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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of November, 2005

Commission File Number 1-14732

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

National Steel Company
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima 3400, 20º andar
São Paulo, SP, Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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Year-to-date Net Income of R$1.7 billion
and EBITDA of R$3.5 billion

São Paulo, Brazil, November 3, 2005

Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) (BOVESPA: CSNA3) (NYSE: SID) releases its third quarter 2005 results (3Q05), in accordance with Brazilian accounting principles and denominated in Reals. The comments presented herein refer to consolidated results and the comparisons refer to third quarter 2004 (3Q04), unless otherwise stated. On September 30, 2005, the Real/US dollar exchange rate was R$ 2.2222.

Executive Summary
Consolidated Highlights    3Q04    2Q05    3Q05    9M2004     9M2005
Crude Steel Production (thousand t)   1,406    1,362    1,317    4,129    3,846 
Sales Volume (thousand t)   1,214    1,137    1,181    3,706    3,515 
 Domestic Market    918    767    613    2,542    2,277 
 Exports    297    370    568    1,164    1,238 
Net Revenue per unit (R$/t)   2,126    1,960    1,671    1,822    1,922 
Financial Data (RS MM)                    
 Net Revenue    2,780    2,545    2,222    7,207    7,630 
 Gross Income    1,339    1,215    907    3,373    3,505 
 EBITDA    1,361    1,214    920    3,374    3,541 
 Net Income    694    419    517    1,451    1,653 
Net Debt (R$ MM)   5,123    5,568    5,176    5,123    5,176 

Consolidated Highlights    3Q05 X 3Q04 
  3Q05 X 2Q05 
  9M04 X 9M05 
Crude Steel Production (thousand t)   -6.3%    -3.3%    -6.9% 
Sales Volume (thousand t)   -2.7%    3.8%    -5.1% 
 Domestic Market    -33.2%    -20.1%    -10.4% 
 Exports    91.3%    53.4%    6.3% 
Net Revenue per unit (R$/t)   -21.4%    -14.7%    5.5% 
Financial Data (RS MM)            
 Net Revenue    -20.1%    -12.7%    5.9% 
 Gross Income    -32.3%    -25.3%    3.9% 
 EBITDA    -32.4%    -24.2%    4.9% 
 Net Income    -25.6%    23.3%    13.9% 
Net Debt (R$ MM)   1.0%    -7.0%    1.0% 

Bovespa: CSNA3 R$ 51.77/share  Investor Relations Team 
NYSE: SID US$ 23.22/ADR (1 ADR = 1 share) Marcos Leite Ferreira – 55-11-3049-7588 (
Total Shares = 272,067,946  Renata Kater – 55-11-3049-7592 (
Market Value: R$ 14.1 billion / US$ 6.3 billion  Geraldo Colonhezi – 55-11-3049-7593 (
Prices as of 09/30/2005 


Macroeconomic and Industry Scenario

     The volume of flat steel sales in Brazil decreased 2.8% in the third quarter, compared to the second quarter, mainly due to continuing inventory adjustments among distributors. As a balancing effect, flat steel exports grew 36% in the same period.

     The automotive sector continued to present good results, driven by exports and, to a lesser extent, by sales growth in the domestic market. Flat steel shipments for the sector remained flat compared to the past quarter, with a slight 0.03% decline, as a result of cooling exports.

     In the civil construction sector, high interest rates, spending below sector projections, and low infrastructure investment in Brazil explained the 14.9% fall in steel consumption for the third quarter compared to the past quarter. Accumulated year-to-date results fell 4.3% .

     Sales of tin plates fell 6.6% compared to the past quarter, and the accumulated year-on-year performance grew 2%, thanks to good performance in milk, milk-based and tomato-based products.

     In the third quarter, steel sales for distribution and home appliance sectors fell 22.6% and 6.9%, respectively, relative to the second quarter, and 11% and 9%, respectively, in the accumulated year-on-year comparison.

     On the external front, increased demand in the US and, to a lesser extent, in the EU, explained principally by the inventory reorganization, resulted in price increases for steel products.

     The imbalance between steel production and consumption in China has exerted pressure on Asian countries, leading to lower prices in the past month.


     Output level in 3Q05 was 1,317 thousand tonnes of crude steel, 3.3% below the second quarter and 6.3% below 3Q04. We highlight the volume of finished products which has reached 1,173 thousand tonnes – 7.0% above the second quarter and 6.8% below 3Q04. These numbers reflect the decision to adjust intermediate inventories, raising the pace of metallurgy – blast furnaces and steel making unit - to a more cost-effective level (reducing the consumption of external scrap and coke).

     LTQ-2 reached a new monthly record total production in the period, with 458.9 thousand tonnes in August, surpassing by 6.4 thousand tonnes the prior record volume registered in March of this year. Another highlight for the period was the two consecutive months of record results, from the continuous painting line of CSN Paraná, with 6.04 and 6.05 thousand tonnes produced in July and August, respectively.

Output    2Q04    3Q04    2Q05    3Q05    9M2004    9M2005 
(in thousand t)            
Presidente Vargas Mill (UPV)                        
       Crude Steel    1,368    1,406    1,362    1,317    4,129    3,846 
       Finished Products    1,273    1,259    1,096    1,173    3,787    3,315 
CSN Paraná    64    71    33    66    238    154 
GalvaSud    24    67    82    49    126    208 



     Sales volume totaled 1,181 thousand tonnes, exceeding by 44 thousand tonnes (or 4%) from the past quarter. In the seasonal comparison, this volume was similar to the same quarters of 2003 and 2004.

