nominate any of such persons to the Board of Directors.

     In connection with the merger of Dal-Tile with a wholly owned subsidiary of
the Company in March 2002 (the "Dal-Tile Merger"), the Company agreed to appoint
to its Board of Directors two persons designated by Dal-Tile, and Messrs. John
F. Fiedler and W. Christopher Wellborn are such designees.

Meetings and Committees of the Board of Directors

     General. During fiscal 2001, the Board of Directors held seven meetings.
All members of the Board of Directors attended at least 75% of the total number
of Board of Directors and Committee meetings that they were eligible to attend.

     The Audit Committee consists of Mr. Bruckmann, Mr. McCurdy and Mr.
Pokelwaldt. The Audit Committee met three times during 2001. The Audit Committee
oversees management's conduct of the financial reporting process, the system of
internal, financial and administrative controls and the annual independent audit
of the Company's financial statements. In addition, the Audit Committee makes
recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the Company's employment of
independent auditors, reviews the independence of such auditors, approves the
scope of the annual activities of the independent and internal auditors and
reviews audit results. The Board of Directors has adopted a written charter for
the Audit Committee.

     The Compensation Committee consists of Mr. Benatar, Mr. Pokelwaldt and Mr.
McCurdy. The Compensation Committee met five times during 2001. The Compensation
Committee is responsible for deciding, recommending and reviewing the
compensation, including benefits, of the executive officers and directors of the
Company and for administering the Company's incentive compensation plans. See
also "Executive Compensation and Other Information--Report of the Compensation
Committee of the Board of Directors of Mohawk Industries, Inc."

     The Company has no nominating committee.

     Director Compensation. Employees of the Company or its subsidiaries who are
also directors do not receive any fee or remuneration for services as members of
the Board of Directors or any Committee of the Board of Directors. The Company
pays non-employee directors an annual retainer of $20,000 and a fee of $2,000
for each Board meeting and $1,000 for each Committee meeting attended. In lieu
of this retainer and fees, Mr. Kolb receives


an annual retainer of $30,000 for his services as Chairman of the Board of
Directors and a fee of $3,000 for each Board meeting and $2,000 for each
Committee meeting attended. Committee Chairmen also receive an annual retainer
of $2,500. Pursuant to the Company's 1993 Stock Option Plan and the 1997
Long-Term Incentive Plan, directors who are not employees of the Company are
initially granted a non-qualified stock option to purchase 11,250 shares of
Common Stock as of the date they commence service as a director. On January 1 of
each year, eligible directors who are directors on such date receive an option
to purchase 2,250 shares of Common Stock. The exercise prices for all such
option grants are based on a formula that with respect to initial grants relates
to the closing sale price of the underlying Common Stock on the business day
immediately preceding the date of grant and with respect to subsequent grants is
the average of the closing sale prices of the underlying Common Stock on the
last business day of each of the Company's four fiscal quarters during the
preceding fiscal year. The Company reimburses all directors for expenses the
directors incur in connection with attendance at meetings of the Board of
Directors or Committees.

     In December 1996, the Board of Directors adopted the Mohawk Industries,
Inc. 1997 Non-Employee Director Stock Compensation Plan (the "Director Stock
Compensation Plan") to promote the long-term growth of the Company by providing
a vehicle for its non-employee directors to increase their proprietary interest
in the Company and to attract and retain highly qualified and capable
non-employee directors. Under the Director Stock Compensation Plan, non-employee
directors may elect to receive their annual cash retainer fees (excluding any
meeting fees) in shares of Common Stock of the Company, based on the fair market
value of the Common Stock on the quarterly payment date. The maximum number of
shares of Common Stock which may be granted under the plan is 37,500 shares,
which shares may not be original issue shares. In 1997, the Director Stock
Compensation Plan was amended by the Board of Directors to include an optional
income deferral feature using a book entry (phantom stock) account that would
fluctuate in value based on the performance of the Common Stock of the Company
over the deferral period. The Board of Directors may suspend or terminate the
Director Stock Compensation Plan at any time.

Executive Officers

     The executive officers of the Company serve at the discretion of the Board
of Directors and are comprised of Messrs. Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum (who is
identified above), David E. Polley, Herbert M. Thornton, William B. Kilbride and
John D. Swift.

     David E. Polley--Mr. Polley (age 67) served as President and a director of
World from 1991, until World was acquired by Mohawk in November 1998 and has
served as President of Residential Division since the acquisition. Before
joining World, he worked for Burlington Industries, Inc. and served as President
of Burlington's Residential Group and President of Burlington's Lees Residential
Carpets. He also served as Chairman of David Industries, Inc., and Executive
Vice-President of Stephen-Leedom Carpets.

     Herbert M. Thornton--Mr. Thornton (age 61) joined Karastan Bigelow, a
division of Fieldcrest Cannon, Inc. ("Karastan") in July 1990 and was named
President of Karastan at the time of that division's acquisition by Mohawk in
July 1993. Mr. Thornton served in that position until April of 2000 when he
became President of the Fashion and Performance Division (which serves the
commercial and hospitality markets and the Karastan customers). On December 1,
2001, Mr. Thornton was appointed President-Carpet Group, assuming responsibility
for sales and marketing of carpet products. Before joining Karastan, Mr.
Thornton served as President of Hollytex, Inc., a carpet manufacturer, which he
joined in December 1984.

     William B. Kilbride--Mr. Kilbride (age 51) joined American Rug Craftsmen,
formerly a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, as its President in June
1992. Mr. Kilbride served in that position until he became President of the
Mohawk Home Division, upon its formation in 1999. Before joining American Rug
Craftsmen, Mr. Kilbride served as First Vice President--Planning of Dean Witter
Discover, which he joined in February 1983.

     John D. Swift--Mr. Swift (age 60) served as Vice President-Finance of
Mohawk Carpet Corporation from September 1984 to December 1988 and since that
time has served as Vice President-Finance and Chief Financial Officer of the
Company. Mr. Swift served as Treasurer of the Company from December 1988 to
February 1994 and served as Secretary of the Company from December 1988 to May
23, 1996. Prior to joining Mohawk Carpet Corporation, he worked for General
Electric Company for 18 years in various positions of accounting, auditing and
financial management.



     On February 26, 2002, the Board of Directors adopted, subject to the
approval of the Stockholders at the Annual Meeting, the Incentive Plan. The
Incentive Plan will become effective as of the date it is approved by the

     3,200,000 shares of Common Stock will be reserved for issuance upon the
grant or exercise of awards pursuant to the Incentive Plan. As of March 22,
2002, there were approximately 1,760 employees, officers and directors eligible
to participate in the Incentive Plan. We also maintain the Mohawk Industries,
Inc. 1997 Long-Term Incentive Plan, the Mohawk Industries, Inc. 1993 Stock
Option Plan, the Mohawk Industries, Inc. 1992 Mohawk-Horizon Stock Option Plan,
the Mohawk Industries, Inc. 1992 Stock Option Plan and the Dal-Tile
International Inc. 1990 Stock Option Plan, as amended and restated (also known
as the Dal-Tile International Inc. 2000 Amended and Restated Stock Option Plan),
under which stock options and restricted stock awards with respect to an
aggregate of approximately 2,673,836 shares of Common Stock were outstanding as
of March 22, 2002. If the Stockholders approve the Mohawk Industries, Inc. 2002
Long-Term Incentive Plan, we will not grant any additional awards under the
prior existing plans.

     A summary of the Incentive Plan is set forth below. The summary is
qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the plan, which is
attached to this proxy statement as Appendix A.

Summary of the Plan

     Purpose. The purpose of the Incentive Plan is to promote the Company's
success by linking the personal interests of employees, officers and directors
to those of the Stockholders, and by providing participants with an incentive
for outstanding performance.

     Permissible Awards. The Incentive Plan authorizes the granting of awards to
employees, officers and directors of the Company and its subsidiaries in any of
the following forms: (i) options to purchase shares of Common Stock; (ii)
restricted stock; (iii) performance awards payable in stock or cash; or (iv)
other stock-based awards.

     Limitations on Awards. No more than 10% of the shares authorized under the
Incentive Plan may be granted as awards of restricted or unrestricted stock
awards or performance shares. The maximum number of shares of Common Stock with
respect to one or more options or other qualified performance-based awards that
may be granted during any one calendar year under the Incentive Plan to any one
person is 100,000. The maximum fair market value of any cash-based performance
units that may be received by a participant (less any consideration paid by the
participant for such award) during any one calendar year under the Incentive
Plan is $3,000,000.

     Administration. The Incentive Plan is administered by the Compensation
Committee of the Board of Directors. The Compensation Committee has the
authority to designate participants; determine the type or types of awards to be
granted to each participant and the number, terms and conditions thereof;
establish, adopt or revise any rules and regulations as it may deem advisable to
administer the Incentive Plan; and make all other decisions and determinations
that may be required under the Incentive Plan. The Board of Directors may at any
time administer the Incentive Plan. If it does so, it will have all the powers
of the Compensation Committee.

     Formula Grants to Non-Employee Directors. The Incentive Plan provides for
the grant of non-qualified stock options to the Company's non-employee directors
according to the parameters established in the Incentive Plan. The Compensation
Committee cannot make discretionary grants to non-employee directors under the
Incentive Plan.

     Stock Options. The Compensation Committee is authorized to grant incentive
stock options or non-qualified stock options under the Incentive Plan. The terms
of an incentive stock option must meet the requirements of Section 422 of the
Code. The exercise price of an option may not be less than the fair market value
of the underlying stock on the date of grant and no option may have a term of
more than 10 years. The Compensation Committee may grant options with a reload
feature, which provides for the automatic grant of a new option for the number
of shares that the optionee delivers as full or partial payment of the exercise
price of the original option. Such new option must have an exercise price equal
to the fair market value of the stock on the new grant date, would vest after
six months and would have a term equal to the unexpired term of the original


     Restricted Stock Awards. The Compensation Committee may make awards of
restricted stock to participants, which will be subject to such restrictions on
transferability and other restrictions as the Compensation Committee may impose
(including, without limitation, limitations on the right to vote restricted
stock or the right to receive dividends, if any, on the restricted stock).

     Performance Awards. The Compensation Committee may grant performance awards
that are designated in cash (performance units) or in shares of common stock
(performance shares). The Compensation Committee will have the complete
discretion to determine the number of performance awards granted to any
participant and to set performance goals and other terms or conditions to
payment of the performance awards in its discretion which, depending on the
extent to which they are met, will determine the number and value of performance
awards that will be paid to the participant.

     Other Stock-Based Awards. The Compensation Committee may, subject to
limitations under applicable law, grant to participants such other awards that
are payable in, valued in whole or in part by reference to, or otherwise based
on or related to shares of Common Stock as deemed by the Compensation Committee
to be consistent with the purposes of the Incentive Plan, including, without
limitation, shares of Common Stock awarded purely as a bonus and not subject to
any restrictions or conditions, convertible or exchangeable debt securities,
other rights convertible or exchangeable into shares of Common Stock, and awards
valued by reference to book value of shares of Common Stock or the value of
securities of or the performance of specified parents or subsidiaries. The
Compensation Committee will determine the terms and conditions of any such

     Performance Goals. The Compensation Committee may designate any award as a
qualified performance-based award in order to make the award fully deductible
without regard to the $1,000,000 deduction limit imposed by Code Section 162(m).
If an award is so designated, the Compensation Committee must establish
objectively determinable performance goals for the award based on one or more of
the following performance criteria, which may be expressed in terms of
company-wide objectives or in terms of objectives that relate to the performance
of an affiliate or a region, division, department or function within the Company
or an affiliate:

     o return on equity,
     o return on assets,
     o stock price,
     o net income,
     o earnings per share,
     o EBITDA (earnings before interest, depreciation, taxes and amortization),
     o EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes),
     o cash flow,
     o net profit before tax,
     o gross profit,
     o operating profit,
     o changes in working capital, or
     o stockholder return.

     The Compensation Committee must establish such goals prior to the beginning
of the period for which such performance goal relates (or such later date as may
be permitted under applicable tax regulations) and the Committee may not
increase any award or, except in the case of certain qualified terminations of
employment, waive the achievement of any specified goal. Any payment of an award
granted with performance goals will be conditioned on the written certification
of the Compensation Committee in each case that the performance goals and any
other material conditions were satisfied.

     Limitations on Transfer; Beneficiaries. No award will be assignable or
transferable by a participant other than by will or the laws of descent and
distribution or, except in the case of an incentive stock option, pursuant to a
qualified domestic relations order; provided, however, that the Compensation
Committee may (but need not) permit other transfers where the Compensation
Committee concludes that such transferability does not result in accelerated
taxation, does not cause any option intended to be an incentive stock option to
fail to qualify as such, and is otherwise appropriate and desirable, taking into
account any factors deemed relevant, including without limitation, any state or
federal tax or securities laws or regulations applicable to transferable awards.
A participant may, in the


manner determined by the Compensation Committee, designate a beneficiary to
exercise the rights of the participant and to receive any distribution with
respect to any award upon the participant's death.

     Acceleration Upon Certain Events. Unless otherwise provided in an award
certificate, in the event of a change in control of the Company (as defined in
the Incentive Plan), all outstanding options will become fully vested and
exercisable and all restrictions on outstanding awards will lapse. If a
participant dies or his or her employment is terminated as a result of
disability, all of such participant's outstanding options will become fully
vested and exercisable and all restrictions on his or her outstanding awards
will lapse. The Compensation Committee may in its discretion at any time
accelerate the vesting of an award upon any other termination of service of a
participant. The Compensation Committee may discriminate among participants or
among awards in exercising its discretion.

     Adjustments. In the event of a stock split, a dividend payable in shares of
Common Stock, or a combination or consolidation of Common Stock into a lesser
number of shares, the share authorization limits under the Incentive Plan will
automatically be adjusted proportionately, and the shares then subject to each
award will automatically be adjusted proportionately without any change in the
aggregate purchase price for such award. If the Company is involved in another
corporate transaction or event that affects Common Stock, such as an
extraordinary cash dividend, recapitalization, reorganization, merger,
consolidation, split-up, spin-off, combination or exchange of shares, the share
authorization limits under the Incentive Plan will be adjusted proportionately,
and the committee may adjust outstanding awards to preserve the benefits or
potential benefits of the awards.

