Washington, D.C. 20549

                                SCHEDULE 14A
                   Information Required in Proxy Statement
                          SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

 Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of

Filed by the Registrant |X|

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |_|

Check the appropriate box:

|x | Preliminary Proxy Statement

|  | Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-

|  | Definitive Proxy Statement

|  | Definitive Additional Materials

|  | Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12.

                            DAKOTA IMAGING, INC.
              (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

  (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
|X|  No fee required.

|   |     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
Common Stock, par value $.001 per share, of Dakota Imaging, Inc.

(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3)   Per  unit  price  or  other underlying value  of  transaction  computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11: The filing fee was calculated pursuant to
Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (c)(1), and is the product of multiplying 1/50  of  1%
by  an amount equal to the sum of (x) the product of ______________ shares of
Common  Stock, par value $.001 per share, of Dakota Imaging, Inc.  multiplied
by  $_____________  per  share, and (y) $___________ payable  to  holders  of
outstanding  options to purchase shares of Common Stock in exchange  for  the
cancellation of such options.

(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:  -0-

(5)  Total fee paid:   -0-

|   |     Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

|    |     Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
Act  Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
paid  previously.  Identify  the previous filing  by  registration  statement
number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount Previously Paid:


(2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


(3)  Filing Party:


(4)  Date Filed:


                            DAKOTA IMAGING, INC.
                            4483 West Reno Avenue
                             Las Vegas, NV 89118
                               (702) 221-8070

Dear Dakota Imaging, Inc. Shareholder:

      You  are cordially invited to attend the Annual meeting of shareholders
of Dakota Imaging, Inc., a North Dakota corporation, ("Dakota") to be held on
April 4, 2002, at 10:00 a.m., local time, at The Conference Room, Suite 115 -
1850  E.  Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119. At the Annual meeting,  you
will be asked to consider and vote on the following proposals;

1.    To elect a new Board of Directors for Dakota to serve through the  next
year,  (current  nominations  are for Gregg  Giuffria,  Veldon  Simpson,  and
Richard Hannigan);

2.   To change the Company's fiscal year end to December 31;

3.    To  change  the  Company's name from Dakota Imaging,  Inc.  to  Voyager
Entertainment International, Inc.;

4.   To amend the Company's Certificate of Incorporation;

5.   To amend and restate the Company's Bylaws;

6.   To Ratify the appointment of MERDINGER, FRUCHTER, ROSEN & CORSO, P.C. to
serve as the Company's auditor;

7.    To  adopt a stock option plan providing for options on up to 5  million
shares of common stock; and

8.    To  transact such other business as may properly come before the Annual
meeting or any adjournment or postponement.

The Board of Directors has specified March 1, 2002, at the close of business,
as  the  record date for the purpose of determining the shareholders who  are
entitled  to receive notice of and to vote at the Annual meeting. A  list  of
the shareholders entitled to vote at the Annual meeting will be available for
examination  by any shareholder at the Annual meeting. For 10 days  prior  to
the  Annual  meeting,  this  shareholder list  will  also  be  available  for
inspection by shareholders at our corporate offices at 4483 West Reno Avenue,
Las Vegas during ordinary business hours.

Please  read  the  proxy  statement  and other  materials  concerning  Dakota
Imaging,  Inc.,  which  were mailed with this notice,  for  a  more  complete
statement regarding the Proposals to be acted upon at the Annual meeting.

      Whether  or not you plan to attend the Annual meeting, please take  the
time to vote on the Proposal submitted by completing and mailing the enclosed
proxy  card to us. Please sign, date and mail your proxy card indicating  how
you wish to vote. If you fail to return your proxy card, the effect will be a
vote against the Proposals.


                                   /s/ Richard Hannigan
                                   Richard Hannigan
                                   PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR

The  Proposals  voted  upon  have not been approved  or  disapproved  by  the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission (the "SEC")  or  any  state  securities
regulators nor has the SEC or any state securities regulator passed upon  the
fairness or merits of the Proposals or upon the accuracy or adequacy  of  the
information  contained  in this proxy statement. Any  representation  to  the
contrary is unlawful.

      This  proxy statement is dated March 6, 2002, and is first being mailed
to  Dakota shareholders on or about March 18, 2002 to shareholders of  record
as of March 1, 2002.

                            DAKOTA IMAGING, INC.
                            4483 West Reno Avenue
                             Las Vegas, NV 89118
                               (702) 221-8070

                         TO BE HELD ON APRIL 4, 2002

Dear Dakota Shareholder:

      We will hold the Annual meeting of Shareholders of Dakota Imaging, Inc.
on  April  4, 2002, at 10:00 a.m., local time, at the Conference Room,  Suite
115,  1850  E.  Flamingo  Rd., Las Vegas, Nevada  89119,  for  the  following

1.    To elect a new Board of Directors for Dakota to serve through the  next
year,  (current  nominations  are for Gregg  Giuffria,  Veldon  Simpson,  and
Richard Hannigan);

2.   To change the Company's fiscal year end to December 31;

3.    To  change  the  Company's name from Dakota Imaging,  Inc.  to  Voyager
Entertainment International, Inc.;

4.   To amend the Company's Certificate of Incorporation;

5.   To amend and restate the Company's Bylaws;

6.   To ratify the appointment of MERDINGER, FRUCHTER, ROSEN & CORSO, P.C. to
serve as the Company's auditor;

7.    To  adopt a stock option plan providing for options on up to 5  million
shares of common stock; and

8.    To  transact such other business as may properly come before the Annual
meeting or any adjournment or postponement.

      The  Board of Directors has determined that the Proposals are fair  to,
and  in  the  best  interests  of, the Dakota  shareholders  and  unanimously
recommends that you vote "FOR" the Proposals.

      Only Dakota shareholders of record at the close of business on March 1,
2002  are  entitled  to notice of and to vote at the Annual  meeting  or  any
adjournment  or  postponement thereof. A complete list  of  the  shareholders
entitled  to  vote at the Annual meeting or any adjournments or postponements
of the Annual meeting will be available at and during the Annual meeting.


                         By Order of the Board of Directors

                         /s/ Richard Hannigan
                         Richard Hannigan
                         PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR

4483 West Reno Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89118
March 18, 2002

                              TABLE OF CONTENTS


SUMMARY OF PROPOSALS                                                       1
     Date, Time and Place                                                  1
     Purpose of the Meeting                                                1
     Shareholders Entitled to Vote                                         2
     Vote Required                                                         2
     Recommendation of Dakota's Board of Directors                         2


WHO CAN HELP ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS                                         4


THE ANNUAL MEETING                                                         5
     Time, Place and Date                                                  5
     Purpose of the Meeting                                                5
          ITEM 1. Election of Directors                                    5
          ITEM 2. Change of fiscal year end                                6
          ITEM 3. Change of name                                           6
          ITEM 4. Amendment to Certificate of Incorporation                7
          ITEM 5. Amendment and restatement of Bylaws                      7
          ITEM 6. Ratify appointment of auditors                           7
          ITEM 7. Adopt Stock Option Plan                                  8
          ITEM 8. Transaction of other business                            9
     Record Date and Voting at the Annual Meeting                          9
     Votes Required                                                        9
     Solicitation and Proxy Solicitor                                      9
     Revocation and Use of Proxies                                        10
     Adjournments or Postponements                                        10

OPPOSITION TO MATTERS ACTED UPON                                          10

AUDIT COMMITTEE ( No Audit Committee Exists)                              11

INDEPENDENT AUDITORS                                                      11

CURRENT OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS                                            12
     Board of Directors Meetings                                          13
     Insider Participation in Compensation Decision                       13
     Board of Directors Report on Executive Compensation                  13

EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION                                                    13





OTHER MATTERS                                                             15

EXPENSES OF PROXY SOLICITATION                                            16

WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION                                       16

     Exhibit A - Amended and Restated Bylaws                             A-1

                            SUMMARY OF PROPOSALS

      This  summary  highlights selected information included in  this  proxy
statement.  This  summary  may not contain all of  the  information  that  is
important to you. For a more complete understanding of the Proposals and  the
other  information contained in this proxy statement, you  should  read  this
entire  proxy  statement  carefully, as well as the additional  documents  to
which  it refers. For instructions on obtaining more information, see  "Where
You Can Find More Information."

Date,  Time  and  Place  of  Annual
Meeting                              April 4, 2002, at 10:00 a.m., Las Vegas
                                     time,  at  the Conference  Room,  Suite
                                     115, 1850 East Flamingo Rd., Las Vegas,
                                     Nevada,  ("the  Annual Meeting").  (See

Purpose of the Meeting               1.    To elect a new Board of Directors
                                     for  Dakota to serve through  the  next
                                     year,  (current  nominations  are   for
                                     Gregg  Giuffria,  Veldon  Simpson,  and
                                     Richard Hannigan);

                                     2.    To  change  the Company's  fiscal
                                     year end to December 31;

                                     3.    To change the Company's name from
                                     Dakota   Imaging,   Inc.   to   Voyager
                                     Entertainment International, Inc.;

                                     4.   To amend the Company's Certificate
                                     of Incorporation;

                                     5.   To amend and restate the Company's

                                     6.     To  Ratify  the  appointment  of
                                     MERDINGER,  FRUCHTER,  ROSEN  &  CORSO,
                                     P.C. to serve as the Company's auditor;

                                     7.    To  adopt  a  stock  option  plan
                                     providing  for  options  on  up  to   5
                                     million shares of common stock; and

                                     8.   To transact such other business as
                                     may  properly  come before  the  Annual
                                     meeting    or   any   adjournment    or

Shareholders Entitled to Vote        Only  Dakota shareholders of record  at
                                     5:00  p.m., Las Vegas time on March  1,
                                     2002  are entitled to notice of and  to
                                     vote at the Annual Meeting.

Vote Required                        Under  North Dakota law, the  Proposals
                                     at   the  Annual  meeting  require  the
                                     affirmative  vote of the holders  of  a
                                     majority  of  the Dakota  Common  Stock
                                     outstanding and entitled to  vote.  See
                                     "Introduction," and "The  Proposal-Vote

Recommendation  of  the  Board   of
Directors of Dakota                  Our  Board  of Directors has determined
                                     that the Proposals are advisable and in
                                     the  best interests of Dakota  and  our
                                     shareholders and that the Proposals are
                                     fair  to our shareholders Our Board  of
                                     Directors  recommends  that  you   vote
                                     "FOR" adoption of the Proposals.



Our  Board  of  Directors  recommends that you vote  "FOR"  adoption  of  the
Proposals.  Our  Board  of Directors has determined that  the  Proposals  are
advisable and in the best interests of Dakota and our shareholders  and  that
the Proposals are fair to our shareholders.

Our  Board  of  Directors  has  approved  and  recommended  adoption  of  the


      No.  The  law does not allow your broker to vote your shares of  Dakota
common  stock on the Proposals at the Annual meeting without your  direction.
You  should  follow the instructions from your broker on  how  to  vote  your
shares. Shares that are not voted because you do not instruct your broker are
called  "broker non-votes," and will have the effect of a vote "AGAINST"  the


      If  you sign and return your proxy card but do not indicate how to vote
your  shares at the Annual meeting, the shares represented by your proxy will
be voted "FOR" the Proposals.


      Since  it  takes a majority of the shares outstanding  to  approve  the
Proposals,  not returning your proxy card is the same as voting  against  the


      Sign,  mark  and  mail  your proxy card indicating  your  vote  on  the
Proposals  in the enclosed return envelope as soon as possible, so that  your
shares of Dakota common stock can be voted at the Annual meeting.


      Yes. You may change your vote at any time before your proxy is voted at
the Annual meeting. You can do this in three ways:

*    You  can  send  Dakota a written statement that you revoke  your  proxy,
     which  to be effective must be received prior to the vote at the  Annual

*    You  can  send Dakota a new proxy card prior to the vote at  the  Annual
     meeting, which to be effective must be received by Dakota prior to the
     vote at the Annual meeting; or

*    You  can  attend the Annual meeting and vote in person. Your  attendance
     alone will not revoke your proxy. You must attend the Annual meeting and
     cast your vote at the Annual meeting.