     The mix of products sold did not change compared to 3Q04, with 52% participation of coated products, although this share fell by 4 p.p. when compared to the previous quarter. Even though the level of coated product sales fell just 16 thousand tonnes - from 590 to 574 thousand tonnes, with domestic market stable - the more than proportional increase in sales for the Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled products explained this variation.

     In terms of market share, growth from participation in the Hot Rolled sector compensated for the loss in Cold Rolled and Galvanized sectors, with lower volumes, resulting in a small increase in total market share for the Company: from 28% to 29%. A sector analysis comparing the second and third quarters, highlights the increase in the participation in the Distribution Sector, from 32% to 36%, and a fall in the Automotive Sector, from 18% to 14%. The other segments did not change compared to the last quarter.



     We draw attention to average prices in the domestic market which remained stable in the third quarter, with only a slight fall of 0.4% . The increase of average prices in coated products – 5% for Galvanized and 0.5% Tin Plate –and the related stability in sales volumes of these products compensated for price reductions for Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled products, whose volumes also suffered reductions that diminished their impact on the average price drop. Year-to-date, prices increased by 16%. In other words, the sales mix of the Company, focused on coated products, has contributed to the maintenance of price levels in the domestic market.

     International prices continued their downward trend throughout the quarter, initiated between March and April this year. However, the American market showed extraordinary recovery between August and September, with an increase of US$100/t compared to July, closing the quarter with prices 2% higher than the July level. This behavior is due to unbalancing supply and demand, caused by greater volume of final consumer purchases, and distributors lacking a corresponding increase in supply, since various blast furnaces were in maintenance. In Europe, where the inventories did not suffer all required adjustments, prices fell close to 20% in the period, but ended the quarter pointing to an upward trend.

     Therefore, CSN’s hot rolled, cold rolled and galvanized products export prices fell close to 25%, while tin plate prices fell only 9%. Measured in dollars, these variation were, respectively, negative 20% and 4%.

     In an overall measure, CSN’s sales prices fell 15% in Reals and 10% in US dollars, compared to the second quarter.

Net Revenue 

     In spite of price stability in the domestic market, the fall in volume resulted in a 20% reduction in sales revenue in the domestic market, compared to the previous quarter, and better export sales volume compensated for lower prices in the international market, leading to an external market revenue increase of 7%.

     The combined effects of lower volume in the domestic market, lower export prices and an appreciated exchange rate produced a 13% decline in total net revenue.


Production Costs (Parent Company)

     The smaller production level of crude steel brought a significant reduction in coke and external scrap consumption (see Output section), leading to a reported decline in Raw Materials of R$ 102 million (-16%) in comparison with the second quarter. Labor cost also reported a reduction – R$ 10 million (-9.6%) –, explained by bonuses for work shifts and disbursements for employee profit sharing programs in the second quarter, affecting the comparison base. These reductions, however, were compensated by R$ 26 million (+8%) increase in General Manufacturing Costs, with greater incidence of maintenance services in the period and, specially, more natural gas expenditures (increased blast furnace injections, partially replacing external coke) and electric energy (increase in external consumption due to maintenance interruptions in the thermoelectric plant equipments).

     On total, reported production costs fell R$ 90 million (-7.3%) . The crude steel production cost reduction (per tonne) was 4.4%, superior to the production decline of 3.3% .

     Regarding main raw material costs (coal and coke), the cost of acquiring coal rose from US$112/t, in the second quarter, to US$126/t in this quarter, fully reflected in the new price contracted in April of this year. The unit price of coke also suffered an increase, from US$380 to US$393, due to a decision of the Company to use high productivity coke (consequently with higher unit value), making possible an even higher reduction in consumption of this raw material, and considering that such a step would not affect the total coke cost. The average coke cost, at the end of the third quarter, was US$328/t.

     Regarding coke, one highlight was that the Company acquired, in October, close to 240 thousand tonnes, equivalent to approximately half of the amount required for the next year, at a cost of US$151/t CIF. The change in purchasing strategy compared to that stated in the second quarter earnings release resulted from a significant reduction of coke prices associated with the similarly reduced levels of the exchange rate. These factors points to an expressive downward trend in the cost of this raw material in the next year. Additionally, the consumption of coke in the fourth quarter – close to 90 thousand tonnes – will lead to the purging of higher average cost inventories.

     The raw material inventory reduction, reflecting previous higher cost purchases, that occurred throughout the current year, linked to perspectives of smaller acquisitions costs in 2006, leads the Company towards a lighter cost structure for the next year.


Operating Expenses

     Operating Expenses were positively impacted by a non-recurring result of from approximately R$ 170 million (R$123 million in the parent company) from the reversal of labor and civil provisions, motivated by the revision of the likelihood of success in many judicial disputes, made by the Company’s legal advisors, as well as due to recent favorable track record on related disputes. The nature of these reversal are detailed as follows:

In R$MM 
Reversal of Contingencies    Labor     Cívil     Fiscal     Total  
CSN parent company    67    56      123 
CSN Cement business    13      28    43 
Inal    1.4    2.6     
Total    81.4    60.6    28    170 

     It is worth pointing out that, in the Operating Expenses, only Sales Expenses reported increase, as a consequence of greater export volume.


