Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No.__)

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[_] Preliminary Proxy Statement             [ ] Confidential, for Use of the
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement                  Commission Only (as permitted by
[_] Definitive Additional Materials             Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[_] Soliciting Material Pursuant to
    (ss.)240.14a-11(c) or (ss.)240.14a-12

                                Buckhead America Corporation
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3)   Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: 5) Total fee paid:

[_] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1)   Amount Previously Paid:

     2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     3)   Filing Party:

     4)   Date Filed:

                            NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING
                               AND PROXY STATEMENT


                          BUCKHEAD AMERICA CORPORATION

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                  MAY 24, 2001


                              7000 CENTRAL PARKWAY
                                    SUITE 850
                             ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30328

                             TO BE HELD MAY 24, 2001


     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders of BUCKHEAD
AMERICA  CORPORATION  ("Buckhead")  will be held at the Central Park  Conference
Center, 7000 Central Parkway, Suite 354, Atlanta,  Georgia 30328 on May 24, 2001
at 11:30 a.m. (E.D.T.), for the following purposes:

     1.   To elect six  directors  to serve  until the next  annual  meeting  of
          stockholders   and  until  their   successors  are  elected  and  have

     2.   To  transact  such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the
          meeting or any adjournments thereof.

     The proxy statement dated April 24, 2001, is attached.  Only record holders
of Buckhead's  common stock at the close of business on April 16, 2001,  will be
eligible to vote at the meeting.

     If you are not able to attend the meeting,  please execute,  complete, date
and return the proxy in the enclosed  envelope.  If you attend the meeting,  you
may revoke the proxy and vote in person.

                                  By Order of the Board of Directors:

                                  /s/ Robert B. Lee

                                  ROBERT B. LEE

Date: April 24, 2001

     A copy of the Annual Report to Stockholders of Buckhead America Corporation
for the  year  ended  December  31,  2000  containing  financial  statements  is


                              7000 CENTRAL PARKWAY
                                    SUITE 850
                             ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30328

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                                  MAY 24, 2001

                               GENERAL INFORMATION

     This proxy  statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation by
the Board of Directors of Buckhead America  Corporation,  a Delaware corporation
("Buckhead") of proxies for use at the 2001 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be
held on May 24,  2001 at 11:30 a.m.  (E.D.T.),  at the Central  Park  Conference
Center, 7000 Central Parkway, Suite 354, Atlanta, Georgia 30328.

     This proxy  statement  and the  accompanying  form of proxy are being first
mailed to stockholders on or about May 1, 2001 The stockholder  giving the proxy
may  revoke  it at any time  before  it is  exercised  at the  meeting  by:  (i)
delivering  to the  Secretary  of Buckhead a written  instrument  of  revocation
bearing  a date  later  than the date of the  proxy;  (ii)  duly  executing  and
delivering to the Secretary a subsequent  proxy relating to the same shares;  or
(iii)  attending  the meeting and voting in person;  however,  attendance at the
meeting will not in and of itself  constitute  revocation of a proxy.  Any proxy
which is not revoked will be voted at the annual meeting in accordance  with the
stockholder's instructions. If a stockholder returns a properly signed and dated
proxy card but does not mark any choices on one or more items, his or her shares
will be voted in accordance with the  recommendations  of the Board of Directors
as to such items.  The proxy card gives  authority to the proxies to vote shares
in their  discretion  on any  other  matter  properly  presented  at the  annual

     Proxies will be solicited from Buckhead's  stockholders  by mail.  Buckhead
will pay all expenses in connection with the  solicitation,  including  postage,
printing  and  handling,  and the  expenses  incurred  by  brokers,  custodians,
nominees and  fiduciaries  in forwarding  proxy  material to beneficial  owners.
Buckhead may employ a proxy  solicitation  firm to solicit proxies in connection
with the annual  meeting and  Buckhead  estimates  that the fee payable for such
services will be less than $10,000. It is possible that directors,  officers and
regular  employees of Buckhead may make further  solicitation  personally  or by
telephone,  telegraph  or mail.  Directors,  officers  and regular  employees of
Buckhead  will  receive  no  additional   compensation   for  any  such  further

     Only  stockholders  of record of  Buckhead's  common  stock at the close of
business on April 16, 2001 (the "Record  Date"),  are entitled to notice of, and
to vote at, the annual meeting.  On the Record Date,  Buckhead had outstanding a
total of 1,970,779  shares of common stock,  excluding a total of 143,102 shares
of treasury  stock held by Buckhead,  which are not entitled to vote.  Each such
share  will be  entitled  to one  vote,  non-cumulative,  on each  matter  to be
considered at the annual meeting. A majority of the outstanding shares of common
stock,  present in person or  represented by proxy at the annual  meeting,  will
constitute  a quorum for the  transaction  of  business  at the annual  meeting.
Abstentions  and broker  non-votes are counted for purposes of  determining  the
presence or absence of a quorum for the transaction of business.

     Votes cast by proxy or in person at the annual  meeting  will be counted by
the persons appointed by Buckhead to act as election inspectors for the meeting.
Prior to the meeting,  the inspectors  will sign an oath to perform their duties
in an impartial manner and to the best of their  abilities.  The inspectors will
ascertain the number of shares  outstanding and the voting power of each of such
shares,  determine  the shares  represented  at the meeting and the  validity of
proxies and  ballots,  count all votes and ballots  and  perform  certain  other
duties as required by law.