     Send any revocation of a proxy or new proxy card to the attention of the
Corporate Secretary at Dakota, 4483 West Reno Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada (702)
221-8070.  If  your  shares  are held in street name,  you  must  follow  the
directions  provided by your broker to vote your shares  or  to  change  your


      If you have more questions about the Proposals or would like additional
copies of the proxy statement, you should contact:

                            Dakota Imaging, Inc.
                            4483 West Reno Avenue
                             Las Vegas, NV 89118
                         Attention: Richard Hannigan
                           President and Director
                      Telephone Number: (702) 221-8070

                         FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS

      This proxy statement and the documents to which we refer you to in this
proxy  statement  may contain forward-looking statements. In  addition,  from
time  to  time, we or our representatives may make forward-looking statements
orally  or  in  writing.  We  base these forward-looking  statements  on  our
expectations  and projections about future events, which we derive  from  the
information currently available to us. Such forward-looking statements relate
to future events or our future performance, including:

*    our financial performance and projections;

*    our growth in revenue and earnings; and

*    our business prospects and opportunities.

      You  can  identify  forward-looking statements by those  that  are  not
historical in nature, particularly those that use terminology such as  "may,"
"will,"  "should,"  "expects,"  "anticipates,"  "contemplates,"  "estimates,"
"believes",  "plans," "projected," "predicts," "potential" or  "continue"  or
the  negative  of these or similar terms. In evaluating these forward-looking
statements, you should consider various factors, including

*    our ability to retain the business of our significant customers;

*    our ability to keep pace with new technology and changing market needs;

*    our ability, upon completion of the merger, to obtain capital; and

*    the competitive environment of our business.

      These  and  other  factors  may  cause our  actual  results  to  differ
materially from any forward-looking statement.

      Forward-looking  statements are only predictions.  The  forward-looking
events discussed in this proxy statement, the documents to which we refer you
and other statements made from time to time by us or our representatives, may
not  occur,  and  actual  events and results may differ  materially  and  are
subject  to  risks,  uncertainties  and assumptions  about  us.  We  are  not
obligated to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether
as  a  result  of  uncertainties and assumptions, the forward-looking  events
discussed  in this proxy statement, the documents to which we refer  you  and
other  statements made from time to time by us or our representatives,  might
not occur.

                             THE ANNUAL MEETING


      We  are  furnishing  this  proxy statement to  Dakota  shareholders  in
connection with the solicitation of proxies by the Dakota Board of  Directors
for  use at the Annual meeting of shareholders of Dakota to be held on  April
4,  2002, at 10:00 a.m., local time, at the Conference Room, Suite 115,  1850
East  Flamingo  Rd.,  Las Vegas, Nevada, or any adjournment  or  postponement
thereof, pursuant to the enclosed Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders.


      At  the Annual meeting, holders of Dakota common stock of record as  of
the close of business on March 1, 2002 will be eligible to vote upon:

ITEM 1.   Election of Directors:

Our  shareholders  elect  the  members of the Board  of  Directors  annually.
Current  nominations  are  for Gregg Giuffria, Veldon  Simpson,  and  Richard
Hannigan.  We  have  no reason to believe that any of the  nominees  will  be
unable  or  unwilling  for good cause to serve if elected.  However,  if  any
nominee  should become unable or unwilling for good cause to  serve  for  any
reason, proxies may be voted for another person nominated as a substitute  by
the  Board  of Directors, or the Board of Directors may reduce the number  of


ITEM 2.   Change of fiscal year from October 31 to December 31:

The  Company  is proposing to change its year-end from 10/31  to  12/31.  The
basis  for  the year-end change is to harmonize the release of the  Company's
quarterly  and  annual financial statements and operating  results  with  the
release  of  similar  information by the majority of  the  companies  in  its
industry. This will facilitate the comparison of the Company's financial  and
operating performance to other companies in its peer group.


ITEM  3.    Change of name from Dakota Imaging, Inc. to Voyager Entertainment
International, Inc.:

On  February  8,  2002,  pursuant  to a reverse  triangular  merger,  Voyager
Ventures,  Inc.  became our wholly-owned subsidiary.  As  a  result  of  this
merger,  our  business focus and plan were changed to become an Entertainment
and  Themed  Attraction  company primarily focusing on  the  construction  of
unique new attractions throughout the World.

The  Company's  first major project will be to design, finance,  develop  and
manage a unique new attraction to be located on the Las Vegas Strip.   It  is
the  intention of the Company to build the world's largest Ferris wheel  with
33  vehicles  called  Sky  Cruiser's.  The vertical revolving  vehicles  will
overlook  the Las Vegas Strip as it revolves higher than a 50-story  building
at  518  feet.  One slow rotation in a vehicle will last 24 minutes and  each
vehicle will travel at 0.652 MPH.

In connection with the merger our Board of Directors believes it is important
that  our  corporate  name be reflective of our future  business  enterprise.
Accordingly,  our  Board  of  Directors  has  unanimously  approved  "Voyager
Entertainment International, Inc." as our corporate name.  If the name change
is approved by the shareholders our Certificate of Incorporation will have to
be  amended  and filed with the North Dakota Secretary of State in  order  to
make the name change effective.

The proposed amendment reads as follows:

Article 1. The name of said Corporation shall be:  Voyager Entertainment
International, Inc.

      If  the shareholders vote in favor of the name change, certificates for
shares of the Company's common stock issued under Dakota Imaging, Inc.'s name
will  continue  to represent the same interest in the Company under  the  new


ITEM 4.   Amend the Company's Certificate of Incorporation:

      The  Company is proposing to amend its Certificate of Incorporation  to
provide  for  holders  of a majority of the Company's voting  stock  to  take
corporate action by written consent, without having to submit the action to a
vote of all of the shareholders.

      Pursuant to current North Dakota law (section 10-19.1-75 (1))  "If  the
articles so provide, any action may be taken by written action signed by  the
shareholders  who own voting power equal to the voting power  that  would  be
required  to take the same action at a meeting of the shareholders  at  which
all shareholders were present."

The proposed amendment reads as follows:

Article 6.    Other provisions by which this corporation shall be governed:

may  be  taken at any annual or special meeting of shareholders may be  taken
without  a meeting and without prior notice, if a consent in writing, setting
forth  the  action  so taken, is signed by the holders of outstanding  shares
having  not less than the minimum number of votes that would be necessary  to
authorize  or take such action at a meeting at which all shares  entitled  to
vote  thereon were present and voted.  All such consents shall be filed  with
the  secretary  of the corporation and shall be maintained in  the  corporate
records.   Any  shareholder giving a written consent,  or  the  shareholder's
proxy holders, or a transferee of the shares of a personal representative  of
the shareholder of their respective proxy holders, may revoke the consent  by
a writing received by the secretary of the corporation prior to the time that
written  consents of the number of shares required to authorize the  proposed
action have been filed with the secretary.


ITEM 5.   Amend and restate the Company's Bylaws:

The Company has proposed to amend and restate its Bylaws to change the number
of directors, change the Company's year-end to 12/31 and update the Bylaws to
provide  provisions necessary to operate more efficiently as a pubic company.
A copy of the amended and restated Bylaws are attached as Exhibit A.


ITEM 6.   Ratify the appointment of MERDINGER, FRUCHTER, ROSEN & CORSO, P.C.
as the Company's new auditor:

The  Company's  Board  of Directors has voted to engage MERDINGER,  FRUCHTER,
ROSEN  &  CORSO,  P.C. as its new independent auditor's for the  fiscal  year
ending  December 31, 2002. CLYDE BAILEY P.C., of San Antonio, Texas,  is  the

current  auditor  of  the Company. He has agreed to resign  as  auditor  upon
approval  of  the  shareholders of the ratification of  MERDINGER,  FRUCHTER,

The  change in accountants does not result from any dissatisfaction with  the
quality  of  professional  services rendered by  CLYDE  BAILEY  P.C.  as  the
Company's  independent  accountant. Please  see  the  "INDEPENDENT  AUDITORS"
section  of this Proxy Statement for additional information on the change  of


ITEM 7.   Authorization to adopt an Option Plan providing for Five Million
(5,000,000) shares of common stock:

The Company's Board of Directors has approved the 2002 Stock Option Plan. The
plan  authorizes  the Company to issue 5,000,000 shares of common  stock  for
issuance  upon  exercise  of  options. The  plan  is  intended  to  encourage
directors,  officers,  employees and consultants of the  Company  to  acquire
ownership of Common Stock.  The opportunity so provided is intended to foster
in  participants  a  strong incentive to put forth  maximum  effort  for  the
continued  success and growth of the Company, to aid in retaining individuals
who  put  forth such efforts, and to assist in attracting the best  available
individuals to the Company in the future.

Officers  (including  officers who are members of the  Board  of  Directors),
directors (other than members of the Stock Option Committee (the "Committee")
to  be  established to administer the Stock Option Plan) and other  employees
and consultants of the Company and its subsidiaries (if established) will  be
eligible  to  receive  options  under the planned  Stock  Option  Plan.   The
Committee  will  administer the Stock Option Plan and  will  determine  those
persons to whom options will be granted, the number of options to be granted,
the provisions applicable to each grant and the time periods during which the
options  may  be  exercised.  No options may be granted more than  ten  years
after the date of the adoption of the Stock Option Plan.

Unless  the Committee, in its discretion, determines otherwise, non-qualified
stock  options will be granted with an option price equal to the fair  market
value  of the shares of Common Stock to which the non-qualified stock  option
relates  on the date of grant.  In no event may the option price with respect
to an incentive stock option granted under the Stock Option Plan be less than
the  fair  market  value of such Common Stock to which  the  incentive  stock
option relates on the date the incentive stock option is granted.

Each  option  granted under the Stock Option Plan will be exercisable  for  a
term  of  not  more  than ten years after the date of grant.   Certain  other
restrictions will apply in connection with this Plan when some awards may  be
exercised.   In  the event of a change of control (as defined  in  the  Stock
Option  Plan),  the  date on which all options outstanding  under  the  Stock
Option  Plan  may  first  be exercised will be accelerated.   Generally,  all
options terminate 90 days after a change of control.


ITEM 8.   Transaction of other business:

The  Company may transact such other business as may properly come before the
Annual meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof, however, the Board
of Director's knows of no matters, other than those outlined above, that will
be presented for action at the Annual Meeting.


     The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on March 1, 2002,
as  the  record  date for the determination of the shareholders  entitled  to
notice  of,  and  to  vote at, the Annual meeting and  any  adjournments  and
postponements  of  the  Annual meeting. On that day,  there  were  34,015,000
shares  of  Dakota  common  stock outstanding,  which  shares  were  held  by
approximately 67 shareholders of record. Holders of Dakota common  stock  are
entitled to one vote per share.

      A  majority of the issued and outstanding shares of Dakota common stock
on  the  record  date, represented in person or by proxy, will  constitute  a
quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual meeting. If a quorum  is
not  present, the Annual meeting may be adjourned from time to time, until  a
quorum  is  present. Abstentions and broker non-votes are counted as  present
for  purposes  of determining the presence of a quorum at the Annual  meeting
for the transaction of business.


      Approval of any Proposal requires the affirmative vote of holders of  a
majority of the outstanding shares of Dakota common stock entitled to vote at
the Annual meeting. A failure to vote or a broker non-vote will have the same
legal effect as a vote cast against approval of any Proposal.

      Brokers, and in many cases nominees, will not have discretionary  power
to  vote on the Proposals to be presented at the Annual meeting. Accordingly,
beneficial  owners of shares must instruct their brokers or nominees  how  to
vote their shares at the Annual meeting.