     In the year-to-date figure, without removing the effects of the consolidation of MRS and Itasa and the adjustment of PIS/Cofins, EBITDA recorded of R$ 3.5 billion was 5% superior to the same period of the prior year, with almost identical margins: 46.4% in 2005 and 46.8% in 2004. Despite lower prices in international markets and changes in sales destination, consolidated and parent company margins remained in historically high levels of 41% and 45%, respectively.

EBITDA and EBITDA Margin    3Q05 x 2Q05    3Q05 x 3Q04    9M04 x 9M05 
Change (consolidated)      
EBITDA (ch. %)   -24    -32    -5 
Margin (ch. p.p.)   -7    -8   


Net Financial Result and Debt

     Net financial result for 3Q05 was negative R$ 39 million, which means an improvement of 82% compared to the past quarter (an expense of R$ 214 million). The improved financial result can basically be explained by gains with financial operations, by the 5.5% appreciation of the Real against US dollar for the quarter, positively impacting the portion of foreign exchange denominated debt, and by the reversal in the amount of R$138 million of the provision made for the 2003 dispute over corporate income and social contribution taxes of previous years. The reversal of provision is due to revision of the likelihood of a favorable decision in some of the disputed items, based on judgment and opinion of external legal advisors of the Company.

    Net debt was reduced almost R$ 400 million, and the net debt/EBITDA ratio remained at 1x, in line with 2Q05 expectations. Another important point to detail is the increase in the average maturity, from 9 to 12 years after the issuance of perpetual bonds valued at US$ 750 million, made in July. For the year, average cost of debt was 9.3% p.a. in Reais, equivalent to 49% of CDI Cetip. For the same period of 2004, cost of debt was 15% p.a. in Reais, representing 92% of CDI Cetip.

Income Taxes

     Even with better pre-tax results, income tax and social contribution expenses totaled R$265 million, R$ 49 million lower when compared to the previous quarter, due to smaller negative equity income from subsidiaries – non-deductible from taxes - compared to the previous quarter. It is important to bear in mind that the exchange rate appreciation was close to 12% in the second quarter and 6% in the third quarter. Thus, the effective tax rate fell from 43% to 34%, in line with the rate reported in the third quarter of 2004.

Net Income

     The reduction of operating expenses, taxes and better net financial results compensated for lower gross profit, leading to an net income rise of 19% (approximately +R$100 million) for the quarter, compared to the second quarter.

     The accumulated year-to-date net income result totaled R$ 1.653 million, 14% higher than the same period of the past year, and representing 83% of the total net income for 2004.



     Investments made in the quarter totaled R$ 289 million, with R$ 66 million related the Porto de Sepetiba expansion project, which is part of the Casa de Pedra expansion project, and R$ 36 million for MRS (portion corresponding to CSN’s 32% stake in this company’s capital).

     Year-to-date, investments totaled R$ 680 million, with R$ 179 million for the Port project and R$ 86 million for MRS. The remaining balance was allocated, in large part, to projects related to maintenance and operating improvement or CSN and its subsidiaries.

Casa de Pedra Expansion Project


The output capacity expansion project in Casa de Pedra mine (output expansion to 40Mtonnes/year) is within the planned schedule. The project is comprised of three parts: port, mine and pellet plant.

Regarding the port, investments to date amounting to R$ 184 million correspond to 45% of the total Capex and represent 25% of the total construction project. The operating start-up of the first phase (export capacity of 7Mtonnes/year) is expected for the end of second quarter of 2006, and the second phase (export capacity of 30Mtonnes/year) is expected for the end of second quarter of 2007.

For the development of future operations in the mine, of the 55 mobile equipment, 45% were already received by the Company throughout 2005, 40% will be delivered in 2006, 5% in 2007 and 9% in 2008. The expansion of iron ore treatment plant encompasses three stages: 18 Mtonnes/year, 21 Mtonnes/year and 40 Mtonnes/year. First stage is in pre-operating stage, the second stage is expected for third quarter 2006 and, in the third quarter of 2007, the plant will be at full capacity.

Pellet plant project has not yet been contracted, as the Company continues to consider location and suppliers options in order to reduce the budgeted amount of US$340 million.

Investments in MRS

Casa de Pedra expansion project requires investments in moving units (wagons and locomotives) and improvements in the permanent railway of MRS, to be undertaken by that company. Investments around US$230 million are expected, including the acquisition of approximately 1,800 wagons and 60 locomotives, in addition to reactivation, construction and expansion of yards, duplication of 57 km of railroads and update of telecommunication and signaling systems. Investments will be made according to the Casa de Pedra output increase pace.

Sales volume for 2006

     The company expects iron ore sales volume of 18 million tonnes (including volumes transfered for the steel making unit).

Feasibility Studies for 50Mtonnes/year

There is a feasibility study, in the pre-approval stage – not yet submitted to Executive Officers and Board of Directors – for the expansion by 10 million tonnes/year, which, if added to the ongoing project, would lead the Casa de Pedra mine output capacity to 50 Mtonnes/year. This additional expansion of 10Mtonnes/year will be accomplished through the use of high-silica content iron ore (lower concentration of Fe), thus increasing the amount of reserves of the Casa de Pedra mine and allowing for a higher production scale. The schedule of this project will be well-matched with the schedule of the pellet plant.