Termination and Amendment

     The Board of Directors or the Compensation Committee may, at any time and
from time to time, terminate or amend the Incentive Plan without Stockholder
approval; but if an amendment to the Incentive Plan would, in the reasonable
opinion of the Board of Directors or the Compensation Committee, materially
increase the benefits accruing to participants, materially increase the number
of shares of stock issuable under the Incentive Plan, or materially modify the
requirements for eligibility, then such amendment will be subject to Stockholder
approval. In addition, the Board of Directors or the Compensation Committee may
condition any amendment on the approval of the Stockholders for any other
reason, including necessity or advisability under tax, securities or other
applicable laws, policies or regulations. No termination or amendment of the
Incentive Plan may adversely affect any award previously granted under the
Incentive Plan without the written consent of the participant. The committee may
amend or terminate outstanding awards. However, such amendments may require the
consent of the participant and, unless approved by the Stockholders or otherwise
permitted by the antidilution provisions of the Incentive Plan, the exercise
price of an outstanding option may not be reduced, directly or indirectly, and
the original term of an option may not be extended.

Certain Federal Tax Effects

     Nonqualified Stock Options. There will be no federal income tax
consequences to the optionee or to the Company upon the grant of a nonqualified
stock option under the Incentive Plan. When the optionee exercises a
nonqualified option, however, he or she will realize ordinary income in an
amount equal to the excess of the fair market value of the Common Stock received
upon exercise of the option at the time of exercise over the exercise price, and
the Company will be allowed a corresponding deduction. Any gain that the
optionee realizes when he or she later sells or disposes of the option shares
will be short-term or long-term capital gain, depending on how long the shares
were held.

     Incentive Stock Options. There typically will be no federal income tax
consequences to the optionee or to the Company upon the grant or exercise of an
incentive stock option. If the optionee holds the option shares for the required
holding period of at least two years after the date the option was granted or
one year after exercise, the difference between the exercise price and the
amount realized upon sale or disposition of the option shares will be long-term
capital gain or loss, and the Company will not be entitled to a federal income
tax deduction. If the optionee disposes of the option shares in a sale,
exchange, or other disqualifying disposition before the required holding period
ends, he or she will realize taxable ordinary income in an amount equal to the
excess of the fair market value of the option shares at the time of exercise
over the exercise price, and the Company will be allowed a federal income tax
deduction equal to such amount. While the exercise of an incentive stock option
does not result in current taxable income, the excess of the fair market value
of the option shares at the time of exercise over the exercise price will be an
item of adjustment for purposes of determining the optionee's alternative
minimum taxable income.


     Transfers of Options. The Compensation Committee may, but is not required
to, permit the transfer of nonqualified stock options granted under the
Incentive Plan. Based on current tax and securities regulations, such transfers,
if permitted, are likely to be limited to gifts to members of the optionee's
immediate family or certain entities controlled by the optionee or such family
members. The following paragraphs summarize the likely income, estate, and gift
tax consequences to the optionee, the Company, and any transferees, under
present federal tax regulations, upon the transfer and exercise of such options.

     Federal Income Tax. There will be no federal income tax consequences to the
optionee, the Company, or the transferee upon the transfer of a nonqualified
stock option. However, the optionee will recognize ordinary income when the
transferee exercises the option, in an amount equal to the excess of the fair
market value of the option shares upon the exercise of such option over the
exercise price, and the Company will be allowed a corresponding deduction. The
gain, if any, realized upon the transferee's subsequent sale or disposition of
the option shares will constitute short-term or long-term capital gain to the
transferee, depending on the transferee's holding period. The transferee's basis
in the stock will be the fair market value of such stock at the time of exercise
of the option.

     Federal Estate and Gift Tax. If an optionee transfers a nonqualified stock
option to a transferee during the optionee's life but before the option has
become exercisable, the optionee will not be treated as having made a completed
gift for federal gift tax purposes until the option becomes exercisable.
However, if the optionee transfers a fully exercisable option during the
optionee's life, he or she will be treated as having made a completed gift for
federal gift tax purposes at the time of the transfer. If the optionee transfers
an option to a transferee by reason of death, the option will be included in the
decedent's gross estate for federal estate tax purposes. The value of such
option for federal estate or gift tax purposes may be determined using a
"Black-Scholes" or other appropriate option pricing methodology, in accordance
with IRS requirements.

     Restricted Stock. Unless a participant makes an election to accelerate
recognition of the income to the date of grant as described below, the
participant will not recognize income, and the Company will not be allowed a tax
deduction, at the time a restricted stock award is granted. When the
restrictions lapse, the participant will recognize ordinary income equal to the
fair market value of the Common Stock as of that date (less any amount he paid
for the stock), and the Company will be allowed a corresponding federal income
tax deduction at that time, subject to any applicable limitations under Code
ss.162(m). If the participant files an election under Code ss.83(b) within 30
days after the date of grant of the restricted stock, he or she will recognize
ordinary income as of the date of grant equal to the fair market value of the
stock as of that date (less any amount paid for the stock), and the Company will
be allowed a corresponding federal income tax deduction at that time, subject to
any applicable limitations under Code ss.162(m). Any future appreciation in the
stock will be taxable to the participant at capital gains rates. However, if the
stock is later forfeited, the participant will not be able to recover the tax
previously paid pursuant to the Code ss.83(b) election.

     Performance Awards. A participant generally will not recognize income, and
the Company will not be allowed a tax deduction, at the time performance awards
are granted, so long as the awards are subject to a substantial risk of
forfeiture. When the participant receives or has the right to receive payment of
cash or shares under the performance award, the cash amount of the fair market
value of the shares of stock will be ordinary income to the participant, and the
Company will be allowed a corresponding federal income tax deduction at that
time, subject to any applicable limitations under Code ss.162(m).

Benefits to Named Executive Officers and Others

     As of March 22, 2002, no awards had been granted under the Incentive Plan.
There are currently six non-employee directors who would receive annual grants
of 2,250 options under the Incentive Plan. Any new non-employee directors would
receive a one-time grant of 11,250 options under the Incentive Plan. All other
awards under the Incentive Plan will be made at the discretion of the
Compensation Committee. Therefore, except for such formula grants to
non-employee directors, it is not presently possible to determine the benefits
or amounts that will be received by any individuals or groups pursuant to the
Incentive Plan in the future.

                      OF THE 2002 LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN.


                                 AUDIT COMMITTEE

     The Company has an Audit Committee of the Board of Directors composed of
three directors who are independent as defined in sections 303.01(B)(2)(a) and
(3) of the New York Stock Exchange listing standards.

Report of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of Mohawk Industries,

     The Audit Committee members reviewed and discussed the audited financial
statements for the year ended December 31, 2001 with management. The Audit
Committee members also discussed the matters required to be discussed by
Statement of Auditing Standards No. 61 with the Company's independent auditors,
KPMG LLP ("KPMG"). The Audit Committee received the written disclosure letter
from KPMG required by Independence Board Standard No. 1. In addition, the
members of the Audit Committee considered whether the provision of services by
KPMG for the year ended December 31, 2001 described below under "All Other Fees"
was compatible with maintaining KPMG's independence. Based upon these reviews
and discussions, the Audit Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that
the audited financial statements be included in the Company's Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001, filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

                                 Audit Committee

                            Larry W. McCurdy-Chairman
                               Bruce C. Bruckmann
                              Robert N. Pokelwaldt

Audit Fees

     The Company was billed $564,000 for the audit of the Company's annual
financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2001 and the reviews of the
financial statements included in the Company's Forms 10-Q for the year ended
December 31, 2001.

Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees


All Other Fees

     The Company was billed $869,500 for all fees other than the fees discussed
above under "Audit Fees." These fees included $680,100 for tax consulting and
compliance services and $189,400 for audit-related services.


     Decisions and recommendations regarding the compensation of the Company's
executives are made by a three member Compensation Committee composed entirely
of directors who have never served as officers or employees of the Company.
Following is a report of the Compensation Committee concerning the Company's
executive compensation policies for 2001.

Report of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of Mohawk
Industries, Inc.

     Executive Compensation Philosophy. The Committee believes that a
compensation program that enables the Company to attract and retain outstanding
executives will assist the Company in meeting its long-range objectives, thereby
serving the interest of the Company's stockholders. The compensation program of
the Company is designed to achieve the following objectives:

     1. Provide compensation opportunities that are competitive with those of
        companies of a similar size.

     2. Create a strong link between the executive's compensation and the
        Company's annual and long-term financial performance.


     3. Include above average elements of financial risk through
        performance-based incentive compensation which offers an opportunity
        for above average financial reward to the executives.

     The Company's executive compensation program has three components: base
salaries, annual incentives and long-term incentives.

     Base Salaries. The Company's executive officers receive base salaries as
compensation for the skills, knowledge and experience that they bring to their
positions. Base salaries paid to the Company's executive officers are intended
to be maintained at a competitive level with companies of a similar size. In
order to assess competitive rates, in 2001, the committee used compensation
surveys produced by a nationally recognized compensation consulting firm of
executives with similar job functions and responsibilities in public companies
engaged in nondurable goods manufacturing in the same net sales range. The group
of companies included in the surveys used was typically broader than the peer
group used in the Performance Graph following this report because the
competitive marketplace for executive talent has been viewed by the Committee as
national in scope and not restricted to the carpet and textile industries. With
respect to base salaries, the Committee has tried to achieve competitive rates
by targeting the approximate midpoint of the range of base salaries for
comparable positions. Within this overall policy, the Committee has preserved
the flexibility to make exceptions where performance over several years dictates
a higher base salary.

     Annual Incentive Bonuses. Annual incentive bonuses under the executive
incentive program are provided in addition to base salaries to create total
annual compensation. Using the compensation surveys discussed above, the
Committee has targeted the upper quartile of total annual compensation for
similarly situated executives in companies of similar size. By placing a
significant portion of an executive's annual pay "at risk," the Committee
believes that compensation is more directly related to performance and will more
closely link the financial interests of the executives and those of the
stockholders. Given the Company's aggressive business objectives, the Committee
believes this policy to be appropriate and fair for both the executives and the

     The 2001 Executive Incentive Program (the "Plan") was designed to provide
incentive bonus opportunities for 29 key executives of the Company, including
the executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table. For those
executives who were classified as Corporate Participants, including the Chief
Executive Officer ("CEO") and the Chief Financial Officer, to be eligible for
any bonus the total corporation must have attained in 2001 a threshold level of
earnings per share ("EPS") established by the Committee. For those executives
who were classified as Residential Business Participants, Karastan Business
Participants, Commercial Business Participants, Home Products Participants or
Hospitality Business Participants to be eligible for any bonus their business
unit must have attained in 2001 a threshold level of EPS contribution
established by the Committee. The factors considered in establishing the
thresholds in the Plan were the previous year's EPS for the total corporation
and EPS contribution by each business unit. If the threshold is attained, then
the bonus calculation is based on the attainment of increasing levels of
improvement of (i) 2001 EPS over 2000 EPS and (ii) 2001 Earnings After Capital
Charge ("EAC") (after tax operating earnings less a cost of capital charge) over
EAC targets established by the Committee using 2000 results as a base. The bonus
calculation is weighted 75% to the EPS level attained and 25% to the EAC level
attained. The bonus attainable at various levels in the Plan is calculated as a
percentage of 2001 compensation payments excluding all bonus, deferred bonus and
other non-salary amounts ("Base Compensation"). The percentages of Base
Compensation for which individual participants become eligible at the various
levels vary and were set for the CEO by the Committee and for the other
executives by the CEO (subject to the approval of the Committee) in order to
relate performance goals to a targeted level of total annual compensation.

     A portion of each award ranging from 20% to 26% is paid as follows:
one-half is paid in shares of the Common Stock purchased in the market and
issued to the participant as restricted shares under the Mohawk Industries, Inc.
1997 Long-Term Incentive Plan and one-half is used to pay withholding tax on the
award. One-half of the shares granted will be restricted for one year and the
other half for two years. The number of restricted shares to be granted is
calculated using the average monthly closing stock price of the Common Stock
during 2001. The balance of the award is paid in cash to the participant in

     The Committee has the authority to interpret the Plan, make changes therein
or grant special bonuses for exceptional performance as it determines


     Long-Term Incentives. The Company provides long-term incentives to its
executives through stock option programs designed to encourage executives to
acquire and hold shares of Common Stock. The stock option plans are designed to
retain executives and motivate them to improve the market value of the Common
Stock over a number of years. The Committee believes that equity ownership by
executives furthers the Committee's compensation policy objective of aligning
long-term financial interests of executives with those of the stockholders. The
Committee considers the amount and terms of options previously awarded to and
held by executive officers in determining the size of option grants. In 2001,
options were granted to all of the executive officers named in the Summary
Compensation Table. These options all vest in 20% annual increments.

     Other Compensation Plans. The Company maintains several broadly-based
employee benefit plans in which the executive officers are permitted to
participate on the same terms as other employees. These include the retirement
savings plan (designed to qualify under section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue
Code), a supplemental executive retirement plan which provides certain
supplemental retirement and other benefits to a certain executive who has
completed an aggregate of 60 months employment with the Company, and a
nonqualified deferred compensation plan for highly compensated employees which
permits deferral of income on a portion of the employee's compensation.

     To the extent readily determinable and as one of the factors in its
consideration of the various components of executive compensation, the Committee
considers the anticipated tax treatment to the Company and to the executives of
various payments and benefits. Some types of compensation payments and their
deductibility (e.g., the spread on exercise of non-qualified options) depend
upon the timing of an executive's vesting or exercise of previously granted
rights. Further, interpretations of and changes in the tax laws and other
factors beyond the Committee's control also affect the deductibility of
compensation. For these and other reasons, the Committee will not necessarily
and in all circumstances limit executive compensation to that deductible under
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Committee will consider various
alternatives for preserving the deductibility of compensation payments and
benefits to the extent reasonably practicable and to the extent consistent with
its other compensation objectives.

     Chief Executive Officer Compensation. In accordance with the compensation
philosophy and process described above, the Committee set Mr. Lorberbaum's base
salary for 2001 at $575,000, which was below the midpoint for CEO's of similar
sized companies in the surveys used by the Committee. Mr. Lorberbaum's total
annual cash compensation is linked to the Company's performance by his
participation in the 2001 Executive Incentive Program. Under the Plan, he would
earn no bonus unless 2001 EPS exceeded the threshold level established in the
Plan. In 2001, Mr. Lorberbaum earned a bonus equal to approximately 100% of his
Base Compensation based upon an improvement in EPS for the total corporation of
18 percent over 2000 EPS and an improvement in EAC for the total corporation of
16 percent over 2000 EAC. This bonus will be paid in cash and restricted shares
as described above. In 2001, Mr. Lorberbaum was awarded stock options to
purchase 50,000 shares of Common Stock at fair market value on the dates of the
grants. These options vest in 20% annual increments.