      Dakota  will  bear  all  expenses of the  solicitation  of  proxies  in
connection  with  this proxy statement, including the cost of  preparing  and
mailing  this  proxy  statement. Dakota will reimburse brokers,  fiduciaries,
custodians and their nominees for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses  incurred
in  sending this proxy statement and other proxy materials to, and  obtaining
instructions  relating to such materials from, beneficial  owners  of  Dakota
common  stock.  Dakota  shareholder proxies may be  solicited  by  directors,
officers and employees of Dakota in person or by telephone, facsimile  or  by
other  means of communication. However, they will not be paid for  soliciting


      The  enclosed proxy card is solicited on behalf of the Dakota Board  of
Directors.  A shareholder giving a proxy has the power to revoke  it  at  any
time  before it is exercised by (i) delivering a written notice revoking  the
proxy to Dakota before the vote at the Annual meeting; (ii) executing a proxy
with  a  later date and delivering it to Dakota before the vote at the Annual
meeting;  or  (iii) attending the Annual meeting and voting  in  person.  Any
written  notice  of revocation should be delivered to the  attention  of  the
Corporate  Secretary at Dakota, 4483 West Reno Avenue, Las Vegas,  NV  89118.
Attendance  at  the  Annual meeting without casting a  ballot  will  not,  by
itself, constitute revocation of a proxy.

Subject  to  proper revocation, all shares of Dakota common stock represented
at the Annual meeting by properly executed proxies received by Dakota will be
voted  in  accordance  with  the  instructions  contained  in  such  proxies.
Executed,  but  unmarked,  proxies  will  be  voted  "FOR"  approval  of  the


Although it is not expected, the Annual meeting may be adjourned or postponed
for  the  purpose  of  soliciting  additional  proxies.  Any  adjournment  or
postponement of the Annual meeting may be made without notice, other than  by
an  announcement made at the Annual meeting, by approval of the holders of  a
majority of the votes present in person or represented by proxy at the Annual
meeting,  whether  or  not a quorum exists. Any signed  proxies  received  by
Dakota will be voted in favor of an adjournment or postponement of the Annual
meeting  in  these circumstances, unless either a written note on  the  proxy
delivered  by the shareholder directs otherwise or the shareholder has  voted
against the Proposals. Thus, proxies voting against the Proposals will not be
used  to  vote  for  adjournment of the Annual meeting  for  the  purpose  of
providing  additional  time to solicit votes to approve  the  Proposals.  Any
adjournment  or  postponement  of  the Annual  meeting  for  the  purpose  of
soliciting additional proxies will allow Dakota shareholders who have already
sent in their proxies to revoke them at any time prior to their use.

                       INTEREST OF CERTAIN PERSONS IN

      The  Company  is not aware of any interest that would be  substantially
affected through the change of the Company's name, change of the year end  to
12/31, amending the Certificate of Incorporation, amending and restating  the
Bylaws,  authorization  of  Option  Plan,  or  change  in  auditors,  whether
adversely or otherwise.

                               AUDIT COMMITTEE

      The  Board of Directors, elected not to incur the expense of  an  Audit
Committee.  Therefore,  at  this time the Company  does  not  have  an  Audit

                            INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

The  Company's  Board  of Directors has voted to engage MERDINGER,  FRUCHTER,
ROSEN  &  CORSO,  P.C., of Los Angeles, California, as  its  new  independent
auditor's for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2002. CLYDE BAILEY P.C., of
San  Antonio, Texas, is the current auditor of the Company. He has agreed  to
resign  as  auditor upon approval of the shareholders of the ratification  of

The  change in accountants does not result from any dissatisfaction with  the
quality  of  professional  services rendered by  CLYDE  BAILEY  P.C.  as  the
Company's independent accountant.

A  representative of MERDINGER, FRUCHTER, ROSEN & CORSO, P.C. is not expected
to be present at the Annual meeting.

Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure

      The  audit  reports  issued by CLYDE BAILEY P.C. with  respect  to  the
Company's year ended October 31, 2001 financial statements did not contain an
adverse  opinion  or  disclaimer of opinion, and were  not  qualified  as  to
uncertainty,  audit  scope  or  accounting principles.  There  have  been  no
disagreements  between the Company and CLYDE BAILEY P.C.  on  any  matter  of
accounting  principles  or  practices,  financial  statement  disclosure   or
auditing  scope  or procedure, which disagreements, if not  resolved  to  the
satisfaction of CLYDE BAILEY P.C., would have caused them to make a reference
to  the  subject  matter of the disagreement in connection with  their  audit

Audit Fees

For  professional  services rendered with respect to the  audit  of  Dakota's
annual financial statements for the year ended October 31, 2001, Dakota  paid
to CLYDE BAILEY P.C. fees in the amount of $3,750.

All Other Fees

Dakota  paid $1,650 to CLYDE BAILEY P.C. for audit comment responses  to  the
Form SB-2 for the year ended October 31, 2001.

In  view of the fact that Dakota did not pay to CLYDE BAILEY P.C. any fees in
its fiscal year ended October 31, 2001 other than fees for audit services and
audit  related comment responses, the Board of Directors was not required  to

consider whether the provision of services other than audit services by CLYDE
BAILEY P.C. is compatible with maintaining CLYDE BAILEY P.C. independence  in
performing audit services.


The  directors are to be elected to the Board of Directors for  one  year  to
serve  until  the  2003  Annual  meeting  of  shareholders  and  until  their
successors are elected and qualified.

The following table sets forth information regarding each nominee.

                                      Current Positions and Offices
Name                     Age                   With Dakota
Gregg Giuffria            50  CEO, Chairman and Director
Richard L. Hannigan, Sr.  53  President, Secretary, Treasurer and Director
Veldon Simpson            61  Director

Gregg Giuffria, age 50, is Chairman of the Board/Chief Executive Officer  and
Director  of  Dakota  Imaging, Inc. Mr. Giuffria  was  a  member  of  Outland
Development  LLC from October, 2000 through the Voyager transaction,  January
30, 2002. From April, 1997 to October, 2000, Mr. Giuffria served as President
and  COO  of  Full  House  Resorts,  Inc.   The  companies  business  is  the
development  and  management  of hotel, casino,  resort  and  amusement  park
projects.   From  November, 1995 to November, 1996, Mr.  Giuffria  was  vice-
president of corporate development for Casino Data Systems, Inc.  Casino Data
Systems,  Inc.'s business was data and accounting software and  slot  machine
manufacturing.  Mr. Giuffria also owned and controlled the patent rights  and
sub-license  rights  of  "The Telnaes Patent," a gaming  and  casino  patent.
These  rights  were  subsequently  sold to  Casino  Data  Systems,  Inc.  and
International Game Technology; sublicenses were granted to other companies as

Richard  L.  Hannigan,  Sr.,  age  53,  is President/Secretary/Treasurer  and
Director  of  Dakota  Imaging, Inc.  Mr. Hannigan has  been  President  of  a
design/construction  company,  Synthetic  Systems,  Inc.  since  1991.   This
company  specializes  in  custom designs for  interior  and  exterior  casino
construction.  Under Mr. Hannigan's control Synthetic Systems, Inc. has  been
involved  in several casino projects in Las Vegas, including the Luxor  Hotel
Casino,  interior  themed areas and exterior main  entry  Sphinx.   Prior  to
Synthetic  Systems, Inc., Mr. Hannigan owned and operated two consulting  and
construction   companies  from  1983-1991.   These  companies,  Architectural
Services,  Inc.  and  Architectural Systems,  Inc.,  respectively  have  been
responsible for construction projects located in Las Vegas, Palm Springs, Los
Angeles and Salt Lake City.  Mr. Hannigan, consulted for exterior glazing and
exotic fenestrations on commercial as well as casino companies, in Las Vegas.

Veldon  Simpson,  age 61, is a Director of Dakota Imaging, Inc.  Mr.  Simpson
graduated from Arizona State University's five year architectural Program and
holds Masters Degree in Architecture.  Mr. Simpson, for the past 35 years has
been the owner of Veldon Simpson-Architect, Inc., the Architect of Record for
many  projects  and  each  of  the projects was personally  designed  by  Mr.

Simpson, some of the projects are: MGM Grand Hotel & Casino, Excalibur  Hotel
&  Casino, Luxor Hotel & Casino, Circus-Circus Skyrise Hotel, Colorado  Belle
Hotel  & Casino, Edgewater Hotel & Casino, San Remo Hotel & Casino, Avi Hotel
&  Casino,  Casa Blanca Hotel & Casino, Riviera Hotel & Casino, Dobson  Ranch
Inn,  &  Scottsday  Inn,  Casino Royale, Waco Casino in  Sanya  City,  Hainan
Province, Mainland China, Remodeled the Dunes Casino, and the Sands Casino  &
Expo Center, Palace Station Hotel & Casino, Big Bear California Sky Lodge and
The  Inn at The Space Needle in Seattle, WA.  As Architect of Record for  the
World's Largest Casino's, the company of Veldon Simpson-Architect, Inc.,  was
rated #1 in the USA for the years 1991-1993.

There are no family relationships between any of the above persons

Executive  officers are to be elected by the Board of Directors of Dakota  at
its  meeting  of directors held immediately following the Annual  meeting  of
shareholders  to  serve for the ensuing year or until their  successors  have
been elected. There are no arrangements or understandings between any officer
and any other person pursuant to which the officer is to be elected.


      The  Board of Directors of Dakota met once during the fiscal year ended
October 31, 2001.


      The Company has no separate Compensation Committee; the entire Board of
Directors makes decisions regarding executive compensation.


The  Board  of Directors has no existing policy with respect to the  specific
relationship of corporate performance to executive compensation.   The  Board
has set executive compensation at what the Board considered to be the minimal
levels  necessary to retain and compensate the officers of  the  company  for
their activities on the Company's behalf.

                           EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

The  compensation  which  the Company accrued or paid  to  the  Officers  for
services  in  all  capacities  and for the fiscal  years  indicated,  was  as

                                                              Long Term
                           Annual Compensation              Compensation
                                           Other Annual  Restricted
Name               Year    Salary   Bonus  Compensation    Stock    Options
Lawrence Nieters   2001   $154,073   -0-       -0-          -0-       -0-
(1)-               2000   $162,500   -0-       -0-          -0-       -0-
Former President,  1999   $162,500   -0-       -0-          -0-       -0-
Treasurer and
JoEll Nieters (2)- 2001   $19,333    -0-       -0-          -0-       -0-
Former Vice        2000   $16,000    -0-       -0-          -0-       -0-
President,         1999   $16,000    -0-       -0-          -0-       -0-
Secretary and

Frances Hedman     2001     -0-      -0-       -0-          -0-       -0-
(3)-               2000     -0-      -0-       -0-          -0-       -0-
Former Director    1999     -0-      -0-       -0-          -0-       -0-

Gregg Giuffria     2002     -0-      -0-       -0-          -0-       -0-
CEO and Director
Richard Hannigan   2002     -0-      -0-       -0-          -0-       -0-
Treasurer and
Veldon Simpson     2002     -0-      -0-       -0-          -0-       -0-

(1)   Mr. Nieters served as the Company's President, Treasurer and a Director
from its inception in 1991 through February 8, 2002. From October 31, 2001 to
February 8, 2002 Mr. Nieters was paid cash compensation of $39,350.
(2)   Mrs.  Nieters served as the Company's Vice President, Secretary  and  a
Director  from its inception in 1991 through February 8, 2002.  From  October
31,  2001  to  February  8, 2002 Mrs. Nieters was paid cash  compensation  of
(3)  Mr. Hedman served as a Director of the Company from its inception in
1991 through February 8, 2002.
(4)  Messieurs Giuffria, Hannigan and Simpson were appointed as directors and
elected  as officers of the Company on February 8, 2002. The Company has  not
formally  established  a compensation plan for any of these  individuals  and
through  the  date  of  this Proxy Statement none  of  the  individuals  have
received any monetary compensation from the Company.