Working Capital

     During the period of June to September, there was an increase of R$651 million in working capital, due to reduction in one of financing sources - the change in receivables taxes line, explained by the compensation for anticipated income and social contribution taxes related to 2004 fiscal year. Other highlight is the lower raw materials inventory levels, positively impacting the working capital.

            in R$ MM 
Account    2Q05    3Q05    Change 
Assets    3,606    3,477    128 
   Cash equivalents    145    101    44 
   Accounts Receivables    1,464    1,472    (8)
       Domestic Market    1,093    1,009    84 
       Export Market    467    558    (91)
       Allowance for Doubtful    (96)   (96)  
       Inventories    1,997    1,904    94 
Liability    2,238    1,458    (780)
   Suppliers    1,040    1,023    (17)
   Salaries and Social Contribution    91    104    13 
   Deffered Taxes    1,107    331    (776)
Working Capital    (1,368)   (2,019)   (651)

Capital Markets

     Common shares of CSN accumulated in the past 12 months (from Sep/30/04 to Sep/30/05) a 37.1% rise, higher than the 35.9% rise accumulated by Ibovespa in the same period. The performance of 36.6% in the third quarter more than compensated for the negative result of the previous quarter; in terms of the accumulated year to date the rise reached 19.8%, practically the same as Ibovespa, which accumulated 20.6% rise year to date.

     Better performance in 3Q05 occurred due to better fundamentals in the international steel industry, especially in the US, as well as the new outlook of increase in iron ore prices in 2006.

Capital Markets - CSNA3/SID
    3Q04    4Q04    1Q05    2Q05    3Q05 
N# of shares ações    286.917.045    286.917.045    286.917.045    286.917.045    272.067.946 
Market Capitalization                     
   Closing price (R$/share)   37,79    43,22    53,87    37,90    51,77 
   Closing price (US$/share)   15,53    19,12    24,10    16,15    23,22 
   Market Capitalization (R$ million)   10.841    12.401    15.456    10.874    14.085 
   Market Capitalization (US$ million)   3.793    4.672    5.797    4.627    6.338 
   CSNA3 (%)   0,0    14,4    24,6    (29,6)   36,6 
   SID (%)   0,0    23,1    26,0    (33,0)   43,8 
   Ibovespa - index    23.245    26.196    26.610    25.051    31.583 
   Ibovespa - variation (%)   0,0    12,7    1,6    (5,9)   26,1 
   Average daily (n# of shares)   666.017    746.852    893.803    1.039.721    869.511 
   Average daily (R$ Thousand)   28.592    34.892    52.964    48.460    39.741 
   Average daily (n# of ADR´s)   384.964    500.308    840.623    815.547    812.392 
   Average daily (US$ Thousand)   5.525    8.231    18.813    15.283    15.715 
Source: Economática                     



Recent Developments

Brazil Day

     CSN will be present at Brazil Day, November 14, in New York, joining a panel to discuss the steel industry. The event has been held every two years, since 2001, by Abrasca (Brazilian Association of Publicly-Traded Companies), Apimec (Capital Markets Professionals and Investment Analysts Association), Bovespa (São Paulo Stock Exchange) and IBRI (Brazilian Investor Relations Institute). The objective is to provide an opportunity for Brazilian companies listed on NYSE to network with US investors.


     On October 3, and as of October 7, the US Commerce Department ratified a preliminary decision from April 6, in which CSN testified that it was not dumping its Hot Rolled exports in the US from March of 2003 to February of 2004. According to this decision, an antidumping tariff charged to exports of these products to US, will drop from 41.27% to zero.

     The process encompasses two new annual reviews, and, in the end, if it is determined that during the period considered there was no dumping, the tariff will be definitively abolished. Thus, Hot Rolled products of CSN are now only subject to 6.35% countervailing duty (subsidy tariff), a duty also subject to administrative revision.

Annual Report and Social Report Awarded

     The 2004 Annual Report of the Company received fifth place in the 7th Abrasca Annual Report Awards for Publicly Traded Companies, competing with 62 other public companies. According to the organization of the award, competition this year were one of the highest, with 16 companies receiving grades superior to 90 points. The initiative has the support of capital market representatives, aimed at stimulating the quality of reports through recognition of clarity, transparency, quality and quantity of information, in addition to the innovative nature of the design project.

     CSN also received the Social Report Award for 2004, in the Southeast category. The award was created by Aberje, Apimec, Ethos, Fides and Ibase, aimed at establishing acknowledgement at the national prestigious level for the best social reports. Audited by BDO Trevisan, reports are evaluated according to the criteria of reach, coverage, integrity, consistency, credibility and communication. Ten companies were recognized, out of 166 registered in the following categories: regional, outstanding micro, small and medium sized companies, large and national level companies.

New Executive Director

     On September 20, the Board of Directors appointed Mr. Pedro Felipe Borges Neto as the Institutional Executive Officer, for a two-year term.


     On August 10, in a judgment over market concentration in the Brazilian iron mining market, CADE determined through “the contract change referring to Casa de Pedra mine, to exclude for non-competitiveness reasons, the first-refusal rights regarding the Casa de Pedra mine, for the domestic market as well as for the international market”. Alternatively, CADE conceded to the request (the parties, CVRD and CSN) “to opt for the entire discontinuation of the Act of Concentration #08012.002838/2001 -08 (Ferteco), transferring all of the acquired operational assets, as well as those assets acquired prior to the purchase, but required for full operation of Ferteco”. The term required for involved parties to fulfill the determination is still in course.


Share Buy Back

     In accordance with the share buy back program, approved by the Board of Directors in May, the Company held, on September 30, 2005, 7,636,900 shares in treasury, having spent close to R$ 344 million in the acquisition of these shares. The market value of the shares in the treasury, at the same date, was R$ 393 million.