     The Committee's objectives in setting Mr. Lorberbaum`s compensation for
2001 were to be competitive with other companies in the carpet industry and with
other public companies of a similar size and to provide Mr. Lorberbaum with
appropriate incentives to achieve the Company's short-term and long-term

                             Compensation Committee
                              Leo Benatar-Chairman
                              Robert N. Pokelwaldt
                                  Larry McCurdy


Performance Graph

     The following is a line graph comparing the yearly percentage change in the
Company's cumulative total stockholder returns to those of the Standard & Poor's
500 Index and a group of peer issuers beginning on December 31, 1996 and ending
on December 31, 2001.

      Comparison of Total Cumulative Returns Among Mohawk Industries, Inc.,
                       the S&P 500 Index and a Peer Group

                             [GRAPHIC APPEARS HERE]

                           -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
                             12/31/96       12/31/97       12/31/98      12/31/99       12/31/00       12/31/01
                           -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
Mohawk                        $100.00         $149.57        $286.79       $179.83       $186.65       $374.18
-------------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
S&P 500                       $100.00         $133.36        $171.47       $207.56       $188.66       $166.24
-------------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
Peer Group                    $100.00         $137.62        $149.48       $129.34       $125.73       $127.39
-------------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

     The peer group includes the following  companies:  Cone Mills  Corporation,
Dixie Group, Inc., Guilford Mills, Inc., Interface, Inc., Leggett & Platt, Inc.,
Masco Corporation and West Point Stevens, Inc. Total return values were
calculated based on cumulative total return, assuming the value of the
investment in the Company's Common Stock and in each index on December 31, 1996
was $100 and that all dividends were reinvested. The Company is not included in
the peer group because management believes that, by excluding the Company,
investors will have a more accurate view of the Company's performance relative
to certain other carpet and textile companies.


Summary of Cash and Certain Other Compensation

     The following table presents certain summary information concerning
compensation paid or accrued by the Company for services rendered in all
capacities during the fiscal years ended December 31, 1999, 2000, and 2001 for
(i) the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and (ii) each of the four other
most highly compensated executive officers of the Company (determined as of
December 31, 2001) (collectively, the "Named Executive Officers").

                           Summary Compensation Table

                                                Annual Compensation              Long-Term Compensation
                                        -------------------------------------   ------------------------
                                                               Other Annual      Restricted  Securities    All Other
                                         Salary      Bonus     Compensation        Stock     Underlying   Compensation
    Name and Position             Year    ($)         ($)         ($)(1)        Awards($)(2) Options(#)      ($)(3)
    -----------------             ----   --------- ---------   ------------     ------------ -----------  ------------
Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum ........... 2001   $575,000   $503,125      $   --           $118,577   50,000           $3,450
   President and                  2000    495,000    363,176          --             61,437    1,500            3,450
   Chief Executive Officer        1999    480,000    417,375          --             45,793    7,000            3,200

David E. Polley ................. 2001   $322,500   $241,875      $   --            $53,164   25,000           $3,450
   President-Residential          2000    305,000    171,563          --             30,315       --            3,450
   Division                       1999    305,000    203,817          --             18,281       --            3,200

Herbert M. Thornton ............. 2001   $320,000   $240,000      $   --            $52,785   55,000           $3,450
   President-Carpet Group         2000    295,417    178,000          --             29,134   20,000            3,450
                                  1999    245,000    153,125          --             14,661    7,000            3,200

William B. Kilbride ............. 2001   $320,000   $240,000      $   --            $52,785   35,000           $3,450
   President-Mohawk Home          2000    290,000    178,250          --             28,824       --            3,450
                                  1999    275,000    206,250          --             21,946   27,000            4,105

John D. Swift ................... 2001   $320,000   $240,000      $   --            $52,785   25,000           $3,450
   Vice President-Finance and     2000    275,000    173,853          --             27,333       --            3,450
   Chief Financial Officer        1999    267,000    199,082       6,097             20,363    7,000(4)         3,200

(1)  Amounts in 1999 include (i) imputed interest on the outstanding balance
     of interest free loans made by the Company to Mr. Swift upon exercise of
     stock options granted in connection with the Company's leveraged buyout
     ("LBO Stock Options") in the amount of $3,317, and (ii) $2,780 paid by
     the Company in 1999 to Mr. Swift, so that he could pay the 1999 tax
     liability on imputed income arising from such interest free loans. All
     future obligations in connection with the LBO Stock Options have been

(2)  Amounts in 2001 include 1,878, 842, 836, 836 and 836 shares for Messrs.
     Lorberbaum, Polley, Thornton, Kilbride and Swift, respectively. These
     shares were granted on February 26, 2002, in connection with each
     executive's annual incentive bonus for 2001 and have been valued at
     $63.14 per share. The restrictions will lapse on February 26, 2003 for
     50% of the shares and will lapse on February 26, 2004 for the remaining
     50%. Amounts in 2000 include 1,978, 976, 938, 928 and 880 shares for
     Messrs. Lorberbaum, Polley, Thornton, Kilbride and Swift, respectively.
     These shares were granted on February 26, 2001, in connection with each
     executive's annual incentive bonus for 2000 and have been valued at
     $31.06 per share. The restrictions lapsed on February 15, 2002 for 50%
     of the shares and will lapse on February 15, 2003 for the remaining 50%.
     Amounts in 1999 include 2,024, 808, 648, 970 and 900 shares for Messrs.
     Lorberbaum, Polley, Thornton, Kilbride and Swift, respectively. These
     shares were granted on February 15, 2000, in connection with each
     executive's annual incentive bonus for 1999 and have been valued at
     $22.625 per share. The restrictions lapsed on February 15, 2001 for 50%
     of the shares and lapsed on February 15, 2002 for the remaining 50%. See
     "Executive Compensation and Other Information-Report of the Compensation
     Committee of the Board of Directors of Mohawk Industries, Inc." As of
     December 31, 2001, Mr. Lorberbaum held 2,990 shares of restricted stock
     valued at $164,091, Mr. Polley held 1,380 shares of restricted stock
     valued at $75,734, Mr. Thornton held 1,262 shares of restricted stock
     valued at $69,259, Mr. Kilbride held 1,413 shares of restricted stock
     valued at $77,545 and Mr. Swift held 1,330 shares of restricted stock
     valued at $72,990.


(3)  Except with respect to Mr. Kilbride in 1999, represents matching
     contributions pursuant to the Company's Retirement Savings Plan. In
     1999, amounts for Mr. Kilbride represent contributions pursuant to the
     American Rug Craftsmen 401(k) Savings and Retirement Plan.

(4)  Amount represents options granted in 1999 pursuant to the 1993 Stock
     Option Plan (3,500 shares) and the 1997 Long Term Incentive Plan

Option Grants

     The following table sets forth information on options granted to the Named
Executive Officers in fiscal 2001.

                          Option Grants In Fiscal Year
                             Ended December 31, 2001

                                         Individual Grants
                                        % of Total                            Potential Realizable Value at Assumed
                           Number of      Options                                  Annual Rates of Stock Price
                          Securities    Granted to                                       Appreciation for
                          Underlying   Employees in  Exercise or                          Option Term(2)
                           Options      the Fiscal   Base Price   Expiration  --------------------------------------
          Name             Granted       Year (1)     ($/Sh)         Date              5%                 10%
          ----          -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------        ---------          ----------
Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum     50,000 (3)       7.09%       $30.5300    02/27/11         $960,007           $2,432,847

David E. Polley           25,000 (3)       3.54%       $30.5300    02/27/11         $480,003           $1,216,423

Herbert M. Thornton       35,000 (3)       4.97%       $30.5300    02/27/11         $672,005           $1,702,993
                          20,000 (4)       2.84%       $53.0400    12/20/11         $666,754           $1,689,685

William B. Kilbride       35,000 (3)       4.97%       $30.5300    02/27/11         $672,005           $1,702,993

John D. Swift             25,000 (3)       3.54%       $30.5300    02/27/11         $480,003           $1,216,423

(1)  The total number of shares of Common Stock covered by options granted to
     employees in the 2001 fiscal year was 704,850.

(2)  Potential realizable value is based on the assumption that the Common Stock
     price appreciates at the annual rate shown (compounded annually) from the
     date of grant until the end of the 10-year option term. The numbers are
     calculated based on the requirements promulgated by the Securities and
     Exchange Commission (the "SEC") and are not intended to predict future

(3)  These options were granted under the Company's 1997 Long-Term Incentive
     Plan and vest in 20% annual increments beginning February 27, 2002.

(4)  These options were granted under the Company's 1997 Long-Term Incentive
     Plan and vest in 20% annual increments beginning December 20, 2002.


Option Exercises and Holdings

     The following table sets forth certain information regarding the exercise
of stock options by the Named Executive Officers during fiscal 2001 and the
number of shares covered by both exercisable and non-exercisable stock options
held by the Named Executive Officers as of December 31, 2001. Also reported are
the values for "in-the-money" options, which represent the positive spread
between the exercise price of any such existing stock options and the fiscal
year-end price of the Common Stock (which was $54.88).

                          Aggregated December 31, 2001

                             Year End Option Values

                                                          Number of Securities            Value of Unexercised
                                                         Underlying Unexercised           In-the-Money Options
                                                          Options at FY-End (#)              at FY-End ($)
                                                         ----------------------         ---------------------------
                            Acquired      Value
Name                       on Exercise   Realized (1)    Exercisable    Unexercisable   Exercisable   Unexercisable
----                       -----------   ------------    -----------    -------------   -----------   -------------
Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum ....         -            -           78,100          55,400       $3,421,350      $1,371,596
David E. Polley ..........         -            -           15,000          35,000       $  367,575      $  853,805
Herbert M. Thornton ......    12,850      $278,559           2,950          77,450       $  104,520      $1,586,005
William B. Kilbride ......    37,499      $963,754          10,800          51,200       $  266,466      $1,251,950
John D. Swift ............         -            -            2,800          29,200       $   76,926      $  724,140

(1)  Value realized is the difference between the fair   market value of the
     securities underlying the options and the exercise price on the date of

Pension Plans

     The following table shows estimated annual retirement benefits payable to
Mr. Swift at age 65 under the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (the
"SERP") as described below.

                               Pension Plan Table

                                             15 or more Years
                        Remuneration            of Service
                        ------------         ----------------
                        $  200,000 .........   $ 80,000
                           300,000 .........    120,000
                           400,000 .........    160,000
                           500,000 .........    200,000
                           600,000 .........    240,000
                           700,000 .........    280,000
                           800,000 .........    320,000
                           900,000 .........    360,000
                         1,000,000 .........    400,000
                         1,100,000 .........    440,000
                         1,200,000 .........    480,000
                         1,300,000 .........    520,000

     The Company has established a Retirement Savings Plan (the "Retirement
Savings Plan"), which is a combination 401(k)/profit-sharing plan that provides
for employee pre-tax contributions under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue
Code, Company matching contributions, and, if profits are sufficient, a Company
profit sharing contribution. The Company has also established the SERP, a
non-qualified plan designed to supplement the benefits payable under the
Retirement Savings Plan and certain other plans. The SERP provides such benefits
to Mr. Swift.

     Benefits under the SERP generally vest after the participant has sixty
months of employment with the Company and generally can begin once the
participant attains age 60. The retirement benefit payable at age 65 to Mr.
Swift (and prior to reduction as described below) is 40% of Mr. Swift's average
annual compensation (meaning salary, bonuses and certain pre-tax deferrals to
Company benefit plans, but does not include reimbursements for tax payments in
connection with stock option exercises) over the final sixty


(60) months prior to termination of employment. Benefits under the SERP are
reduced if the participant begins to receive SERP benefits prior to age 65.

     Benefits payable under the SERP as shown in the foregoing table are reduced
by (i) one-half of the participant's Social Security benefits; (ii) certain
other Company benefit plans; and (iii) the annuity benefit to the participant
from a subsequent employer's pension plan. Upon retirement, the normal form of
SERP benefit is a life annuity for the life of the participant, but the Board
and the participant may approve payment in an alternate form. There are also
certain death benefits and medical benefits that are payable under the SERP.

     As of December 31, 2001, Mr. Swift had an average five-year compensation
of $458,728 and 17 years of creditable service. Messrs. Lorberbaum, Thornton,
Polley and Kilbride do not participate in the SERP.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

     In connection with the merger of Dal-Tile, Mr. Wellborn entered into an
agreement with the Company whereby he agreed to serve as President of Dal-Tile
commencing on March 20, 2002 through March 20, 2004. If during the term of the
agreement Mr. Wellborn's employment is terminated without cause he would receive
his annual salary, currently $400,000, for the remainder of the term plus annual
bonuses based on the greater of his target bonus or the average bonus received
for the two prior fiscal years. Mr. Wellborn also received 25,000 options to
purchase the Company's Common Stock pursuant to this agreement.

     Pursuant to a change in control agreement Mr. Wellborn had with Dal-Tile,
Mr. Wellborn received a payment of $2,019,384 in connection with the merger with

Principal Stockholders of the Company

     The following table sets forth certain information with respect to the
beneficial ownership of the Common Stock as of March 20, 2002, by (i) each
person who is known by the Company beneficially to own more than five percent of
the outstanding shares of the Common Stock, (ii) each of the Company's directors
and nominees, (iii) each of the Named Executive Officers, and (iv) all of the
Company's directors and executive officers as a group. Unless otherwise
indicated, the holders listed below have sole voting and investment power with
respect to all shares of common stock beneficially owned by them.


                                                                               Number of Shares
                                                                               of Common Stock      Percent of
Name of Beneficial Owner                                                      Beneficially Owned      Class
------------------------                                                      ------------------    ----------
Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum(1) ....................................................     14,349,536          21.4%
Aladdin Partners, L.P(2) ....................................................      9,900,000          14.8
FMR Corporation(3) ..........................................................      8,755,372          13.1
JMS Group Limited Partnership(4) ............................................      3,985,604           5.9
David L. Kolb(5) ............................................................        562,342             *
Sylvester H. Sharpe(6) ......................................................        499,114             *
Bruce C. Bruckmann(7) .......................................................        281,593             *
John D. Swift(8) ............................................................         70,586             *
W. Christopher Wellborn(9) ..................................................         32,891             *
Robert N. Pokelwaldt(10) ....................................................         27,230             *
Leo Benatar(10) .............................................................         24,014             *
William B. Kilbride(11) .....................................................         23,551             *
David E. Polley(12) .........................................................         22,946             *
Larry W. McCurdy(10) ........................................................         20,547             *
Herbert M. Thornton(13) .....................................................         12,886             *
John F. Fiedler .............................................................          1,398             *
All directors and executive officers as a group (13 persons) ................     15,928,634          23.8%

 *   Less than one percent.