     Nominees for  election as  directors  will be elected by a plurality of the
votes  cast  by the  holders  of  shares  entitled  to  vote  in  the  election.
Accordingly,  the six nominees receiving the highest vote totals will be elected
as  directors  of Buckhead  at the annual  meeting.  It is expected  that shares


beneficially held by officers and directors of Buckhead,  which in the aggregate
represent approximately 36.0% of the outstanding shares of common stock, will be
voted in  favor  of each  proposal.  With  respect  to  election  of  directors,
abstentions,  votes "withheld" and broker non-votes will be disregarded and have
no  effect on the  outcome  of the vote.  There  are no rights of  appraisal  or
similar  dissenter's rights with respect to any matter to be acted upon pursuant
to this proxy statement.


     The Board of  Directors  of Buckhead  recommends a vote FOR the election of
each of the nominees named below for election as director.


     The proxy holders  intend to vote FOR election of the nominees  named below
as directors of Buckhead,  unless otherwise specified in the proxy. Directors of
Buckhead  elected  at the annual  meeting  to be held on May 24,  2001 will hold
office until the next annual  meeting or until their  successors are elected and

     Each of the nominees has consented to serve on the Board of  Directors,  if
elected.  Should any nominee for the office of director  become unable to accept
nomination  or election,  which is not  anticipated,  it is the intention of the
persons  named in the proxy,  unless  otherwise  specifically  instructed in the
proxy,  to vote for the  election of such other person as the Board of Directors
may recommend.

     The name and age of each nominee, his principal occupation,  and the period
during which such person has served as a director are set forth below:

                              SERVICE AS
---------------        ---    --------        --------

Douglas C. Collins     48     Since 1995      Chairman of the Board of Directors, President, Chief
                                              Executive Officer and Treasurer
Robert B. Lee          46     Since 1997      Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Secretary
                                              and Director
David C. Glickman      38     Since 1999      Director
David B. Mumford       42     Since 1999      Director
William K. Stern       75     Since 1992      Director
Steven A. Van Dyke     41     Since 1997      Director

     Douglas C.  Collins.  Mr.  Collins  became  President  and Chief  Executive
Officer of Buckhead in December 1992,  became a director of Buckhead in May 1995
and became  Chairman of the Board of Directors  in March 1999.  Prior to joining
Buckhead,  Mr.  Collins  served as  President  of Days Inns from  February  1992
through  September  1992 and Director of Days Inns from  September  1992 through
November 1992.  Mr. Collins served as Senior Vice President and Chief  Financial
Officer of Days Inns from August 1990 through  February  1992,  after serving as
President of Imperial Hotels Corporation, a hotel chain owner and operator, from
April 1988 until May 1990.  Mr. Collins joined  Imperial  Hotels  Corporation in
August,  1980,  serving as Vice President of Finance and  Development  from June
1984 to April 1988.

     Robert B. Lee. Mr. Lee became  Secretary  of Buckhead in December  1992 and
became Vice  President  and Chief  Financial  Officer in July 1993.  Mr. Lee was
named  Senior  Vice  President  of Buckhead in May 1996 and became a director in
June 1997. Prior to joining Buckhead, Mr. Lee served as the Corporate Controller
of Days Inns from  October  1990 until  December  1992.  Prior to that,  Mr. Lee
functioned in numerous  capacities up to senior  manager in the  accounting  and
audit practice of KPMG LLP from December 1979 to October 1990.


     David C. Glickman.  Mr.  Glickman became a director of Buckhead in 1999. He
is a Senior  Vice  President  and  Partner of  Roulston & Company,  a firm which
provides  financial  management  services to individuals and  institutions,  and
until March 1999, he was an Associate Director with Bear Stearns & Co., Inc., an
investment  banking firm, and had served in that capacity for more than the last
five years.

     David B. Mumford.  Mr. Mumford became a director of Buckhead in 1999. He is
the President of Mumford  Company,  Inc., a national  leader in the brokerage of
hotel real estate,  and has served in that  capacity for more than the last five

     William K. Stern.  Mr. Stern became a director of Buckhead in 1992.  He has
over forty-five  years of experience in the hospitality  industry.  He served as
Vice  President  of  Loews  Hotels  and as  President  of  Loews  Representation
International,  Inc. ("LRI"),  a separate division of Loews Hotels. In 1987, Mr.
Stern  established "The Grande  Collection of Hotels," a deluxe division of LRI.
Mr. Stern also served as the Chief  Executive  Officer of the Grande  Collection
division. Mr. Stern has been the owner of Stern Services International,  a hotel
consulting company, since 1992.

     Steven A. Van Dyke. Mr. Van Dyke became a director of Buckhead in 1997. Mr.
Van Dyke is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Bay Harbour Management,
L.C. ("Bay  Harbour"),  formerly known as Tower Investment  Group,  Inc. and has
served in that  capacity  for more than the last five  years.  Bay Harbour is an
investment  advisor  and manages  multimillion  dollar  private  equity and debt


     MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS--During 2000 there were four meetings of
the Board of Directors.  Each  incumbent  director  attended at least 75% of all
meetings of the Board of Directors.

     DIRECTOR COMPENSATION--All non-employee directors of the Board of Directors
of  Buckhead  are paid an annual  fee of  $12,000  for  service  on the Board of
Directors  and a fee of $750 for each  Board  meeting  attended.  Directors  are
entitled  to  reimbursement  of their  traveling  costs and other  out-of-pocket
expenses incurred in attending Board and Committee meetings.