     The following table sets forth the beneficial ownership of the Company's
common  stock  of each beneficial owner of more than 5% of the common  stock,
director, officer, and all directors and officers of the Company as a group:

                                                Percent   Number
                                      Number       Of    of Shares  Percent
                                     of Shares   Class   Preferred  Of Class
Name of Owner (1)                     Common      (2)       (3)       (2)
Officers and Directors of the
   Gregg Giuffria, CEO & Director
(4)                                   6,000,000      18%   500,000    33.33%
   Richard Hannigan, President,
Secretary, Treasurer &
      Director (4)                    6,000,000      18%   500,000    33.33%
   Veldon Simpson, Director (4)       6,000,000      18%   500,000    33.33%

Officers and Directors as a Group    18,000,000      54% 1,500,000      100%

Beneficial Owners
   Rainbird Trust (5)                 3,600,000      11%       -0-       -0-
   Brian Gale                         1,750,000       5%       -0-       -0-
   Chad Kunz                          2,250,000       7%       -0-       -0-
   Dale Nelson                        1,750,000       5%       -0-       -0-

Beneficial Owners as a Group          9,350,000      28%       -0-       -0-

Officers, Directors and Beneficial
Owners as a Group                    27,350,000      82% 1,500,000      100%

(1)   As  used in this table, "beneficial ownership" means the sole or shared
power  to vote, or to direct the voting of, a security, or the sole or shared
investment  power with respect to a security (i.e., the power to dispose  of,
or to direct the disposition of, a security).
(2)  Figures are rounded to the nearest percentage.
(3)   The Series A Preferred Converts to Common Stock at 1 share of Preferred
for  10 shares of Common. Each share of Series A Preferred has 10 to 1 voting
(4)   Messieurs  Giuffria,  Hannigan and Simpson  acquired  there  shares  on
February  8,  2002  as  part  of the tri-party reverse  merger  with  Voyager
Ventures, Inc. Each of the individuals were shareholders of Voyager and  were
each  issued  1,100,000 shares of Series A preferred stock  in  exchange  for
their  Voyager  shares. Immediately upon closing of the merger  each  of  the
individuals converted 600,000 shares of the Series A preferred stock  thereby
resulting in their current holdings.
(5)   Rainbird Trust acquired its shares on February 8, 2002 as part  of  the
tri-party  reverse  merger  with  Voyager Ventures,  Inc.  The  Trust  was  a
shareholder  of Voyager and was issued 360,000 shares of Series  A  preferred
stock  in  exchange for its Voyager shares. Immediately upon closing  of  the
merger  the  Trust  converted all of its Series  A  preferred  stock  thereby
resulting in its current holdings.


     Under the securities laws of the United States, the Company's directors,
its executive officers, and any persons holding ten percent (10%) or more  of
the  Company's  Common Stock must report on their ownership of the  Company's
Common Stock and any changes in that ownership to the Securities and Exchange
Commission.  Specific  due  dates for these reports  have  been  established.
During  the  year ended October 31, 2001, all of the Company's  officers  and
directors  were late in filing their initial holdings on Form 3.  Other  than
the  late  filing  of  the Form 3's, the Company believes  that  all  reports
required to be filed by Section 16(a) were filed on a timely basis.


The  Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Voyager Ventures, Inc., has  numerous
related  party  transactions  with  Synthetic  Systems,  Inc.  ("Synthetic").
Synthetic is a company owned 100% by Richard Hannigan, Sr., President of  the
Company.  Synthetic advances funds when needed for operating purposes.  These
advances bear interest at 5% per annum and are payable upon demand.  Interest
expense  totaled  $150, $2,000 and $1,500, respectively, as  of  January  31,
2002,  and December 31, 2001 and 2000. As of January 31, 2002, Voyager had  a
balance due to Synthetic in the amount of $46,356.

Additionally,  Voyager  has  received funds from  Greg  Giuffria  and  Veldon
Simpson, both officers and directors of the Company, from time to time in the
past.  As  of January 31, 2002, Voyager had a balance due to Mr. Giuffria  of
$1,884 and a balance due to Mr. Simpson of $834.


      Qualified shareholders who want to have proposals presented at the 2003
annual meeting must deliver them to the Company by December 1, 2002, in order
to be considered for inclusion in next year's proxy statement and proxy.

                                OTHER MATTERS

      As of the date of this proxy statement, the Board of Directors does not
intend  to  bring  any  other business before the Annual  meeting  of  Dakota
shareholders  and, so far as is known to the Board of Directors,  no  matters
are to be brought before the Annual meeting except as specified in the notice
of  Annual meeting. However, as to any other business that may properly  come
before  the  Annual meeting, the proxy holders intend to vote the proxies  in
respect  thereof  in  accordance  with the recommendation  of  the  Board  of


The  principal solicitation of proxies will be made by mail. However, certain
officers  of  the  Company, none of whom will be compensated  therefore,  may
solicit  proxies  by letter, telephone or personal solicitation.  Expense  of
distributing  this  Proxy  Statement  to  shareholders,  which  may   include
reimbursements to banks, brokers, and other custodians for their expenses  in
forwarding this Proxy Statement, will be borne exclusively by Dakota.


Dakota files Annual, quarterly and Annual reports, proxy statements and other
information  with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You  may  read  and
copy any reports, statements or other information that Dakota files with  the
Securities   and   Exchange  Commission  at  the  Securities   and   Exchange
Commission's website at "http://www.sec.gov."

You can obtain any of the documents incorporated by reference through Dakota,
or  the  Securities and Exchange Commission's Internet web site as  described
above.  Documents incorporated by reference are available from Dakota without
charge,  excluding  all  exhibits, except that  if  Dakota  has  specifically
incorporated  by  reference an exhibit in this proxy statement,  the  exhibit
will  also  be  provided without charge. Shareholders  may  obtain  documents
incorporated  by  reference in this proxy statement  by  requesting  them  in
writing or by telephone from the Dakota at the following address:

                            DAKOTA IMAGING, INC.
                            4483 West Reno Avenue
                             Las Vegas, NV 89118
                                (702) 221-8070

You  should  rely  only  on  the  information contained  or  incorporated  by
reference  in this proxy statement. We have not authorized anyone to  provide
you  with information that is different from what is contained in this  proxy
statement.  This  proxy statement is dated March 18,  2002.  You  should  not
assume that the information contained in this proxy statement is accurate  as
of any date other than that date. Neither the mailing of this proxy statement
to shareholders nor the issuance of Dakota common stock in the merger creates
any implication to the contrary.

                             FRONT SIDE OF PROXY

                            DAKOTA IMAGING, INC.
                            4483 West Reno Avenue
                             Las Vegas, NV 89118
                               (702) 221-8070


                                April 4, 2002

                           OF DAKOTA IMAGING, INC.

The   undersigned  shareholder  of  DAKOTA  IMAGING,  INC.,  a  North  Dakota
corporation (the "Company"), hereby appoints Richard Hannigan, as proxy, with
the  power to appoint his or her substitute, and hereby authorizes either  of
them  to  represent, and to vote as designated on the reverse side,  all  the
shares  of  common  stock  of Dakota Imaging, Inc.  held  of  record  by  the
undersigned on March 1, 2002, at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Dakota
Imaging,  Inc.,  to  be held at The Conference Room,  Suite  115  -  1850  E.
Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119, on April 4 2002, at 10:00 a.m.  local
time and at all adjournments or postponements thereof.




1.    Proposal to approve the following Directors to serve through  the  next
year, Gregg Giuffria, Veldon Simpson, and Richard Hannigan;

Gregg Giuffria      [ ]  FOR       [ ]  AGAINST        [ ]  ABSTAIN
Veldon Simpson      [ ]  FOR       [ ]  AGAINST        [ ]  ABSTAIN
Richard Hannigan    [ ]  FOR       [ ]  AGAINST        [ ]  ABSTAIN

2.   To change the Company's fiscal year end to December 31:

     [ ]  FOR       [ ]  AGAINST        [ ]  ABSTAIN

3.    To  change  the  name of Dakota Imaging, Inc. to Voyager  Entertainment
International, Inc.;

     [ ]  FOR       [ ]  AGAINST        [ ]  ABSTAIN

4.   To amend the Company's Certificate of Incorporation;

     [ ]  FOR       [ ]  AGAINST        [ ]  ABSTAIN

5.   To amend and restate the Company's Bylaws;

     [ ]  FOR       [ ]  AGAINST        [ ]  ABSTAIN

6.    Ratify the appointment of MERDINGER, FRUCHTER, ROSEN & CORSO,  P.C.  as
the Company's auditor;

     [ ]  FOR       [ ]  AGAINST        [ ]  ABSTAIN

7.    To  adopt a stock option plan providing for options on up to 5  million
shares of common stock;

     [ ]  FOR       [ ]  AGAINST        [ ]  ABSTAIN


                                        Date: ___________________, 2002

_______________________________         ____________________________________
(Signature)                             (Joint Owner's Signature)

Please  sign exactly as your name appears on proxy. When signing as attorney,
guardian,  executor,  administrator or trustee, please  give  title.  If  the
signer  is  a corporation, give the full corporate name and sign  by  a  duly
authorized  officer,  showing  the  officer's  title.  EACH  joint  owner  is
requested to sign.



                            AMENDED AND RESTATED


                            DAKOTA IMAGING, INC.
                         a North Dakota corporation

                                  ARTICLE I


          Section 1.     PRINCIPAL OFFICES.  The principal office shall be in
the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada.

          Section  2.     OTHER OFFICES.  The board of directors may  at  any
time establish branch or subordinate offices at any place or places where the
corporation is qualified to do business.

                                 ARTICLE II

                          MEETINGS OF STOCKHOLDERS

          Section  1.     PLACE OF MEETINGS.  Meetings of stockholders  shall
be  held  at any place within or without the State of North Dakota designated
by  the  board  of  directors.   In  the absence  of  any  such  designation,
stockholders' meetings shall be held at the principal executive office of the

          Section   2.       ANNUAL   MEETINGS.   The  annual   meetings   of
stockholders  shall be held at a date and time designated  by  the  board  of
directors.   (At  such  meetings, directors shall be elected  and  any  other
proper business may be transacted by a plurality vote of stockholders.)

          Section  3.      SPECIAL  MEETINGS.   A  special  meeting  of   the
stockholders,  for any purpose or purposes whatsoever, unless  prescribed  by
statute or by the articles of incorporation, may be called at any time by the
president and shall be called by the president or secretary at the request in
writing of a majority of the board of directors, or at the request in writing
of  stockholders holding shares in the aggregate entitled to  cast  not  less
than a majority of the votes at any such meeting.

          The  request  shall  be in writing, specifying  the  time  of  such
meeting,  the  place  where it is to be held and the general  nature  of  the
business proposed to be transacted, and shall be delivered personally or sent
by  registered mail or by telegraphic or other facsimile transmission to  the
chairman of the board, the president, any vice president or the secretary  of
the  corporation.  The officer receiving such request forthwith  shall  cause
notice  to be given to the stockholders entitled to vote, in accordance  with
the provisions of Sections 4 and 5 of this Article II, that a meeting will be
held at the time requested by the person or persons calling the meeting,  not
less than thirty-five (35) nor more than sixty (60) days after the receipt of
the  request.   If  the  notice is not given within twenty  (20)  days  after
receipt of the request, the person or persons requesting the meeting may give
the  notice.  Nothing contained in this paragraph of this Section 3 shall  be
construed  as  limiting,  fixing or affecting the  time  when  a  meeting  of
stockholders called by action of the board of directors may be held.