     Both domestic and international demands have not returned to historic levels of growth, frustrating sector expectations for 2005. This can be largely attributed to high levels of inventory that distributors and service centers carry over the year. This scenario has changed since mid-September in the US: with normalized inventory levels and sales promotions in the automotive industry, demand grew close to 1M tonnes translating into significant price increases. However, in European and Brazilian markets, the conditions remained unchanged, even though European producers have managed to achieve small price increases, with expectations for new price increases in the fourth quarter.

     The perspective is that these fundamentals will continue firmly into the fourth quarter: demand will continue to grow, without the counterbalancing supply growth, which will pressure prices or help to maintain high prices until the end of the year.


Third Quarter 2005 Earnings Release Conference Calls

CSN will host conference calls to discuss its third quarter earnings on November 7, 2005, as follows:

Portuguese Presentation 
November 7, 2005 – Monday
8:00 am – US ET 
11:00 am – Brasília 
Phone:(11) 2101-1490 
Code: CSN
English Presentation 
November 7, 2005 – Monday
10:00 am – US ET 
13:00pm – Brasília 
Phone: (1-973) 582-2830 
Code: CSN or 6662498 

Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, located in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is a steel complex comprising investments in infrastructure and logistics whose operations include captive mines, an integrated steel mill, service centers, ports, and railways. With a total annual production capacity of 5.6 million tonnes of crude steel and consolidated gross revenues of R$ 12.3 billion in 2004, CSN is also the only tin-plate producer in Brazil and one of the five largest tin-plate producers worldwide.

Certain of the statements contained herein are forward-looking statements, which express or imply results, performance or events that are expected in the future. They include future results that may be implied by historical results, the statements under “Outlook”, the expected cost of net debt compared to CDI in 2005. Actual results, performances or events may differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, as a result of several factors, such as general and economic conditions in Brazil and other countries, interest rate and exchange rate levels, protectionist measures in the US, Brazil and other countries, changes in laws and regulations and general competitive factors (on a global, regional or national basis).

Follow eight pages with tables


CONSOLIDATED - Corporate Law - In Thousand of R$ (limited revision)

    3Q2004    2Q2005    3Q2005    9M2004    9M2005 
Gross Revenue    3.339.247    3.148.919    2.714.016    8.600.865    9.440.566 
   Gross Revenue deductions    (559.472)   (603.510)   (491.654)   (1.393.569)   (1.810.526)
Net Revenus    2.779.775    2.545.409    2.222.362    7.207.296    7.630.040 
   Domestic Market    2.036.129    1.845.323    1.472.519    4.897.113    5.491.752 
   Export Market    743.646    700.086    749.843    2.310.183    2.138.288 
Cost of Good Sold (COGS)   (1.440.581)   (1.330.622)   (1.315.291)   (3.834.443)   (4.125.490)
   COGS, excluding depreciation    (1.247.955)   (1.119.359)   (1.096.646)   (3.260.953)   (3.470.084)
   Depreciation allocated to COGS    (192.626)   (211.263)   (218.645)   (573.490)   (655.406)
Gross Profit    1.339.194    1.214.787    907.071    3.372.853    3.504.550 
Gross Margin (%)   48,2%    47,7%    40,8%    46,8%    45,9% 
   Selling Expenses    (106.681)   (137.334)   (138.930)   (381.978)   (411.539)
   General and andminstrative expenses    (64.089)   (74.718)   (66.827)   (190.531)   (207.775)
   Depreciation allocated to SG&A    (11.351)   (14.888)   (13.145)   (33.056)   (40.072)
   Other operation income (expense), net    (25.732)   (38.814)   148.977    (39.119)   76.889 
Operating income before financial equity interests    1.131.341    949.033    837.146    2.728.169    2.922.053 
Net Financial Result    (36.703)   (213.784)   (38.679)   (709.924)   (356.709)
   Financial Expenses    (262.183)   (372.700)   (301.920)   (770.401)   (1.006.968)
   Financial Income    (30.889)   (246.530)   49.869    230.512    193.551 
   Net monetary and forgain exchange variations    281.578    405.446    213.372    (90.203)   456.708 
   Defferal of forgain exchange loss amortization    (25.209)    #REF!      (79.832)  
Equity interest in subsidiary    (4.101)   3.535    (19.049)   14.457    (35.192)
Operating Income (loss)   1.090.537    738.784    779.418    2.032.702    2.530.152 
Non-operating income (expenes), Net    (9.560)   (5.726)   2.391    3.309    (4.175)
Income Before Income and Social Contribution Taxes    1.080.977    733.058    781.809    2.036.011    2.525.977 
   (Provition)/Credit for Income Tax    (285.992)   (236.144)   (192.493)   (415.714)   (644.522)
   (Provition)/Credit for Social Contribution    (100.503)   (77.712)   (72.423)   (169.019)   (228.528)
Net Income (Loss)   694.482    419.202    516.893    1.451.278    1.652.927 
EBITDA*    1.361.050    1.213.998    919.959    3.373.834    3.540.642 
EBITDA Margin (%)   49,0%    47,7%    41,4%    46,8%    46,4% 
* EBITDA = Gross income excluding selling, general and adminstrative expenses added to depreciation, amortization and exhaustion.


