Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(Amendment No.  )

Filed by the Registrant [x]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:
[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement          [ ] Confidential, for Use of
[x] Definitive Proxy Statement                 the Commission Only (as
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials            permitted by
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to            Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
            Section 240.14a-11(c)
            or Section 240.14a-12

                         Louisiana-Pacific Corporation

                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)


    (Name of  Person(s)  Filing Proxy  Statement  if other than the  Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[x] No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

    1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

    2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

    3)  Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
    pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing
    fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

    4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

    5)  Total fee paid:


[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

    1)  Amount Previously Paid:

    2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

    3)  Filing Party:

    4)  Date Filed:


[LOGO] Louisiana-Pacific Corporation                        Proxy Statement and
      805 S.W. Broadway                               Notice to Stockholders of
      Portland, Oregon  97205                                    ANNUAL MEETING
      (503) 821-5100                                                MAY 7, 2001

                                                                March 26, 2001

Dear Stockholder:

      On behalf of the Board of Directors,  I cordially invite you to attend the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders  of  Louisiana-Pacific  Corporation.  The meeting
will be held on Monday,  May 7, 2001, at 9:30 a.m. at the Portland Marriott City
Center,  520  S.W.  Broadway,  Portland,  Oregon.  I look  forward  to  greeting
personally those stockholders able to be present.

      At this year's  meeting you will be asked to vote for the election of four
directors.  Action  will also be taken on any other  matters  that are  properly
presented at the meeting,  including a stockholder  proposal  which the Board of
Directors opposes for the reasons stated in the proxy statement.

      Regardless  of the number of shares you own, it is important  that they be
represented  and  voted  at the  meeting  whether  or not you  plan  to  attend.
Accordingly,  you are requested to sign,  date,  and mail the enclosed  proxy at
your earliest convenience.

      The accompanying proxy statement contains important  information about the
annual meeting and your corporation.  On behalf of the Board of Directors, thank
you for your continued interest and support.



Mark A. Suwyn
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

            On written request,  Louisiana-Pacific will provide, without charge,
a copy of the Corporation's  Form 10-K Report for 2000 filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission  (including the financial  statements and a list briefly
describing the exhibits thereto) to any record holder or beneficial owner of the
Corporation's common stock on March 9, 2001, the record date for the 2001 Annual
Meeting,  or to any  person who  subsequently  becomes  such a record  holder or
beneficial  owner.  The  reports  will be  available  for mailing in April 2001.
Requests  should be sent to:  Director of Corporate  Affairs,  Louisiana-Pacific
Corporation, 805 S.W. Broadway, Portland, Oregon 97205.


Voting Procedure.............................................................2

Item 1--Election of Directors................................................2


      Continuing Directors...................................................3

      Retiring Director......................................................4

      Board and Committee Meetings...........................................4

      Executive Committee....................................................4

      Finance and Audit Committee............................................5

      Compensation Committee--Interlocks and Insider Participation...........5

      Environmental Affairs Committee........................................6

      Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee; Nominations for

Item 2 - Stockholder Proposal Concerning Compensation Committee..............6

      Recommendation of Board of Directors on Stockholder Proposal...........7

Other Business...............................................................9

Finance and Audit Committee Report...........................................9

Holders of Common Stock.....................................................10

      Five Percent Beneficial Owners........................................10

      Directors and Executive Officers......................................11

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance.....................12

Executive Compensation......................................................12

      Compensation Committee Report.........................................12

      Performance Graph.....................................................15

      Compensation of Executive Officers....................................16

      Retirement Benefits...................................................18

      Management Loans and Other Transactions...............................20

      Directors' Compensation...............................................21

      Agreements with Executive Officers....................................22

Stockholder Proposals.......................................................24

Relationship with Independent Public Accountants............................24

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


      Audit Fees............................................................24

      Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees..........24

      All Other Fees........................................................24


FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER........................................A-1


805 S.W. Broadway
Portland, Oregon 97205
(503) 821-5100


                                   May 7, 2001

      The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Louisiana-Pacific Corporation ("LP")
will be held at the Portland Marriott City Center, 520 S.W. Broadway,  Portland,
Oregon,  on Monday,  May 7, 2001, at 9:30 a.m., local time, to consider and vote
upon the following matters:

   1.    Election of four Class I directors.

   2.    If properly  presented at the meeting,  a stockholder's  proposal,  not
         recommended by management,  relating to the  Compensation  Committee of
         the Board of Directors.

      Only stockholders of record at the close of business on March 9, 2001, are
entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting.

      In accordance with the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, a
complete  list of the holders of record of LP Common  Stock  entitled to vote at
the meeting will be open to examination, during ordinary business hours, at LP's
headquarters  located at 805 S.W.  Broadway,  Portland,  Oregon, for the 10 days
preceding  the meeting,  by any LP  stockholder  for any purpose  germane to the

      Admission to the meeting will be by ticket only.  If you are a stockholder
of record and plan to attend,  the Admission  Ticket  attached to the proxy card
will admit you to the meeting.  If you are a  stockholder  whose shares are held
through an intermediary such as a bank or broker and you plan to attend, you may
request an Admission  Ticket by sending a written  request,  along with proof of
ownership,  such  as a bank  or  brokerage  account  statement,  to  Stockholder
Relations, 805 S.W. Broadway, Portland, Oregon 97205.

                                                  ANTON C. KIRCHHOF, Secretary

Portland, Oregon

March 26, 2001


                                 PROXY STATEMENT

      Louisiana-Pacific   Corporation,   a  Delaware   corporation   ("LP"),  is
soliciting  proxies on behalf of its Board of  Directors to be voted at the 2001
Annual Meeting of Stockholders  (including any adjournment of the meeting). This
proxy  statement  and the  accompanying  proxy  card  are  first  being  sent to
stockholders on approximately March 26, 2001.

                                VOTING PROCEDURE

      A proxy card is  enclosed  for your use.  To vote by proxy,  please  sign,
date,  and  return  the proxy  card  promptly.  For your  convenience,  a return
envelope is enclosed, which requires no postage if mailed in the United States.

      You may indicate your voting  instructions on the proxy card in the spaces
provided.  Properly completed proxies will be voted as instructed. If you return
a proxy without  indicating  voting  instructions,  your shares will be voted in
accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Directors--FOR Item 1 listed
in the Notice of Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  and AGAINST  the  stockholder
proposal listed as Item 2 in the Notice of Annual Meeting.

      If you  return a proxy  card,  you may  revoke it (1) by  filing  either a
written  notice of  revocation  or a properly  signed proxy bearing a later date
with the  Secretary  of LP at any time before the  meeting,  or (2) by voting in
person at the annual meeting.

      If you participate in the Automatic Dividend  Reinvestment Plan offered by
First Chicago Trust Company of New York, all the shares held for your account in
the plan will be voted in the same manner as shares you vote by proxy. If you do
not vote by proxy,  the shares held for your account  under the plan will not be

      Only stockholders of record at the close of business on March 9, 2001, are
entitled to receive notice of the annual meeting and to vote at the meeting.  At
the record date,  there were  104,411,125 shares of common stock,  $1 par value
("Common Stock") outstanding. Each share of Common Stock is entitled to one vote
on each matter to be acted upon. A majority of the outstanding  shares of Common
Stock   represented  at  the  meeting  will  constitute  a  quorum.   Additional
information  concerning  holders of outstanding  Common Stock may be found under
the heading "Holders of Common Stock" below.

      The Board of  Directors  has adopted a  confidential  voting  policy which
provides that the voting instructions of stockholders are not to be disclosed to
LP except (a) in the case of communications intended for management,  (b) in the
event of certain  contested  matters,  or (c) as required by law.  Votes will be
tabulated by  independent  tabulators  and summaries of the  tabulation  will be
provided to management.

                          ITEM 1--ELECTION OF DIRECTORS


      The four nominees for the Class I director positions to be voted on at the
meeting are presently members of the Board of Directors.  The term of office for
the positions to be voted on will expire at the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders
in 2004. The nominees are:

WILLIAM C. BROOKS                                 NOMINEE FOR TERM EXPIRING 2004

     William C. Brooks,  age 67, became a director of LP in 1996. Mr. Brooks has
been Chairman of The Brooks Group International, Ltd., a private holding company
involved in human resources and economic development, since 1998. Prior to that,
he was Vice Chairman of Luftig & Warren  International,  a business  performance
technology  consulting firm. Mr. Brooks  previously  served as Vice President of
General  Motors  Corporation  until his  retirement  in 1997.  He was  Assistant
Secretary of Labor for the Employment


Standards Administration from July 1989 to December 1990. Mr. Brooks is Chairman
of the Board of United American Healthcare Corporation and of Lason, Inc., and a
director of Covansys (Complete Business Solutions, Inc.), DTE Energy Company and
Detroit Edison Co., and Sigma Associates, Inc.

PATRICK F. MCCARTAN                               NOMINEE FOR TERM EXPIRING 2004

      Patrick  F.  McCartan,  age 66,  became a  director  of LP in 1998.  He is
managing partner of the  international law firm of Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue, a
position that he has held since 1993. He is a Fellow of the American  College of
Trial Lawyers and the International Academy of Trial Lawyers.

LEE C. SIMPSON                                    NOMINEE FOR TERM EXPIRING 2004

      Lee C. Simpson, age 66, served as President and Chief Operating Officer of
LP on an interim  basis from July 1995 until March 1996.  He also was elected to
fill a vacancy  on the Board of  Directors  in July  1995.  He was an  executive
officer of LP from 1972 until his retirement in 1991 and previously  served as a
director of LP from 1972 until 1993.

COLIN D. WATSON                                   NOMINEE FOR TERM EXPIRING 2004

     Colin D. Watson,  age 59, became a director of LP in June 2000.  Mr. Watson
has been Vice  Chairman  of the Board of Spar  Aerospace  Limited,  an  aviation
services company with headquarters in Toronto,  Ontario,  Canada, since December
1999. He also served as Chief Executive  Officer of Spar Aerospace from December
1999 to December  2000, and President and Chief  Executive  Officer from 1996 to
November 1999.  From 1979 to 1996, Mr. Watson was President and Chief  Executive
Officer of Rogers  Cable TV,  Ltd.  Mr.  Watson is also a director of B-Split II
Corp., Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (a Canadian subsidiary of Sprint Corp.), Cygnal
Technologies  Corp.,  Kasten Chase Applied Research Limited,  OnX Inc., Pelmorex
Inc., and Rogers Cable TV, Ltd.

WITHHELD.  If any of the  nominees  becomes  unavailable  to serve (which is not
anticipated),  your proxy will be voted for a substitute  nominee  designated by
the Board of Directors.