     All non-employee directors serve on all standing committees, such as audit,
nominations and compensation.  Functions  normally  addressed by such committees
are conducted at regularly scheduled and special meetings of the entire Board of

     The Board of Directors  formed an Audit  Committee in May,  2000. The Audit
Committee is responsible for (i) reviewing the Company's  financial  results and
the scope and  results  of  audits;  (ii)  evaluating  the  Company's  system of
internal   controls  and  meeting  with  independent   public   accountants  and
appropriate  Company  financial  personnel  concerning  the Company's  system of
internal controls;  (iii) recommending to the Board of Directors the appointment
of the  independent  public  accountants;  and  (iv)  evaluating  the  Company's
financial  reporting  activities  and the  accounting  standards and  principles
followed.  The current  members of the Audit  Committee  are David C.  Glickman,
David B.  Mumford,  William K. Stern and Steven A. Van Dyke.  During  2000,  the
Audit Committee held two meetings and also took action by written consent.


     The  following  Report  of the  Audit  Committee  shall not be deemed to be
"soliciting  material"  or  to be  "filed"  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  (the  "Commission")  or  subject  to  Regulations  14A or 14C of the
Commission or to the  liabilities  of Section 18 of the  Securities and Exchange
Act of 1934  (the  "Exchange  Act") and  shall  not be  deemed  incorporated  by
reference  into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Exchange Act,
notwithstanding  any general  incorporation by reference of this Proxy Statement
into any other document.


     The Board of Directors  maintains an Audit  Committee  comprised of four of
the Company's outside directors.  The Board of Directors and the Audit Committee
believes that the Audit  Committee's  current member  composition  satisfies the
rule of the National  Association  of  Securities  Dealers,  Inc.  ("NASD") that
governs  audit  committee  composition  as  currently in effect,  including  the
requirement that audit committee members all be "independent  directors" as that
term is  defined  by NASD Rule  4200(a)(14).  The  Board  has  adopted a written
Charter  of the Audit  Committee,  a copy of which is  attached  as  Appendix  A

     The Audit Committee  oversees the Company's  financial process on behalf of
the  Board of  Directors.  Management  has the  primary  responsibility  for the
financial statements and the reporting process including the systems of internal
controls.  The independent auditors are responsible for expressing an opinion on
the conformity of the financial statements with United States generally accepted
accounting principles. In fulfilling its oversight  responsibilities,  the Audit
Committee reviewed the audited financial statements in the Annual Report on Form
10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000 with  management  and the  independent
auditors,  including  without  limitation,  a  discussion  with the  independent
auditors of the matters  required to be discussed with the Audit Committee under
Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61.

     The members of the Audit  Committee are not  professionally  engaged in the
practice  of  auditing  or  accounting  and are not  experts  in the  fields  of
accounting or auditing, including in respect of auditor independence. Members of
the Committee rely without independent  verification on the information provided
to them  and on the  representations  made  by  management  and the  independent
accountants.  Accordingly,  the Audit Committee's  oversight does not provide an
independent  basis to  determine  that  management  has  maintained  appropriate
accounting and financial  reporting  principles or appropriate  internal control
and  procedures  designed to assure  compliance  with  accounting  standards and
applicable   laws  and   regulations.   Furthermore,   the   Audit   Committee's
considerations and discussions referred to above do not assure that the audit of
the  Company's  financial  statements  has been carried out in  accordance  with
generally  accepted  auditing  standards,  that  the  financial  statements  are
presented in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting  principles or that
the Company's auditors are in fact "independent."

     In  reliance on the reviews  and  discussion  referred to above,  the Audit
Committee  recommended  to the Board of  Directors  that the  audited  financial
statements  be  included  in the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the
fiscal year ended  December  31, 2000 for filing with  Securities  and  Exchange

                    AUDIT COMMITTEE
                    David C. Glickman
                    David B. Mumford
                    William K. Stern
                    Steven A. Van Dyke

     The Company incurred the following fees for services  performed by KPMG LLP
in 2000:


     Fees for the year  2000  audit and the  review  of Forms  10-Q in 2000 were
$133,000  of which an  aggregate  amount  of  $64,000  had been  billed  through
December 31, 2000.


     KPMG LLP did not  render any  services  related  to  financial  information
systems design and implementation for the year ended December 31, 2000.


     Aggregate fees billed for all other  services  rendered by KPMG LLP for the
year ended December 31, 2000 were less than $5,000.


     The Audit Committee considered whether the payments made to its independent
accountants for non-audit services for 2000 are compatible with maintaining such
auditors' independence.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The  following  table sets forth the  compensation  paid by Buckhead to the
Chief Executive Officer, and the other executive officers whose salary and bonus
for 2000 exceeded  $100,000  ("Named  Executive  Officers")  for the years ended
December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                                                                                    Long Term
                                                                  Annual              Awards
                                                               Compensation         Securities
                                                            ---------------------   Underlying
      Name and Principal                Year Ended           Salary      Bonus        Options/           All Other
      Position                          December 31            ($)         ($)        SARs (#)        Compensation($)
      --------------------------     ----------------       ---------   ---------  ----------------   ----------------

       Douglas C. Collins                     2000         $  280,000     74,662      20,000 (b)      $    9,133 (c)
           Chief Executive                    1999            260,000    158,265      17,000               8,600
           Officer                            1998            250,000    110,470      18,000              14,000