(1)  The address of Mr. Jeffrey Lorberbaum is 2001 Antioch Road, Dalton,
     Georgia 30721. Includes 9,900,000 shares held by Aladdin Partners,
     L.P., with respect to which Mr. Lorberbaum may be deemed to share voting
     and investment power. Mr. Lorberbaum is the owner of 100% of the
     outstanding voting stock of ASL Management Corp., the majority general
     partner of Aladdin Partners, L.P. Mr. Lorberbaum disclaims beneficial
     ownership of the shares held by Aladdin Partners, L.P. Also includes
     263,721 shares owned by The Alan S. Lorberbaum Family Foundation, of which
     Mr. Jeffrey Lorberbaum is a trustee and may be deemed to share voting and
     investment power. Mr. Jeffrey Lorberbaum disclaims beneficial ownership of
     the shares held by The Alan S. Lorberbaum Family Foundation. Includes
     3,985,604 shares held by the JMS Group Limited Partnership ("JMS"). The
     general partner of JMS is SJL Management Company, LLC ("SJL"). Mr.
     Lorberbaum is an equal member of SJL and may be deemed to share voting and
     dipositive power with respect to all shares held by JMS. Mr. Lorberbaum
     disclaims beneficial ownership of such shares. Includes 89,100 shares
     issuable upon the exercise of currently vested options, and 10,928 shares
     issued pursuant to the Company's Executive Incentive Program, of which
     2,867 are restricted shares, and 1,548 shares owned pursuant to the
     Company's 401(k) Plan.

(2)  The address of Aladdin Partners, L.P. is 2001 Antioch Road, Dalton, Georgia
     30721. ASL Management Corp. is the majority general partner of Aladdin
     Partners, L.P. and shares voting and investment power with respect to these
     shares. The address of ASL Management Corp. is 2001 Antioch Road, Dalton,
     Georgia 30721. Mr. Jeffrey Lorberbaum is the owner of 100% of the
     outstanding voting stock of ASL Management Corp. and, as a result, may be
     deemed to share voting and investment power with respect to these shares.
     Mr. Barry L. Hoffman is a director of ASL Management Corp. and, as a result
     of such position, may be deemed to share voting and investment power with
     respect to these shares. Excludes 3,500 shares owned of record by Mr.
     Hoffman in his individual capacity. The business address of Mr. Hoffman is
     Joseph Decosimo & Company, 1100 Tallan Building, Two Union Square,
     Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402. Each of ASL Management Corp., Mr. Jeffrey
     Lorberbaum and Mr. Hoffman, disclaim beneficial ownership of the shares
     held by Aladdin Partners, L.P.

(3)  Based upon Schedule 13G/A dated February 14, 2002 filed with the SEC by FMR
     Corporation. The address of FMR Corporation is 82 Devonshire Street,
     Boston, Massachusetts 02109.

(4)  The address of JMS is Joseph Decosimo & Company, 1100 Tallan Building, Two
     Union Square, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402. The general partner of JMS is
     SJL. Each of Ms. Suzanne L. Helen and Mr. Mark Lorberbaum is an equal
     member of SJL and may be deemed to share voting and


     dispositive  power with respect to all shares held by JMS. Each of Ms.
     Helen and Mr. Mark  Lorberbaum  disclaims  beneficial
     ownership of such shares.

(5)  Includes 450 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently vested options
     and 12,444 issued shares pursuant to the Company's Executive Incentive
     Program, of which 1,395 are restricted shares, and 703 shares owned
     pursuant to the Company's 401(k) plan. Also includes 4,820 held by two
     minor children.

(6)  Includes 26,700 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently vested
     options and 4,246 shares issued pursuant to the Company's Executive
     Incentive Program, of which 872 are restricted shares and 145 shares owned
     pursuant to the Company's 401(k) Plan.

(7)  Includes 24,750 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently vested

(8)  Includes 8,500 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently vested
     options, 4,678 shares issued pursuant to the Company's Executive Incentive
     Program, of which 1,276 are restricted shares, and 14,523 shares owned
     pursuant to the Company's 401(k) plan.

(9)  Includes 25,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently vested

(10) Includes 13,500 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently vested

(11) Includes 18,500 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently vested
     options and 4,780 shares issued pursuant to the Company's Executive
     Incentive Program, of which 1,300 are restricted shares and 46 shares
     owned pursuant to the Company's 401(k) Plan.

(12) Includes 20,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently vested
     options, 2,626 shares issued pursuant to the Company's Executive Incentive
     Program, of which 1,330 are restricted shares, and 320 shares owned
     pursuant to the Company's 401(k) plan.

(13) Includes 10,650 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently vested
     options, 22,236 shares issued pursuant to the Company's Executive
     Incentive Program, of which 1,305 are restricted shares, and 138 shares
     owned pursuant to the Company's 401(k) plan.


     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Company's
directors and executive officers, and persons who own more than ten percent of
the Company's Common Stock, to file with the SEC initial reports of ownership
and reports of changes in ownership of Common Stock and other equity securities
of the Company. Directors, executive officers and greater than ten percent
stockholders are required by SEC regulation to furnish the Company copies of all
Section 16(a) reports they file. To the Company's knowledge, based solely on a
review of the copies of such reports furnished to the Company and written
representations that no other reports were required, during the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2001, all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to
directors, executive officers and greater than ten percent beneficial owners
were complied with by such persons except for the following inadvertent late
filings: (i) the initial statement of beneficial ownership on Form 3 required to
be filed (assuming that a report is required under such circumstances) by Mr.
Mark Lorberbaum within ten days after his becoming a member of the Lorberbaum
family reporting group of Mohawk which occurred on July 10, 2000 as a result of
various family estate planning transactions was filed on January 19, 2002 and
the sale of 5,100 shares of Common Stock on October 25, 2001 by Mr. Mark
Lorberbaum reportable on a Form 4 due by November 10, 2001, was reported on a
Form 4 filed on January 19, 2002; (ii) the initial statement of beneficial
ownership on Form 3 required to be filed (assuming that a report is required
under such circumstances) by Ms. Suzanne L. Helen within ten days after her
becoming a member of the Lorberbaum family reporting group of Mohawk which
occurred on July 10, 2000 as a result of various family estate planning
transactions was filed on January 19, 2002; and (iii) transactions reportable on
Form 5's required to be filed for the years 1999 and 2000 by Mr. Alan S.
Lorberbaum, a former director of Mohawk, to report estate planning transactions
resulting in a change in beneficial ownership were combined into a single Form 5
filed on January 19, 2002; and (iv) an exchange fund transaction on December 1,
2000 by Mr. David L. Kolb resulting in a change in beneficial ownership was
filed on Form 4 on March 8, 2002.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of Directors knows of no other matters to be brought before the
Annual Meeting. However, if any other matters are properly brought before the
Annual Meeting or are incidental to the conduct of the


Annual Meeting, the persons appointed in the accompanying proxy intend to vote
the shares represented thereby in accordance with their best judgment.

     The Board of Directors has appointed KPMG as auditors of the Company for
2002. KPMG also audited the Company's financial statements for 2001.
Representatives of KPMG will be present at the Annual Meeting and will be given
an opportunity to make a statement, if they desire, and to respond to
appropriate questions.

     The Company will bear the cost of the solicitation of proxies on behalf of
the Company. Directors, officers and other employees of the Company may, without
additional compensation except for reimbursement for actual expenses, solicit
proxies by mail, in person or by telecommunication. The Company has retained
Georgeson Shareholder to assist in the solicitation of proxies for a fee of
$7,500 plus expenses. The Company will reimburse brokers, fiduciaries,
custodians and other nominees for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in sending the
Company's proxy materials to, and obtaining instructions relating to such
materials from, beneficial owners.

     Any proposal a Stockholder may desire to have included in the Company's
proxy material for presentation at the 2003 Annual Meeting must be received by
the Company at Mohawk Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 12069, 160 South Industrial
Boulevard, Calhoun, Georgia 30703, Attention: Secretary, on or prior to November
29, 2002. Stockholders may intend to present a proposal from the floor of the
2003 Annual Meeting, and they may commence their own proxy solicitation, rather
than having the proposal included in the Company's 2003 annual proxy statement.
Under the Company's Bylaws, the Company must receive notice of any such
Stockholder proposal prior to November 29, 2002 in order for the notice to be
timely. If the Company does not receive notice of the Stockholder proposal prior
to November 29, 2002, the Company will retain discretionary voting authority
over the proxies returned by Stockholders for the 2003 Annual Meeting with
respect to such Stockholder proposal. Discretionary voting authority is the
ability to vote proxies that stockholders have executed and returned to the
Company, on matters not specifically reflected on the proxy card, and on which
stockholders have not had an opportunity to vote by proxy.

     If your shares are held in the name of a brokerage firm, bank nominee or
other institution, only it can sign a proxy card with respect to your shares.
Accordingly, please contact the person responsible for your account and give
instructions for a proxy card to be signed representing your shares.

     A list of Stockholders entitled to be present and vote at the Annual
Meeting will be available at the offices of the Company, P.O. Box 12069, 160
South Industrial Boulevard, Calhoun, Georgia 30703, for inspection by the
Stockholders during regular business hours from May 3, 2002, to the date of the
Annual Meeting. The list also will be available during the Annual Meeting for
inspection by Stockholders who are present.

     If you cannot be present in person, you are requested to complete, sign,
date and return the enclosed proxy promptly. An envelope has been provided for
that purpose. No postage is required if mailed in the United States.

                                           Jerry L. Melton
                                           Vice President & Corporate Secretary

Atlanta, Georgia
March 29, 2002


                                                                      Appendix A

                             MOHAWK INDUSTRIES, INC.
                          2002 LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE 1   PURPOSE ......................................................    1

     1.1    General ......................................................    1

ARTICLE 2   DEFINITIONS ..................................................    1

     2.1    Definitions ..................................................    1

ARTICLE 3   EFFECTIVE DATE ...............................................    5

     3.1    Effective Date ...............................................    5

ARTICLE 4   ADMINISTRATION ...............................................    5

     4.1    Committee ....................................................    5

     4.2    Actions and Interpretations by the Committee .................    5

     4.3    Authority of the Committee ...................................    5

     4.4    Award Certificates ...........................................    6

ARTICLE 5   SHARES SUBJECT TO THE PLAN ...................................    6

     5.1    Number of Shares .............................................    6

     5.2    Lapsed Awards ................................................    6

     5.3    Stock Distributed ............................................    6

     5.4    Limitation on Awards .........................................    7

ARTICLE 6   ELIGIBILITY ..................................................    7

     6.1    General ......................................................    7

ARTICLE 7   STOCK OPTIONS ................................................    7

     7.1    General ......................................................    7

     7.2    Incentive Stock Options ......................................    8

     7.3    Formula Grants to Non-Employee Directors .....................    9

ARTICLE 8   PERFORMANCE AWARDS ...........................................    10

     8.1    Grant of Performance Awards ..................................    10

     8.2    Performance Goals ............................................    10

     8.3    Right to Payment .............................................    10

     8.4    Other Terms ..................................................    10

ARTICLE 9   RESTRICTED STOCK AWARDS ......................................    11

     9.1    Grant of Restricted Stock ....................................    11

     9.2    Issuance and Restriction .....................................    11

     9.3    Forfeiture ...................................................    11

     9.4    Certificates for Restricted Stock ............................    11

ARTICLE 10  STOCK OR OTHER STOCK-BASED AWARDS ............................    11

     10.1   Grant of Stock or Other Stock-Based Awards ...................    11

ARTICLE 11  PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO AWARDS ..............................    11

     11.1   Stand-Alone, Tandem, and Substitute Awards ...................    11

     11.2   Term of Award ................................................    12

     11.3   Form of Payment for Awards ...................................    12

     11.4   Limits on Transfer ...........................................    12

     11.5   Beneficiaries ................................................    12

     11.6   Stock Certificates ...........................................    12

     11.7   Acceleration upon Death or Disability ........................    12

     11.8   Acceleration upon a Change of Control ........................    12

     11.9   Acceleration for Other Reasons ...............................    12

     11.10  Effect of Acceleration .......................................    13

     11.11  Qualified Performance-Based Awards ...........................    13

     11.12  Determination of Employment Status ...........................    14

     11.13  Loans or Guarantees ..........................................    14

ARTICLE 12  CHANGES IN CAPITAL STRUCTURE .................................    14

     12.1   General ......................................................    14


     13.1   Amendment, Modification and Termination ......................    14

     13.2   Awards Previously Granted ....................................    15

ARTICLE 14  GENERAL PROVISIONS ...........................................    15

     14.1   No Rights to Awards; Non-Uniform Determinations ..............    15

     14.2   No Stockholder Rights ........................................    15

     14.3   Withholding ..................................................    15

     14.4   No Right to Continued Service ................................    15

     14.5   Unfunded Status of Awards ....................................    15

     14.6   Indemnification ..............................................    16

     14.7   Relationship to Other Benefits ...............................    16

     14.8   Expenses .....................................................    16

     14.9   Titles and Headings ..........................................    16

     14.10  Gender and Number ............................................    16

     14.11  Fractional Shares ............................................    16

     14.12  Government and Other Regulations .............................    16

     14.13  Governing Law ................................................    17

     14.14  Additional Provisions ........................................    17

     14.15  No Limitations on Rights of Company ..........................    17

                             MOHAWK INDUSTRIES, INC.
                          2002 LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN

                                    ARTICLE 1

         1.1. GENERAL. The purpose of the Mohawk Industries, Inc. 2002 Long-Term
Incentive Plan (the "Plan") is to promote the success, and enhance the value, of
Mohawk Industries, Inc. (the "Company"), by linking the personal interests of
employees, officers and directors of the Company or any Affiliate (as defined
below) to those of Company stockholders and by providing such persons with an
incentive for outstanding performance. The Plan is further intended to provide
flexibility to the Company in its ability to motivate, attract, and retain the
services of employees, officers and directors upon whose judgment, interest, and
special effort the successful conduct of the Company's operation is largely
dependent. Accordingly, the Plan permits the grant of incentive awards from time
to time to selected employees, officers and directors of the Company or any

                                    ARTICLE 2

         2.1. DEFINITIONS. When a word or phrase appears in the Plan with the
initial letter capitalized, and the word or phrase does not commence a sentence,
the word or phrase shall generally be given the meaning ascribed to it in this
Section 2.1 unless a clearly different meaning is required by the context. The
following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:

              (a) "Affiliate" means (i) any Subsidiary or Parent, or (ii) an
         entity that directly or through one or more intermediaries controls, is
         controlled by or is under common control with, the Company, as
         determined by the Committee.