      The four  nominees  receiving  the highest  total  number of votes will be
elected.  Shares  not voted  for the  election  of  directors,  whether  because
authority  to vote is  withheld,  because  the record  holder  fails to return a
proxy,  because  the broker  holding  the shares  does not vote on such issue or
otherwise,  will not count in  determining  the  total  number of votes for each

Continuing Directors

      The current  members of the Board of Directors  whose terms of office will
continue beyond the 2001 Annual Meeting of Stockholders are as follows:

E. GARY COOK                                           CURRENT TERM EXPIRES 2002

     E. Gary Cook,  age 56,  became a director of LP in June 2000.  Mr. Cook was
Chairman,  President and Chief Executive Officer of Witco Corporation,  a global
specialty  chemicals  company,  until his retirement in 1999. Until 1996, he was
President,  Chief Operating Officer, and a director of Albemarle Corporation,  a
global  specialty  chemicals  company spun off from Ethyl  Corporation  in 1994,
where  Mr.  Cook had been a Senior  Vice  President  and  director  since  1992.
Previously,  Mr.  Cook  was a Vice  President  of E. I. du Pont de  Nemours  and
Company.  He is also a director of  Trimeris  Corporation,  a  biopharmaceutical


PAUL W. HANSEN                                         CURRENT TERM EXPIRES 2002

      Paul W. Hansen, age 49, has been a director of LP since February 1999. Mr.
Hansen has been  Executive  Director of the Izaak Walton  League of America (the
"IWLA"), a nationally-recognized conservation organization, since February 1995.
Mr.  Hansen began his  employment  with the IWLA in 1982 as an Acid Rain Project
Coordinator  and  served in various  positions  thereafter,  becoming  Associate
Executive Director in 1994.

BRENDA J. LAUDERBACK                                   CURRENT TERM EXPIRES 2002

     Brenda J. Lauderback,  age 50, was elected as a director of LP in September
1999. She was Group President,  Wholesale and Retail, of Nine West Group Inc., a
designer and marketer of quality,  fashionable women's footwear and accessories,
from May 1995 until her  retirement in January 1998. Ms.  Lauderback  previously
served as President of the Wholesale  Division at U.S.  Shoe Corp.  from 1993 to
1995.  She is also a  director  of  Consolidated  Stores  Corporation  and Irwin
Financial Corporation.

ARCHIE W. DUNHAM                                       CURRENT TERM EXPIRES 2003

     Archie W. Dunham,  age 62, became a director of LP in 1996. He is Chairman,
President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of Conoco Inc.,  an  integrated  global
energy company.  He has served in various senior executive positions with Conoco
Inc. for more than five years.  Mr.  Dunham is also a director of Union  Pacific
Corporation, Chase Bank of Texas, and Phelps Dodge Corporation.

MARK A. SUWYN                                          CURRENT TERM EXPIRES 2003

     Mark A. Suwyn,  age 58, became Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer of LP
and was  elected  to its Board of  Directors  in  January  1996.  Mr.  Suwyn was
Executive Vice President of International  Paper Company from 1992 through 1995.
Previously,  he was  Senior  Vice  President  of E. I. du  Pont de  Nemours  and

Retiring Director

      The following director will retire at the 2001 Annual Meeting:

DONALD R. KAYSER                                  RETIRING EFFECTIVE MAY 7, 2001

      Donald R. Kayser,  age 70, a private investor,  served as interim Chairman
and Chief  Executive  Officer of LP from July 1995 to January 1, 1996,  and then
served as a consultant  to LP through April 1996.  Mr.  Kayser  retired from his
former  position as Executive  Vice  President  and Chief  Financial  Officer of
Morrison  Knudsen  Corporation  in 1990. He was Senior Vice  President and Chief
Financial  Officer of AlliedSignal,  Inc., from 1985 until July 1988. Mr. Kayser
was an  executive  officer of LP until 1982 and has been a director  of LP since

Board and Committee Meetings

      During 2000, the Board of Directors held four regular quarterly  meetings.
Each  director  attended at least 75% of the total number of the meetings of the
Board and the meetings  held by all  committees  of the Board on which he or she
served during 2000.

Executive Committee

      The Board of Directors  has an  Executive  Committee of which Mr. Suwyn is
Chair and Mr. Dunham and Mr.  McCartan are members.  Prior to July 2000, John W.
Barter,  a director  during the first half of 2000, also served on the Executive
Committee.  The  Executive  Committee  did not meet during 2000.  The  Executive
Committee  may  exercise  all the  powers  and  authority  of the  Board  in the
management of LP's business


and affairs,  except that the Executive  Committee may not (i) approve or adopt,
or recommend to the stockholders, any action or matter expressly required by the
Delaware  General  Corporation  Law  to be  submitted  to the  stockholders  for
approval or (ii) adopt, amend or repeal LP's bylaws.

Finance and Audit Committee

      The Board of  Directors  has a Finance  and Audit  Committee  (the  "Audit
Committee") currently consisting of Mr. Dunham, Chair, Mr. Brooks, Mr. Cook, Ms.
Lauderback,  and Mr.  Watson.  Prior to July 2000,  John W.  Barter,  a director
during the first half of 2000,  also served on the Finance and Audit  Committee.
During  2000,  the Audit  Committee  held  seven  meetings,  four of which  were
telephone conference meetings.

      The Audit Committee reviews and, as appropriate,  makes recommendations to
the Board on matters  relating  to the  financial  affairs  and  policies of LP,
including (1) capital structure issues,  (2) dividend policy, (3) treasury stock
purchases,  (4)  acquisitions  and  divestitures,  (5) the status and  financial
implications of significant legal and tax matters, (6) the effectiveness of LP's
internal  legal  compliance  programs,  (7)  external  financing,   (8)  complex
financial  transactions,  (9)  proposed  changes  in  accounting  and  financial
reporting principles and policies, and (10) investment and debt policies.

      The Audit  Committee  also has  responsibility  for various  auditing  and
accounting  matters,  including (1) review of LP's audit plan, annual audit, and
reports or recommendations of LP's independent public  accountants,  and (2) the
selection of LP's outside  accountants and approval of their  compensation.  The
Audit  Committee  meets with both LP's  internal  auditors  and its  independent
public accountants to assess the adequacy of LP's internal financial controls.

Compensation Committee--Interlocks and Insider Participation

      The Board of Directors has a Compensation  Committee currently  consisting
of the following  directors:  Mr.  Brooks,  Chair,  Mr. Cook,  Mr.  Dunham,  Ms.
Lauderback,  and Mr.  Watson.  Prior to July 2000,  John W.  Barter,  a director
during  the first  half of 2000,  and  Patrick F.  McCartan  also  served on the
Compensation Committee.

      The  Compensation  Committee held four meetings  during 2000, two of which
were telephone conference meetings.  The Compensation  Committee's functions are
(1) to administer  LP's 1997 Incentive  Stock Award Plan, (2) to administer LP's
Annual Cash Incentive Award Plan with respect to the  participation of the chief
executive  officer and other  executive  officers of LP as provided in the plan,
(3) to administer each other  compensation  plan the  administration of which is
delegated to the Compensation Committee by the terms of the plan or by action of
the Board of Directors, including the participation in each of LP's compensation
plans by the chief executive officer and other executive officers of LP, and (4)
to  exercise  all  authority  of the  Board of  Directors  with  respect  to the
compensation of the chief executive officer and other executive  officers of LP,
including the determination of salaries and bonuses.

     Compensation  decisions  with respect to LP's chief  executive  officer and
other executive officers are made by a special  subcommittee of the Compensation
Committee to comply with special rules affecting  executive  compensation  under
the Internal Revenue Code and the short-swing profit liability provisions of the
federal  securities  laws.  Presently,  all of the  members of the  Compensation
Committee are members of the subcommittee.

      During 2000,  LP used,  and is  continuing  to use during 2001,  the legal
services of Jones,  Day,  Reavis & Pogue,  of which Mr. McCartan is the managing

      Information concerning executive compensation is set forth below under the
caption "Executive Compensation."


Environmental Affairs Committee

      The Board of Directors has an Environmental Affairs Committee,  consisting
of Mr. Simpson,  Chair, Mr. Hansen,  Mr. Kayser, Mr. McCartan and Mr. Suwyn. The
Environmental Affairs Committee, which met twice during 2000, is responsible for
reviewing the effectiveness of LP's environmental compliance program.

Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee; Nominations for Director

      The Board of Directors has a Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee
(the "Nominating Committee") consisting of Mr. McCartan,  Chair, Mr. Hansen, Mr.
Kayser, and Mr. Simpson.  The Nominating  Committee met three times during 2000,
one of which was a telephone conference meeting.

      The  Nominating  Committee is authorized to establish (1)  procedures  for
selecting and evaluating potential nominees for director and to recommend to the
Board of Directors  criteria for  membership  on the Board,  (2) policies on the
size and composition of the Board, the selection of candidates for director, the
compensation  of directors,  and the  composition of Board  committees,  and (3)
procedures and policies for all other matters of corporate  governance  that may
arise, including director independence, filling a vacancy in the office of chief
executive officer,  staggered terms for the Board of Directors, the roles of the
directors, management and stockholders,  responses to stockholder proposals, and
changes in LP's bylaws.  The Nominating  Committee  will consider  stockholders'
recommendations  concerning  nominees  for  director.  Any such  recommendation,
including the name and  qualifications  of a nominee,  may be submitted to LP to
the attention of the Chair of the Nominating Committee.

      LP's  bylaws  provide  that  nominations  for  election  to the  Board  of
Directors may be made by the Board or by any  stockholder of record  entitled to
vote for the election of  directors.  Notice of a  stockholder's  intent to make
such a nomination  must be given in writing,  by personal  delivery or certified
mail, postage prepaid, to the Chairman of LP and must include the following:

o    the name and address of the stockholder and each proposed nominee,

o    a  representation  that the  stockholder is a record holder of Common Stock
     and intends to appear in person or by proxy at the meeting to nominate  the
     person or persons specified in the notice,

o    a description of any arrangements or  understandings  pursuant to which the
     nominations are to be made,

o    the signed  consent  of each  proposed  nominee  to serve as a director  if
     elected, and

o    such other  information  regarding  each nominee as would be required to be
     included in LP's proxy  statement  if the person had been  nominated by the
     Board of Directors.

      The  notice  must be  delivered  at  least  45  days  prior  to the  first
anniversary  of the  initial  mailing  date  of  LP's  proxy  materials  for the
preceding  year's annual meeting.  For next year's annual  meeting,  this notice
must be received by LP no later than February 9, 2002.


      The following  proposal,  NOT  recommended by management,  together with a
statement  in support of the  proposal  for which LP and the Board of  Directors
take no responsibility,  has been submitted for inclusion in the proxy statement
for  action  at  the  2001  Annual  Meeting  by the  Board  of  Trustees  of the
International  Brotherhood of Electrical  Workers'  Pension  Benefit Fund,  1125
Fifteenth St. N.W.,  Washington,  D.C.  20005,  which has indicated that it held
4,230  shares of Common  Stock at  November  20,  2000,  and intends to hold the
required number of shares through the date of the Annual Meeting:

      "RESOLVED,  that the  shareholders of  Louisiana-Pacific  Corporation (the
      "Company")  hereby request that the Company's  Board of Directors take the
      necessary  steps to ensure  that the  Board's


      Compensation  Committee is composed  entirely of "independent" directors.
      For  purposes  of  this resolution,  a  director  would not be  considered
      independent if  he or she is  currently or  during the past five years has

     o Employed by the Company or an affiliate in an executive capacity;

     o Employed  by a  firm  that  is one of the  Company's  paid  advisors  or

     o Employed by a significant customer or supplier;

     o Employed  by  a  tax-exempt   organization  that  receives   significant
       contributions from the Company;

     o Paid by the Company pursuant to any personal  services  contract with the

     o Serving in an  executive  capacity or as a director of a  corporation  on
       which the Company's chairman or chief executive officer is a board
       member; or

     o Related to a member of management of the Company.