       Ronald L. Devine(a)                    2000            243,150     20,394      10,000 (b)           3,314 (d)
           Former President -                 1999            121,866     34,368       8,000               8,532
           Lodge Keeper                       1998            111,481     24,572       9,000               5,000

       Robert B. Lee                          2000            130,500     15,811      13,000 (b)           3,292 (d)
           Chief Financial                    1999            121,275     39,868      11,000               8,531
           Officer                            1998            115,500     25,457      12,000               9,000

       Chetan N.Patel                         2000             86,000     35,000       7,000 (b)           1,569 (d)
           Chief Operating                    1999             72,500     40,000       3,000               2,200
           Officer - Country                  1998             64,167     70,923       3,000               3,377
           Hearth Inns

(a)  Mr.  Devine's  employment with Buckhead  terminated in November,  2000. Mr.
     Devine's  2000 salary  includes  severance of $125,500 paid pursuant to his
     employment agreement.

(b)  See "Option Grants Table."

(c)  Employer's  portion  of  401(k)  contribution  ($4,133)  and  non-qualified
     deferred compensation plan ($5,000).

(d)  Employer's portion of 401(k) contribution.



     The  following  table  sets  forth the  number  of  shares of common  stock
underlying options granted to the named executive officers during the year ended
December 31, 2000. No stock appreciation rights were granted.

                                                    OPTION GRANTS IN 2000
                                                      INDIVIDUAL GRANTS

                                                                       INDIVIDUAL GRANTS
                                     Number of
                                    Securities        % of Total Options
                                    Underlying            Granted to             Exercise
                                     Options          Employees in Fiscal         Price
         Name                        Granted(#)              Year               ($/share)(1)      Expiration Date
         ---------------------   ------------------   -------------------       ------------    -----------------------

         Douglas C. Collins          20,000                 24.4%               $   5.00          May 25, 2010

         Ronald L. Devine            10,000                 12.2%               $   5.00          May 25, 2010

         Robert B. Lee               13,000                 15.9%               $   5.00          May 25, 2010

         Chatan N. Patel              7,000                  8.9%               $   5.00          May 25, 2010

(1)  The exercise price was fixed as the market price at the date of grant.

(2)  The options vest and become exercisable in three equal, annual installments
     of 33-1/3% each on (i) the grant date,  (ii) the first  anniversary  of the
     grant date, and (iii) the second  anniversary of the grant date, and have a
     term expiring ten years from the date of grant.



     The following table sets forth the number and year-end value of unexercised
options  granted to the Named  Executive  Officers as of December 31,  2000.  No
options were exercised by the Named Executive Officers during 2000.

                                 2000 YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                          Number of Shares of           Value of Unexercised
                        Common Stock Underlying        In-the-Money Options at
                        Unexercised Options at                  Year-
                             Year-End (#)                    End ($)(1)
                      ----------------------------     -------------------------
Name                   Exercisable/Unexercisable       Exercisable/Unexercisable
------------------    ----------------------------     -------------------------
Douglas C. Collins        89,000        19,000         $  5,550             0
Robert B. Lee             46,666        12,334            1,850             0
Chetan N. Patel           12,333         5,667                0             0

(1) Calculated based on the $3.625 closing sale price on The Nasdaq Stock Market
of the underlying securities on December 31, 2000.

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS

     Douglas C. Collins.  Buckhead has entered into an employment  contract with
Mr. Collins for a term which expires in July 2002. If the contract is terminated
by Buckhead prior to the end of its term, other than for cause and within twelve
months following a change-in-control (generally,  acquisition of control of over
50% of the common  stock or a change in a majority  of the board of  directors),
Mr.  Collins  shall be entitled to the greater of his annual salary (as defined)
payable through the end of his employment term and one-half of his annual salary
for the  rest of the  year in  which  such  termination  occurs.  If such  event
occurred as of January 1, 2001,  Mr.  Collins  would be entitled to a payment of

     If Mr. Collins  terminates his contract between 90 and 120 days following a
change-in-control  or within  30 days  following  any  demotion,  diminution  of
responsibility or pay or forced  relocation  occurring within twelve months of a
change-in-control,  he shall be  entitled  to the  lesser of his  annual  salary
through the end of his  employment  term,  and one-half of his annual salary for
the year in which such termination  occurs. If such event occurred as of January
1, 2001, Mr. Collins would be entitled to a payment of $222,015.

     If Mr. Collins' employment is otherwise terminated without cause before the
expiration of his employment term,  Buckhead must pay him an amount equal to his
annual  salary  for the year in which  such  termination  occurs.  If such event
occurred as of January 1, 2001,  Mr.  Collins  would be entitled to a payment of

     Robert B. Lee.  Buckhead has entered into an  employment  contract with Mr.
Lee for a term which  expires in July 2002.  If the  contract is  terminated  by
Buckhead  prior to the end of its term,  other than for cause and within  twelve
months following a  change-in-control,  Mr. Lee shall be entitled to the greater
of his annual salary (as defined) payable through the end of his employment term
and  one-half  of his  annual  salary  for the rest of the  year in  which  such
termination  occurs. If such event occurred as of January 1, 2001, Mr. Lee would
be entitled to a payment of $299,892.