PARENT COMPANY - Corporate Law - In Thousand of R$ (limited revision)

    3Q2004    2Q2005    3Q2005    9M2004    9M2005 
Gross Revenue    2.761.068    2.670.162    2.219.569    7.347.150    8.030.429 
   Gross Revenue deductions    (447.589)   (545.153)   (418.926)   (1.129.477)   (1.622.679)
Net Revenus    2.313.479    2.125.009    1.800.643    6.217.673    6.407.750 
   Domestic Market    1.949.722    1.674.037    1.271.697    4.625.675    4.987.990 
   Export Market    363.757    450.972    528.946    1.591.998    1.419.760 
Cost of Good Sold (COGS)   (1.126.621)   (1.153.460)   (1.075.699)   (3.248.311)   (3.438.714)
   COGS, excluding depreciation    (953.994)   (968.824)   (883.341)   (2.721.969)   (2.863.998)
   Depreciation allocated to COGS    (172.627)   (184.636)   (192.358)   (526.342)   (574.716)
Gross Profit    1.186.858    971.549    724.944    2.969.362    2.969.036 
Gross Margin (%)   51,3%    45,7%    40,3%    47,8%    46,3% 
   Selling Expenses    (66.040)   (49.486)   (62.740)   (189.667)   (189.114)
   General and andminstrative expenses    (46.851)   (54.343)   (45.007)   (145.588)   (144.660)
   Depreciation allocated to SG&A    (7.473)   (5.925)   (5.722)   (22.260)   (18.254)
   Other operation income (expense), net    (43.790)   (19.485)   113.194    (79.290)   60.917 
Operating income before financial equity interests    1.022.704    842.310    724.669    2.532.557    2.677.925 
Net Financial Result    (18.171)   477.217    62.253    (829.245)   212.956 
   Financial Expenses    (269.107)   (254.168)   (141.040)   (802.778)   (658.939)
   Financial Income    (244.230)   (256.180)   (237.615)   67.138    (492.406)
   Net monetary and forgain exchange variations    520.375    987.565    440.908    (15.353)   1.364.301 
   Defferal of forgain exchange loss amortization    (25.209)       (78.252)  
Equity interest in subsidiary    99.528    (760.606)   (129.596)   453.704    (645.111)
Operating Income (loss)   1.104.061    558.921    657.326    2.157.016    2.245.770 
Non-operating income (expenes), Net    (9.458)   (5.563)   2.466    (10.241)   (4.017)
Income Before Income and Social Contribution Taxes    1.094.603    553.358    659.792    2.146.775    2.241.753 
   (Provition)/Credit for Income Tax    (277.911)   (183.255)   (141.370)   (422.730)   (530.611)
   (Provition)/Credit for Social Contribution    (97.724)   (64.620)   (55.717)   (172.075)   (194.231)
Net Income (Loss)   718.968    305.483    462.705    1.551.970    1.516.911 
EBITDA*    1.246.594    1.052.356    809.555    3.160.449    3.209.978 
EBITDA Margin (%)   53,9%    49,5%    45,0%    50,8%    50,1% 
Additional Information                     
Delibetated Dividends and Interest on Equity        2.303.045            2.303.045 
Proposed Dividends and Interest on Equity        68.050    67.721    35.000    184.176 
Number of Shares** - thousands    282.169    270.158    264.431    282.169    264.431 
Earnings Loss per Share - R$    2,55    1,13    1,75    5,50    5,74 
* EBITDA = Gross income excluding selling, general and adminstrative expenses added to depreciation, amortization and exhaustion.
** Excluding shares held in treasury


Corporate Law - thousandsof R$ (Limited Revision)

    Parent Comany    Consolidated 
    30/06/2005    30/09/2005    30/06/2005    30/09/2005 
Current Assets    5.861.851    5.097.176    8.661.952    8.758.829 
   Cash and Marketable    1.478.778    1.372.641    3.724.122    4.525.740 
   Trade Accounts Receiveble    1.809.931    1.834.748    1.464.097    1.471.503 
   Inventory    1.363.157    1.339.603    1.997.414    1.903.654 
   Other    1.209.985    550.184    1.476.319    857.932 
Long-term Assets    1.708.892    1.699.265    1.912.017    2.018.858 
Permanet Assets    17.194.696    17.176.552    14.210.959    14.215.913 
   Investments    4.998.537    4.940.010    308.644    288.004 
   PP&E    11.998.516    12.039.679    13.575.543    13.608.285 
   Deffered    197.643    196.863    326.772    319.624 
TOTAL ASSETS    24.765.439    23.972.993    24.784.928    24.993.600 
Current Liabilities    4.571.695    3.974.435    5.205.129    3.940.389 
   Loans and Financing    1.444.039    1.597.535    2.478.172    1.874.913 
   Other    3.127.656    2.376.900    2.726.957    2.065.476 
Long-term Liabilities    12.716.200    12.391.367    12.203.469    13.493.120 
   Loans and Financing    7.450.013    6.956.207    6.904.466    8.040.631 
   Deffered Income and Social Contributions Taxes    2.225.974    2.194.302    2.225.974    2.194.302 
   Other    3.040.213    3.240.858    3.073.029    3.258.187 
Future Period Results    -    -    6.231    6.156 
Shareholdres' Equity    7.477.544    7.607.191    7.370.099    7.553.935 
   Capital    1.680.947    1.680.947    1.680.947    1.680.947 
   Capital Reserve    17.319      17.319   
   Revaluation Reserve    4.640.047    4.578.566    4.640.047    4.578.566 
   Earnings Reserve    823.392    336.189    823.392    336.189 
   Treasury Stock    (745.091)   (343.673)   (745.091)   (343.673)
   Retained Earnings    1.060.930    1.355.162    953.485    1.301.906 
  24.765.439    23.972.993    24.784.928    24.993.600 