          Section  4.      NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINGS.  All notices  of
meetings of stockholders shall be sent or otherwise given in accordance  with
Section 5 of this Article II not less than ten (10) nor more than sixty  (60)
days  before the date of the meeting being noticed.  The notice shall specify
the  place,  date and hour of the meeting and (i) in the case  of  a  special
meeting the general nature of the business to be transacted, or (ii)  in  the
case of the annual meeting those matters which the board of directors, at the
time of giving the notice, intends to present for action by the stockholders.
The  notice of any meeting at which directors are to be elected shall include
the  name  of  any  nominee or nominees which, at the  time  of  the  notice,
management intends to present for election.

          If  action  is proposed to be taken at any meeting for approval  of
(i)  contracts or transactions in which a director has a direct  or  indirect
financial interest, (ii) an amendment to the articles of incorporation, (iii)
a  reorganization of the corporation, (iv) dissolution of the corporation, or
(v) a distribution to preferred stockholders, the notice shall also state the
general nature of such proposal.

          Section  5.      MANNER  OF  GIVING NOTICE;  AFFIDAVIT  OF  NOTICE.
Notice of any meeting of stockholders shall be given either personally or  by
first-class  mail  or  telegraphic or other  written  communication,  charges
prepaid,  addressed  to the stockholder at the address  of  such  stockholder
appearing on the books of the corporation or given by the stockholder to  the
corporation  for the purpose of notice.  If no such address  appears  on  the
corporation's books or is given, notice shall be deemed to have been given if
sent by mail or telegram to the corporation's principal executive office,  or
if  published  at  least once in a newspaper of general  circulation  in  the
county where this office is located.  Personal delivery of any such notice to

any officer of a corporation or association or to any member of a partnership
shall constitute delivery of such notice to such corporation, association  or
partnership.   Notice shall be deemed to have been given  at  the  time  when
delivered  personally or deposited in the mail or sent by telegram  or  other
means  of written communication.  In the event of the transfer of stock after
delivery or mailing of the notice of and prior to the holding of the meeting,
it  shall  not be necessary to deliver or mail notice of the meeting  to  the

          If  any  notice addressed to a stockholder at the address  of  such
stockholder  appearing on the books of the corporation  is  returned  to  the
corporation by the United States Postal Service marked to indicate  that  the
United  States  Postal  Service  is unable  to  deliver  the  notice  to  the
stockholder at such address, all future notices or reports shall be deemed to
have  been  duly given without further mailing if the same shall be available
to  the  stockholder upon written demand of the stockholder at the  principal
executive office of the corporation for a period of one year from the date of
the giving of such notice.

          An  affidavit of the mailing or other means of giving any notice of
any  stockholders'  meeting  shall be executed by  the  secretary,  assistant
secretary  or any transfer agent of the corporation giving such  notice,  and
shall be filed and maintained in the minute book of the corporation.

          Business transacted at any special meeting of stockholders shall be
limited to the purposes stated in the notice.

          Section 6.     QUORUM.  The presence in person or by proxy  of  the
holders  of  a  majority of the shares entitled to vote  at  any  meeting  of
stockholders  shall  constitute a quorum for  the  transaction  of  business,
except  as  otherwise provided by statute or the articles  of  incorporation.
The  stockholders present at a duly called or held meeting at which a  quorum
is present may continue to do business until adjournment, notwithstanding the
withdrawal of enough stockholders to leave less than a quorum, if any  action
taken  (other  than adjournment) is approved by at least a  majority  of  the
shares required to constitute a quorum.

          Section   7.       ADJOURNED  MEETING  AND  NOTICE  THEREOF.    Any
stockholders' meeting, annual or special, whether or not a quorum is present,
may  be adjourned from time to time by the vote of the majority of the shares
represented at such meeting, either in person or by proxy, but in the absence
of a quorum, no other business may be transacted at such meeting.

          When  any  meeting of stockholders, either annual  or  special,  is
adjourned to another time or place, notice need not be given of the adjourned

meeting if the time and place thereof are announced at a meeting at which the
adjournment is taken.  At any adjourned meeting the corporation may  transact
any business which might have been transacted at the original meeting.

          Section  8.      VOTING.   Unless  a record  date  set  for  voting
purposes  be  fixed as provided in Section 1 of Article VII of these  bylaws,
only  persons  in  whose names shares entitled to vote  stand  on  the  stock
records of the corporation at the close of business on the business day  next
preceding the day on which notice is given (or, if notice is waived,  at  the
close  of  business on the business day next preceding the day on  which  the
meeting  is held) shall be entitled to vote at such meeting.  Any stockholder
entitled to vote on any matter other than elections of directors or officers,
may  vote part of the shares in favor of the proposal and refrain from voting
the  remaining  shares  or  vote  them against  the  proposal,  but,  if  the
stockholder fails to specify the number of shares such stockholder is  voting
affirmatively,  it  will  be  conclusively presumed  that  the  stockholder's
approving vote is with respect to all shares such stockholder is entitled  to
vote.   Such vote may be by voice vote or by ballot; provided, however,  that
all elections for directors must be by ballot upon demand by a stockholder at
any election and before the voting begins.

          When a quorum is present or represented at any meeting, the vote of
the  holders of a majority of the stock having voting power present in person
or  represented  by  proxy  shall decide any  question  brought  before  such
meeting,  unless the question is one upon which by express provision  of  the
statutes or of the articles of incorporation a different vote is required  in
which  case  such express provision shall govern and control the decision  of
such  question.   Every  stockholder of record of the  corporation  shall  be
entitled at each meeting of stockholders to one vote for each share of  stock
standing in his name on the books of the corporation.

The  transactions at any meeting of stockholders, either annual  or  special,
however  called and noticed, and wherever held, shall be as valid  as  though
had  at  a  meeting duly held after regular call and notice, if a  quorum  be
present  either  in person or by proxy, and if, either before  or  after  the
meeting,  each person entitled to vote, not present in person  or  by  proxy,
signs a written waiver of notice or a consent to a holding of the meeting, or
an approval of the minutes thereof.  The waiver of notice or consent need not
specify either the business to be transacted or the purpose of any regular or
special  meeting of stockholders, except that if action is taken or  proposed
to  be  taken  for approval of any of those matters specified in  the  second
paragraph  of Section 4 of this Article II, the waiver of notice  or  consent
shall  state the general nature of such proposal.  All such waivers, consents
or  approvals shall be filed with the corporate records or made a part of the
minutes of the meeting.

          Attendance of a person at a meeting shall also constitute a  waiver
of  notice  of such meeting, except when the person objects, at the beginning
of the meeting, to the transaction of any business because the meeting is not
lawfully called or convened, and except that attendance at a meeting is not a
waiver of any right to object to the consideration of matters not included in
the notice if such objection is expressly made at the meeting.

MEETING.   As  provided  for in the Amended Articles  of  Incorporation,  any
action  which  may be taken at any annual or special meeting of  stockholders
may  be  taken  without a meeting and without prior notice, if a  consent  in
writing,  setting  forth the action so taken, is signed  by  the  holders  of
outstanding  shares  having not less than the minimum number  of  votes  that
would be necessary to authorize or take such action at a meeting at which all
shares  entitled to vote thereon were present and voted.  All  such  consents
shall  be filed with the secretary of the corporation and shall be maintained
in  the corporate records.  Any stockholder giving a written consent, or  the
stockholder's  proxy  holders, or a transferee of the shares  of  a  personal
representative  of  the stockholder of their respective  proxy  holders,  may
revoke  the consent by a writing received by the secretary of the corporation
prior  to the time that written consents of the number of shares required  to
authorize the proposed action have been filed with the secretary.

          Section  11.     PROXIES.   Every  person  entitled  to  vote   for
directors  or  on any other matter shall have the right to do  so  either  in
person  or by one or more agents authorized by a written proxy signed by  the
person  and  filed with the secretary of the corporation.  A proxy  shall  be
deemed  signed if the stockholder's name is placed on the proxy  (whether  by
manual signature, typewriting, telegraphic transmission or otherwise) by  the
stockholder or the stockholder's attorney in fact.  A validly executed  proxy
which does not state that it is irrevocable shall continue in full force  and
effect  unless revoked by the person executing it, prior to the vote pursuant
thereto, by a writing delivered to the corporation stating that the proxy  is
revoked  or  by a subsequent proxy executed by, or attendance at the  meeting
and  voting  in person by the person executing the proxy; provided,  however,
that no such proxy shall be valid after the expiration of six (6) months from
the date of such proxy, unless coupled with an interest, or unless the person
executing it specifies therein the length of time for which it is to continue
in  force, which in no case shall exceed seven (7) years from the date of its
execution.   Subject  to the above and the provisions  of  the  North  Dakota
General Corporation Law, any proxy duly executed is not revoked and continues
in  full  force and effect until an instrument revoking it or a duly executed
proxy bearing a later date is filed with the secretary of the corporation.

          Section  12.     INSPECTORS OF ELECTION.   Before  any  meeting  of
stockholders,  the  board of directors may appoint  any  persons  other  than
nominees  for office to act as inspectors of election at the meeting  or  its
adjournment.  If no inspectors of election are appointed, the chairman of the
meeting  may,  and  on  the request of any stockholder or  his  proxy  shall,
appoint  inspectors  of election at the meeting.  The  number  of  inspectors
shall  be  either  one (1) or three (3).  If inspectors are  appointed  at  a
meeting on the request of one or more stockholders or proxies, the holders of
a  majority of shares or their proxies present at the meeting shall determine
whether  one (1) or three (3) inspectors are to be appointed.  If any  person
appointed  as  inspector  fails to appear or fails or  refuses  to  act,  the
vacancy  may  be filled by appointment by the board of directors  before  the
meeting, or by the chairman at the meeting.

          The duties of these inspectors shall be as follows:

(a)  Determine the number of shares outstanding and the voting power of each,
     the  shares  represented at the meeting, the existence of a quorum,  and
     the authenticity, validity, and effect of proxies;

(b)  Receive votes, ballots, or consents;

(c)  Hear  and  determine all challenges and questions in any way arising  in
     connection with the right to vote;

(d)  Count and tabulate all votes or consents;

(e)  Determine the election result; and

(f)  Do  any  other acts that may be proper to conduct the election  or  vote
     with fairness to all stockholders.

                                 ARTICLE III


          Section  1.      POWERS.  Subject to the provisions  of  the  North
Dakota  General  Corporation  Law  and any limitations  in  the  articles  of
incorporation and these bylaws relating to action required to be approved  by
the  stockholders or by the outstanding shares, the business and  affairs  of
the  corporation shall be managed and all corporate powers shall be exercised

by or under the direction of the board of directors.

          Without  prejudice to such general powers, but subject to the  same
limitations,  it is hereby expressly declared that the directors  shall  have
the power and authority to:

               (a)  Select and remove all officers, agents, and employees  of
the  corporation, prescribe such powers and duties for them  as  may  not  be
inconsistent  with law, with the articles of incorporation or  these  bylaws,
fix their compensation, and require from them security for faithful service.

               (b)   Change  the principal executive office or the  principal
business  office  from one location to another; cause the corporation  to  be
qualified  to  do  business  in any other state,  territory,  dependency,  or
foreign  country and conduct business within or without the State;  designate
any  place  within or without the State for the holding of any  stockholders'
meeting,  or  meetings,  including annual meetings; adopt,  make  and  use  a
corporate  seal, and prescribe the forms of certificates of stock, and  alter
the  form of such seal and of such certificates from time to time as in their
judgment  they  may deem best, provided that such forms shall  at  all  times
comply with the provisions of law.

               (c)   Authorize  the  issuance  of  shares  of  stock  of  the
corporation  from  time  to  time, upon such  terms  as  may  be  lawful,  in
consideration of money paid, labor done or services actually rendered,  debts
or securities cancelled, tangible or intangible property actually received.