     If Mr. Lee  terminates  his  contract  between 90 and 120 days  following a
change-in-control  or within  30 days  following  any  demotion,  diminution  of
responsibility or pay or forced  relocation  occurring within twelve months of a
change-in-control,  he shall be  entitled  to the  lesser of his  annual  salary
through the end of his  employment  term,  and one-half of his annual salary for
the year in which such termination  occurs. If such event occurred as of January
1, 2001, Mr. Lee would be entitled to a payment of $94,703.


     If Mr. Lee's  employment is otherwise  terminated  without cause before the
expiration of his employment term,  Buckhead must pay him an amount equal to his
annual  salary  for the year in which  such  termination  occurs.  If such event
occurred  as of  January  1, 2001,  Mr.  Lee would be  entitled  to a payment of

     Chetan N. Patel.  Buckhead has entered into an employment contract with Mr.
Patel for a term which  expires in May 2003.  If the contract is  terminated  by
Buckhead  prior to the end of its term,  other than for cause and within  twelve
months following a change-in-control, Mr. Patel shall be entitled to the greater
of his annual base salary  payable  through the end of his  employment  term and
one-half  of his  annual  base  salary  for the rest of the  year in which  such
termination  occurs.  If such event  occurred as of January 1, 2001,  Mr.  Patel
would be entitled to a payment of $207,833.

     If Mr. Patel  terminates  his contract  between 90 and 120 days following a
change-in-control  or within  30 days  following  any  demotion,  diminution  of
responsibility or pay or forced  relocation  occurring within twelve months of a
change-in-control,  he shall be entitled to the lesser of his annual base salary
through the end of his  employment  term, and one-half of his annual base salary
for the year in which such  termination  occurs.  If such event  occurred  as of
January 1, 2001, Mr. Patel would be entitled to a payment of $43,000.

     If Mr. Patel's employment is otherwise  terminated without cause before the
expiration of his employment term,  Buckhead must pay him an amount equal to his
annual base salary for the year in which such termination  occurs. If such event
occurred  as of January 1, 2001,  Mr.  Patel  would be  entitled to a payment of


Employee Stock Option Plans

     Buckhead's Employee Stock Option Plans (the "Option Plans") provide for the
grant of options to acquire a maximum of 520,000  shares of common stock.  As of
March 31, 2001,  options for 61,333 shares had been  exercised  under the Option
Plans, options for 348,000 shares were outstanding,  and 110,667 shares remained
available for issuance.


     In connection with the 1997 Lodge Keeper  acquisition,  Buckhead  assumed a
lease for  office  space in  Prospect,  Ohio.  The lease  requires  annual  rent
payments of approximately  $60,000 through 2006. Members of the immediate family
of Mr. Devine, a former executive  officer and director of Buckhead,  own 50% of
the lessor.

     Also in connection with the Lodge Keeper acquisition, Mr. Devine executed a
$250,000 note payable to Buckhead for certain  inventory and equipment which did
not relate to Lodge Keeper's primary business. The note bore interest at 10% and
was fully repaid in March, 2001.

     During  2000,  1999  and  1998,  Mumford  Company,  Inc.  earned  aggregate
brokerage commissions of $210,875 $63,000 and $142,313,  respectively,  relating
to Buckhead's sale of hotel properties.  Mr. Mumford, a director of Buckhead, is
the President of Mumford Company, Inc.

     Buckhead has entered into various hotel lease  agreements with an affiliate
(the "Lessor") of Hotel-Motel  Management  Corporation,  a beneficial  holder of
more than 5 percent of the common stock.  As of December 31, 2000,  Buckhead had
advanced  the Lessor a total of $765,000 in lease  deposits  and is committed to
advance an additional  $585,000.  Such deposits bear interest at 8%. Five of the
leased  properties  have been opened and Buckhead  paid rent in 2000 of $375,000
and in 1999 of  $220,000  to the  Lessor.



     Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended  (the
"Exchange Act") requires Buckhead's executive officers and directors and persons
who  beneficially  own more than 10% of Buckhead's stock to file initial reports
of  ownership  and  reports of  changes in  ownership  with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission and the National  Association of Securities  Dealers,  Inc.
Executive  officers,  directors  and  greater  than 10%  beneficial  owners  are
required by SEC regulations to furnish Buckhead with copies of all Section 16(a)
forms they file.

     Based  solely on its review of copies of forms  received  by it pursuant to
Section  16(a) of the  Exchange  Act, or written  representations  from  certain
reporting  persons,  Buckhead believes that during 2000 all Section 16(a) filing
requirements  applicable to its executive  officers,  directors and greater than
10% beneficial owners were complied with, except for (1) Mr. Chetan N. Patel and
Mr.  William J. Selesky,  each of whom filed one late Form 3, and (2) Mr. Ronald
L. Devine failed to file a Form 5 to report an exempt stock option grant.


                         AND CERTAIN EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

     The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership of Buckhead's common stock as of March 31, 2001 by: (i) each person or
group of affiliated persons known by Buckhead to be the beneficial owner of more
than 5% of the outstanding  common stock; (ii) the Named Executive  Officers who
beneficially  own shares of  Buckhead's  common  stock;  (iii) each director and
nominee for director of Buckhead;  and (iv) all of Buckhead's executive officers
and directors as a group. Except as otherwise indicated in the footnotes to this
table,  Buckhead  believes that the persons named in this table have sole voting
and investment power with respect to all the shares of common stock indicated.