                              SUPPORTING STATEMENT:

      The role of a board of  director's  executive  compensation  committee  is
      critically  important to the  long-term  success of the  corporation.  The
      executive  compensation  committee  establishes  compensation policies and
      practices   that  focus  senior   management   on  the   development   and
      implementation  of  corporate  strategies  designed to maximize  long-term
      corporate value.

      Unfortunately,  in recent years corporate executive compensation practices
      and policies have drawn considerable public and shareholder  attention for
      all the wrong reasons.  Excessive executive  compensation levels highlight
      the tendency of most compensation programs to provide handsome rewards for
      ordinary or less than ordinary performance. Current executive compensation
      plans  often  present  a system  of pay for  performance,  but  they  lack
      challenging performance benchmarks by which executives' performance can be

      In order to ensure the integrity of the executive compensation process and
      the effectiveness of a corporation's  executive  compensation policies and
      practices,  the Board's Compensation Committee should be composed entirely
      of directors  independent of management.  The definition of  "independent"
      director advanced in this resolution will ensure that those members of the
      Compensation  Committee will be totally independent of management and best
      able  to   undertake   their   responsibilities   to   develop   fair  and
      understandable  compensation  policies and practices that focus management
      on achieving long-term corporate success.

      At present, the Company's  Compensation  Committee includes directors that
      do  not  meet  the   "independent"   director  standard  outlined  in  the
      resolution. Patrick F. McCartan is a director of the Company and serves on
      its  Compensation  Committee.  Mr. McCartan is managing partner of the law
      firm of Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue. According to the Company's most recent
      proxy statement, during 1999 the Company used the legal services of Jones,
      Day,  Reavis & Pogue,  and expects to continue to use those legal services
      during 2000.

      As  long-term  shareholders,  we  urge  your  support  of  this  important
      corporate  governance  reform  that  we  believe  will  contribute  to the
      Company's long-term success."




      In recent years,  executive  compensation  has been the subject of intense
public attention and debate. The Board of Directors  recognizes the significance
of the Compensation  Committee,  but it believes that the foregoing  stockholder
proposal will not ensure that this role is performed properly. While the members
of a compensation  committee must be free from undue  pressures and  influences,
they must also have the background and business  expertise  necessary to address
compensation issues and analyze executive performance on an informed basis.

      Only outside  directors  are  eligible to be members of LP's  Compensation
Committee.  Accordingly,  candidates  must have the necessary  skills to perform
their role as directors of LP as well as serve on the Compensation Committee. To
have an effective Board of Directors,  LP must recruit leaders with a variety of
talents, experience, knowledge and professional skills. Once LP has selected the
most suitable  candidates from this limited pool of people, the Board must staff
several  committees,  each with  unique and  important  tasks to fulfill on LP's
behalf.  Two of these  committees,  the  Finance  and  Audit  Committee  and the
Compensation  Committee,  must meet independence  criteria set forth in laws and
regulations established by the SEC, the IRS, and/or the New York Stock Exchange.
LP is in full  compliance  with  these  legal and  regulatory  requirements.  In
addition, Patrick McCartan, the Board member on which the proponent's supporting
statement focuses, is no longer a member of the Compensation Committee.

      The selection criteria in the stockholder  proposal places restrictions on
membership  of the  Compensation  Committee  that go far beyond the  limitations
established by existing laws and regulations. For example, in furtherance of its
goal to eliminate all potential favoritism, no matter how unlikely, the proposal
excludes  individuals with any links with LP, even a director whose employer may
be one of LP's  minor  customers  or  suppliers.  The SEC,  on the  other  hand,
excludes only those  individuals  whose  relationship with LP is associated with
transactions  that  exceed  $60,000  per  year  or,  with  respect  to  legal or
investment  banking  services,  where the firm's fees exceed five percent of its
annual revenues.

      Unlike existing  regulations that only examine candidates' recent links to
the  corporation  (within one year of the  proposed  appointment),  the proposal
includes a five-year  lookback period.  This five-year period raises a number of
interpretive questions,  such as, would an individual be prohibited from serving
on the  Compensation  Committee  if he or she is  employed  by a firm that was a
major  supplier  five years ago, but no longer  supplies LP, or if he or she was
employed five years ago by a firm that is now one of LP's major  customers,  but
he or she stopped  working for the firm before it became one of LP's  customers?
Such  questions can be asked about  virtually  every  restriction  listed in the
proposal.  The  proposal  also uses a number  of  undefined  terms  that make it
difficult  to apply  to  real-life  situations  with any  degree  of  certainty,
including "significant" and "management."

     The Board of  Directors  concurs  with the  proponent  that  members of the
Compensation Committee should be able to exercise their unfettered,  independent
judgment in making  executive  compensation  decisions.  The proposal,  however,
would make it practically  impossible to include as members of the  Compensation
Committee  people whose very  connections and leadership  positions have enabled
them to gain  sufficient  knowledge  about LP's  businesses  and the industry in
which it operates to make informed  decisions and realistic  assessments  of the
performance  of its  executives.  The proposal would even prohibit a person from
serving on the Compensation  Committee if he or she served on another  corporate
board with LP's chairman or chief executive officer!

     In summary,  the Board of Directors believes that the stockholder proposal
is  simply  unworkable  and would  exacerbate  the  challenges  that LP faces in
recruiting directors who are talented and knowledgeable  leaders in business and
other walks of life to serve the interests of you, the stockholders.


     Approval of the stockholder proposal will require the affirmative vote of a
majority  of the total votes cast on this item at the  meeting.  Shares that are
not  represented  at the meeting,  shares that abstain from


voting on this item,  and  shares not voted on this item by brokers or  nominees
will not be counted for purposes of computing a majority.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

      At the time  this  proxy  statement  was  printed,  management  knew of no
matters to be presented at the annual  meeting  other than the items of business
listed in the Notice of Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders.  If any matters  other
than the listed items properly come before the meeting, the proxies named in the
accompanying  form of proxy will vote or refrain  from voting on such matters in
accordance with their judgment.


      The  Finance and Audit  Committee  of the Board of  Directors  (the "Audit
Committee")  assists the Board of  Directors in the  discharge of its  fiduciary
obligations to LP's  stockholders  relating to the quality and integrity of LP's
financial   statements,   its  accounting  and  reporting  practices,   and  the
independence  and  performance  of LP's outside  auditor and  performance of its
internal  accounting  staff. The Audit Committee is comprised of five directors,
each of whom has been determined by the Board of Directors to meet the financial
literacy and  independence  requirements  set forth in the corporate  governance
listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange,  on which LP's Common Stock is
listed.  The Audit Committee's  activities are governed by a written charter,  a
copy of which is attached to this Proxy Statement as Appendix A.

      In  discharging  its   responsibilities,   the  Audit  Committee  and  its
individual members have met with management and LP's outside auditor, Deloitte &
Touche LLP, to review LP's  accounting  functions  and the audit  process and to
discuss the Company's audited  financial  statements for the year ended December
31, 2000. The Audit Committee  discussed and reviewed with its outside  auditing
firm all matters that the firm was required to communicate  and discuss with the
Audit Committee under applicable auditing  standards,  including those described
in Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61, as amended,  regarding communications
with audit  committees.  The Audit  Committee has also received from its outside
auditor a formal written  statement  relating to  independence  consistent  with
Independence  Standards  Board Standard No. 1,  "Independence  Discussions  with
Audit Committees," and discussed with the outside auditor any relationships that
may adversely affect its objectivity and independence.

      Based on its review  and  discussions  with  management  and LP's  outside
auditor,  the Audit  Committee  recommended  to the Board of Directors that LP's
audited  financial  statements for the year ended December 31, 2000, be included
in LP's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K  filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission ("SEC").

Respectfully submitted,

Archie W. Dunham, Chair
William C. Brooks
E. Gary Cook
Brenda J. Lauderback
Colin D. Watson


                             HOLDERS OF COMMON STOCK

Five Percent Beneficial Owners

      The  following  table  provides  information   concerning  the  beneficial
ownership of Common Stock by the persons known to LP to  beneficially  own 5% or
more of the outstanding Common Stock:

                              COMMON STOCK
                              BENEFICIALLY OWNED            APPROXIMATE
NAME AND ADDRESS              AS OF DEC. 29, 2000           PERCENT OF CLASS
----------------              -------------------           ----------------

Capital Research and               9,225,000(1)               8.8%
  Management Company
  333 South Hope Street
  Los Angeles, CA 90071

Louisiana-Pacific Hourly           5,982,539(2)               5.7%
  401(k) and Profit Sharing Plan
  805 S.W. Broadway
  Portland, Oregon  97205

Louisiana-Pacific Salaried         3,705,580(2)               3.5%
  401(k) and Profit Sharing Plan
  805 S.W. Broadway
  Portland, Oregon  97205


(1) Based on Amendment  No. 3 to Schedule  13G filed on February  12,  2001,  by
Capital  Research  and  Management  Company,  a registered  investment  company,
reporting sole dispositive power of the indicated shares.

(2) Shares held by the trusts as to which the trustees have sole voting power.


Directors and Executive Officers

      The following table summarizes the beneficial ownership of Common Stock of
the directors, nominees for director, and current executive officers of LP:

                               COMMON STOCK                  APPROXIMATE
                            BENEFICIALLY OWNED               PERCENT OF
NAME                      AS OF MARCH 9, 2001(1)                CLASS
----                      ----------------------             ----------
William C. Brooks(2)(6)         30,361                            *

E. Gary Cook(2)(6)               4,549                            *

Archie W. Dunham(2)(6)          38,461                            *

Paul W. Hansen(2)(6)            11,961                            *

Donald R. Kayser(2)(5)(6)      107,108                          0.1%

Brenda J. Lauderback(6)         10,461                            *

Patrick F. McCartan(2)(6)       12,261                            *

J. Keith Matheney(2)(3)(6)     182,073                          0.2%

Lee C. Simpson(2)(6)            69,704                            *

Curtis M. Stevens (2)(3)       219,123                          0.2%

Mark A. Suwyn(2)(3)(4)         980,040                          0.9%

Michael J. Tull(2)(3)          181,186                          0.2%

Colin D. Watson(2)(6)            4,549                            *

Gary C. Wilkerson(2)(3)        157,940                          0.2%

All current directors and    2,816,798                          2.7%
executive officers as a
group (21 persons)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)

* Percentages under 0.1% are not shown.

(1)Shares are shown as  beneficially  owned if the person named in the table has
   or shares  the power to vote or direct the voting of, or the power to dispose
   of, or direct the  disposition  of, such  shares.  Inclusion of shares in the
   table does not  necessarily  mean that the  persons  named have any  economic
   beneficial interest in shares set forth opposite their respective names.