              (b) "Award" means any Option, Restricted Stock Award,
         Performance Award or Other Stock-Based Award, or any other right or
         interest relating to Stock or cash, granted to a Participant under the

              (c) "Award Certificate" means a written document, in such form
         as the Committee prescribes from time to time, setting forth the terms
         and conditions of an Award.

              (d) "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

              (e) "Cause", with respect to a Participant who is an officer
         or employee, has the meaning assigned such term in the employment
         agreement, if any, between such Participant and the Company or an
         Affiliate, or if there is no such employment agreement in which such
         term is defined, and unless otherwise defined in the applicable Award
         Certificate, "Cause" means any of the following acts by the
         Participant, as determined by the Board: (i) continued neglect in the
         performance of duties assigned to the Participant (other than for a
         reason beyond the control of the Participant) or repeated unauthorized
         absences by the Participant during scheduled work hours; (ii) the
         Participant's egregious and willful misconduct, including dishonesty,
         fraud or continued intentional violation of Company or Affiliate
         policies and procedures which is reasonably determined to be
         detrimental to the Company or an Affiliate; (iii) the Participant's
         final conviction of a felonious crime; or (iv) the Participant's
         repeated material failure to meet reasonable performance criteria as
         established by the Company or an Affiliate and communicated to the
         Participant. "Cause" with respect to a Participant who is a director
         means any of the following acts by the Participant, as determined by
         the Board, unless a contrary definition is contained in the applicable
         Award Certificate: (i) the Participant's egregious and willful
         misconduct, or (ii) the Participant's final conviction of a felonious

              (f) "Change in Control" means and includes each of the following:

              (1) The acquisition by any individual, entity or group (within
         the meaning of Section


         13(d)(3) or 14(d)(2) of the 1934 Act) (a "Person") of beneficial
         ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the 1934
         Act) of 25% or more of the combined voting power of the then
         outstanding voting securities of the Company entitled to vote
         generally in the election of directors (the "Outstanding Company
         Voting Securities"); provided, however, that for purposes of this
                              --------  -------
         subsection (1), the following acquisitions shall not constitute a
         Change of Control: (i) any acquisition by a Person who is on the
         Effective Date the beneficial owner of 25% or more of the Outstanding
         Company Voting Securities, (ii) any acquisition directly from the
         Company, (iii) any acquisition by the Company, (iv) any acquisition by
         any employee benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored or maintained
         by the Company or any corporation controlled by the Company, or (v)
         any acquisition by any corporation pursuant to a transaction which
         complies with clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of subsection (3) of this
         definition; or

              (2) Individuals who, as of the Effective Date, constitute the
         Board (the "Incumbent Board") cease for any reason to constitute at
         least a majority of the Board; provided, however, that any individual
                                        --------  -------
         becoming a director subsequent to the Effective Date whose election, or
         nomination for election by the Company's stockholders, was approved by
         a vote of at least a majority of the directors then comprising the
         Incumbent Board shall be considered as though such individual were a
         member of the Incumbent Board, but excluding, for this purpose, any
         such individual whose initial assumption of office occurs as a result
         of an actual or threatened election contest with respect to the
         election or removal of directors or other actual or threatened
         solicitation of proxies or consents by or on behalf of a Person other
         than the Board; or

              (3) Consummation of a reorganization, merger or consolidation
         or sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets
         of the Company (a "Business Combination"), in each case, unless,
         following such Business Combination, (i) all or substantially all of
         the individuals and entities who were the beneficial owners of the
         Outstanding Company Voting Securities immediately prior to such
         Business Combination beneficially own, directly or indirectly, more
         than 50% of the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting
         securities entitled to vote generally in the election of directors of
         the corporation resulting from such Business Combination (including,
         without limitation, a corporation which as a result of such transaction
         owns the Company or all or substantially all of the Company's assets
         either directly or through one or more subsidiaries) in substantially
         the same proportions as their ownership, immediately prior to such
         Business Combination of the Outstanding Company Voting Securities, and
         (ii) no Person (excluding any corporation resulting from such Business
         Combination or any employee benefit plan (or related trust) of the
         Company or such corporation resulting from such Business Combination)
         beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, 25% or more of the combined
         voting power of the then outstanding voting securities of such
         corporation except to the extent that such ownership existed prior to
         the Business Combination, and (iii) at least a majority of the members
         of the board of directors of the corporation resulting from such
         Business Combination were members of the Incumbent Board at the time of
         the execution of the initial agreement, or of the action of the Board,
         providing for such Business Combination.

              (g) "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
         from time to time.

              (h) "Committee" means the committee of the Board described in
          Article 4.

              (i) "Company" means Mohawk Industries, Inc., a Delaware
         corporation, its successors and assigns.

              (j) "Continuous Status as a Participant" means the absence of
         any interruption or termination of service as an employee, officer or
         director of the Company, as applicable. Continuous Status as a
         Participant shall not be considered interrupted in the case of any
         leave of absence authorized in writing by the Company prior to its

              (k) "Covered Employee" means a covered employee as defined in Code
         Section 162(m)(3).

              (l) "Disability" shall mean any illness or other physical or
         mental condition of a Participant that renders the Participant
         incapable of performing his customary and usual duties for the Company,
         or any medically determinable illness or other physical or mental
         condition resulting from a bodily injury, disease or mental disorder
         which, in the judgment of the Committee, is permanent and continuous in
         nature. The Committee may require such medical or other evidence as it
         deems necessary to judge the nature and


         permanency of the Participant's condition. Notwithstanding the above,
         with respect to an Incentive Stock Option, Disability shall mean
         Permanent and Total Disability as defined in Section 22(e)(3) of the

              (m) "Effective Date" means the date set forth in Section 3.1.

              (n) "Eligible Participant" means an employee, officer or director
         of the Company or any Affiliate.

              (o) "Exchange" means the New York Stock Exchange or any other
         national securities exchange on which the Stock may from time to time
         be listed or traded.

              (p) "Director Option" means an Option granted to a Non-Employee
         Director under Section 7.3 of the Plan.

              (q) "Fair Market Value", on any date, means (i) if the Stock
         is listed on a securities exchange or is traded over the Nasdaq
         National Market, the closing sales price on such exchange or over such
         system on such date or, in the absence of reported sales on such date,
         the closing sales price on the immediately preceding date on which
         sales were reported, or (ii) if the Stock is not listed on a securities
         exchange or traded over the Nasdaq National Market, the mean between
         the bid and offered prices as quoted by Nasdaq for such date, provided
         that if it is determined that the fair market value is not properly
         reflected by such Nasdaq quotations, Fair Market Value will be
         determined by such other method as the Committee determines in good
         faith to be reasonable.

              (r) "Good Reason" for a Participant's termination of
         employment shall have the meaning assigned such term in the employment
         agreement, if any, between such Participant and the Company or an
         affiliated company, provided, however that if there is no such
         employment agreement in which such term is defined, "Good Reason" shall
         mean any of the following acts by the employer without the consent of
         the Participant (in each case, other than an isolated, insubstantial
         and inadvertent action not taken in bad faith and which is remedied by
         the employer promptly after receipt of notice thereof given by the
         Participant): (i) the assignment to the Participant of duties
         materially inconsistent with the Participant's position, authority,
         duties or responsibilities as in effect on the date the Award is
         granted, or (ii) a reduction by the employer in the Participant's base
         salary or benefits as in effect on the date the Award is granted,
         unless a similar reduction is made in salary and benefits of peer

              (s) "Grant Date" means the date an Award is made by the Committee.

              (t) "Incentive Stock Option" means an Option that is designated as
         an Incentive Stock Option and that meets the requirements of Section
         422 of the Code or any successor provision thereto.

              (u) "Non-Employee  Director"  means a director of the Company who
         is not a common law employee of the Company or any Affiliate.

              (v) "Non-Qualified Stock Option" means an Option that is not
         intended to be an Incentive Stock Option or which does not meet the
         requirements of Section 422 of the Code or any successor provision

              (w) "Option" means a right granted to a Participant under
         Article 7 of the Plan to purchase Stock at a specified price during
         specified time periods. An Option may be either an Incentive Stock
         Option or a Non-Qualified Stock Option.

              (x) "Other Stock-Based Award" means a right, granted to a
         Participant under Article 10, that relates to or is valued by reference
         to Stock or other Awards relating to Stock.

              (y) "Parent" means a company that owns or beneficially owns a
         majority of the outstanding voting stock or voting power of the
         Company. Notwithstanding the above, with respect to an Incentive Stock
         Option, Parent shall have the meaning set forth in Section 424(e) of
         the Code.


              (z) "Participant" means an Eligible Participant who has been
         granted an Award under the Plan; provided that in the case of the death
         of a Participant, the term "Participant" refers to a beneficiary
         designated pursuant to Section 11.5 or the legal guardian or other
         legal representative acting in a fiduciary capacity on behalf of the
         Participant under applicable state law and court supervision.

              (a) "Performance Award" means Performance Shares or Performance
         Units granted pursuant to Article 8.

              (b) "Performance Share" means any right granted to a
         Participant under Article 8 to a unit to be valued by reference to a
         designated number of Shares to be paid upon achievement of such
         performance goals as the Committee establishes with regard to such
         Performance Share.

              (c) "Performance Unit" means a right granted to a Participant
         under Article 8 to a unit valued by reference to a designated amount of
         cash or property other than Shares to be paid to the Participant upon
         achievement of such performance goals as the Committee establishes with
         regard to such Performance Unit.

              (d)  "Plan" means the Mohawk Industries, Inc. 2002 Long-Term
         Incentive Plan, as amended from time to time.

              (e) "Qualified Performance-Based Award" means (i) a
         Performance Award, Restricted Stock Award or Other Stock-Based Award
         that is intended to qualify for the Section 162(m) Exemption and is
         made subject to performance goals based on Qualified Performance
         Criteria as set forth in Section 11.11, or (ii) an Option having an
         exercise price equal to or greater than the Fair Market Value of the
         underlying Stock as of the Grant Date.

              (f) "Qualified Performance Criteria" means one or more of the
         performance criteria listed in Section 11.11(b) upon which performance
         goals for certain Qualified Performance-Based Awards may be established
         by the Committee.

              (g) "Restricted Stock Award" means Stock granted to a
         Participant under Article 9 that is subject to certain restrictions and
         to risk of forfeiture.

              (h) "Retirement" in the case of an employee means termination
         of employment with the Company, a Parent or Subsidiary after attaining
         age 60 with 10 years of service, and "Retirement" in the case of a
         non-employee director of the Company means retirement of the director
         in accordance with the provisions of the Company's bylaws as in effect
         from time to time or the failure to be re-elected or re-nominated as a
         director; provided in either case that the director has completed at
         least two three-year terms as a director of the Company.

              (i) "Section 162(m) Exemption" means the exemption from the
         limitation on deductibility imposed by Section 162(m) of the Code that
         is set forth in Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Code or any successor
         provision thereto.

              (j) "Shares" means shares of the Company's Stock. If there has
         been an adjustment or substitution pursuant to Section 12.1, the term
         "Shares" shall also include any shares of stock or other securities
         that are substituted for Shares or into which Shares are adjusted
         pursuant to Section 12.1.

              (k) "Stock" means the $0.01 par value common stock of the
         Company and such other securities of the Company as may be substituted
         for Stock pursuant to Article 12.

              (l) "Subsidiary" means any corporation, limited liability
         company, partnership or other entity of which a majority of the
         outstanding voting stock or voting power is beneficially owned directly
         or indirectly by the Company. Notwithstanding the above, with respect
         to an Incentive Stock Option, Subsidiary shall have the meaning set
         forth in Section 424(f) of the Code.

              (m) "1933 Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended from
         time to time.


              (n) "1934 Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
         amended from time to time.

                                    ARTICLE 3
                                 EFFECTIVE DATE

         3.1. EFFECTIVE  DATE.  The Plan shall be effective as of the date it is
approved by both the Board and the majority of the holders of the Stock of the

                                    ARTICLE 4

         4.1. COMMITTEE. The Plan shall be administered by a committee (the
"Committee") appointed by the Board (which Committee shall consist of two or
more directors) or, at the discretion of the Board from time to time, the Plan
may be administered by the Board. It is intended that at least two of the
directors appointed to serve on the Committee shall be "non-employee directors"
(within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 under the 1934 Act) and "outside directors"
(within the meaning of Code Section 162(m) and the regulations thereunder) and
that any such members of the Committee who do not so qualify shall abstain from
participating in any decision to make or administer Awards that are made to
Eligible Participants who at the time of consideration for such Award are, or
who are anticipated to be become, either (i) Covered Employees or (ii) persons
subject to the short-swing profit rules of Section 16 of the 1934 Act. However,
the mere fact that a Committee member shall fail to qualify under either of the
foregoing requirements or shall fail to abstain from such action shall not
invalidate any Award made by the Committee which Award is otherwise validly made
under the Plan. The members of the Committee shall be appointed by, and may be
changed at any time and from time to time in the discretion of, the Board. The
Board may reserve to itself any or all of the authority and responsibility of
the Committee under the Plan or may act as administrator of the Plan for any and
all purposes. To the extent the Board has reserved any authority and
responsibility or during any time that the Board is acting as administrator of
the Plan, it shall have all the powers of the Committee hereunder, and any
reference herein to the Committee (other than in this Section 4.1) shall include
the Board. To the extent any action of the Board under the Plan conflicts with
actions taken by the Committee, the actions of the Board shall control.

administering the Plan, the Committee may from time to time adopt rules,
regulations, guidelines and procedures for carrying out the provisions and
purposes of the Plan and make such other determinations, not inconsistent with
the Plan, as the Committee may deem appropriate. The Committee's interpretation
of the Plan, any Awards granted under the Plan, any Award Certificate and all
decisions and determinations by the Committee with respect to the Plan are
final, binding, and conclusive on all parties. Each member of the Committee is
entitled to, in good faith, rely or act upon any report or other information
furnished to that member by any officer or other employee of the Company or any
Affiliate, the Company's or an Affiliate's independent certified public
accountants, Company counsel or any executive compensation consultant or other
professional retained by the Company to assist in the administration of the

         4.3. AUTHORITY OF COMMITTEE.  Except as provided below,  the Committee
has the exclusive  power,  authority and discretion to:

              (a) Grant Awards;

              (b) Designate Participants;

              (c) Determine the type or types of Awards to be granted to each

              (d) Determine the number of Awards to be granted and the number of
         Shares to which an Award will relate;

              (e) Determine the terms and conditions of any Award granted
         under the Plan, including but not limited to, the exercise price, grant
         price, or purchase price, any restrictions or limitations on the
         Award, any schedule for lapse of forfeiture restrictions or
         restrictions on the exercisability of an Award,


         and accelerations or waivers thereof, based in each case on such
         considerations as the Committee in its sole discretion determines;

              (f) Accelerate the vesting, exercisability or lapse of
         restrictions of any outstanding Award, in accordance with Article 11,
         based in each case on such considerations as the Committee in its sole
         discretion determines;

              (g) Determine whether, to what extent, and under what
         circumstances an Award may be settled in, or the exercise price of an
         Award may be paid in, cash, Stock, other Awards, or other property, or
         an Award may be canceled, forfeited, or surrendered;

              (h) Prescribe the form of each Award Certificate, which need not
         be identical for each Participant;

              (i) Decide all other matters that must be determined in connection
         with an Award;

              (j) Establish,  adopt or revise any rules,  regulations,
         guidelines or  procedures as it may deem  necessary or advisable to
         administer the Plan;

              (k) Make all other  decisions and  determinations  that may be
         required under the Plan or as the Committee deems necessary or
         advisable to administer the Plan;

              (l) Amend the Plan or any Award Certificate as provided herein;

              (m) Adopt such modifications, procedures, and subplans as may
         be necessary or desirable to comply with provisions of the laws of
         non-U.S. jurisdictions in which the Company or any Affiliate may
         operate, in order to assure the viability of the benefits of Awards
         granted to participants located in such other jurisdictions and to meet
         the objectives of the Plan.