                                                       Beneficial Ownership
                                                       as of March 31, 2001
         Beneficial Owner                              Shares       Percentage
         ----------------------------------------   ----------     ------------
         Bay Harbour Management L.C.(1)..........   1,213,502            47.2%
         Hotel-Motel Management Corporation(2)...     218,200            10.8%
         Heartland Advisors, Inc.(3).............     184,600             9.2%
         Leon M. & Marsha C. Wagner(4)...........     124,181             6.2%
         NY Motel Enterprises(5).................     112,821             5.6%
         Douglas C. Collins(6)...................     120,441             5.7%
         Robert B. Lee(7)........................      68,475             3.1%
         Chetan N. Patel (8).....................      15,667              *
         David C. Glickman(9)....................      11,667              *
         David B. Mumford(10)....................      12,167              *
         William K. Stern(11)....................      59,667             2.9%
         Steven A. Van Dyke(1)...................   1,244,200            48.0%
         All officers, directors and nominees for
         directors as a group (7 persons)(12)....   1,525,776            53.9%


* Represents beneficial ownership of less than 1%.

(1)  The shares  beneficially  owned include  657,947  shares held by investment
     funds for which Bay Harbour  Management L.C. ("Bay Harbour"),  a registered
     investment  advisor under the  Investment  Advisors Act of 1940,  serves as
     investment advisor.  Also includes an aggregate of 555,555 shares which may
     be acquired upon  conversion of a convertible  debenture held by investment
     funds  managed  by Bay  Harbour.  Mr.  Steven  A. Van Dyke is the  majority
     stockholder,  President and Chief Executive Officer of Bay Harbour, and may
     therefore  be deemed to be the  beneficial  owner of the shares held by Bay
     Harbour.  Mr.  Van Dyke  directly  owns  8,031  shares and has the right to
     acquire  an  additional  22,667  shares  within 60 days of the date of this
     proxy statement.  The address of Bay Harbour Management L.C., is Suite 270,
     777 South Harbour Island Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33602.

(2)  The address of Hotel-Motel Management Corporation is 1950 North Park Place,
     Building 200, Suite 201, Atlanta, GA 30339.

(3)  Based on Schedule 13G/A filed with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission
     on January 16, 2001.  Includes  shares of common  stock held in  investment
     advisory accounts of Heartland Advisors, Inc., ("Heartland").  As a result,
     various  persons  have the right to  receive  or the  power to  direct  the
     receipt  of  dividends  from,  or  the  proceeds  from  the  sale  of,  the
     securities.  The  interests of one such  account,  Heartland  Value Fund, a
     series of Heartland Group, Inc., a registered  investment company,  relates
     to more  than 5% of the  class.  As a  result  of his  position  and  stock
     ownership of Heartland,  Mr. William J. Nasgovitz,  president and principal
     shareholder of Heartland,  could be deemed to also  beneficially  own these
     shares.  The  address of  Heartland  and Mr.  Nasgovitz  is 789 North Water
     Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202.

(4)  Mr. Wagner holds 111,036 shares directly and Ms. Wagner, his spouse,  holds
     13,145  shares  directly.  The address of the  Wagners is 8 Lincoln  Woods,
     Purchase, NY 10577

(5)  The address of NY Motel  Enterprises is 440 West 57th Street,  New York, NY


(6)  Includes 6,508 shares  beneficially held by DC Hospitality,  Inc., which is
     85%  owned by Mr.  Collins  and 15%  owned by Mr.  Lee and  101,333  shares
     subject  to  options  which  are  currently  exercisable  or  which  become
     exercisable within 60 days of the date of this proxy statement.

(7)  Includes 6,508 shares  beneficially held by DC Hospitality,  Inc., which is
     15% owned by Mr. Lee and 85% owned by Mr. Collins and 54,667 shares subject
     to  options  which  are  either  currently   exercisable  or  which  become
     exercisable within 60 days of the date of this proxy statement.

(8)  Consists of 15,667  shares  subject to options  which are either  currently
     exercisable or which become  exercisable within 60 days of the date of this
     proxy statement.

(9)  Includes  options to  purchase  9,667  shares  which are  either  currently
     exercisable or which become  exercisable within 60 days of the date of this
     proxy statement.

(10) Includes  options to  purchase  9,667  shares  which are  either  currently
     exercisable or which become  exercisable within 60 days of the date of this
     proxy statement.

(11) Includes  options to  purchase  47,667  shares  which are either  currently
     exercisable or which become  exercisable within 60 days of the date of this
     proxy statement.

(12) Includes options to purchase 261,335 shares which are currently exercisable
     or  which  become  exercisable  within  60 days of the  date of this  proxy
     statement. Also includes shares beneficially owned by Bay Harbour (See Note
     (1)) and DC Hospitality, Inc. (See Note (6)).


     The accounting firm of KPMG LLP has been the independent  certified  public
accountants  of  Buckhead  since  March  1993.  Approval  or  selection  of  the
independent certified public accountants of Buckhead is not submitted for a vote
at the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders.  The Board of Directors of Buckhead has
historically  selected the independent certified public accountants of Buckhead,
and the Board  believes  that it would be to the  detriment  of Buckhead and its
stockholders for there to be any impediment such as selection or ratification by
the stockholders to its exercising its judgment to remove Buckhead's independent
certified  public  accountants  if, in its opinion,  such removal is in the best
interest of Buckhead and its stockholders.