(2)Includes shares reserved for issuance under immediately  exercisable  options
   and options which will become exercisable within 60 days after March 9, 2001,
   as follows:  Mr. Brooks,  28,800 shares;  Mr. Cook, 2,700 shares; Mr. Dunham,
   36,000 shares;  Mr. Hansen,  9,000 shares;  Mr.  Kayser,  72,000 shares;  Ms.
   Lauderback,  9,000 shares; Mr. McCartan,  10,800 shares; Mr. Matheney, 97,467
   shares; Mr. Simpson,  45,000 shares; Mr. Stevens,  147,334 shares; Mr. Suwyn,
   667,120 shares;  Mr. Tull,  119,000  shares;  Mr. Watson,  2,700 shares;  Mr.
   Wilkerson, 79,334 shares; and all current directors and executive officers as
   a group, 1,790,722 shares.

(3)Includes  shares held by the LP Salaried  401(k) and Profit Sharing Plan (the
   "401(k)  Plan")  and  beneficially  owned  by  the  following  officers:  Mr.
   Matheney,  12,300 shares; Mr. Stevens, 2,315 shares; Mr. Suwyn, 5,025 shares;
   Mr.  Tull,  3,730  shares;  Mr.  Wilkerson,  2,315  shares;  and all  current
   executive officers as a group, 44,364 shares.

(4)Includes 60,000 shares of unvested  restricted  stock which Mr. Suwyn has the
   power to vote.

(5)Includes  1,100  shares  donated to The Kayser  Family  Foundation  and as to
   which Mr. Kayser shares voting and dispositive power.

(6)Includes  restricted  shares  granted  under the 2000  Non-Employee  Director
   Restricted  Stock Plan as to which the following  directors have the power to
   vote: Mr. Brooks, Mr. Dunham,  Mr. Hansen,  Mr. Kayser,  Ms. Lauderback,  Mr.
   McCartan,  and Mr.  Simpson,  1,461 shares each; and Mr. Cook and Mr. Watson,
   1,849 shares each.



      Section 16 of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 ("Section 16") requires
that  reports  of  beneficial  ownership  of Common  Stock and  changes  in such
ownership  be  filed  with  the  SEC and the New  York  Stock  Exchange  by LP's
officers,  directors, and certain other "reporting persons." Based solely upon a
review of copies of Section  16  reports  filed by LP's  reporting  persons  and
written  representations  by such  persons,  to LP's  knowledge,  all Section 16
reporting  requirements  applicable  to such persons were  complied with for the
period specified in the SEC's rules governing proxy statement disclosures.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Compensation Committee Report

To the Stockholders of Louisiana-Pacific Corporation:


      The goals of LP's executive compensation program are to recruit and retain
qualified  and talented  executives  who will provide  effective  leadership  in
meeting the challenges  facing the company and to provide those  executives with
competitive  pay and incentives for  performance  while aligning their interests
with those of LP's stockholders.  The principal  objectives of LP's compensation
strategy  are  (1)  to  reinforce  LP's  business   organization  and  strategic
direction,  (2) to be  sufficiently  competitive  to attract  and retain  needed
management talent, and (3) to provide compensation that is performance-based and
aligned with stockholder interests yet remains fair, reasonable,  and simple. To
accomplish these  objectives  during 2000, the  Compensation  Committee  awarded
compensation  in  accordance  with  a  previously-approved   program  with  four
principal  elements--base  salary, annual cash incentive  opportunities,  annual
stock option grants, and, for selected senior executives, annual awards of stock
contingent on performance. Cash incentive opportunities are awarded under the LP
Annual Cash Incentive Award Plan.  Stock option grants and awards of performance
shares are made under LP's 1997  Incentive  Stock  Award Plan.  Decisions  as to
awards under the 1997  Incentive  Stock Award Plan and certain other matters are
made by a subcommittee of the Compensation Committee.  Mr. McCartan was a member
of the  Compensation  Committee  until June 2000, but did not participate in the
deliberations of the subcommittee of the Compensation Committee.

      In general,  base salary is intended to be  competitive at the median with
other  forest and building  products  companies.  In addition,  there are annual
opportunities  for  cash  incentive  payments  based on  corporate  performance,
business unit  performance,  and individual  performance  which,  if performance
targets are met,  should permit an executive to receive total cash  compensation
at above median levels for forest and building products companies.  Annual stock
option grants in an amount based on individual  performance recognize individual
achievement  while aligning  management  interests with  stockholder  interests,
reinforcing  long-term  performance,  and facilitating  stock ownership.  Annual
performance-contingent  awards of stock are based on four-year total stockholder
return  measured  against  a  defined  peer  group,  providing  selected  senior
executives  with  significant  incentives  to  maximize  stockholder  value  and
increase their equity participation in LP.

     In addition to the elements of the compensation  strategy  described above,
LP has a deferred compensation plan for executives and a supplemental retirement
plan for selected senior executives.  The Executive  Deferred  Compensation Plan
provides for elective pretax deferrals of up to 90 percent of base salary and up
to 100 percent of cash bonuses.  Deferred amounts up to 7 percent of base salary
are matched by contributions to participants' plan accounts at LP's expense. The
Supplemental   Executive   Retirement  Plan  ("SERP")  is  designed  to  provide
competitive  target  retirement  benefits when combined with other  company-paid
retirement benefits and Social Security.  LP's chief executive officer,  Mark A.
Suwyn,  does not participate in the SERP because he has a separate  supplemental
retirement benefit


under his employment  agreement,  which is described in detail under the caption
"Retirement Benefits" below.

      In November 1999, the subcommittee of the Compensation  Committee approved
an Executive Loan Program to encourage LP's executive  officers and selected key
management  personnel to acquire an increased equity interest in LP stock and to
provide  additional  incentives to remain  employed by LP.

     In November 2000, the subcommittee of the Compensation Committee authorized
additional  loans under the program  during a 60-day period  ending  January 23,
2001. The program is described under "Management  Loans and Other  Transactions"
below. In adopting and  reinstituting the program,  the subcommittee  considered
how it would fit in with LP's other executive compensation  programs,  including
annual stock option  grants and  executive  severance  agreements  relating to a
potential change in control.


      In February 2000, the Compensation Committee established new base salaries
for  executive  officers  based upon a review of salaries at 35 other forest and
building  products  companies  (including  all of the companies  included in the
Standard & Poor's Paper & Forest  Products  Index).  As a result of this review,
the  Compensation  Committee  increased the chief executive  officer's 2000 base
salary by 5 percent  to  $750,000,  which was  approximately  the  median  (50th
percentile)  for chief  executive  officers in this industry.  Due to individual
circumstances,  the salaries for other  executive  officers for 2000 varied from
slightly above to slightly  below the median salary for comparable  positions at
the other  forest and building  products  companies  reviewed  and, for existing
executive officers, increased by an average of approximately 7 percent over 1999


      The   Compensation   Committee   approved   annual  cash  incentive  award
opportunities  in February 2000 under LP's Annual Cash Incentive  Award Plan for
Mr.  Suwyn and certain  other  executive  officers,  subject to  achievement  of
specified  performance goals. The target amounts of the awards were based on the
salary of each  participant  and ranged from  approximately  45 to 55 percent of
base salary for LP's  executive  officers,  except for Mr.  Suwyn,  whose target
amount  equaled 70 percent of his base  salary,  as required  by his  employment

      Depending upon the extent to which  performance  goals are met, the actual
amount paid as a cash incentive  award may range from zero to 150 percent of the
target amount. The performance goals for each  participating  executive for 2000
were  based 50 percent on LP's  earnings  per share and 50 percent on  objective
individual  and business unit goals unique to each of the  participants,  except
that no amount of a 2000 award would be paid unless a minimum earnings per share
threshold was reached.  With respect to Mr. Suwyn,  the  Compensation  Committee
approved an additional  cash incentive  payment of (a) $98,438 if the attainment
of his  individual  performance  goals  reached 70 percent or (b)  $131,250  for
attaining 90 percent of his goals.

      The  business  criteria on which  individual  performance  goals are based
include goals related to success in developing and implementing particular tasks
assigned to an individual  executive.  These goals,  therefore,  naturally  vary
depending upon the  responsibilities  of individual  executives and may include,
without  limitation,  goals  related to success in developing  and  implementing
particular management plans or systems,  reorganizing departments,  establishing
business  relationships,   or  resolving  identified  problems.  For  2000,  the
individual  performance goals for Mr. Suwyn included goals related to increasing
sales  in  LP's  core   businesses   and  its  specialty   products,   achieving
commercialization  of three new products  with net sales of more than $1 million
each, reducing production costs,  improving or selling certain  under-performing
business units,  implementing new financial and information systems,  completing
strategic  builder  experiments and recommending  action based on results of the
experiments,  and  developing  a  succession  plan  for LP's  executive  officer


     The business  criteria on which business unit  performance  goals are based
include a  combination  of financial  goals and  strategic  goals related to the
performance  of  an  identified   business  unit  for  which  an  executive  has
responsibility.  Strategic  goals  for a  business  unit  may  include  one or a
combination of objective  factors related to success in  implementing  strategic
plans or initiatives,  introducing products,  constructing facilities,  or other
identifiable  objectives.  Financial  goals for a business  unit may include the
degree to which the business unit  achieves one or more measures  related to its
revenues,  earnings,  profitability,  efficiency,  operating  profit,  costs  of
production,  or other  measures,  whether  expressed  as absolute  amounts or as
ratios  or  percentages,  which  may  be  measured  against  various  standards,
including budget targets, improvement over prior years, and performance relative
to other companies or business units.

      In February 2001, the Compensation Committee determined that the corporate
goal relating to LP's earnings per share was not met and,  accordingly,  no cash
incentive  awards were paid to any LP  employees  for 2000 under the Annual Cash
Incentive Award Plan.


      Another significant element in LP's compensation  program is annual grants
of  nonstatutory  stock  options.  In February  2000,  the  subcommittee  of the
Compensation  Committee considered proposed option grants to executive officers.
Preliminary  target values (using the Black-Scholes  valuation model) were based
on  competitive  levels equal to a percentage  of the  executive's  base salary.
These target values  equaled 70 percent of each  executive  officer's  2000 base
salary, except for Mr. Suwyn, whose target value equaled 115 percent of his 2000
base salary. The subcommittee approved option grants at levels up to 120 percent
greater than the target values based on individual performance during 1999. As a
result of the foregoing factors,  the Compensation  Committee approved an option
award to Mr. Suwyn of 189,360  shares.  All options  granted in 2000 will become
exercisable in three equal annual installments  beginning one year from the date
of grant and will terminate 10 years after the date of grant.