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, grants of Awards to Non-Employee
Directors hereunder shall be made only in accordance with the terms, conditions
and parameters of Section 7.3.

         To the extent permitted under Delaware law, the Board or the Committee
may expressly delegate to any individual or group of individuals some or all of
the Committee's authority under subsections (a) through (i) above, except that
no delegation of its duties and responsibilities may be made to officers of the
Company with respect to Awards to Eligible Participants who are, or who are
anticipated to be become, either (i) Covered Employees or (ii) persons subject
to the short-swing profit rules of Section 16 of the 1934 Act. The acts of such
delegates shall be treated hereunder as acts of the Committee and such delegates
shall report to the Committee regarding the delegated duties and

         4.4. AWARD  CERTIFICATES.  Each Award shall be evidenced by an Award
Certificate.  Each Award  Certificate  shall include such provisions, not
inconsistent with the Plan, as may be specified by the Committee.

                                    ARTICLE 5
                           SHARES SUBJECT TO THE PLAN

         5.1. NUMBER OF SHARES. Subject to adjustment as provided in Section
12.1, the aggregate number of Shares reserved and available for Awards or which
may be used to provide a basis of measurement for or to determine the value of
an Award (such as with a Performance Award) shall be 3,200,000, of which not
more than 10% may be granted as Awards of Restricted Stock, Performance Shares
or unrestricted Stock.

         5.2. LAPSED AWARDS. To the extent that an Award is canceled,
terminates,  expires, is forfeited or lapses for any reason, any Shares  subject
to the Award will again be available  for the grant of Awards under the Plan and
Shares  subject to Awards  settled in cash will be available for the grant of
Awards under the Plan.

         5.3. STOCK  DISTRIBUTED.  Any Stock distributed  pursuant to an Award
may consist,  in whole or in


part, of authorized and unissued Stock, treasury Stock or Stock purchased on the
open market.

         5.4. LIMITATION ON AWARDS. Notwithstanding any provision in the Plan to
the contrary (but subject to adjustment as provided in Section 12.1), the
maximum number of Shares with respect to one or more Options that may be granted
during any one calendar year under the Plan to any one Participant shall not
exceed 100,000; provided, however, that in connection with his initial
employment with the Company or an Affiliate, a Participant may be granted
Options with respect to up to an additional 25,000 Shares, which shall not count
against the foregoing annual limit. The maximum amount of Qualified
Performance-Based Awards (other than Options) that may be granted to any
Participant in any one-year period shall not exceed the following: (i) 100,000
Shares for all Qualified Performance-Based Awards that are Performance Shares;
(ii) $3,000,000 for all Qualified Performance-Based Awards that are Performance
Units based upon a dollar amount (less any consideration paid by the Participant
for such Award); and (iii) 100,000 Shares for all other Qualified
Performance-Based Awards; provided, that the number of Shares set forth in
clauses (i) and (iii) shall be subject to adjustment as provided in Section

                                    ARTICLE 6

         6.1. GENERAL.  Awards may be granted  only to  Eligible  Participants;
except  that  Incentive  Stock  Options may not be granted to Eligible
Participants  who are not employees of the Company or a Parent or Subsidiary as
defined in Section 424(e) and (f) of the Code.

                                    ARTICLE 7
                                  STOCK OPTIONS

         7.1. GENERAL.  The Committee is authorized to grant Options to
Participants on the following terms and conditions:

              (a) EXERCISE PRICE. The exercise price per share of Stock
         under an Option shall be determined by the Committee, provided that the
         exercise price for any Option shall not be less than the Fair Market
         Value as of the Grant Date.

              (b) TIME AND CONDITIONS OF EXERCISE. The Committee shall
         determine the time or times at which an Option may be exercised in
         whole or in part, subject to Section 7.1(d). The Committee shall also
         determine the performance or other conditions, if any, that must be
         satisfied before all or part of an Option may be exercised or vested.
         Subject to Section 11.9, the Committee may waive any exercise or
         vesting provisions at any time in whole or in part based upon factors
         as the Committee may determine in its sole discretion so that the
         Option becomes exercisable or vested at an earlier date. The Committee
         may permit an arrangement whereby receipt of Stock upon exercise of an
         Option is delayed until a specified future date.

              (c) PAYMENT. The Committee shall determine the methods by
         which the exercise price of an Option may be paid, the form of payment,
         including, without limitation, cash, Shares, or other property
         (including "cashless exercise" arrangements), and the methods by which
         Shares shall be delivered or deemed to be delivered to Participants;
         provided, however, that if Shares are used to pay the exercise price of
         an Option, such Shares must have been held by the Participant as fully
         vested shares for at least six months.

              (d) EXERCISE TERM.  In no event may any Option be exercisable for
         more than ten years from the Grant Date.

              (e) EFFECT  OF  RETIREMENT.  Notwithstanding  any  other
         provision  in  the  Plan  or any  Participant's  Award Certificate to
         the contrary, upon the Participant's Retirement, all of such
         Participant's outstanding Options shall continue to vest as if the
         Participant had not terminated service as an employee or director and
         will remain exercisable through the first anniversary of the final
         vesting date (or, if earlier, the expiration of the Option term);
         provided, however, that if the Participant competes with the Company
         after retirement by working for another floor covering manufacturer, as
         determined in the sole discretion of the


         Committee, the Participant's options will cease to vest, any of his
         unvested Options will terminate immediately, and any of his vested
         Options will continue to be exercisable for a period of thirty (30)
         days from the date the Committee makes a determination that the
         Participant engaged in competitive activities. To the extent that the
         operation of this provision causes any Incentive Stock Option to fail
         to meet the requirements of Code Section 422, such Option shall be
         deemed to be a Non-Qualified Stock Option.

              (f) ADDITIONAL OPTIONS UPON EXERCISE. The Committee may, in its
         sole discretion, provide in an Award Certificate, or in an amendment
         thereto, for the automatic grant of a new Option to any Participant
         who delivers Shares as full or partial payment of the exercise price
         of the original Option. Any new Option granted in such a case (i)
         shall be for the same number of Shares as the Participant delivered in
         exercising the original Option, (ii) shall have an exercise price of
         100% of the Fair Market Value of the surrendered Shares on the date of
         exercise of the original Option (the Grant Date for the new Option),
         (iii) shall vest six (6) months after the Grant Date of the new
         Option, and (iv) shall have a term equal to the unexpired term of the
         original Option.

              7.2. INCENTIVE  STOCK OPTIONS.  The terms of any Incentive  Stock
         Options granted under the Plan must comply with the following
         additional rules:

                  (a) LAPSE OF OPTION. An Incentive Stock Option shall lapse
         under the earliest of the following circumstances; provided, however,
         that the Committee may, prior to the lapse of the Incentive Stock
         Option under the circumstances described in subsections (3), (4), (5)
         and (6) below, provide in writing that the Option will extend until a
         later date, but if an Option is exercised after the dates specified in
         subsections (3) and (4) below, it will automatically become a
         Non-Qualified Stock Option:

                      (1)  The expiration date set forth in the Award

                      (2)  The tenth anniversary of the Grant Date.

                      (3)  Three months after termination of the Participant's
                  Continuous Status as a Participant for any reason other than
                  the Participant's Disability, death or termination for Cause.

                      (4)  One year after the termination of the  Participant's
                  Continuous  Status as a Participant by reason of the
                  Participant's Disability.

                      (5)  One year after the Participant's death occurring
                  during his Continuous Status as a Participant or during the
                  three-month period described in subsection (3) above or the
                  one-year period described in subsection (4) above and before
                  the Option otherwise lapses.

                      (6)  The date of the  termination  of the  Participant's
                  Continuous  Status  as a  Participant  if such termination is
                  for Cause.

                  Unless the exercisability of the Incentive Stock Option is
         accelerated as provided in Article 11, if a Participant exercises an
         Option after termination of his Continuous Status as a Participant, the
         Option may be exercised only with respect to the Shares that were
         otherwise vested on the date of termination of his Continuous Status as
         a Participant.

                  (b) INDIVIDUAL DOLLAR LIMITATION. The aggregate Fair Market
         Value (determined as of the Grant Date) of all Shares with respect to
         which Incentive Stock Options are first exercisable by a Participant in
         any calendar year may not exceed $100,000.00.

                  (c) TEN PERCENT  OWNERS.  No Incentive  Stock Option shall be
         granted to any individual  who, at the Grant Date, owns stock
         possessing more than ten percent of the total combined voting power of
         all classes of stock of the Company or any Parent or Subsidiary unless
         the exercise price per share of such Option is at least 110% of the
         Fair Market Value per Share at the Grant Date and the Option expires no
         later than five years after the Grant Date.

                  (d) EXPIRATION OF INCENTIVE  STOCK  OPTIONS.  No Award of an
         Incentive Stock


       Option may be made pursuant to the Plan after the day immediately prior
       tenth anniversary of the Effective Date.

                  (e) RIGHT TO EXERCISE.  During a Participant's  lifetime, an
         Incentive Stock Option may be exercised only by the Participant or, in
         the case of the Participant's Disability, by the Participant's guardian
         or legal representative.

                  (f) DIRECTORS. The Committee may not grant an Incentive Stock
         Option to a Non-Employee Director. The Committee may grant an Incentive
         Stock Option to a director who is also an employee of the Company or a
         Parent or Subsidiary but only in that individual's position as an
         employee and not as a director.

         7.3. FORMULA GRANTS TO NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTORS. Options shall be granted
to Non-Employee Directors under the Plan only in accordance with this Section
7.3; provided, however, that the other provisions of the Plan shall apply with
respect to Director Options to the extent not inconsistent with the terms of
this Section 7.3.

              (a) INITIAL GRANT. Each person who becomes a Non-Employee
         Director of the Company after the Effective Date shall be granted a
         Non-Qualified Stock Option as of the date he first commences service as
         a director to acquire 11,250 shares of Stock at an exercise price equal
         to the Fair Market Value per Share as of that date.

              (b) ANNUAL GRANTS. Each Non-Employee Director shall also be
         granted a Non-Qualified Stock Option on January 1 of each year,
         commencing January 1, 2003, to acquire 2,250 shares of Stock at an
         exercise price equal to the "Fair Market Value on a Quarterly Basis" of
         the Stock, provided such individual is a director of the Company on
         such January 1. For the purposes of this Section 7.3(b), the term "Fair
         Market Value on a Quarterly Basis" shall mean the average of the Fair
         Market Values per Share on the last business day of each of the
         Company's four fiscal quarters for the preceding fiscal year.

              (c) VESTING. Subject to Section 7.1(e) and Article 11, each
         Director Option shall vest (become exercisable) in accordance with the
         following schedule:

                      Years of Service           Percent of Option Shares Vested
                    After Date of Grant          -------------------------------
                        Less than 1                          0%
                             1                               20%
                             2                               40%
                             3                               60%
                             4                               80%
                             5                              100%

              (d) LAPSE OF DIRECTOR OPTION.  A Director Option shall lapse under
         the earliest of the following circumstances:

                  (1) The expiration date set forth in the Award Certificate.

                  (2) The tenth anniversary of the Grant Date.

                  (3) Three months after termination of the director's
              Continuous Status as a Participant for any reason other than the
              director's Retirement, Disability, death or termination for Cause.

                  (4) The date determined in accordance with Section 7.1(e) in
              the case of the termination of the director's Continuous Status as
              a Participant by reason of his Retirement.

                  (5) One year after the  termination of the director's
              Continuous  Status as a Participant by reason of his Disability.


                  (6) One year after the director's death occurring during his
              Continuous Status as a Participant or during the three-month
              period described in subsection (3) above or the one-year period
              described in subsection (5) above and before the Option otherwise

                  (7) The date of the termination of the director's Continuous
              Status as a Participant if such termination is for Cause.

              Unless the exercisability of the Director Option is accelerated
         as provided in Article 11, if a director exercises a Director Option
         after termination of his Continuous Status as a Participant, the
         Director Option may be exercised only with respect to the Shares that
         were otherwise vested on the date of termination of his Continuous
         Status as a Participant.

                                    ARTICLE 8
                               PERFORMANCE AWARDS

         8.1. GRANT OF PERFORMANCE AWARDS. The Committee is authorized to grant
Performance Shares or Performance Units to Participants on such terms and
conditions as may be selected by the Committee. The Committee shall have the
complete discretion to determine the number of Performance Shares or Performance
Units granted to each Participant, subject to Section 5.4, and to designate the
provisions of such Performance Awards as provided in Section 4.3.