     It is anticipated  that a  representative  from the accounting firm of KPMG
LLP will be present at the annual meeting of Stockholders to answer  appropriate
questions and make a statement if the representative desires to do so.

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Appropriate   proposals  of  stockholders   intended  to  be  presented  at
Buckhead's  2002  Annual  Meeting  of   Stockholders   pursuant  to  Rule  14a-8
promulgated  under the  Exchange  Act must be received by Buckhead by January 1,
2002 for  inclusion in its proxy  statement  and form of proxy  relating to that
meeting.  In  addition,  all  stockholder  proposals  submitted  outside  of the
stockholder proposal rules included in Rule 14a-8 promulgated under the Exchange
Act must be received by Buckhead by March 17,  2002,  in order to be  considered
timely.  If such stockholder  proposals are not timely  received,  proxy holders
will have  discretionary  voting  authority with regard to any such  stockholder
proposals which may come before the 2002 annual meeting. If the date of the next
annual  meeting is advanced  or delayed by more than 30  calendar  days from the
date of the  annual  meeting to which this  proxy  statement  relates,  Buckhead
shall, in a timely manner,  inform its shareholders of the change,  and the date
by which proposals of shareholders must be received.




                                    By Order of the Board of Directors

                                    /s/ Robert B. Lee

                                    ROBERT B. LEE

Dated:  April 24, 2001


                                   APPENDIX A

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER
                          BUCKHEAD AMERICA CORPORATION


     The  primary  function  of the Audit  Committee  is to assist  the Board of
Directors  in  fulfilling  its  oversight   responsibilities  by  maintaining  a
continuously   functional   committee  of  independent   directors.   The  Audit
Committee's  primary  focus shall  involve  oversight  functions  to support the
quality and  integrity  of the  Company's  accounting  and  financial  reporting
processes  generally.  The Audit Committee's  functions shall not necessarily be
limited to  accounting  and financial  matters.  The Audit  Committee's  primary
duties and responsibilities are to:

     o    Serve as an  independent  and objective  party to review the financial
          statements  and  management's  discussion  and  analysis of  financial
          condition and results of operations  contained in the Company's Annual

     o    Review and appraise  the audit  efforts of the  Company's  independent
          public accountants.

     o    Provide an open avenue of communication  among the independent  public
          accountants,   financial  and  senior  management  and  the  Board  of

     o    Recommend  to the  Board of  Directors  appointment  of the  Company's
          independent public accountants.

     The Audit  Committee  will  primarily  fulfill  these  responsibilities  by
carrying out the activities enumerated in Section IV of this Charter.

     In  fulfilling  its  purpose,  the  Audit  Committee  shall  be  an  active
participant  in some  but  not all  communications  between  management  and the
Company's  independent  public  accountants.  It is  understood  that the  Audit
Committee  does  not  provide  special  assurances  on the  Company's  financial
statements or financial reporting, but rather serves as one among other means to
promote the  integrity  of the  Company's  financial  statements  and  financial

     In  fulfilling  its  duties  and  responsibilities,   the  Audit  Committee
acknowledges the independent public accountants' ultimate  accountability to the
Board of Directors and the Audit Committee,  as representatives of shareholders.
In  addition,   the  Audit  Committee  as   representatives   of   shareholders,
acknowledges  that it has the ultimate  authority and  responsibility to select,
evaluate,  and where  appropriate,  to replace the Company's  independent public


     The  Audit  Committee  shall be  comprised  of three or more  directors  as
determined  by the Board of  Directors,  each of whom shall be qualified to be a
member  of the  Audit  Committee  under  the  applicable  rules set forth by the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  and the National  Association of Securities

     The  members  of the  Audit  Committee  shall be  elected  by the  Board of
Directors. Unless a Chair is elected by the full Board of Directors, the members
of the  Audit  Committee  may  designate  a chair by  majority  vote of the full
Committee membership.



     The  Audit  Committee  shall  meet at least  two  times  annually,  or more
frequently  as  circumstances  dictate.  As  part  of  its  job to  foster  open
communication, the Audit Committee should meet at least annually with management
and the  independent  public  accountants.  The Audit  Committee  shall consider
meeting  separately  with the  auditors and  management,  and in any event shall
encourage  opportunities for such private  communications to discuss any matters
that the Audit  Committee  or each of these groups  believe  should be discussed
privately.  The Audit  Committee  shall  report on its  meetings to the Board of


     To fulfill its responsibilities and duties the Audit Committee shall:

Documents/Reports Review

     1. Review and update this Charter  periodically  as conditions  dictate and
determine  whether it has  satisfied  its  responsibilities  under this  Charter
during the prior year.

     2. Review the Company's annual financial  statements and oversee reports or
other financial information submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission,
or the public, including any certification,  report, opinion, or review rendered
by the independent public accountants.

     3. Monitor with financial management and the independent public accountants
the  Company's  Forms 10-Q.  The  Committee  shall  focus in this  regard  shall
particularly  include any  significant  adjustments,  management  judgments  and
accounting estimates, significant new accounting policies and disagreements with
management.  Monitoring  interim  reports may be conducted  without formal Audit
Committee meetings.

     4. Prepare a report to be included in the Company's  annual Proxy Statement
regarding the Audit Committee's activities,  in accordance with the requirements
set forth by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Independent Public Accountants

     5.  Recommend to the Board of Directors  the  selection of the  independent
public accountants,  considering  independence and effectiveness and approve the
fees and other compensation to be paid to the independent public accountants.