      In February 2000, the subcommittee of the Compensation  Committee  granted
performance-contingent  stock awards to selected senior  executives.  Each grant
entitles  the  participant  to  receive a number  of  shares of LP Common  Stock
determined by comparing  LP's total  annualized  stockholder  return to the mean
annualized total  stockholder  return of five other forest and building products
companies  (all of which are  included in the  Standard & Poor's  Paper & Forest
Products Index) for the four-year  period  beginning on January 1 of the year of

      Targeted  award  levels in the amount of 40  percent  of 2000 base  salary
(except  for Mr.  Suwyn)  will be payable in shares to  participating  executive
officers if LP's cumulative total stockholder  return is a specified  percentage
above the mean total stockholder  return of the specified  comparison group. Mr.
Suwyn's  targeted  award level is 60 percent of his 2000 base salary,  or 36,364
shares of LP Common Stock.

      Depending upon LP's four-year total stockholder  return for the four years
ending  December 31, 2003,  in  comparison  to the group,  the actual  number of
shares  issued could range from zero to 200 percent of the targeted  amount.  Of
the shares earned,  50 percent would be paid at the end of the four-year period,
and 50 percent  would remain  subject to forfeiture  upon a participant  leaving
LP's employment within two years thereafter.


      To the  extent  consistent  with  its  goal  of  maintaining  a  fair  and
competitive   compensation  package,  the  Compensation  Committee  attempts  to
structure LP's executive  compensation  to be deductible for


income  tax  purposes  by  complying  with tax  requirements  applicable  to the
deductibility of certain types of compensation.

Respectfully submitted,

William C. Brooks, Chair
E. Gary Cook
Archie W. Dunham
Brenda J. Lauderback
Colin D. Watson

Performance Graph

      The  following  graph is required  to be included in this proxy  statement
under  applicable  rules of the SEC.  The graph  compares  the total  cumulative
return  to  investors,   including  dividends  paid  (assuming  reinvestment  of
dividends) and  appreciation or depreciation in stock price,  from an investment
in LP Common Stock for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2000, to
the total  cumulative  return to investors  from the Standard & Poor's 500 Stock
Index and the  Standard & Poor's  Paper and Forest  Products  Index for the same
period. Stockholders are cautioned that the graph shows the returns to investors
only as of the dates noted and may not be  representative of the returns for any
other past or future period.

Louisiana-Pacific   Corporation, S&P 500, and S&P Paper and Forest Products
                    December 31, 1995 to December 31, 2000

[Graphic Omitted]

                               Dec-95  Dec-96 Dec-97  Dec-98 Dec-99  Dec-00
                               ------  ------ ------  ------ ------  ------
Louisiana-Pacific Corporation $  100   89.26   82.47  81.82   64.96  49.52
S&P 500                       $  100  122.96  163.98 210.85  255.21 231.98
S&P Paper & Forest Products   $  100  110.62  118.61 120.96  169.13 138.50


Compensation of Executive Officers

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                               ANNUAL COMPENSATION

      NAME                                         OTHER        NUMBER OF
      AND                                          ANNUAL        SHARES         ALL OTHER
   PRINCIPAL                                      COMPEN-      UNDERLYING        COMPEN-
    --------       ----    ------     --------    ---------   --------------    ---------
Mark A. Suwyn(4)   2000   $750,000    $ -0-      $  ---        189,360          $63,860
Chairman and       1999    703,015    668,750       ---        258,000           25,489
Chief Executive    1998    714,000    322,500       ---        116,500           21,740

Gary C.            2000    297,404      -0-         ---         27,000           23,902
Wilkerson          1999    280,615    190,451       ---         35,000           16,205
Vice President     1998    277,917    134,000       ---         27,000           16,000
and General Counsel

Curtis M.          2000    281,346      -0-         ---         39,000           24,038
Stevens            1999    234,731    180,180       ---         55,000           17,191
Vice President,    1998    216,668    141,900       ---         80,000           16,769
Treasurer and
Chief Financial

J. Keith           2000    239,837      -0-         ---         39,000           19,720
Matheney           1999    224,235    167,248       ---         46,000           31,045
Vice President,    1998    208,687    104,000       ---         20,000           17,339
Core Businesses

Michael J. Tull    2000    228,183      -0-         ---         32,000           26,296
Vice President,    1999    215,177    135,816       ---         41,000           22,203
Human Resources    1998    198,942     77,100     31,807        22,000           19,024


(1)Represents  amounts  paid under LP's  Annual Cash  Incentive  Award Plan upon
satisfaction of performance goals.

(2)Represents  primarily  reimbursement for financial planning  services.  Other
amounts of  personal  benefits  have been  excluded  as being  below the minimum
thresholds included in the proxy disclosure rules of the SEC.

(3)Amounts  shown for 2000 include (i) an annual profit sharing  contribution to
LP's  401(k)  Plan of $2,312 for each named  executive  officer;  (ii) an annual
matching  contribution under LP's Executive Deferred  Compensation Plan equal to
the amount deferred up to 7 percent of salary, as follows:  Mr. Suwyn,  $52,500;
Mr. Wilkerson,  $20,818; Mr. Stevens,  $19,694;  Mr. Matheney,  $16,789; and Mr.
Tull,  $15,973;   and  (iii)  interest  accrued  under  the  Executive  Deferred
Compensation Plan (to the extent that such interest exceeds amounts accrued at a
rate equal to 120 percent of the applicable federal long-term rate),  compounded
monthly,  as follows:  Mr. Suwyn,  $9,048;  Mr.  Wilkerson,  $772; Mr.  Stevens,
$2,032; Mr. Matheney, $619; and Mr. Tull, $8,011.

(4)At December 31, 2000, Mr. Suwyn held 60,000 shares of restricted stock with a
dollar value of $607,500,  subject to future vesting or  forfeiture.  The shares
will vest upon Mr.  Suwyn's  reaching  age 62 while  employed by LP,  subject to
acceleration  of  vesting  as to all  shares  upon  the  occurrence  of  certain
specified  events during Mr. Suwyn's term of  employment,  including a change in
control of LP. See "Agreements  with Executive  Officers"  below.  Dividends are
payable on restricted stock at the same time as dividends on unrestricted shares
of Common Stock.



                              INDIVIDUAL GRANTS(1)

                      NUMBER OF     PERCENT OF
                       SHARES      TOTAL OPTIONS      EXERCISE
                      UNDERLYING    GRANTED           OR BASE
                       OPTIONS      TO EMPLOYEES      PRICE PER     EXPIRATION     GRANT DATE
NAME                   GRANTED      DURING 2000        SHARE           DATE      PRESENT VALUE(2)
----                  ----------    ------------      ---------     ----------   ----------------
Mark A. Suwyn          189,360       19.5%             $12.38         2/5/10        $922,183

Gary C. Wilkerson       27,000        2.8               12.38         2/5/10         131,490

Curtis M. Stevens       39,000        4.0               12.38         2/5/10         189,930

J. Keith Matheney       39,000        4.0               12.38         2/5/10         189,930

Michael J. Tull         32,000        3.3               12.38         2/5/10         155,840


(1)No stock  appreciation  rights  ("SARs") were granted to the named  executive
officers  during  2000.  All  options  were  granted  for the  number  of shares
indicated at exercise  prices equal to the fair market value of the Common Stock
on the date of grant.  The options will vest in three equal annual  installments
beginning  one year  following  the date of grant,  subject to  acceleration  of
exercisability  in the event of a change in control of LP. If such  acceleration
of exercisability results in an "excess parachute payment" within the meaning of
Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"),  the
amount of any excise tax imposed on a participant by Section 4999(a) of the Code
directly  attributable to such  acceleration  will be reimbursed by LP, together
with any income or excise taxes imposed on such reimbursement.

(2)The  values  shown have been  calculated  based on the  Black-Scholes  option
pricing model and do not reflect the effect of restrictions  on  transferability
or vesting. The values were calculated based on the following  assumptions:  (i)
expectations  regarding  volatility  of 34.34% were based on monthly stock price
data for LP for the 36 months  preceding the grant date, (ii) the risk-free rate
of return  (6.80%)  was  assumed to be the  Treasury  Bond rate  whose  maturity
corresponds to the expected term (10.0 years) of the options granted;  and (iii)
a dividend  yield of 2.88%.  The values which may  ultimately  be realized  will
depend on the market value of the Common  Stock during the periods  during which
the options are exercisable,  which may vary  significantly from the assumptions
underlying the Black-Scholes model.


                      NUMBER OF SECURITIES
                          UNDERLYING             VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                      AT DECEMBER 31, 2000       AT DECEMBER 31, 2000(2)
                     ---------------------       -------------------------
----              -----------  -------------     -----------   -------------
Mark A. Suwyn       439,167     440,193            $ 0            $ 0

Gary C. Wilkerson    49,668      59,333              0              0

Curtis M. Stevens   107,668     102,332              0              0

J. Keith Matheney    62,467      76,333              0              0

Michael J. Tull      87,334      66,666              0              0

(1)The named executive officers did not exercise any options or SARs during 2000
and did not hold any SARs at December 31, 2000.

(2)Based  on the  difference  between  the market  value per share of the Common
Stock on December 31, 2000, $10.125, and the option exercise price, if lower.


                    LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLANS-AWARDS IN 2000

                                                               ESTIMATED FUTURE PAYOUTS
                                                                   UNDER NON-STOCK
                                                            PRICE-BASED PLANS(2)

                        NUMBER OF        PERIOD
                        PERFORMANCE  UNTIL MATURATION
NAME                    SHARES(1)       OR PAYOUT        THRESHOLD (#)   TARGET (#)   MAXIMUM (#)
----                    -----------  ----------------    -------------   ----------   -----------
Mark A. Suwyn            36,364        1/00 - 12/03          7,273         36,364       72,728

Gary C. Wilkerson         9,212        1/00 - 12/03          1,842          9,212       18,424

Curtis M. Stevens         7,758        1/00 - 12/03          1,552          7,758       15,516

J. Keith Matheney         7,402        1/00 - 12/03          1,480          7,402       14,804

Michael J. Tull           7,079        1/00 - 12/03          1,416          7,079       14,158


(1)Represents  performance-contingent  stock  awards  granted  under  LP's  1997
Incentive Stock Award Plan in February 2000. Each grant entitles the participant
to  receive a number of shares of Common  Stock  determined  by  comparing  LP's
annualized  total  stockholder  return ("LP's TSR") to the mean annualized total
stockholder  return of five other forest products companies (the "Industry TSR")
for the four-year performance period ending December 31, 2003.

(2)The actual number of  performance  shares to be issued  pursuant to an award,
expressed as a percentage of the award, will range from 20% if LP's TSR is three
percentage  points below the  Industry TSR to 200% if LP's TSR is 13  percentage
points  above the Industry  TSR, and will be equal to the target  amount if LP's
TSR is 3  percentage  points  above  the  Industry  TSR.  The  number  of target
performance shares will be automatically adjusted to reflect a stock dividend or
stock split and the deemed reinvestment of cash dividends declared on the Common
Stock during the performance  period. Of the performance  shares earned, if any,
50% is payable at the end of the four-year performance period, provided that the
participant  continues  to be an employee of LP, and 50% will remain  subject to
forfeiture for an additional two years if the participant leaves LP's employment
within the two-year restriction period.  Special provisions apply in case of the
participant's death or disability,  retirement after age 60 with the approval of
LP's chief executive officer, or a change in control of LP.