         8.2. PERFORMANCE GOALS. The Committee may establish performance goals
for Performance Awards which may be based on any one or more of the Qualified
Performance Criteria listed in Section 11.11(b) or any other criteria selected
by the Committee. Such performance goals may be described in terms of
Company-wide objectives or in terms of objectives that relate to the performance
of an Affiliate or a region, division, department or function within the Company
or an Affiliate. If the Committee determines that a change in the business,
operations, corporate structure or capital structure of the Company or the
manner in which the Company or an Affiliate conducts its business, or other
events or circumstances render performance goals to be unsuitable, the Committee
may modify such performance goals in whole or in part, as the Committee deems
appropriate. If a Participant is promoted, demoted or transferred to a different
business unit or function during a performance period, the Committee may
determine that the performance goals or performance period are no longer
appropriate and may (i) adjust, change or eliminate the performance goals or the
applicable performance period as it deems appropriate to make such goals and
period comparable to the initial goals and period, or (ii) make a cash payment
to the participant in amount determined by the Committee. The foregoing two
sentences shall not apply with respect to a Performance Award that is intended
to be a Qualified Performance-Based Award.

         8.3. RIGHT TO PAYMENT. The grant of a Performance Share to a
Participant will entitle the Participant to receive at a specified later time a
specified number of Shares, or the equivalent cash value, if the performance
goals established by the Committee are achieved and the other terms and
conditions thereof are satisfied. The grant of a Performance Unit to a
Participant will entitle the Participant to receive at a specified later time a
specified dollar value in cash or property other than Shares, variable under
conditions specified in the Award, if the performance goals in the Award are
achieved and the other terms and conditions thereof are satisfied. The Committee
shall set performance goals and other terms or conditions to payment of the
Performance Awards in its discretion which, depending on the extent to which
they are met, will determine the number and value of the Performance Award that
will be paid to the Participant.

         8.4. OTHER TERMS. Performance Awards may be payable in cash, Stock, or
other property, and have such other terms and conditions as determined by the
Committee and reflected in the Award Certificate. For purposes of determining
the number of Shares to be used in payment of a Performance Award denominated in
cash but payable in whole or in part in Shares or Restricted Stock, number of
Shares to be so paid will be determined by dividing the cash value of the Award
to be so paid by the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of determination
of the amount of the Award by the Committee, or, if the Committee so directs,
the date immediately preceding the date the Award is paid.


                                    ARTICLE 9
                             RESTRICTED STOCK AWARDS

         9.1. GRANT OF RESTRICTED STOCK.  The Committee is authorized to make
Awards of Restricted  Stock to  Participants in such amounts and subject to such
terms and conditions as may be selected by the Committee.

         9.2. ISSUANCE AND RESTRICTIONS. Restricted Stock shall be subject to
such restrictions on transferability and other restrictions as the Committee may
impose (including, without limitation, limitations on the right to vote
Restricted Stock or the right to receive dividends on the Restricted Stock).
Except as otherwise provided in an Award Certificate, the Participant shall have
all of the rights of a stockholder with respect to the Restricted Stock,
including the right to vote and receive dividends. These restrictions may lapse
separately or in combination at such times, under such circumstances, in such
installments, upon the satisfaction of performance goals or otherwise, as the
Committee determines at the time of the grant of the Award or thereafter.

         9.3. FORFEITURE. Except as otherwise provided in Article 11 or
determined by the Committee at the time of the grant of the Award or thereafter,
upon termination of Continuous Status as a Participant during the applicable
restriction period or upon failure to satisfy a performance goal during the
applicable restriction period, Restricted Stock that is at that time subject to
restrictions shall be forfeited; provided, however, that the Committee may
provide in any Award Certificate that restrictions or forfeiture conditions
relating to Restricted Stock will be waived in whole or in part in the event of
terminations resulting from specified causes, and the Committee may in other
cases waive in whole or in part restrictions or forfeiture conditions relating
to Restricted Stock.

         9.4. CERTIFICATES FOR RESTRICTED STOCK. An Award of Restricted Stock
shall be evidenced by an Award Certificate setting forth the terms, conditions,
and restrictions applicable to share of Restricted Stock. Shares of Restricted
Stock shall be delivered to the Participant at the time of grant either by
book-entry registration or by delivering to the Participant, or a custodian or
escrow agent (including, without limitation, the Company or one or more of its
employees) designated by the Committee, a stock certificate or certificates
registered in the name of the Participant. If physical certificates representing
shares of Restricted Stock are registered in the name of the Participant, such
certificates must bear an appropriate legend referring to the terms, conditions,
and restrictions applicable to such Restricted Stock.

                                   ARTICLE 10
                        STOCK OR OTHER STOCK-BASED AWARDS

         10.1. GRANT OF STOCK OR OTHER STOCK-BASED AWARDS. The Committee is
authorized, subject to limitations under applicable law, to grant to
Participants such other Awards that are payable in, valued in whole or in part
by reference to, or otherwise based on or related to Shares, as deemed by the
Committee to be consistent with the purposes of the Plan, including without
limitation Shares awarded purely as a "bonus" and not subject to any
restrictions or conditions, convertible or exchangeable debt securities, other
rights convertible or exchangeable into Shares, and Awards valued by reference
to book value of Shares or the value of securities of or the performance of
specified Parents or Subsidiaries. The Committee shall determine the terms and
conditions of such Awards.

                                   ARTICLE 11
                         PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO AWARDS

         11.1. STAND-ALONE, TANDEM, AND SUBSTITUTE AWARDS. Awards granted under
the Plan may, in the discretion of the Committee, be granted either alone or in
addition to, in tandem with, or in substitution for, any other Award granted
under the Plan. If an Award is granted in substitution for another Award, the
Committee may require the surrender of such other Award in consideration of the
grant of the new Award. Awards granted in addition to or in tandem with other
Awards may be granted either at the same time as or at a different time from the
grant of such other Awards.


         11.2. TERM OF AWARD. The term of each Award shall be for the period as
determined by the Committee, provided that in no event shall the term of any
Option exceed a period of ten years from its Grant Date (or, if Section 7.2(c)
applies, five years from its Grant Date).

         11.3. FORM OF PAYMENT FOR AWARDS. Subject to the terms of the Plan and
any applicable law or Award Certificate, payments or transfers to be made by the
Company or an Affiliate on the grant or exercise of an Award may be made in such
form as the Committee determines at or after the Grant Date, including without
limitation, cash, Stock, other Awards, or other property, or any combination,
and may be made in a single payment or transfer, in installments, or on a
deferred basis, in each case determined in accordance with rules adopted by, and
at the discretion of, the Committee.

         11.4. LIMITS ON TRANSFER. No right or interest of a Participant in any
unexercised or restricted Award may be pledged, encumbered, or hypothecated to
or in favor of any party other than the Company or an Affiliate, or shall be
subject to any lien, obligation, or liability of such Participant to any other
party other than the Company or an Affiliate. No unexercised or restricted Award
shall be assignable or transferable by a Participant other than to a beneficiary
designated as provided in 11.5 or by will or the laws of descent and
distribution or, except in the case of an Incentive Stock Option, pursuant to a
domestic relations order that would satisfy Section 414(p)(1)(A) of the Code if
such Section applied to an Award under the Plan; provided, however, that the
Committee may (but need not) permit other transfers where the Committee
concludes that such transferability (i) does not result in accelerated taxation,
(ii) does not cause any Option intended to be an Incentive Stock Option to fail
to be described in Code Section 422(b), and (iii) is otherwise appropriate and
desirable, taking into account any factors deemed relevant, including without
limitation, state or federal tax or securities laws applicable to transferable

         11.5. BENEFICIARIES. Notwithstanding Section 11.4, a Participant may,
in the manner determined by the Committee, designate a beneficiary to exercise
the rights of the Participant and to receive any distribution with respect to
any Award upon the Participant's death. A beneficiary, legal guardian, legal
representative, or other person claiming any rights under the Plan is subject to
all terms and conditions of the Plan and any Award Certificate applicable to the
Participant, except to the extent the Plan and Award Certificate otherwise
provide, and to any additional restrictions deemed necessary or appropriate by
the Committee. If no beneficiary has been designated or survives the
Participant, payment shall be made to the Participant's estate. Subject to the
foregoing, a beneficiary designation may be changed or revoked by a Participant
at any time provided the change or revocation is filed with the Committee.

         11.6. STOCK CERTIFICATES. All Stock issuable under the Plan is subject
to any stop-transfer orders and other restrictions as the Committee deems
necessary or advisable to comply with federal or state securities laws, rules
and regulations and the rules of any national securities exchange or automated
quotation system on which the Stock is listed, quoted, or traded. The Committee
may place legends on any Stock certificate or issue instructions to the transfer
agent to reference restrictions applicable to the Stock.

         11.7  ACCELERATION UPON DEATH OR DISABILITY. Notwithstanding any other
provision in the Plan or any Participant's Award Certificate to the contrary,
upon a Participant's death or Disability during his Continuous Status as a
Participant, all of his outstanding Options and other Awards in the nature of
rights that may be exercised shall become fully exercisable and all restrictions
on his outstanding Awards shall lapse. Any Option shall thereafter continue or
lapse in accordance with the other provisions of the Plan and the Award

         11.8. ACCELERATION UPON A CHANGE IN CONTROL. Except as otherwise
provided in the Award Certificate, upon the occurrence of a Change in Control,
all outstanding Options and other Awards in the nature of rights that may be
exercised shall become fully exercisable and all restrictions on outstanding
Awards shall lapse.

        11.9.  ACCELERATION FOR OTHER REASONS. Regardless of whether an event
has occurred as described in Section 11.7 or 11.8 above, the Committee may in
its sole discretion at any time determine that, upon the termination of
employment or service of a Participant, all or a portion of such Participant's
Options and other Awards in the nature of rights that may be exercised shall
become fully or partially exercisable, and/or that all or a part of the
restrictions on all or a portion of the Participant's outstanding Awards shall
lapse, in each case, as of such date as the Committee may, in its sole
discretion, declare. The Committee may discriminate among Participants and


among Awards granted to a Participant in exercising its discretion pursuant to
this Section 11.9.

         11.10. EFFECT OF ACCELERATION. If an Award is accelerated under Section
11.7, 11.8 or 11.9, the Committee may, in its sole discretion, provide (i) that
the Award will expire after a designated period of time after such acceleration
to the extent not then exercised, (ii) that the Award will be settled in cash
rather than Stock, (iii) that the Award will be assumed by another party to a
transaction giving rise to the acceleration or otherwise be equitably converted
or substituted in connection with such transaction, (iv) that the Award may be
settled by payment in cash or cash equivalents equal to the excess of the Fair
Market Value of the underlying Stock, as of a specified date associated with the
transaction, over the exercise price of the Award, or (v) any combination of the
foregoing. The Committee's determination need not be uniform and may be
different for different Participants whether or not such Participants are
similarly situated. To the extent that such acceleration causes Incentive Stock
Options to exceed the dollar limitation set forth in Section 7.2(b), the excess
Options shall be deemed to be Non-Qualified Stock Options.


                (a)  OPTIONS. The  provisions  of the Plan are  intended  to
         ensure that all Options  granted  hereunder  to any Covered Employee
         qualify for the Section 162(m) Exemption.

         granting any Performance Award, Restricted Stock or Other Stock-Based
         Award other than Options, the Committee may designate such Award as a
         Qualified Performance-Based Award, based upon a determination that the
         recipient is or may be a Covered Employee with respect to such Award,
         and the Committee wishes such Award to qualify for the Section 162(m)
         Exemption. If an Award is so designated, the Committee shall establish
         performance goals for such Award within the time period prescribed by
         Section 162(m) of the Code based on one or more of the following
         Qualified Performance Criteria, which may be expressed in terms of
         Company-wide objectives or in terms of objectives that relate to the
         performance of an Affiliate or a region, division, department or
         function within the Company or an Affiliate: (1) return on equity, (2)
         return on assets, (3) return on capital, (4) stock price, (5) net
         income, (6) earnings per share, (7) EBITDA (earnings before interest,
         depreciation, taxes and amortization), (8) EBIT (earnings before
         interest and taxes), (9) earnings after capital charge, (10) cash flow,
         (11) net profit before tax, (12) gross profit, (13) operating profit,
         (14) changes in working capital, (15) stockholder return, (16) sales
         growth, or (17) cost reductions.

                (c)  ESTABLISHMENT OF PERFORMANCE GOALS. Each Qualified
         Performance-Based Award (other than an Option) shall be earned, vested
         and payable (as applicable) only upon the achievement of performance
         goals established by the Committee based upon one or more of the
         Qualified Performance Criteria, together with the satisfaction of any
         other conditions, such as continued employment, as the Committee may
         determine to be appropriate; provided that (i) the Committee may
         provide, either in connection with the grant thereof or by amendment
         thereafter, that achievement of such performance goals will be waived
         upon the Participant's death, Disability, Retirement or termination of
         employment without Cause, and (ii) the provisions of Sections 11.7 and
         11.8 shall apply notwithstanding this sentence.

                (d)  CERTIFICATION OF PERFORMANCE. Any payment of a Qualified
         Performance-Based Award granted with performance goals shall be
         conditioned on the written certification of the Committee in each case
         that the performance goals and any other material conditions were
         satisfied. Except as specifically provided in subsection (c), no
         Qualified Performance-Based Award may be amended, nor may the Committee
         exercise any discretionary authority it may otherwise have under the
         Plan with respect to a Qualified Performance-Based Award under the
         Plan, in any manner to waive the achievement of the applicable
         performance goal based on Qualified Performance Criteria or to increase
         the amount payable pursuant thereto or the value thereof, or otherwise
         in a manner that would cause the Qualified Performance-Based Award to
         cease to qualify for the Section 162(m) Exemption.

                (e)  SECTION 162(M) AWARD LIMITS. Section 5.4 sets forth the
         maximum number of Shares or dollar value that may be granted in any
         one-year period to a Participant in designated forms of Qualified
         Performance-Based Awards.


         11.12. DETERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT STATUS. Whether military, government
or other service or other leave of absence shall constitute a termination of
employment shall be determined in each case by the Committee at its discretion,
and any determination by the Committee shall be final and conclusive. A
Participant's Continuous Status as a Participant shall not be deemed to
terminate (i) in a circumstance in which a Participant transfers from the
Company to an Affiliate, transfers from an Affiliate to the Company, or
transfers from one Affiliate to another Affiliate, or (ii) in the discretion of
the Committee as specified at or prior to such occurrence, in the case of a
spin-off, sale or disposition of the Participant's employer from the Company or
any Affiliate. To the extent that this provision causes Incentive Stock Options
to extend beyond three months from the date a Participant is deemed to be an
employee of the Company, a Parent or Subsidiary for purposes of Sections 424(e)
and 424(f) of the Code, the Options held by such Participant shall be deemed to
be Non-Qualified Stock Options.

