SCHEDULE 14A Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. ) Filed by the Registrant |_| Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |X| Check the appropriate box: | | Preliminary Proxy Statement |_| Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) | | Definitive Proxy Statement |X| Definitive Additional Materials |_| Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-12 THE GOLDFIELD CORPORATION (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter) Inc. (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant) Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box): |X| No fee required |_| Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11. 1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: 2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: 3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined) 4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: 5) Total fee paid: |_| Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |_| Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. 1) Amount Previously Paid: 2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: 3) Filing Party: 4) Date Filed: Meet Sam Rebots ky You've read messag es written by Aaron Brown and Debora h Pastor. So who's the third membe r of the Shareh older Value Slate? Sam Rebots ky! Microc ap expert, licensed investor executi ve and 30 year holder of Goldfiel d Corpor ation stock. Click here to read his thought s on Goldfiel d Corpor ation and why he's running for the Board of Directo rs. Sam's piece I began my involve ment with Goldfiel d over 30 years ago when I bought my first shares. I currentl y own 491,10 0 Goldfiel d shares. I have continu ed buying becaus e, for a decade or more, the stock has been selling at a substan tial discoun t to book value and, I believe, a substan tial discoun t to potentia l value. I have had many discussi ons with John Sottile about my ideas for improvi ng Goldfiel d's stock price ideas based on my decade s of investin g experie nce but there has been almost no follow through on his part. Therefo re, I am running for a seat on the Board of Directo rs to help realize that value for all shareho lders. Professi onally, my specialt y has been analyzin g, and valuing microca p stocks that I believe are underva lued. Current ly, I am a Vice Preside nt of Sales for Adolph Kormo rsky Investm ents, a brokera ge firm in New York. I have been a register ed stock represe ntative for 15 years and have enjoyed recognit ion in my field. For exampl e, I won the 20th anniver sary contest held by Securiti es Trader Handb ook for picking the best perform ing stock portfoli o over a three month period. My value to Goldfiel d goes beyond my knowle dge of investor s and stock markets ; with almost 40 years of work experie nce in the corpora te sector, I have many skills that would benefit Goldfiel d's Board of Directo rs. For exampl e, I am also a Certifie d Public Accoun tant with extensiv e tax experie nce from my previou s work with the Internal Revenu e Service . I also worked as assistan t controll er for a constru ction contrac tor and have expertis e in account ing and taxation issues for constru ction compan ies, which may be helpful on issues related to GV's Southe ast Power subsidia ry. While I own a portfoli o of more than 100 stocks, I have always had a special affinity for Goldfiel d. In my opinion, the stock needs more publicit y and more instituti onal investor support . Goldfiel d could receive that attentio n if manage ment would more actively reach out to the investor commu nity. I've discuss ed stock investm ents, includin g Goldfiel d, with many publicat ions over the years. As one of the foundin g stocks on the Americ an Stock Exchan ge, it deserve s more attentio n, and I've done my best to help it get some. I entered into a dialogu e with John Sottile about ten years ago, giving him my ideas on this subject. In 1992, I brought Goldfiel d to the attentio n of The Acker Letter, a publicat ion founde d by equity analyst Bob Acker; subseq uently, he issued a long- term buy recom mendati on for Goldfiel d stock. While Mr. Sottile and I had many friendly convers ations over the years, I felt that my recom mendati ons to enhanc e shareho lder value were by and large ignored . In Novem ber 2000, eRaider contact ed me. It was immedi ately appare nt eRaider shared my view that the stock could perform much better with more commu nication from manage ment. In early 2001, I sponsor ed an asset apprais al propos al. To summar ize, the propos al asked manage ment to indepen dently apprais e GV assets to determi ne whether , for exampl e, real estate holding s may have a current market value higher than their book value. If so, then a report highlight ing that higher current market value could encoura ge investm ent and support a higher stock price. If that turned out not to be the case, I still felt that the addition al informa tion could be very helpful to future investor s and current shareho lders and could be obtaine d at a reasona ble cost. John Sottile asked me to withdra w the shareho lder propos al. On the same day, I faxed him a letter offering to withdra w the propos al in exchan ge for his conside ration of eight suggesti ons to maximiz e the stock price. Mr. Sottile told me in a phone convers ation that he would conside r some of the suggesti ons. If you read my letter, you will see that some of the ideas are fairly simple, such as conduct ing confere nce calls each quarter using an 800 number , and none of them are disrupti ve or divisive. While Mr. Sottile did not give a timetabl e or any specific promise s, I felt that in light of our decade -long relation ship, progres s would be made. Therefo re, I withdre w my propos al on January 24. Unfortu nately, to the best of my knowle dge, Mr. Sottile has not implem ented any of the ideas or followe d up on them. When I called Mr. Sottile to discuss the ideas further, he would not discuss specific s or commit to a timetabl e for even investig ating any of recom mendati ons. Based on this complet e lack of progres s, I decided to accept eRaider 's invitatio n to join the Shareh older Value Slate as a candida te for the Board of Directo rs. In early March, Mr. Sottile and I spoke on the phone and he offered me a seat on the Board in exchan ge for a two year standstil l arrange ment with eRaider . The standstil l arrange ment called for eRaider cease all of its activitie s regardi ng Goldfiel d. I thought a compro mise was possibl e, but on a later call with Aaron Brown, Mr. Sottile raised the bar to a five year standstil l. I decline d the offer to serve on the Board under those conditio ns. I wrote a follow- up letter in hopes of reconcil ing the two sides and also to establis h a timetabl e for investig ating my previou s propos als. I have not yet receive d a reply. It is my belief that if the candida tes of the Shareh older Value Slate are elected to the Board of the Directo rs, we will be able to implem ent ideas my own and those suggest ed by others to help boost equity value for all shareho lders. I am not looking to change manage ment nor do I desire to disrupt or change day-to- day operati ons. My willingn ess to withdra w my shareho lder propos al in hopes of a fruitful discussi on of my ideas points to my desire to work harmoni ously with Mr. Sottile. But the subseq uent lack of follow through from Mr. Sottile has convinc ed me that the only way to make progres s on maximiz ing shareho lder value is by joining the Board and workin g directly with other director s. I look forward to offering the Board my expertis e in investor relation s, tax and account ing. Like Mr. Sottile, I am a long- term shareho lder. I have only one goal, workin g with manage ment and fellow board membe rs to raise the share price. My experie nce tells me I can do so most effectiv ely as a director . If elected, I will serve amicabl y with the other Board membe rs to achieve that goal.