Retirement Benefits

      LP's  Supplemental  Executive  Retirement  Plan (the  "SERP") is a defined
benefit  plan  intended  to  provide  supplemental  retirement  benefits  to key
executives  designated by the committee  appointed to administer  the SERP.  The
following table shows the estimated  annual benefits  payable to participants in
the SERP upon retirement  based on the indicated  years of credited  service and
compensation  levels  (without  reduction  for Social  Security  or the value of
benefits under LP's other retirement plans):

                               PENSION PLAN TABLE

    -------------                      -------------------------
                                   5            10                  15
                                   -            --                  --
  $    150,000....           $ 25,000       $50,000             $75,000

       200,000....             33,333        66,667             100,000

       300,000....             50,000       100,000             150,000

       400,000....             66,667       133,333             200,000

       500,000....             83,333       166,667             250,000

       600,000....            100,000       200,000             300,000

       700,000....            116,667       233,333             350,000

       800,000....            133,333       266,667             400,000

     1,000,000....            166,667       333,333             500,000

     1,200,000....            200,000       400,000             600,000

     1,500,000....            250,000       500,000             750,000


      Participants  will become  fully vested in their  benefits  under the SERP
after completing five years of participation in the SERP,  beginning  January 1,
1997.  Vesting will be  accelerated in the event of the  participant's  death or
disability or a change in control of LP.

      The annual benefit payable under the SERP is equal to 50% of final average
compensation  multiplied  by a  fraction  the  numerator  of  which  is years of
credited  service  (up to a maximum of 15) and the  denominator  of which is 15.
Years of credited  service are  determined  under the  provisions  of the 401(k)
Plan. If a participant's employment is involuntarily terminated within 36 months
after a change in  control  of LP occurs,  he or she will be  credited  with two
additional  years of service.  The years of service  credited  to the  executive
officers named in the Summary  Compensation Table above as of December 31, 2000,
are as follows:  Mr. Suwyn, 8 years;  Mr.  Wilkerson,  3 years;  Mr. Stevens,  3
years; Mr. Matheney, 30 years; and Mr. Tull, 4 years.

      Final   average   compensation   on  an  annual  basis  is  defined  as  a
participant's  compensation during the 60 consecutive months out of the last 120
months  of  employment  in which the  participant's  compensation  was  highest,
divided by five.  Compensation includes base pay and annual cash incentives (for
the executive  officers named in the Summary  Compensation  Table above,  salary
plus  annual  bonus) paid to a  participant  or  deferred  under LP's  Executive
Deferred  Compensation Plan, but excludes all other benefits. If a participant's
employment  is  involuntarily  terminated  within  36  months  after a change in
control  of LP,  benefits  under  the  SERP  will  be  calculated  based  on the
participant's base salary during the preceding 12 months plus the average annual
cash incentive paid in the preceding  three years,  if higher than final average

      Retirement  benefits  shown in the table above are  expressed  in terms of
single life  annuities,  are  subject to  reduction  in the event of  retirement
before age 62 and will be  reduced  by an amount  equal to the sum of (1) 50% of
the participant's  primary Social Security benefit  determined at age 62 and (2)
the value of the participant's benefits under LP's other retirement plans.

      During 2000, LP amended an existing  frozen defined  benefit plan into the
Retirement  Account  Plan,  in  which  certain  employees,  including  executive
officers,  participate. The Retirement Account Plan is a cash balance plan under
which there is an account for each  participating  employee to which there is an
annual  contribution  credit equal to five percent of compensation (with certain
exclusions) up to a maximum earnings limit imposed by the federal tax laws. Each
of the named  executive  officers  was  credited  with the maximum of $8,500 for
2000.  In  addition,  interest  is  credited  daily on the cash  balance in each
participant's  account.  Once vested,  generally after five years of service,  a
participant  is entitled  to the  amounts in his or her  account  when he or she
leaves LP. The  estimated  annual  retirement  income  payable as a single  life
annuity  at normal  retirement  at age 65,  assuming  no  change in the  maximum
earnings  limit and an  interest  crediting  rate of 5.78  percent,  would be as
follows  for the  executive  officers  named in the Summary  Compensation  Table
above: Mr. Suwyn,  $7,992; Mr. Wilkerson,  $13,560,  Mr. Stevens,  $24,420;  Mr.
Matheney,  $16,848; and Mr. Tull, $13,056.  Payment may also be in a lump sum or
pursuant to other arrangements. The Retirement Account Plan does not provide for
an offset for Social Security benefits.

      Pursuant to Mr. Suwyn's employment  agreement with LP, he is entitled to a
nonqualified   supplemental   executive   retirement  benefit  in  which  he  is
immediately vested to the extent accrued.  The annual retirement benefit payable
to Mr. Suwyn under the agreement (calculated as a single life annuity reduced on
an actuarial  basis for retirement  prior to age 62) is equal to an amount based
on Mr. Suwyn's  compensation  (salary plus annual bonus) for the year during the
three consecutive  calendar years prior to termination of employment in which he
had the highest  compensation  (including  with his previous  employer),  with a
maximum annual benefit equal to 50% of such compensation (less a Social Security
offset) and a minimum  annual  benefit  equal to 25% of such  compensation.  The
annual benefit so calculated  will be reduced by an amount equal to the value of
the benefits payable to Mr. Suwyn pursuant to the retirement plans maintained by
his prior  employer and LP. In the event of a change in control of LP,


Mr.  Suwyn will be entitled to two  additional  years of service for purposes of
the  foregoing  benefit.  If Mr. Suwyn were to retire on December 31, 2001,  the
annual  supplemental  retirement  benefit payable by LP, without any reductions,
pursuant to the  provisions  of the  agreement is estimated to be $457,000.  See
"Agreements with Executive Officers."

Management Loans and Other Transactions

      In November 1999, the subcommittee of the Compensation  Committee approved
an Executive Loan Program under which up to 1,700,000 shares of the Common Stock
were offered by LP for purchase  prior to January 23,  2000,  by LP's  executive
officers,  Business Team Leaders,  and other executives  designated by its chief
executive  officer.  In November 2000,  this  subcommittee  of the  Compensation
Committee  authorized  additional  loans under the Executive Loan Program during
the 60-day period which ended January 23, 2001.  Participants  were permitted to
borrow up to 100 percent of the  purchase  price of the shares to be  purchased,
which was equal to the closing  price of the Common  Stock on the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE) on the date of delivery of an election to participate to LP. The
maximum  amount an individual was permitted to borrow was three times his or her
annual base pay. The loans bear interest at the annual rate of 6.02 percent.

     Interest  and  principal  are due and payable at the earlier of January 23,
2006,  or  30  days  following  the   executive's   resignation  or  involuntary
termination  of  employment.  The loans are  unsecured.  With  respect  to loans
outstanding on or entered into after November 24, 2000, if the executive remains
continuously  employed by LP through the  following  dates,  the loan balance at
that date will be forgiven in the  following  percentages:  January 23, 2004, 50
percent of the original principal; January 23, 2005, an additional 25 percent of
the principal plus 50 percent of the accrued interest; and January 23, 2006, all
remaining  principal  and  accrued  interest.   If  an  executive's   employment
terminates  due to death,  disability,  or  termination by LP without cause or a
change in control of LP occurs,  his or her loan will be  forgiven in a prorated
amount of the  percentages  specified  above based on the amount of time elapsed
since January 23, 2001. In addition,  if the Common Stock has traded on the NYSE
for at least five  consecutive  trading days at specified  price levels or above
during the 12-month period  immediately  preceding  January 23, 2004 or 2005 and
the executive  remains employed by LP, the following  additional  percentages of
the loan balance will be forgiven: January 23, 2004, 25 percent of the principal
and 50 percent of the  accrued  interest at a price level of $16.00 per share or
50 percent of the principal  and 100 percent of the accrued  interest at a price
level of $20.00 per share;  and January 23, 2006,  all  remaining  principal and
accrued  interest at a price level of $18.00 per share. No amount of a loan will
be forgiven if the executive does not still own, as of the applicable  date, all
shares purchased under the Executive Loan Program.

      A  total  of  238,705  shares  of  Common  Stock  were  purchased  by five
executives  during the period from  January 1, 2000 to January 23,  2001,  for a
total  purchase price of $2,230,478.  The following  table provides  information
regarding  loans  made under the  Executive  Loan  Program  to persons  who were
executive  officers of LP during the period from January 1, 2000, to January 23,
2001.  The loan  amounts  shown


include the  original  principal  amount and the amount  outstanding  (including
accrued  interest) at March 15, 2001,  which is the highest  amount  outstanding
since January 1, 2000.

                       ORIGINAL LOAN     SHARE       NO. OF        BALANCE
      NAME                AMOUNT         PRICE       SHARES       AT 3/15/01
      ----             -------------     -----       ------       ----------
      J. Ray Barbee      $ 599,991      $13.625      44,036       $ 646,847
      F. Jeff Duncan       542,191       13.000      41,707         580,036
      Warren C. Easley     349,994       11.625      30,107         377,575
      Richard W. Frost     599,990       11.625      51,612         647,271
      M. Ward Hubbell      416,803       11.625      35,854         449,648
      Joseph B. Kastelic   399,989       13.625      29,357         431,226
      J. Keith Matheney    688,491       11.625      59,225         742,746
      Elizabeth T. Smith   399,993        8.625      46,376         405,943
      Curtis M. Stevens    719,994       11.625      61,935         776,732
      Mark A. Suwyn      2,141,999       11.625     184,258       2,310,796
      Michael J. Tull      656,999       11.625      56,516         708,772
      Gary C. Wilkerson    854,996       11.625      73,548         922,372
      Walter M. Wirfs      569,997       11.625      49,032         614,915

      Terry Simpson,  the son of one of LP's  directors,  Lee C. Simpson,  is an
employee of LP and received compensation totaling $202,525 during 2000.

     See "Item 1 - Election of  Directors;  Compensation  Committee - Interlocks
and Insider Participation" for a description of one additional transaction.  See
also "Agreements with Executive Officers."

Directors' Compensation

      Each director of LP who is not an employee of LP receives for all services
as a director  fees at the rate of $24,000 per year,  plus $1,750 for each board
meeting and $1,000 for each  committee  meeting  attended,  including  telephone
conference meetings.

      LP maintains an unfunded  deferred  compensation  plan for directors which
permits  outside  directors  to elect to defer  payment of any  portion of their
director fees and meeting fees,  provided  that the minimum  deferral  amount is
$2,400 per year. Such deferred  compensation,  including  amounts deferred under
the prior plan,  may be allocated at a  participating  director's  election in a
fund which earns interest at a rate equal to two percentage points above Moody's
Average Corporate Bond Yield Index,  adjusted monthly,  or in a fund invested in
phantom units of Common  Stock.  Payment of deferred  amounts will  generally be
made, at the director's  option, in a lump sum or in substantially  equal annual
installments over a 5-year, 10-year or 15-year period beginning either within 65
days or during the month of January after he or she ceases to be a director.