         11.13. LOANS OR GUARANTEES. With the consent of the Committee, the
Company or an Affiliate may make, guarantee or arrange for a loan or loans to a
Participant with respect to or allow a Participant to defer payment to the
Company of all or any portion of (i) the exercise price of any Option granted
under the Plan, (ii) the purchase price, if any, of any Award granted hereunder
and/or (iii) the payment by the Participant of any or all federal and/or state
income or employment taxes due on account of the granting or exercise of any
Award hereunder. The Committee shall have full authority to decide whether to
make a loan or guarantee or to permit a deferral hereunder and to determine the
amount, terms and provisions of any such loan or guarantee, including the
interest rate to be charged in respect of any such loan(s), whether the loan(s)
are to be made with or without recourse against the borrower, the collateral or
other security, if any, securing the repayment of the loan(s), the terms on
which the loan(s) are to be repaid and the conditions, if any, under which the
loan(s) may be forgiven. If the Committee has made or arranged a loan or
guarantee or deferred payment, the Committee may, in its discretion, require
immediate payment of such deferred amount or immediate release of such loan or
guarantee if the Participant's Continuous Status as a Participant terminates or
if the Participant sells or otherwise transfers the Participant's Shares
pursuant to such deferral, loan or guarantee.

                                   ARTICLE 12
                          CHANGES IN CAPITAL STRUCTURE

         12.1.  GENERAL. In the event of a corporate event or transaction
involving the Company (including, without limitation, any stock dividend, stock
split, extraordinary cash dividend, recapitalization, reorganization, merger,
consolidation, split-up, spin-off, combination or exchange of shares), the
authorization limits under Section 5.1 and 5.4 shall be adjusted
proportionately, and the Committee may adjust Awards to preserve the benefits or
potential benefits of the Awards. Action by the Committee may include: (i)
adjustment of the number and kind of shares which may be delivered under the
Plan; (ii) adjustment of the number and kind of shares subject to outstanding
Awards; (iii) adjustment of the exercise price of outstanding Awards or the
measure to be used to determine the amount of the benefit payable on an Award;
and (iv) any other adjustments that the Committee determines to be equitable. In
addition, the Committee may, in its sole discretion, provide (i) that Awards
will be settled in cash rather than Stock, (ii) that Awards will become
immediately vested and exercisable and will expire after a designated period of
time to the extent not then exercised, (iii) that Awards will be assumed by
another party to a transaction or otherwise be equitably converted or
substituted in connection with such transaction, (iv) that outstanding Awards
may be settled by payment in cash or cash equivalents equal to the excess of the
Fair Market Value of the underlying Stock, as of a specified date associated
with the transaction, over the exercise price of the Award, or (v) any
combination of the foregoing. The Committee's determination need not be uniform
and may be different for different Participants whether or not such Participants
are similarly situated. Without limiting the foregoing, in the event of a
subdivision of the outstanding Stock (stock-split), a declaration of a dividend
payable in shares of Stock, or a combination or consolidation of the outstanding
Stock into a lesser number of shares, the authorization limits under Section 5.1
and 5.4 shall automatically be adjusted proportionately, and the Shares then
subject to each Award shall automatically be adjusted proportionately without
any change in the aggregate purchase price therefor.

                                   ARTICLE 13

Committee may, at any time and from time to time, amend, modify or terminate the
Plan without stockholder approval; provided,


however, that that if an amendment to the Plan would, in the reasonable opinion
of the Board or the Committee, either (i) materially increase the benefits
accruing to Participants, (ii) materially increase the number of Shares issuable
under the Plan, or (ii) materially modify the requirements for eligibility, then
such amendment shall be subject to stockholder approval; and provided, further,
that the Board or Committee may condition any amendment or modification on the
approval of stockholders of the Company if such approval is necessary or deemed
advisable to (i) permit Awards made hereunder to be exempt from liability under
Section 16(b) of the 1934 Act, (ii) to comply with the listing or other
requirements of an Exchange, or (iii) to satisfy any other tax, securities or
other applicable laws, policies or regulations.

         13.2.  AWARDS  PREVIOUSLY  GRANTED.  At any time and from time to time,
the  Committee  may amend,  modify or terminate any outstanding Award without
approval of the Participant; provided, however:

                (a)  Subject to the terms of the applicable Award Certificate,
         such amendment, modification or termination shall not, without the
         Participant's consent, reduce or diminish the value of such Award
         determined as if the Award had been exercised, vested, cashed in (at
         the spread value in the case of Options) or otherwise settled on the
         date of such amendment or termination;

                (b)  The original term of any Option may not be extended without
         the prior approval of the stockholders of the Company;

                (c)  Except as otherwise  provided in Article 12, the exercise
         price of any Option may not be reduced,  directly or indirectly,
         without the prior approval of the stockholders of the Company; and

                (d)  No termination, amendment, or modification of the Plan
         shall adversely affect any Award previously granted under the Plan,
         without the written consent of the Participant affected thereby.

                                   ARTICLE 14
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

or any Eligible Participant shall have any claim to be granted any Award under
the Plan. Neither the Company, its Affiliates nor the Committee is obligated to
treat Participants or Eligible Participants uniformly, and determinations made
under the Plan may be made by the Committee selectively among Eligible
Participants who receive, or are eligible to receive, Awards (whether or not
such Eligible Participants are similarly situated).

         14.2.  NO  STOCKHOLDER  RIGHTS.  No Award gives a Participant  any of
the rights of a stockholder  of the Company unless and until Shares are in fact
issued to such person in connection with such Award.

         14.3.  WITHHOLDING. The Company or any Affiliate shall have the
authority and the right to deduct or withhold, or require a Participant to remit
to the Company, an amount sufficient to satisfy federal, state, and local taxes
(including the Participant's FICA obligation) required by law to be withheld
with respect to any exercise, lapse of restriction or other taxable event
arising as a result of the Plan. If Shares are surrendered to the Company to
satisfy withholding obligations in excess of the minimum withholding obligation,
such Shares must have been held by the Participant as fully vested shares for at
least six months. With respect to withholding required upon any taxable event
under the Plan, the Committee may, at the time the Award is granted or
thereafter, require or permit that any such withholding requirement be
satisfied, in whole or in part, by withholding from the Award Shares having a
Fair Market Value on the date of withholding equal to the minimum amount (and
not any greater amount) required to be withheld for tax purposes, all in
accordance with such procedures as the Committee establishes.

         14.4.  NO RIGHT TO CONTINUED SERVICE. Nothing in the Plan, any Award
Certificate or any other document or statement made with respect to the Plan,
shall interfere with or limit in any way the right of the Company or any
Affiliate to terminate any Participant's employment or status as an officer or
director at any time, nor confer upon any Participant any right to continue as
an employee, officer or director of the Company or any Affiliate, whether for
the duration of a Participant's Award or otherwise.

         14.5.  UNFUNDED STATUS OF AWARDS. The Plan is intended to be an
"unfunded" plan for incentive and deferred compensation. With respect to any
payments not yet made to a Participant pursuant to an


Award, nothing contained in the Plan or any Award Certificate shall give the
Participant any rights that are greater than those of a general creditor of the
Company or any Affiliate.

         14.6.  INDEMNIFICATION. To the extent allowable under applicable law,
each member of the Committee shall be indemnified and held harmless by the
Company from any loss, cost, liability, or expense that may be imposed upon or
reasonably incurred by such member in connection with or resulting from any
claim, action, suit, or proceeding to which such member may be a party or in
which he may be involved by reason of any action or failure to act under the
Plan and against and from any and all amounts paid by such member in
satisfaction of judgment in such action, suit, or proceeding against him
provided he gives the Company an opportunity, at its own expense, to handle and
defend the same before he undertakes to handle and defend it on his own behalf.
The foregoing right of indemnification shall not be exclusive of any other
rights of indemnification to which such persons may be entitled under the
Company's Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws, as a matter of law, or
otherwise, or any power that the Company may have to indemnify them or hold them

         14.7.  RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER BENEFITS. No payment under the Plan shall
be taken into account in determining any benefits under any pension, retirement,
savings, profit sharing, group insurance, welfare or benefit plan of the Company
or any Parent or Subsidiary unless provided otherwise in such other plan.

         14.8.  EXPENSES.  The expenses of administering the Plan shall be borne
by the Company and its Affiliates.

         14.9.  TITLES AND HEADINGS.  The titles and headings of the Sections in
the Plan are for  convenience of reference only, and in the event of any
conflict, the text of the Plan, rather than such titles or headings, shall

         14.10. GENDER AND NUMBER.  Except  where  otherwise  indicated  by the
context,  any  masculine  term used herein also shall include the feminine; the
plural shall include the singular and the singular shall include the plural.

         14.11. FRACTIONAL  SHARES.  No  fractional  Shares shall be issued and
the Committee  shall  determine,  in its  discretion, whether cash shall be
given in lieu of fractional shares or whether such fractional shares shall be
eliminated by rounding up.


                (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, no
         Participant who acquires Shares pursuant to the Plan may, during any
         period of time that such Participant is an affiliate of the Company
         (within the meaning of the rules and regulations of the Securities and
         Exchange Commission under the 1933 Act), sell such Shares, unless such
         offer and sale is made (i) pursuant to an effective registration
         statement under the 1933 Act, which is current and includes the Shares
         to be sold, or (ii) pursuant to an appropriate exemption from the
         registration requirement of the 1933 Act, such as that set forth in
         Rule 144 promulgated under the 1933 Act.

                (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, if at any
         time the Committee shall determine that the registration, listing or
         qualification of the Shares covered by an Award upon any Exchange or
         under any foreign, federal, state or local law or practice, or the
         consent or approval of any governmental regulatory body, is necessary
         or desirable as a condition of, or in connection with, the granting of
         such Award or the purchase or receipt of Shares thereunder, no Shares
         may be purchased, delivered or received pursuant to such Award unless
         and until such registration, listing, qualification, consent or
         approval shall have been effected or obtained free of any condition not
         acceptable to the Committee. Any Participant receiving or purchasing
         Shares pursuant to an Award shall make such representations and
         agreements and furnish such information as the Committee may request to
         assure compliance with the foregoing or any other applicable legal
         requirements. The Company shall not be required to issue or deliver any
         certificate or certificates for Shares under the Plan prior to the
         Committee's determination that all related requirements have been
         fulfilled. The Company shall in no event be obligated to register any
         securities pursuant to the 1933 Act or applicable state or foreign law
         or to take any other action in order to cause the issuance and delivery
         of such certificates to comply with any such law, regulation or


         14.13. GOVERNING LAW. To the extent not governed by federal law, the
Plan and all Award  Certificates  shall be construed in accordance with and
governed by the laws of the State of Delaware.

         14.14. ADDITIONAL  PROVISIONS.  Each Award  Certificate  may contain
such other terms and  conditions  as the  Committee may determine; provided that
such other terms and conditions are not inconsistent with the provisions of the

         14.15. NO LIMITATIONS ON RIGHTS OF COMPANY. The grant of any Award
shall not in any way affect the right to power of the Company to make
adjustments, reclassification or changes in its capital or business structure or
to merge, consolidate, dissolve, liquidate, sell or transfer all or any part of
its business or assets. The Plan shall not restrict the authority of the
Company, for proper corporate purposes, to draft or assume Awards, other than
under the Plan, to or with respect to any person. If the Committee so directs,
the Company may issue or transfer Shares to an Affiliate, for such lawful
consideration as the Committee may specify, upon the condition or understanding
that the Affiliate will transfer such Shares to a Participant in accordance with
the terms of an Award granted to such Participant and specified by the Committee
pursuant to the provisions of the Plan.

         The foregoing is hereby acknowledged as being the Mohawk Industries,
Inc. 2002 Long-Term Incentive Plan as adopted by the Board on February 26, 2002.

                                         MOHAWK INDUSTRIES, INC.

                                         By: ____________________________

                                         Its: ___________________________


                            MOHAWK INDUSTRIES, INC.
                               CALHOUN, GEORGIA
                        ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS

   The undersigned stockholder of Mohawk Industries, Inc., a Delaware
corporation ("Mohawk"), hereby acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Annual
Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy Statement, and hereby appoints Jeffrey S.
Lorberbaum and John D. Swift, and each of them, proxies, with full power of
substitution, for and in the name of the undersigned, to vote all shares of
Mohawk Common Stock which the undersigned is entitled to vote on all matters
which may come before the 2002 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Annual
Meeting") of Mohawk Industries, Inc. to be held on Thursday, May 16, 2002 at
10:00 a.m. local time, at 160 South Industrial Boulevard, Calhoun, Georgia, and
at any adjournment or adjournments thereof, unless otherwise specified herein.
The proxies, in their discretion, are further authorized to vote for the
election of a person to the Board of Directors if any nominee named herein
becomes unable to serve or for good cause will not serve, are further
authorized to vote on matters which the Board of Directors does not know a
reasonable time before making the proxy solicitation will be presented at the
Annual Meeting, and are further authorized to vote on other matters which may
properly come before the Annual Meeting and any adjournments thereof.

(1)The election of three Directors, John F. Fiedler, Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum and
   Robert N. Pokelwaldt, for a term of three years and until their successors
   are elected and qualified:
                         [_] FOR [_] WITHOUT AUTHORITY
      For, except vote withheld from the following nominee:

(2)The approval of the Mohawk Industries, Inc. 2002 Long-Term Incentive Plan:

                        [_] FOR [_] AGAINST [_] ABSTAIN

   This Proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed by
the undersigned stockholder. If no direction is made, this Proxy will be voted
in accordance with the recommendation of the Board of Directors. The proxies
cannot vote your shares unless you sign and return this Proxy.

   Please sign exactly as your name appears on your stock certificate and date.
Where shares are held jointly, each stockholder should sign. When signing as
executor, administrator, trustee, or guardian, please give full title as such.
If a corporation, please sign in full corporate name by president or other
authorized officer. If a partnership, please sign in partnership name by
authorized person.

                                                  Signature of Stockholder

                                             Signature of Stockholder (If held

                                             Dated: ______________ , 2002
                                                        Month        Day