CONSOLIDATED - Corporate Law - thounsands of R$ (limited revision)

    3Q2004    2Q2005    3Q2005    9M2004    9M2005 
Cash Flow from Operating Activities    668.048    432.662    533.604    1.306.754    2.462.147 
   Net Income for the period    694.482    419.202    516.893    1.451.278    1.652.927 
   Exchange rate defferal    25.209        79.832   
   Net exchange and monetary variations    (535.226)   (808.056)   (449.237)   (75.576)   (1.256.653)
   Provision for financial expenses    239.956    219.259    271.972    666.871    726.816 
   Depreciation, exhaustion and amortization    203.921    224.334    229.881    606.490    693.568 
   Equity results    4.101    (3.536)   19.049    (14.457)   35.192 
   Deferred income taxes and social contributions    84.581    (159.285)   86.298    162.104    (55.082)
   Provisions    (19.608)   291.252    (340.765)   (447.105)   (106.853)
   Working Capital    (29.368)   249.492    199.513    (1.122.683)   772.232 
   Accounts Receivable    223.185    (117.685)   (7.678)   (249.443)   (359.283)
   Inventory    (709.158)   65.811    89.732    (1.257.062)   367.361 
   Suppliers    103.911    136.675    (18.170)   55.504    237.666 
   Taxes    387.107    40.689    (209.920)   301.636    134.749 
   Others    (34.413)   124.002    345.549    26.682    391.739 
Cash Flow from Investment Activities    (127.191)   (320.268)   (288.727)   (646.433)   (761.368)
   Investments      (81.188)   (81)   (139.205)   (81.430)
   Fixed Assets/Deferred    (127.191)   (239.080)   (288.646)   (507.228)   (679.938)
Cash Flow from Financing Activities    362.096    (2.269.576)   416.410    (1.025.241)   (874.355)
   Issuances    1.092.611    1.059.387    1.868.355    2.805.746    4.321.812 
   Amortizations    (418.371)   (596.255)   (984.127)   (2.221.235)   (1.819.330)
   Interests Expenses    (221.969)   (204.129)   (201.617)   (675.560)   (537.469)
   Dividends/Interest on own capital    (28)   (2.268.407)   (512)   (752.254)   (2.268.931)
   Shares in treasury    (90.147)   (260.172)   (265.689)   (181.938)   (570.437)
Free Cash Flow    902.953    (2.157.182)   661.287    (364.920)   826.424 


Net Financial Result
Parent Company - Corporate Law - thousnads of R$ (limited revision)

    3Q2004    2Q2005    3Q2005    9M2004    9M2005 
Financial Expenses    (262.183)   (372.700)   (301.920)   (770.401)   (1.006.968)
Loans and financing    (189.377)   (209.166)   (275.506)   (599.235)   (725.889)
    Local currency    (55.907)   (47.493)   (44.383)   (181.879)   (135.112)
    Forgein currency    (133.470)   (161.673)   (231.123)   (417.356)   (590.777)
Transaction with subsidiaries                           - 
Taxes    (32.208)   (97.659)   25.206    (118.102)   (155.757)
Other financial expenses    (40.598)   (65.875)   (51.620)   (53.064)   (125.322)
Financial Income    (30.889)   (246.530)   49.869    230.512    193.551 
Transaction with subsidiaries                           - 
Income from cash investments    (49.940)   (253.654)   215.176    180.600    40.516 
Other income    19.051    7.124    (165.307)   49.912    153.035 
Exchange and monetary variations       256.369    405.446    213.372    (170.035)   456.708 
Net monetary change    (31.185)   4.367    8.132    (37.075)   158 
Net exchange change       312.763    401.079    205.240    (53.128)   456.550 
Deffered exchange losses    (25.209)       (79.832)                  - 
Net Financial Result    (36.703)   (213.784)   (38.679)   (709.924)   (356.709)

Net Financial Result
Consolidated - Corporate Law - thousnads of R$ (limited revision)

    3Q2004    2Q2005    3Q2005    9M2004    9M2005 
Financial Expenses    (269.107)   (254.168)   (141.040)   (802.778)   (658.939)
Loans and financing    (116.207)   (91.953)   (108.210)   (361.985)   (294.998)
    Local currency    (59.954)   (44.628)   (43.529)   (192.693)   (129.550)
    Forgain currency    (56.253)   (47.325)   (64.681)   (169.292)   (165.448)
Transaction with subsidiaries    (96.269)   (67.527)   (61.655)   (313.909)   (216.824)
Taxes    (52.503)   (91.750)   31.263    (111.322)   (138.129)
Other financial expenses    (4.128)   (2.938)   (2.438)   (15.562)   (8.988)
Financial Income    (244.230)   (256.180)   (237.615)   67.138    (492.406)
Transaction with subsidiaries    17.649        48.923   
Income from cash investments    (269.356)   (293.800)   (276.619)   (12.602)   (565.375)
Other income    7.477    37.620    39.004    30.817    72.969 
Exchange and monetary variations    495.166    987.565    440.908    (93.605)   1.364.301 
Net monetary change    (31.234)   1.509    4.516    (37.047)   (1.529)
Net exchange change    551.609    986.056    436.392    21.694    1.365.830 
Deffered exchange losses    (25.209)       (78.252)  
Net Financial Result    (18.171)   477.217    62.253    (829.245)   212.956 