      LP's 1992  Non-Employee  Director Stock Option Plan (the "Director  Plan")
provides for the automatic grant every year (with certain exceptions) of options
to purchase  shares of Common Stock to members of the Board of Directors who are
not employees of LP or any of its  subsidiaries.  Each option  granted under the
Director  Plan  beginning  May 1, 2000,  entitles  the holder to purchase  9,000
shares of Common  Stock at a price  equal to 100% of the fair  market  value (as
defined) of a share of Common  Stock on the date of grant.  Each option  becomes
exercisable  as to 10% of the shares  covered by the option  (i.e.,  900 shares)
every three months  following  the date of grant until  vested in full.  Options
become immediately  exercisable in full upon the death of the holder or upon the
occurrence  of a change in control of LP.  Effective  May 1, 2000,  the Board of
Directors  adopted the 2000 Non-Employee  Director  Restricted Stock Plan, which
provides for annual  grants of  restricted  shares of Common Stock with a market
value on the grant date of $20,000 to each  non-employee  director  of L-P.  The
restricted  shares vest in full on the earliest to occur of five years following
the  grant  date,  upon the  director's  death,  disability  or  retirement  (as
defined), or a change in control of L-P. If the director ceases to be a director
before the  restrictions  lapse,


the  restricted  shares are  forfeited.  Prior to vesting,  the director has the
right to vote the  shares  and to  receive  dividends.  To the  extent not fully
vested, an option will become exercisable as to an additional 20% of shares upon
the director's  retirement as of the first annual meeting of stockholders  after
the  director  attains age 70.  Each  option  expires 10 years after the date of
grant, subject to earlier termination if the holder ceases to be a member of the
Board of Directors.

Agreements with Executive Officers

      LP entered into an employment agreement with Mark A. Suwyn with respect to
his employment as LP's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in January 1996. The
term of the  agreement  presently  will expire on December 31, 2001,  subject to
automatic  extension  annually  unless 90 days'  prior  notice of  intention  to
terminate is given by either party.

      The agreement provides that Mr. Suwyn is entitled to a minimum base salary
of  $600,000,  subject to annual  review for  increase by the Board of Directors
beginning in 1997, and an annual bonus, subject to satisfying  reasonable annual
performance goals established by the Compensation Committee.  The agreement also
provides for a nonqualified  supplemental  retirement benefit as described above
under  "Retirement  Benefits."  In  addition,  Mr.  Suwyn is entitled  under the
agreement to  participate  in all LP employee  benefit  arrangements  at a level
commensurate with his position.

      In the event Mr.  Suwyn's  employment  is terminated by Mr. Suwyn for Good
Reason (as defined) or by LP for any reason other than  disability  or Cause (as
defined), or if the agreement is not renewed pursuant to notice by LP, Mr. Suwyn
will be  entitled  to receive  an amount  equal to his base  salary,  as then in
effect,  for the remainder of the term of the agreement or 24 months,  whichever
is longer,  plus a pro rata cash  incentive  payment for the year of termination
and certain continued  medical  benefits.  He will also be entitled to all other
amounts and benefits in which he is then or thereby becomes vested.

      If a Change in Control  occurs (as  defined)  and Mr.  Suwyn's  employment
terminates  (including  voluntarily  by Mr.  Suwyn)  during the 13-month  period
following the Change in Control other than for Cause or by death or  disability,
Mr.  Suwyn will be entitled to receive,  in addition to all amounts and benefits
in which he is vested,  an amount equal to his base  salary,  as then in effect,
for the  remainder  of the term of the  agreement  or 24  months,  whichever  is
longer, together with (i) a pro rata share of the targeted annual cash incentive
award for the year in which such termination  occurs;  (ii) a bonus equal to two
times the targeted annual cash incentive award, if any, for such year payable in
24 equal monthly installments; and (iii) employee welfare benefits substantially
similar to those which he was receiving immediately prior to such termination.

      For  purposes  of the  agreement,  a "Change in  Control"  of LP  includes
certain  extraordinary  corporate  transactions  pursuant  to which  less than a
majority of the combined  voting power in LP remains in the hands of the holders
immediately  prior to such  transactions,  a person or group (other than certain
persons  related  to LP)  becomes  the  beneficial  owner  of 25% or more of the
combined voting power in LP, or, with certain exceptions, the existing directors
of LP cease to constitute a majority of the Board of Directors. "Cause" includes
continuing  to fail to  devote  substantially  all one's  business  time to LP's
business and affairs, engaging in certain activities competitive with LP, or the
commission  of  specified  wrongful  acts.  "Good  Reason"  includes  failure to
maintain Mr. Suwyn as Chairman and Chief Executive  Officer, a reduction in base
salary  or the  termination  or  reduction  of any  employee  benefits,  certain
extraordinary corporate  transactions,  certain relocations of Mr. Suwyn's place
of work, or any material breach of the agreement by LP.

      If any payment  under the  agreement  is  determined  to be subject to the
federal excise tax imposed on benefits that constitute excess parachute payments
under the Code, Mr. Suwyn will be entitled to reimbursement for such taxes on an
after-tax basis.

      LP  has  entered  into  Change  of  Control  Employment   Agreements  (the
"Employment  Agreements") with all of its current executive officers,  including
each of the executive  officers named in the Summary


Compensation  Table  above.  The  Employment  Agreements  provide for  severance
compensation  in the event of  termination  of employment  following a change of
control of LP. Each  Employment  Agreement  has a term of three years subject to
automatic extension annually for one additional year unless notice of nonrenewal
is given by November 26 of the current year.  Also, if a change of control of LP
occurs during the term of the Employment  Agreements,  the term will be extended
automatically  for three additional  calendar years beyond the date on which the
change of control occurs.

      The  Employment  Agreements  further  provide that if,  within three years
following the occurrence of a change of control, an executive's  employment with
LP is terminated by LP other than for cause or by the executive for good reason,
the  executive  will be  entitled  to  receive  (i) his or her full base  salary
through  the date of  termination  (which  must be at least equal to the highest
rate in effect  during  the 12 months  prior to the date the  change of  control
occurred) plus a pro rata amount of the executive's  target bonus for the fiscal
year in which the change of  control  occurred  (the  "Target  Bonus"),  (ii) an
amount equal to three times the sum of (x) his or her annual base salary at such
rate plus (y) his or her Target Bonus,  and (iii) the difference,  calculated on
an actuarial  present value basis,  between the  retirement  benefits that would
have accrued if the  executive's  employment  continued for an additional  three
years and the actual vested benefit, if any, at the date of termination. Special
payment  provisions  apply in the event of the  executive's  death or disability
following a change of control.

      The Employment Agreements also provide for reimbursement of legal fees and
expenses  and for  outplacement  services  and for the  continuation  of health,
disability and life insurance benefits for three years following  termination of
employment  voluntarily for good reason or involuntarily other than for cause or
disability.  Each Employment  Agreement also provides for  reimbursement for any
excise tax imposed on benefits that constitute  excess  parachute  payments plus
any  related  federal,  state and local  income  taxes,  subject to a "cut back"
provision  providing  for a  reduction  in the  payments  under  the  Employment
Agreement  if the amount that would be treated as excess  parachute  payments is
not greater than 110% of the maximum  amount that could be paid to the executive
without imposition of any excise tax.

      Lengthy  definitions  of cause,  change of  control  and good  reason  are
included in the Employment  Agreements.  Brief  summaries of the definitions are
set forth below.

      "Cause"  means (i) the willful and  continued  failure of the executive to
perform  substantially  his or her duties after delivery of a written demand for
substantial performance or (ii) the willful engaging by the executive in illegal
conduct or gross misconduct that is materially and demonstrably injurious to LP,
in each case  pursuant to a  resolution  adopted by the  affirmative  vote of at
least three-fourths of the entire membership of the Board of Directors.

      "Change  of  control"  means (i) the  acquisition  by a person or group of
beneficial  ownership  of  20%  of  LP's  outstanding  Common  Stock  or  voting
securities,  with certain  exceptions,  (ii) a change in the  composition of the
Board of Directors  such that the  incumbent  directors  cease to  constitute at
least a majority of the Board (including,  for purposes of computing a majority,
those  persons  nominated  for  election  by a  majority  of the then  incumbent
directors  who had been  similarly  nominated),  (iii)  consummation  of certain
reorganizations, mergers, consolidations or sale of substantially all the assets
of LP, or (iv)  approval  by LP's  stockholders  of a  complete  liquidation  or
dissolution of LP.

      "Good reason" with respect to the termination by an employee of his or her
employment  with LP means (i) subject to certain  exceptions,  the assignment of
duties  inconsistent  with the executive's  position,  (ii) any failure by LP to
comply with the  compensation  provisions  of the  Employment  Agreement,  (iii)
transfer  of the  executive  to a location  more than 25 miles from the  present
location, or (iv) any purported termination by LP of the executive's  employment
otherwise than as expressly permitted by the Employment Agreement. A termination
of employment by the executive  during the 30-day period  immediately  following
the first  anniversary  of the change of control is deemed to be for good reason
for purposes of the Employment Agreements.


                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

      Any stockholder who intends to present a proposal at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders of LP in 2002, and who wishes to have the proposal included in LP's
proxy  materials  for that  meeting,  must deliver the proposal to the Corporate
Secretary of LP no later than November 26, 2001. Any such proposal must meet the
informational  and other  requirements set forth in the rules and regulations of
the SEC in order to be eligible for  inclusion in the proxy  materials  for that

      LP's bylaws also provide that no business may be brought  before an annual
meeting except as specified in the notice of the meeting or as otherwise brought
before the  meeting by or at the  direction  of the Board of  Directors  or by a
stockholder  of record who has delivered  written notice thereof to the Chairman
by the  deadline  specified  in the bylaws.  In the case of next  year's  annual
meeting, this notice must be received by LP no later than February 9, 2002. Such
notice must include the information  required by the SEC's rules for stockholder
proposals presented for inclusion in LP's proxy materials.  The meeting chairman
may, if the facts  warrant,  determine  that any such  business was not properly
brought  before the  meeting and so declare to the  meeting,  in which case such
business shall not be transacted.


      The Board of Directors  has appointed  Deloitte & Touche LLP,  independent
public  accountants,  to examine the  financial  statements  of LP for 2001.  LP
expects  representatives  of  Deloitte  & Touche LLP to be present at the annual
meeting  and  to  be  available  to  respond  to   appropriate   questions  from
stockholders.  The accountants  will have the opportunity to make a statement at
the annual meeting if they desire to do so.

Audit Fees

      The aggregate fees, including out-of-pocket expenses, billed by Deloitte &
Touche  LLP for  professional  services  rendered  for the audit of LP's  annual
financial  statements  for the year ended December 31, 2000, and their review of
the financial  statements  included in LP's  quarterly  reports on Form 10-Q for
that fiscal year were $622,300.

Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees

      During  2000,  Deloitte  & Touche  LLP did not  provide  any  professional
services  to  LP  with  regard  to  financial  information  systems  design  and

All Other Fees

      Fees billed for services, including out-of-pocket expenses, provided to LP
by Deloitte & Touche LLP during 2000,  other than the services  described  above
under "Audit Fees," were $144,761.  The Audit  Committee has considered  whether
the provision of these services to LP is compatible with maintaining  Deloitte &
Touche LLP's independence.