               (d)   Borrow  money and incur indebtedness for the purpose  of
the  corporation,  and cause to be executed and delivered  therefor,  in  the
corporate  name,  promissory  notes,  bonds,  debentures,  deeds  of   trust,
mortgages, pledges, hypothecations, or other evidences of debt and securities

          Section  2.      NUMBER  OF  DIRECTORS.  The authorized  number  of
directors shall be no fewer than one (1) nor more than seven (7).  The  exact
number  of  authorized directors shall be set by resolution of the  board  of
directors, within the limits specified above.  The maximum or minimum  number
of directors cannot be changed, nor can a fixed number be substituted for the
maximum and minimum numbers, except by a duly adopted amendment to this bylaw
duly approved by a majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote.

DIRECTORS.   Directors  shall  be  elected at  each  annual  meeting  of  the
stockholders to hold office until the next annual meeting, but  if  any  such

annual  meeting is not held or the directors are not elected  at  any  annual
meeting,  the directors may be elected at any special meeting of stockholders
held  for  that  purpose, or at the next annual meeting of stockholders  held
thereafter.  Each director, including a director elected to fill  a  vacancy,
shall  hold  office  until the expiration of the term for which  elected  and
until  a  successor  has  been elected and qualified  or  until  his  earlier
resignation or removal or his office has been declared vacant in  the  manner
provided in these bylaws.  Directors need not be stockholders.

          Section  4.     RESIGNATION AND REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS.  Any director
may resign effective upon giving written notice to the chairman of the board,
the  president,  the secretary or the board of directors of the  corporation,
unless  the  notice  specifies a later time for  the  effectiveness  of  such
resignation, in which case such resignation shall be effective  at  the  time
specified.   Unless such resignation specifies otherwise, its  acceptance  by
the  corporation shall not be necessary to make it effective.  The  board  of
directors  may declare vacant the office of a director who has been  declared
of  unsound mind by an order of a court or convicted of a felony.  Any or all
of  the directors may be removed without cause of such removal is approved by
the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the outstanding  shares  entitled  to
vote.   No  reduction of the authorized number of directors  shall  have  the
effect of removing any director before his term of office expires.

          Section 5.     VACANCIES.  Vacancies in the board of directors, may
be  filled  by  a  majority of the remaining directors, though  less  than  a
quorum, or by a sole remaining director.  Each director so elected shall hold
office  until  the  next  annual  meeting of the  stockholders  and  until  a
successor has been elected and qualified.

          A  vacancy  in  the board of directors exists as to any  authorized
position  of  directors which is not then filled by a duly elected  director,
whether  caused  by death, resignation, removal, increase in  the  authorized
number of directors or otherwise.

          The  stockholders may elect a director or directors at any time  to
fill  any  vacancy  or vacancies not filled by the directors,  but  any  such
election  by written consent shall require the consent of a majority  of  the
outstanding  shares entitled to vote.  If the resignation of  a  director  is
effective  at a future time, the board of directors may elect a successor  to
take office when the resignation becomes effective.

          If after the filling of any vacancy by the directors, the directors
then  in  office  who have been elected by the stockholders shall  constitute
less  than a majority of the directors then in office, any holder or  holders

of  an aggregate of five percent or more of the total number of shares at the
time  outstanding  having the right to vote for such  directors  may  call  a
special  meeting of the stockholders to elect the entire board.  The term  of
office  of any director not elected by the stockholders shall terminate  upon
the election of a successor.

          Section 6.     PLACE OF MEETINGS.  Regular meetings of the board of
directors  shall be held at any place within or without the  State  of  North
Dakota that has been designated from time to time by resolution of the board.
In  the  absence of such designation, regular meetings shall be held  at  the
principal executive office of the corporation.  Special meetings of the board
shall  be held at any place within or without the State of North Dakota  that
has  been  designated in the notice of the meeting or, if not stated  in  the
notice  or  there  is not notice, at the principal executive  office  of  the
corporation.   Any  meeting, regular or special, may be  held  by  conference
telephone  or  similar  communication equipment, so  long  as  all  directors
participating  in such meeting can hear one another, and all  such  directors
shall be deemed to be present in person at such meeting.

          Section 7.     ANNUAL MEETINGS.  Immediately following each  annual
meeting  of stockholders, the board of directors shall hold a regular meeting
for  the  purpose of transaction of other business.  Notice of  this  meeting
shall not be required.

          Section  8.     OTHER REGULAR MEETINGS.  Other regular meetings  of
the  board of directors shall be held without call at such time as shall from
time  to time be fixed by the board of directors.  Such regular meetings  may
be  held without notice, provided the notice of any change in the time of any
such meetings shall be given to all of the directors.  Notice of a change  in
the  determination of the time shall be given to each director  in  the  same
manner as notice for special meetings of the board of directors.

          Section 9.     SPECIAL MEETINGS.  Special meetings of the board  of
directors  for  any  purpose or purposes may be called at  any  time  by  the
chairman of the board or the president or any vice president or the secretary
or any two directors.

          Notice of the time and place of special meetings shall be delivered
personally  or by telephone to each director or sent by first-class  mail  or
telegram,  charges prepaid, addressed to each director at his or her  address
as  it is shown upon the records of the corporation.  In case such notice  is
mailed,  it  shall be deposited in the United States mail at least  four  (4)
days prior to the time of the holding of the meeting.  In case such notice is
delivered  personally,  or by telephone or telegram, it  shall  be  delivered
personally  or by telephone or to the telegraph company at least  forty-eight
(48)  hours prior to the time of the holding of the meeting.  Any oral notice
given  personally or by telephone may be communicated to either the  director

or to a person at the office of the director who the person giving the notice
has  reason  to  believe will promptly communicate it to the  director.   The
notice  need  not  specify the purpose of the meeting nor the  place  if  the
meeting is to be held at the principal executive office of the corporation.

          Section  10.     QUORUM.   A majority of the authorized  number  of
directors  shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business,  except
to adjourn as hereinafter provided.  Every act or decision done or made by  a
majority of the directors present at a meeting duly held at which a quorum is
present  shall be regarded as the act of the board of directors,  subject  to
the  provisions  of the North Dakota General Corporation Law.  A  meeting  at
which  a  quorum  is  initially  present may continue  to  transact  business
notwithstanding the withdrawal of directors, if any action taken is  approved
by at least a majority of the required quorum for such meeting.

          Section  11.    WAIVER OF NOTICE.  The transactions of any  meeting
of the board of directors, however called and noticed or wherever held, shall
be  as  valid  as  though had at a meeting duly held after regular  call  and
notice  if  a  quorum be present and if, either before or after the  meeting,
each of the directors not present signs a written waiver of notice, a consent
to  holding the meeting or an approval of the minutes thereof.  The waiver of
notice  of  consent  need not specify the purpose of the meeting.   All  such
waivers, consents and approvals shall be filed with the corporate records  or
made a part of the minutes of the meeting.  Notice of a meeting shall also be
deemed  given  to  any  director who attends the meeting without  protesting,
prior thereto or at its commencement, the lack of notice to such director.

          Section  12.    ADJOURNMENT.  A majority of the directors  present,
whether or not constituting a quorum, may adjourn any meeting to another time
and place.

          Section 13.    NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT.  Notice of the time and place
of  holding  an  adjourned meeting need not be given, unless the  meeting  is
adjourned for more than twenty-four (24) hours, in which case notice of  such
time and place shall be given prior to the time of the adjourned meeting,  in
the  manner specified in Section 8 of this Article III, to the directors  who
were not present at the time of the adjournment.

          Section  14.     ACTION  WITHOUT MEETING.  Any action  required  or
permitted  to  be   taken by the board of directors may be  taken  without  a
meeting,  if  all  members  of the board shall individually  or  collectively
consent in writing to such action.  Such action by written consent shall have

the  same  force  and effect as a unanimous vote of the board  of  directors.
Such  written  consent or consents shall be filed with  the  minutes  of  the
proceedings of the board.

          Section  15.    FEES AND COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS.  Directors  and
members  of  committees  may receive such compensation,  if  any,  for  their
services,  and such reimbursement of expenses, as may be fixed or  determined
by  resolution of the board of directors.  Nothing herein contained shall  be
construed to preclude any director from serving the corporation in any  other
capacity  as  an  officer,  agent,  employee,  or  otherwise,  and  receiving
compensation  for  such services.  Members of special or standing  committees
may be allowed like compensation for attending committee meetings.

                                 ARTICLE IV


          Section  1.      COMMITTEES OF DIRECTORS.  The board  of  directors
may,  by  resolution  adopted  by a majority  of  the  authorized  number  of
directors, designate one or more committees, each consisting of one  or  more
directors,  to  serve at the pleasure of the board.  The board may  designate
one or more directors as alternate members of any committees, who may replace
any  absent  member at any meeting of the committee.  Any such committee,  to
the  extent  provided  in the resolution of the board,  shall  have  all  the
authority of the board, except with regard to:

(a)  the  approval  of  any  action which, under  the  North  Dakota  General
     Corporation Law, also requires stockholders' approval or approval of the
     outstanding shares;

(b)  the filing of vacancies on the board of directors or in any committees;

(c)  the fixing of compensation of the directors for serving on the board  or
     on any committee;

(d)  the amendment or repeal of bylaws or the adoption of new bylaws;

(e)  the  amendment  or  repeal of any resolution of the board  of  directors
     which by its express terms is not so amendable or repealable;

(f)  a  distribution to the stockholders of the corporation, except at a rate
     or  in a periodic amount or within a price range determined by the board
     of directors; or

(g)  the appointment of any other committees of the board of directors or the
     members thereof.

          Section  2.      MEETINGS AND ACTION BY COMMITTEES.   Meetings  and
action  of  committees shall be governed by, and held and taken in accordance
with,  the  provisions  of Article III, Sections 6  (place  of  meetings),  8
(regular meetings), 9 (special meetings and notice), 10 (quorum), 11  (waiver
of  notice),  12  (adjournment), 13 (notice of adjournment)  and  14  (action
without  meeting), with such changes in the context of those  bylaws  as  are
necessary  to  substitute  the committee and its members  for  the  board  of
directors  and  its  members, except that the time  or  regular  meetings  of
committees  may  be determined by resolutions of the board of  directors  and
notice of special meetings of committees shall also be given to all alternate
members,  who  shall have the right to attend all meetings of the  committee.
The  board  of directors may adopt rules for the government of any  committee
not  inconsistent with the provisions of these bylaws.  The committees  shall
keep  regular minutes of their proceedings and report the same to  the  board
when required.

                                  ARTICLE V


          Section 1.     OFFICERS.  The officers of the corporation shall  be
a  chief  executive  officer, president, a secretary and  a  treasurer.   The
corporation  may  also have, at the discretion of the board of  directors,  a
chairman  of  the board, one or more vice presidents, one or  more  assistant
secretaries, one or more assistant treasurers, and such other officers as may
be  appointed  in  accordance  with  the provisions  of  Section  3  of  this
Article V.  Any two or more offices may be held by the same person.

          Section  2.      ELECTION  OF  OFFICERS.   The  officers   of   the
corporation, except such officers as may be appointed in accordance with  the
provisions  of Section 3 or Section 5 of this Article V, shall be  chosen  by
the  board  of directors, and each shall serve at the pleasure of the  board,
subject  to  the  rights,  if  any,  of an  officer  under  any  contract  of
employment.   The board of directors at its first meeting after  each  annual
meeting of stockholders shall choose a chief executive officer, president,  a
secretary  and a treasurer, none of whom need be a member of the board.   The
salaries of all officers and agents of the corporation shall be fixed by  the
board of directors.

          Section  3.     SUBORDINATE OFFICERS, ETC.  The board of  directors
may appoint, and may empower the chief executive officer or the president  to
appoint,  such other officers as the business of the corporation may require,
each  of  whom  shall  hold office for such period, have such  authority  and
perform  such  duties  as  are provided in the bylaws  or  as  the  board  of
directors may from time to time determine.