     6. On an annual  basis,  the  Committee  shall  ensure the  receipt of, and
review,  a formal written  statement  from the  independent  public  accountants
regarding  delineating all  relationships  between the public accountant and the
Company, consistent with Independence Standards Board Standard 1 and to actively
engage in a dialogue  with the  independent  public  accountants  regarding  any
disclosed  relationships  or  services  that  may  impact  the  objectivity  and
independence of the public  accountant and for taking,  or recommending that the
Board of Directors take  appropriate  action to oversee the  independence of the
public  accountant.

     7. Review the performance of the independent public accountants and approve
any proposed  discharge when  circumstances  warrant in accordance with the fact
that the independent public accountants are ultimately  responsible to the Board
of Directors  and to the Audit  Committee as  representatives  of the  Company's

     8. Periodically  consult with the independent public accountants (which, in
the  discretion of the  Committee,  may occur out of the presence of management)
about internal controls and the quality and accuracy of the Company's  financial


Financial Reporting

     9. In consultation  with the independent  public  accountants,  monitor the
integrity of the  Company's  financial  reporting  processes,  both internal and

     10.  Consider  the  independent  public  accountants'  judgments  about the
quality and appropriateness of the Company's accounting principles as applied in
its financial reporting.

     11. Consider and approve,  if  appropriate,  major changes to the Company's
auditing and accounting principles and practices as suggested by the independent
public accountants and management.

Process Improvement

     12.  Following  completion  of  the  annual  audit,  review  with  each  of
management and the independent public  accountants any significant  difficulties
encountered  during the course of the audit,  including any  restrictions on the
scope of work or access to required information.

     13.  Review  any  significant   disagreement   among   management  and  the
independent  public  accountants  in  connection  with  the  preparation  of the
financial  statements.  14. Review with the independent  public  accountants and
management  the  extent  to  which  changes  or  improvements  in  financial  or
accounting practices, as approved by the Audit Committee, have been implemented.

Ethical and Legal Compliance

     15. As brought to the attention of the Audit Committee, review conflicts of
interest transactions.

     16. Review the activities,  organizational structure, and qualifications of
the internal finance and accounting department.

     17.  Review any legal  matter that could have a  significant  impact on the
Company's financial statements with the Company's counsel.

     18.  Perform  any  other  activities  consistent  with  this  Charter,  the
Company's  By-laws and governing law, as the Committee or the Board of Directors
deems necessary or appropriate.

     While the Audit Committee has the  responsibilities and powers set forth in
this  Charter,  it is not the duty of the  Audit  Committee  to plan or  conduct
audits or to determine that the Company's financial  statements are complete and
accurate and are in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting  principles.
This is the responsibility of management and the independent  auditor. Nor is it
the  duty  of  the  Audit  Committee  to  conduct  investigations,   to  resolve
disagreements,  if any,  between  management and the  independent  auditor or to
assure compliance with laws and regulations and the Company's policies.


                                     ANNEX 1

                          BUCKHEAD AMERICA CORPORATION
                              7000 CENTRAL PARKWAY
                                    SUITE 850
                             ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30328


     The  undersigned,  revoking all prior proxies,  hereby appoints  Douglas C.
Collins and Robert B. Lee, and each of them, as proxies,  each with the power to
appoint his substitute,  and hereby  authorizes each of them to represent and to
vote,  as  designated  on the reverse  side,  all the shares of common  stock of
Buckhead America  Corporation  ("Buckhead") held of record by the undersigned on
April 16, 2001, at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on May 24, 2001
or any adjournment thereof (the "Meeting").


Vote by Telephone                           Vote by Internet

It's fast, convenient, and immediate!       It's fast, convenient, and your
Call Toll-Free on a Touch-Tone Phone        vote is immediately confirmed and
1-877-PRX-VOTE (1-877-779-8683).            posted.

Follow these four easy steps:               Follow these four easy steps:

1. Read the accompanying Proxy Statement    1. Read the accompanying Proxy
   and Proxy Card.                             Statement and Proxy Card.

2. Call the toll-free number                2. Go to the Website
   1-877-PRX-VOTE (1-877-779-8683.   

3. Enter your 14-digit Voter Control        3. Enter your 14-digit Voter
   Number located on your Proxy Card           Control Number located on your
   Proxy Card above your name.

4. Follow the recorded instructions.        4. Follow the instructions

Your vote is important!                     Your vote is important!
Call 1-877-PRX-VOTE anytime!                Go to

     Do not return your Proxy Card if you are voting by Telephone or Internet

Proxies  voted by Telephone or Internet  must be received by 3:00 P.M. EDT - May
22, 2001

[X] Please mark votes as in this example.



Nominees:  (01) Douglas C. Collins, (02) David C. Glickman,  (03) Robert B. Lee,
(04) David B. Mumford, (05) William K. Stern, and (06) Stephen A. Van Dyke


[ ]
      For all nominees except as noted above

2.   In their  discretion,  the proxies are  authorized  to vote upon such other
     business as may properly come before the meeting.

MARK HERE FOR ADDRESS CHANGE AND NOTE AT LEFT                          [  ]


     (Stockholders  should sign  exactly as name  appears on stock  certificate.
     Where  there  is  more  than  one  owner  each  should   sign.   Executors,
     Administrators,  Trustees and others signing in a  representative  capacity
     should so indicate.)

Signature:________________ Date:______ Signature:___________________ Date:______