      The cost of  soliciting  proxies  will be borne by LP. In  addition to the
solicitation  of  proxies  by the use of the  mails,  some of the  officers  and
regular  employees  of LP,  without  extra  compensation,  may  solicit  proxies
personally or by other means such as telephone, telecopier, telegraph, or cable.

      LP will request brokers,  dealers,  banks,  voting  trustees,  and their
nominees  who hold Common  Stock of record to forward  soliciting  material to
the  beneficial  owners of such stock and will  reimburse  such record holders
for their  reasonable  expenses in forwarding  material.  LP has retained D.F.
King & Co.,  Inc.,  to assist in such  solicitation  for an  estimated  fee of
$9,500 plus reimbursement for certain expenses.


                                                                      APPENDIX A

                          LOUISIANA-PACIFIC CORPORATION



      A. NUMBER OF MEMBERS. The Finance and Audit Committee (the "Committee") of
the Board of Directors  (the "Board") of  Louisiana-Pacific  Corporation  ("LP")
shall consist of not less than three directors appointed by the Board. The Board
may also  appoint  an  alternate  member  to act in the  place of any  absent or
disqualified  member,  provided  that  the  Committee  as  constituted  with the
alternate  acting in place of such absent or disqualified  member  satisfies the
requirements of 1.B below. The Board shall appoint a Chairman of the Committee.


            1. Subject to 1.B.5 below,  no Committee  member may be a current or
      former officer or employee of LP or any of its subsidiaries and affiliates
      (collectively, the "Company").

            2. Each member of the Committee  must be  independent  of management
      and the Company and be free from any relationship  that may interfere with
      the exercise of independent judgment as a Committee member. In determining
      independence, the Board will observe the requirements of Paragraphs 303.01
      and 303.02 of the New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual.

            3. Each member of the Committee must be financially literate or must
      become  financially  literate  within a  reasonable  period of time  after
      appointment to the Committee.  The Board will  determine,  in its business
      judgment, whether a director meets the financial literacy requirement.

            4. The Committee  shall include at least one member with  accounting
      or related financial management experience and expertise,  and each member
      must be able to read and understand financial  statements.  The Board will
      determine,  in  its  business  judgment,  whether  a  director  meets  the
      foregoing requirements.

            5. One  director  who was  formerly  an officer or  employee  of the
      Company may serve on the Committee, but only if the standards set forth in
      I.B.2,  3 and 4 above are met and the  Board  determines  in its  business
      judgment that membership on the Committee by the individual is required by
      the best interests of the Company and its shareholders.


      A. REGULAR  MEETINGS.  The Committee shall hold at least two  face-to-face
meetings per year. The Chairman of the Committee will, in consultation  with the
other members of the Committee,  LP's  independent  auditors and the appropriate
officers of LP, be responsible  for calling such meetings,  establishing  agenda
therefor and supervising the conduct thereof.

     B. TELEPHONE MEETINGS.  The Committee will hold a regular telephone meeting
each year to review the Company's year-end  financial  results.  The Chairman of
the Committee will be responsible  for calling such meeting and  supervising the
conduct thereof.

     C. SPECIAL  MEETINGS.  Special  face-to-face  or telephone  meetings may be
called at any time by the  Chairman of the  Committee  or any two members of the
Committee.  The person or persons  calling any such meeting shall  establish the
agenda  therefor,  and the Chairman of the Committee shall supervise the conduct


     D. MINUTES. The Committee shall keep minutes of all of its meetings showing
all matters  considered by it and the actions taken thereon,  and shall submit a
report of such meetings at the next regular meeting of the Board.


     A. RESPONSIBILITIES. The Committee shall be responsible to assist the Board
in fulfilling its oversight  responsibilities  relating to internal and external
audit  functions and its financial  reporting,  accounting and internal  control
systems.  The Committee  shall annually  review and reassess the adequacy of the
Committee's charter. While the Committee has the powers and responsibilities set
forth in this charter,  it is not the responsibility of the Committee to plan or
conduct audits or to determine  that LP's financial  statements are complete and
accurate or are in compliance  with generally  accepted  accounting  principles,
which is the responsibility of management and the independent auditor. Likewise,
it is not the  responsibility  of the  Committee  to resolve  disputes,  if any,
between management and the independent auditor.

     B.  FUNCTIONS - AUDIT  MATTERS.  With  respect to matters  relating to LP's
independent auditor and LP's internal audit function, the Committee shall:

            1.  Approve,  and  recommend  to the  Board  for its  approval,  the
      selection of the independent  auditor to be employed to perform the annual
      audits  of LP's  financial  statements  and  reviews  of  LP's  financial,
      accounting, auditing and internal control systems. The independent auditor
      shall be ultimately  accountable  to the Committee and the Board and shall
      have unrestricted access to the Committee and the Board. The Committee and
      the Board shall have the ultimate  authority and responsibility to select,
      evaluate and, where  appropriate,  replace the independent  auditor (or to
      nominate the independent  auditor to be proposed for shareholder  approval
      in any proxy statement of LP).

            2. Ensure that the  independent  auditor submits on a periodic basis
      to the Committee a formal written statement  delineating all relationships
      between the auditor and the Company.  The Committee shall discuss with the
      independent  auditor any  disclosed  relationships  or  services  that may
      impact  the  objectivity  and  independence  of the  auditor  and shall be
      responsible for  recommending  that the Board take  appropriate  action in
      response  to the  independent  auditor's  report to satisfy  itself of the
      auditor's independence.

            3.  Periodically  meet with the  independent  auditor  to review and
      discuss the results of its audits and reviews  described in III.B.1 above,
      to discuss any disputes with management that may have arisen in connection
      with the annual audit process, and to review and approve in advance annual
      audit plans of the independent  auditor for LP including the  compensation
      to be paid therefor.

            4. Prepare an annual report of the Committee,  for inclusion in LP's
      annual proxy statement, stating whether the Committee has:

            o  reviewed and discussed the audited financial statements with

            o  discussed  with the  independent  auditor  the  matters  required
               to be discussed by  Statement on Auditing  Standards  No. 61, and
               discussed  with the independent auditor the independent auditor's

            o  received  the written  disclosures  and the letter from the
               independent auditor required by Independence Standards Board
               Standard No. 1

            o  based upon the  foregoing,  recommended  to the Board that the
               audited  financial  statements  be  included  in LP's Annual
               Report on Form 10-K for the last fiscal year

            5.  Require  that  the  independent  auditor  review  the  financial
      information  in LP's  Quarterly  Reports on Form 10-Q prior to filing such
      reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


            6. Require that appropriate  reconciliations and descriptions of any
      adjustments  to the quarterly  information  previously  reported on a Form
      10-Q for any quarter be made and be reviewed by the independent auditor.

            7. Request LP's  subsidiary and affiliated  companies to employ such
      independent  auditors (all of which shall be  accountable to the Committee
      and the Board) as the Committee deems  appropriate to audit the respective
      financial statements of such subsidiary and affiliated companies.

            8. Periodically meet with management, which meetings may include the
      independent auditor, to discuss the matters described in III.B.3 above.

            9.    Review  the  opinions  to be  rendered  by  the  independent
      auditor in connection with its  audits of LP's financial statements.

            10. Review the effects,  if any, of proposed or implemented  changes
      in  accounting  and  financial   reporting   policies  on  LP's  financial

            11.  Review  the  scope,  coverage  and  objectivity  of the  audits
      performed by LP's Internal Audit  Department and its annual internal audit
      plans, and ensure that internal auditors have  unrestricted  access to the

            12.   Review the  effectiveness  of LP's internal legal compliance

            13.   Perform  such other  functions  as may be required by law or
      any legal  settlement  agreement or as may be assigned to the  Committee
      by the Board.

     C. FUNCTIONS - FINANCIAL MATTERS.  With respect to financial  matters,  the
Committee shall:

            1. Make  recommendations  to the Board on  matters  relating  to the
      financial  affairs  and  policies  of  the  Company   including,   without
      limitation,  capital  structure  issues,  dividend policy,  treasury stock
      purchases,  acquisitions and  divestitures,  external  financing,  complex
      financial transactions and investment and debt policies.

            2.    Review the status of  significant  legal and tax matters and
      the potential financial implications thereof.

            3.    Review the  significant  accounting  principles  employed in
      LP's financial reporting.

            4.  Review in advance the  financial  results to be included in LP's
      Annual  Report to  Stockholders  and in filings  with the  Securities  and
      Exchange Commission.

            5.    Review,  prior to public release,  LP's quarterly  financial

            6.    Perform  such  other  functions  as may be  assigned  to the
      Committee by the Board.


                          LOUISIANA-PACIFIC CORPORATION
                         FOR ANNUAL MEETING MAY 7, 2001

The  undersigned  hereby  constitutes  and appoints Archie W. Dunham and Mark A.
Suwyn, and each of them, his true and lawful agents and proxies,  each with full
power  of   substitution,   to   represent   and  vote  the   common   stock  of
Louisiana-Pacific  Corporation ("LP"),  which the undersigned may be entitled to
vote at the Annual Meeting of LP  stockholders to be held May 7, 2001, or at any
adjournment thereof.

Nominees for Election as Directors:

William C. Brooks, Patrick F. McCartan, Lee C. Simpson, Colin D. Watson

                                                                     SEE REVERSE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

X  Please mark your
   votes as in this

This proxy when properly  executed will be voted in the manner directed  herein.
If no direction is made,  this proxy will be voted FOR the election of directors
and AGAINST proposal 2.


                FOR  WITHHELD
                ---  --------
1. Election of
   Directors     //    //
   (see reverse)

FOR all nominees except as marked to the contrary below:


Stockholder proposal, NOT                       FOR    AGAINST    ABSTAIN
                                                ---    -------    -------
recommended by management,
relating to the composition
of the Board's Compensation                     //      //          //

                                        If  any  other  matters   properly  come
                                        before the  meeting,  this proxy will be
                                        voted by the  proxies  named  herein  in
                                        accordance with their best judgment.

SIGNATURE(S)----------------------------  DATE----------------

Note:    Please  sign  exactly  as your name  appears  hereon.  If  signing  for
         estates,  trusts, or corporations,  title or capacity should be stated.
         If shares are held jointly, each holder should sign.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


       805 S.W. Broadway
       Portland, Oregon 97205
       (503) 821-5100

                                                  Annual Meeting of Stockholders
                                                            May 7, 2001
                                                          ADMISSION TICKET

The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Louisiana-Pacific Corporation will be held
at 9:30 a.m. on May 7, 2001,  at the Portland  Marriott  City  Center,  520 S.W.
Broadway,  Portland,  Oregon  97201.  Public  transportation  to  the  hotel  is
available from the airport, and there is ample public parking in the vicinity of
the hotel.

Your voted proxy card should be detached and returned as soon as possible in the
enclosed  postpaid  envelope.  If you plan to attend the Annual Meeting,  please
retain  this  Admission  Ticket,  and,  on  May  7,  2001,  present  it  to  the
LP representative for admission to the meeting.

                                                            -- Anton C. Kirchhof