Consolidated - Thousand of tons

    3Q2004    2Q2005    3Q2005    9M2004    9M2005 
DOMESTIC MARKET    918    767    613    2,542    2,277 
   Slabs    16    11    11    45    30 
   Hot Rolled    315    313    192    869    868 
   Cold Rolled    156    103    70    520    313 
   Galvanized    227    167    177    590    549 
   Tin Plate    204    173    163    518    518 
EXPORT MARKET    297    370    568    1,164    1,238 
   Slabs    15        44   
   Hot Rolled    52    83    237    379    375 
   Cold Rolled    27    38    91    78    144 
   Galvanized    161    171    156    415    489 
   Tin Plate    42    79    78    248    224 
TOTAL MARKET    1,214    1,137    1,181    3,706    3,515 
   Slabs    30    11    16    89    35 
   Hot Rolled    367    396    430    1,248    1,243 
   Cold Rolled    183    141    161    597    457 
   Galvanized    388    338    333    1,005    1,038 
   Tin Plate    246    252    241    766    742 

Parent Company - Thousand of tons

    3Q2004    2Q2005    3Q2005    9M2004    9M2005 
DOMESTIC MARKET    951    804    637    2,526    2,399 
   Slabs    16    11    11    45    30 
   Hot Rolled    314    336    200    849    897 
   Cold Rolled    242    137    131    605    486 
   Galvanized    179    145    132    516    463 
   Tin Plate    200    175    163    511    523 
EXPORT MARKET    205    293    468    1,064    995 
   Slabs    60        255    41 
   Hot Rolled    69    107    270    451    444 
   Cold Rolled      54    94    21    168 
   Galvanized    42    55    29    115    143 
   Tin Plate    32    69    69    221    198 
TOTAL MARKET    1,156    1,097    1,105    3,590    3,393 
   Slabs    76    19    16    300    71 
   Hot Rolled    383    443    470    1,300    1,341 
   Cold Rolled    244    191    225    626    654 
   Galvanized    221    200    161    631    606 
   Tin Plate    232    244    232    732    721 


Consolidated - In R$/ton

    3Q2004    2Q2005    3Q2005    9M2004    9M2005 
DOMESTIC MARKET    2,051    2,027    2,019    1,775    2,061 
   Slabs    907    818    700    780    787 
   Hot Rolled    1,655    1,709    1,553    1,391    1,705 
   Cold Rolled    2,241    2,102    1,696    1,755    2,020 
   Galvanized    2,287    2,191    2,304    2,069    2,325 
   Tin Plate    2,345    2,476    2,488    2,190    2,475 
EXPORT MARKET    2,359    1,823    1,296    1,925    1,667 
   Slabs    1,012      833      833 
   Hot Rolled    2,072    1,311    999    1,538    1,163 
   Cold Rolled    2,394    1,586    1,169    2,104    1,383 
   Galvanized    2,611    1,924    1,457    2,225    1,885 
   Tin Plate    2,195    2,263    2,056    2,050    2,239 
TOTAL MARKET    2,126    1,960    1,671    1,822    1,922 
   Slabs    957    735    743    1,093    794 
   Hot Rolled    1,715    1,626    1,247    1,436    1,541 
   Cold Rolled    2,264    1,964    1,398    1,800    1,819 
   Galvanized    2,421    2,056    1,907    2,134    2,118 
   Tin Plate    2,319    2,409    2,348    2,145    2,404 

Parent Company - In R$/ton

    3Q2004    2Q2005    3Q2005    9M2004    9M2005 
DOMESTIC MARKET    1,934    1,931    1,827    1,710    1,939 
   Slabs    907    818    700    780    787 
   Hot Rolled    1,603    1,585    1,424    1,351    1,607 
   Cold Rolled    1,840    1,870    1,493    1,636    1,792 
   Galvanized    2,367    2,313    2,188    2,062    2,307 
   Tin Plate    2,262    2,394    2,372    2,118    2,385 
EXPORT MARKET    1,719    1,500    1,124    1,476    1,406 
   Slabs    1,425    927    615    1,292    1,267 
   Hot Rolled    1,547    1,203    909    1,246    1,076 
   Cold Rolled    2,053    1,382    1,104    1,926    1,277 
   Galvanized    2,234    1,532    1,498    2,069    1,704 
   Tin Plate    1,950    2,101    1,875    1,803    2,069 
TOTAL MARKET    1,896    1,816    1,529    1,640    1,783 
   Slabs    1,316    865    672    1,215    1,065 
   Hot Rolled    1,593    1,492    1,128    1,315    1,431 
   Cold Rolled    1,841    1,732    1,330    1,646    1,659 
   Galvanized    2,341    2,099    2,065    2,063    2,164 
   Tin Plate    2,220    2,312    2,224    2,023    2,298 


In R$/US$

    2Q2004    3Q2004    4Q2004    1Q2005    2Q2005    3Q2005 
End of Period    3,1075    2,8586    2,6544    2,6662    2,3504    2,2222 
% change    6,8%    -8,0%    -7,1%    0,4%    -11,8%    -5,5% 




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: November 03, 2005

/S/ Benjamin Steinbruch

Benjamin Steinbruch
Chief Executive Officer and
Acting Chief Financial Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.