          Section  4.     REMOVAL AND RESIGNATION OF OFFICERS.  The  officers
of  the  corporation shall hold office until their successors are chosen  and
qualify.  Subject to the rights, if any, of an officer under any contract  of
employment, any officer may be removed, either with or without cause, by  the
board of directors, at any regular or special meeting thereof, or, except  in
case of an officer chosen by the board of directors, by any officer upon whom
such power or removal may be conferred by the board of directors.

          Any  officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the
corporation.   Any  such resignation shall take effect at  the  date  of  the
receipt  of  such notice or at any later time specified therein; and,  unless
otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not  be
necessary to make it effective.  Any such resignation is without prejudice to
the  rights,  if  any,  of the corporation under any contract  to  which  the
officer is a party.

          Section  5.      VACANCIES  IN OFFICES.  A vacancy  in  any  office
because  of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or any other  cause
shall  be  filled  in  the  manner prescribed in  these  bylaws  for  regular
appointments to such office.

          Section  6.      CHIEF  EXECUTIVE  OFFICER.   The  chief  executive
officer  shall  be  the principal executive officer of the  corporation  and,
subject to the control of the board of directors, shall, in general, have the
following powers and duties:

a.   He  shall,  subject  to the direction of the board  of  directors,  have
     general  charge of the business, affairs and property of the corporation
     and general supervision over the officers, employees and agents.

b.   If  no  chairman  of the board has been chosen, or if  such  officer  is
     absent or disabled, he shall preside at meetings of the stockholders and
     board of directors.

c.   He shall be a member of any Executive Committee.

d.   He shall, except where by law the signature of the president is required
     or  unless the board of directors shall rule otherwise, be empowered  to
     sign  or countersign with the secretary, an assistant secretary, or  any
     other  proper  officer of the corporation thereunto  authorized  by  the
     board   of  directors  all  certificates  representing  stock   of   the
     corporation,   any   deeds,  mortgages,  bonds,  contracts,   or   other
     instruments of the corporation as authorized by the board of directors.

e.   He  shall at all times maintain the power to expressly monitor, delegate
     and control the duties and actions of the president of the corporation.

f.   He shall make reports to the board of directors and shareholders.

g.   He  shall  perform such other duties as are incident to  the  office  of
     chief  executive officer and such other duties as may be  prescribed  or
     are  properly  required of him by the board of directors  from  time  to

          Section  7.      PRESIDENT.   The  president  shall  be  the  chief
operating officer of the corporation and, subject to the control of board  of
directors and supervision of the chief executive officer, shall, in  general,
supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the corporation.  He
shall in the absence of the chief executive officer, when present, preside at
all  meetings  of  the shareholders.  He shall sign, with the  secretary,  an
assistant secretary, or any other proper officer of the corporation thereunto
authorized  by  the  board  of  directors, certificates  for  shares  of  the
corporation,  any  deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or  other  instruments
which  the board of directors has authorized to be executed, except in  cases
where  the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by  the
board  of directors or by these bylaws to some other officer or agent of  the
corporation, or shall be required by law to be otherwise signed or  executed;
and, in general, shall perform all duties incident to the office of president
chief  operating  officer and such other duties as may be prescribed  by  the
board of directors from time to time.

          Section  8.      VICE PRESIDENTS.  In the absence or disability  of
the  president, the vice presidents, if any, in order of their rank as  fixed
by  the board of directors or, if not ranked, a vice president designated  by
the  board  of directors, shall perform all the duties of the president,  and
when  so  acting  shall have all the powers of, and be  subject  to  all  the
restrictions upon, the president.  The vice presidents shall have such  other
powers  and  perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed
for  them respectively by the board of directors or the bylaws, the president
or the chairman of the board.

          Section  9.     SECRETARY.  The secretary shall attend all meetings
of  the  board  of directors and all meetings of the stockholders  and  shall
record,  keep or cause to be kept, at the principal executive office or  such
other  place  as the board of directors may order, a book of minutes  of  all
meetings  of  directors, committees of directors and stockholders,  with  the
time  and place of holding, whether regular or special, and, if special,  how
authorized,  the  notice  thereof  given,  the  names  of  those  present  at
directors'   and  committee  meetings,  the  number  of  shares  present   or
represented at stockholders' meetings, and the proceedings thereof.

          The  secretary  shall keep, or cause to be kept, at  the  principal
executive  office  or at the office of the corporation's  transfer  agent  or
registrar,  as  determined by resolution of the board of directors,  a  share
register,  or  a  duplicate  share  register,  showing  the  names   of   all
stockholders  and their addresses, the number and classes of shares  held  by
each, the number and date of certificates issued for the same, and the number
and date of cancellation of every certificate surrendered for cancellation.

          The  secretary  shall  give, or cause to be given,  notice  of  all
meetings of stockholders and of the board of directors required by the bylaws
or  by law to be given, and he shall keep the seal of the corporation in safe
custody, as may be prescribed by the board of directors or by the bylaws.

          Section  10.    TREASURER.  The treasurer shall keep and  maintain,
or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and correct books and records of
accounts  of  the  properties and business transactions of  the  corporation,
including  accounts  of  its  assets, liabilities,  receipts,  disbursements,
gains,  losses, capital, retained earnings and shares.  The books of  account
shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection by any director.

          The  treasurer shall deposit all moneys and other valuables in  the
name  and to the credit of the corporation with such depositaries as  may  be
designated  by the board of directors.  He shall disburse the  funds  of  the
corporation as may be ordered by the board of directors, shall render to  the
president and directors, whenever they request it, an account of all  of  his
transactions  as treasurer and of the financial condition of the corporation,
and  shall  have  other  powers  and perform such  other  duties  as  may  be
prescribed by the board of directors or the bylaws.

          If required by the board of directors, the treasurer shall give the
corporation a bond in such sum and with such surety or sureties as  shall  be
satisfactory  to the board of directors for the faithful performance  of  the

duties  of his office and for the restoration to the corporation, in case  of
his  death,  resignation, retirement or removal from office,  of  all  books,
papers, vouchers, money and other property of whatever kind in his possession
or under his control belonging to the corporation.

                                 ARTICLE VI

                              AND OTHER AGENTS

          Section  1.      ACTIONS  OTHER  THAN  BY  THE  CORPORATION.    The
corporation  may indemnify any person who was or is a party or is  threatened
to  be  made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action, suit  or
proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative,  except
an  action by or in the right of the corporation, by reason of the fact  that
he is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the corporation, or is
or  was  serving  at  the request of the corporation as a director,  officer,
employee  or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture,  trust
or  other enterprise, against expenses, including attorneys' fees, judgments,
fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by  him
in  connection with the action, suit or proceeding if he acted in good  faith
and  in a manner which he reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to  the
best  interests of the corporation, and, with respect to any criminal  action
or  proceeding, has no reasonable cause to believe his conduct was  unlawful.
The  termination  of  any  action,  suit or proceeding  by  judgment,  order,
settlement,  conviction, or upon a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent,
does not, of itself, create a presumption that the person did not act in good
faith and in a manner which he reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to
the best interests of the corporation, and that, with respect to any criminal
action or proceeding, he had reasonable cause to believe that his conduct was

          Section  2.      ACTIONS BY THE CORPORATION.  The  corporation  may
indemnify  any person who was or is a party or is threatened  to  be  made  a
party  to  any threatened, pending or completed action or suit by or  in  the
right of the corporation to procure a judgment in its favor by reason of  the
fact  that  he  is  or  was a director, officer, employee  or  agent  of  the
corporation,  or  is or was serving at the request of the  corporation  as  a
director,  officer,  employee or agent of another  corporation,  partnership,
joint  venture, trust or other enterprise against expenses, including amounts
paid  in settlement and attorneys' fees, actually and reasonably incurred  by
him in connection with the defense or settlement of the action or suit if  he
acted in good faith and in a manner which he reasonably believed to be in  or
not  opposed  to the best interests of the corporation.  Indemnification  may
not be made for any claim, issue or matter as to which such a person has been
adjudged  by  a  court  of competent jurisdiction, after  exhaustion  of  all

appeals  therefrom, to be liable to the corporation or for  amounts  paid  in
settlement to the corporation, unless and only to the extent that  the  court
in  which  the  action  or  suit  was brought or  other  court  of  competent
jurisdiction   determines  upon  application  that  in  view   of   all   the
circumstances  of the case, the person is fairly and reasonably  entitled  to
indemnity for such expenses as the court deems proper.

          Section  3.     SUCCESSFUL DEFENSE.  To the extent that a director,
officer,  employee  or agent of the corporation has been  successful  on  the
merits or otherwise in defense of any action, suit or proceeding referred  to
in  Sections 1 and 2, or in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein, he
must be indemnified by the corporation against expenses, including attorneys'
fees, actually and reasonably incurred by him in connection with the defense.

          Section  4.      REQUIRED  APPROVAL.   Any  indemnification   under
Sections  1 and 2, unless ordered by a court or advanced pursuant to  Section
5,  must  be made by the corporation only as authorized in the specific  case
upon  a determination that indemnification of the director, officer, employee
or agent is proper in the circumstances.  The determination must be made:

(a)  By the stockholders;

(b)  By  the  board  of directors by majority vote of a quorum consisting  of
     directors who were not parties to the act, suit or proceeding;

(c)  If  a  majority vote of a quorum  consisting of directors who  were  not
     parties  to the act, suit or proceeding so orders, by independent  legal
     counsel in a written opinion; or

(d)  If  a  quorum consisting of directors who were not parties to  the  act,
     suit or proceeding cannot be obtained, by independent legal counsel in a
     written opinion.

          Section 5.     ADVANCE OF EXPENSES.  The articles of incorporation,
the  bylaws  or  an  agreement made by the corporation may provide  that  the
expenses  of officers and directors incurred in defending a civil or criminal
action,  suit  or  proceeding must be paid by the  corporation  as  they  are
incurred  and  in  advance of the final disposition of the  action,  suit  or
proceeding upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the director  or
officer  to  repay the amount if it is ultimately determined by  a  court  of
competent  jurisdiction  that he is not entitled to  be  indemnified  by  the
corporation.   The  provisions of this section do not affect  any  rights  to
advancement of expenses to which corporate personnel other than directors  or
officers may be entitled under any contract or otherwise by law.

          Section  6.      OTHER RIGHTS.  The indemnification and advancement
of expenses authorized in or ordered by a court pursuant to this Article VI:

               (a)   Does  not  exclude any other rights to  which  a  person
seeking indemnification or advancement of expenses may be entitled under  the
articles  of  incorporation or any bylaw, agreement, vote of stockholders  or
disinterested  directors or otherwise, for either an action in  his  official
capacity  or  an action in another capacity while holding his office,  except
that indemnification, unless ordered by a court pursuant to Section 2 or  for
the advancement of expenses made pursuant to Section 5, may not be made to or
on behalf of any director or officer if a final adjudication establishes that
his  acts  or omissions involved intentional misconduct, fraud or  a  knowing
violation of the law and was material to the cause of action.

               (b)   Continues for a person who has ceased to be a  director,
officer,  employee or agent and inures to the benefit of the heirs, executors
and administrators of such a person.

          Section  7.      INSURANCE.   The  corporation  may  purchase   and
maintain insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a director, officer,
employee or agent of the corporation, or is or was serving at the request  of
the  corporation  as  a  director, officer,  employee  or  agent  of  another
corporation,  partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise  for  any
liability  asserted against him and incurred by him in any such capacity,  or
arising out of his status as such, whether or not the corporation would  have
the  power  to  indemnify him against such liability under the provisions  of
this Article VI.

          Section  8.     RELIANCE ON PROVISIONS.  Each person who shall  act
as  an  authorized representative of the corporation shall be  deemed  to  be
doing  so  in  reliance upon the rights of indemnification provided  by  this

          Section  9.      SEVERABILITY.  If any of the  provisions  of  this
Article  are  held  to  be invalid or unenforceable, this  Article  shall  be
construed  as  if it did not contain such invalid or unenforceable  provision
and  the remaining provisions of this Article shall remain in full force  and

          Section  10.     RETROACTIVE EFFECT.  To the  extent  permitted  by
applicable  law,  the rights and powers granted pursuant to this  Article  VI
shall  apply  to  acts  and actions occurring or in  progress  prior  to  its
adoption by the board of directors.

                                 ARTICLE VII

                              RECORDS AND BOOKS

          Section  1.      MAINTENANCE  OF SHARE REGISTER.   The  corporation
shall  keep  at  its  principal executive office, or at  the  office  of  its
transfer  agent  or registrar, if either be appointed and  as  determined  by
resolution  of  the board of directors, a record of its stockholders,  giving
the  names  and  addresses of all stockholders and the number  and  class  of
shares held by each stockholder.

          Section  2.     MAINTENANCE OF BYLAWS.  The corporation shall  keep
at  its  principal executive office, or if its principal executive office  is
not  in  this  State  at its principal business office  in  this  State,  the
original or a copy of the bylaws as amended to date, which shall be  open  to
inspection  by the stockholders at all reasonable times during office  hours.
If  the  principal executive office of the corporation is outside this  state
and  the  corporation has no principal business office  in  this  state,  the
secretary shall, upon the written request of any stockholder, furnish to such
stockholder a copy of the bylaws as amended to date.

          Section  3.      MAINTENANCE  OF  OTHER  CORPORATE  RECORDS.    The
accounting  books and records and minutes of proceedings of the  stockholders
and  the  board of directors and any committee or committees of the board  of
directors  shall be kept at such place or places designated by the  board  of
directors, or, in the absence of such designation, at the principal executive
office of the corporation.  The minutes shall be kept in written form and the
accounting books and records shall be kept either in written form or  in  any
other form capable of being converted into written form.

          Every director shall have the absolute right at any reasonable time
to  inspect  and copy all books, records and documents of every kind  and  to
inspect  the  physical properties of this corporation and any  subsidiary  of
this corporation.  Such inspection by a director may be made in person or  by
agent or attorney and the right of inspection includes the right to copy  and
make  extracts.   The  foregoing rights of inspection  shall  extend  to  the
records of each subsidiary of the corporation.

          Section 4.     ANNUAL REPORT TO STOCKHOLDERS.  Nothing herein shall
be  interpreted as prohibiting the board of directors from issuing annual  or
other  periodic reports to the stockholders of the corporation as  they  deem

          Section  5.      FINANCIAL  STATEMENTS.   A  copy  of  any   annual
financial  statement  and any income statement of the  corporation  for  each
quarterly period of each fiscal year, and any accompanying balance  sheet  of
the corporation as of the end of each such period, that has been prepared  by
the  corporation shall be kept on file in the principal executive  office  of
the corporation for twelve (12) months.

AGENT.  The corporation shall, each year, file with the Secretary of State of
the State of North Dakota, on the prescribed form, a list of its officers and
directors and a designation of its resident agent in North Dakota.

                                ARTICLE VIII

                          GENERAL CORPORATE MATTERS

          Section  1.      RECORD  DATE.   For purposes  of  determining  the
stockholders  entitled to notice of any meeting or to  vote  or  entitled  to
receive  payment  of any dividend or other distribution or allotment  of  any
rights  or  entitled to exercise any rights in respect of  any  other  lawful
action,  the  board  of directors may fix, in advance, a record  date,  which
shall  not be more than sixty (60) days nor less than ten (10) days prior  to
the date of any such meeting nor more than sixty (60) days prior to any other
action, and in such case only stockholders of record on the date so fixed are
entitled  to  notice and to vote or to receive the dividend, distribution  or
allotment  of  rights  or  to  exercise the  rights,  as  the  case  may  be,
notwithstanding  any transfer of any shares on the books of  the  corporation
after the record date fixed as aforesaid, except as otherwise provided in the
North Dakota General Corporation Law.

          If the board of directors does not so fix a record date:

               (a)  The record date for determining stockholders entitled  to
notice  of or to vote at a meeting of stockholders shall be at the  close  of
business  on the day next preceding the day on which notice is given  or,  if
notice is waived, at the close of business on the business day next preceding
the day on which the meeting is held.

               (b)  The record date for determining stockholders entitled  to
give  consent to corporate action in writing without a meeting, when no prior
action  by  the  board has been taken, shall be the day on  which  the  first
written consent is given.

               (c)   The  record  date for determining stockholders  for  any
other purpose shall be at the close of business on the day on which the board
adopts  the resolution relating thereto, or the sixtieth (60th) day prior  to
the date of such other action, whichever is later.

          Section  2.      CLOSING  OF  TRANSFER BOOKS.   The  directors  may
prescribe a period not exceeding sixty (60) days prior to any meeting of  the
stockholders  during  which  no  transfer  of  stock  on  the  books  of  the
corporation  may  be made, or may fix a date not more than  sixty  (60)  days
prior  to the holding of any such meeting as the day as of which stockholders
entitled  to  notice of and to vote at such meeting shall be determined;  and
only  stockholders of record on such day shall be entitled to  notice  or  to
vote at such meeting.

          Section  3.     REGISTERED STOCKHOLDERS.  The corporation shall  be
entitled to recognize the exclusive right of a person registered on its books
as  the owner of shares to receive dividends, and to vote as such owner,  and
to  hold liable for calls and assessments a person registered on its books as
the  owner  of  shares, and shall not be bound to recognize any equitable  or
other  claim to or interest in such share or shares on the part of any  other
person, whether or not it shall have express or other notice thereof,  except
as otherwise provided by the laws of North Dakota.

          Section  4.      CHECKS,  DRAFTS, EVIDENCES OF  INDEBTEDNESS.   All
checks, drafts or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences
of  indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the corporation,  shall
be  signed or endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as,  from
time to time, shall be determined by resolution of the board of directors.

The  board  of  directors,  except as in the bylaws otherwise  provided,  may
authorize  any  officer  or  officers, agent or agents,  to  enter  into  any
contract  or  execute  any instrument in the name of and  on  behalf  of  the
corporation,  and  such  authority may be general  or  confined  to  specific
instances; and, unless so authorized or ratified by the board of directors or
within  the agency power or authority to bind the corporation by any contract
or  engagement or to pledge its credit or to render it liable for any purpose
or to any amount.

          Section  6.      STOCK CERTIFICATES.  A certificate or certificates
for  shares of the capital stock of the corporation shall be issued  to  each
stockholder  when any such shares are fully paid, and the board of  directors
may  authorize the issuance of certificates or shares as partly paid provided
that such certificates shall state the amount of the consideration to be paid
therefor  and the amount paid thereon.  All certificates shall be  signed  in
the  name  of the corporation by the chief executive officer or president  or
vice  president  and  by  the  treasurer or an  assistant  treasurer  or  the
secretary or any assistant secretary, certifying the number of shares and the
class or series of shares owned by the stockholder.  When the corporation  is
authorized to issue shares of more than one class or more than one series  of

any class, there shall be set forth upon the face or back of the certificate,
or  the  certificate shall have a statement that the corporation will furnish
to  any  stockholders  upon request and without charge,  a  full  or  summary
statement  of  the  designations, preferences and  relatives,  participating,
optional  or other special rights of the various classes of stock  or  series
thereof  and the qualifications, limitations or restrictions of such  rights,
and, if the corporation shall be authorized to issue only special stock, such
certificate must set forth in full or summarize the rights of the holders  of
such  stock.   Any  or  all  of  the signatures on  the  certificate  may  be
facsimile.   In case any officer, transfer agent or registrar who has  signed
or  whose  facsimile signature has been placed upon a certificate shall  have
ceased  to  be  such  officer,  transfer  agent  or  registrar  before   such
certificate  is  issued, it may be issued by the corporation  with  the  same
effect as if such person were an officer, transfer agent or registrar at  the
date of issue.

          No  new  certificate for shares shall be issued  in  place  of  any
certificate theretofore issued unless the latter is surrendered and cancelled
at  the  same time; provided, however, that a new certificate may  be  issued
without  the  surrender  and  cancellation of  the  old  certificate  if  the
certificate  thereto  fore issued is alleged to have  been  lost,  stolen  or
destroyed.   In  case  of  any  such  allegedly  lost,  stolen  or  destroyed
certificate,  the  corporation may require the owner  thereof  or  the  legal
representative  of  such  owner  to give the corporation  a  bond  (or  other
adequate security) sufficient to indemnify it against any claim that  may  be
made  against  it  (including any expense or liability)  on  account  of  the
alleged loss, theft or destruction of any such certificate or the issuance of
such new certificate.

          Section 7.     DIVIDENDS.  Dividends upon the capital stock of  the
corporation,  subject to the provisions of the articles of incorporation,  if
any,  may  be  declared by the board of directors at any regular  or  special
meeting pursuant to law.  Dividends may be paid in cash, in property,  or  in
shares  of  the capital stock, subject to the provisions of the  articles  of

          Before  payment of any dividend, there may be set aside out of  any
funds  of  the corporation available for dividends such sum or  sums  as  the
directors from time to time, in their absolute discretion, think proper as  a
reserve  or  reserves to meet contingencies, or for equalizing dividends,  or
for  repairing or maintaining any property of the corporation,  or  for  such
other  purpose as the directors shall think conducive to the interest of  the
corporation, and the directors may modify or abolish any such reserves in the
manner in which it was created.

          Section  8.      FISCAL YEAR.  The fiscal year of  the  corporation
shall be December 31st.

          Section  9.      SEAL.   The  corporate seal shall  have  inscribed
thereon  the name of the corporation, the year of its incorporation  and  the
words "Corporate Seal, North Dakota."

chairman  of  the board, the president, or any vice president, or  any  other
person  authorized  by resolution of the board of directors  by  any  of  the
foregoing  designated  officers, is authorized  to  vote  on  behalf  of  the
corporation  any  and  all shares of any other corporation  or  corporations,
foreign  or domestic, standing in the name of the corporation.  The authority
herein  granted  to  said  officers to vote or represent  on  behalf  of  the
corporation  any  and  all  shares  held by  the  corporation  in  any  other
corporation or corporations may be exercised by any such officer in person or
by any person authorized to do so by proxy duly executed by said officer.

          Section  11.     CONSTRUCTION AND DEFINITIONS.  Unless the  context
requires  otherwise,  the  general provisions,  rules  of  construction,  and
definitions  in  the North Dakota General Corporation Law  shall  govern  the
construction  of  the  bylaws.   Without  limiting  the  generality  of   the
foregoing,  the  singular  number includes  the  plural,  the  plural  number
includes the singular, and the term "person" includes both a corporation  and
a natural person.

                                 ARTICLE IX


          Section  1.      AMENDMENT  BY STOCKHOLDERS.   New  bylaws  may  be
adopted or these bylaws may be amended or repealed by the affirmative vote of
a  majority  of  the outstanding shares entitled to vote, or by  the  written
assent  of  stockholders entitled to vote such shares,  except  as  otherwise
provided by law or by the articles of incorporation.

          Section  2.     AMENDMENT BY DIRECTORS.  Subject to the  rights  of
the  stockholders  as provided in Section 1 of this Article,  bylaws  may  be
adopted, amended or repealed by the board of directors.

                          CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY

          I, the undersigned, do hereby certify:

          1.    That  I  am the duly elected and acting secretary  of  DAKOTA
HOLDINGS LTD., a North Dakota corporation; and

          2.   That the foregoing Bylaws, comprising twenty-three (23) pages,
constitute the Bylaws of said corporation as duly adopted and approved by the
board  of directors of said corporation by a Unanimous Written Consent  dated
as  of __________, 2002 and duly adopted and approved by the stockholders  of
said corporation at a special meeting held on ________, 2002.

          IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed
the seal of said corporation this ____ day of __________, 2002.

                                   RICHARD HANNIGAN, Secretary