Professor Birdsong is at it again. He knows "Dumb" after using his expertise in criminal law to write many books
about "Dumbest Criminals." But now the good Professor has taken on the Dumbest news stories that have occurred during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. There are Stories from the U.S. and from around the world that will make you laugh out loud, or at least will a smile on your face.
Here are a few:
* A Strip club in Las Vegas closed because of the pandemic posted a sign on its door that read, "Sorry we're clothed!"
* The story of the Australian lady who in March mistakenly ordered a 12-year supply of toilet paper instead of the regular order of 48 rolls for three months.
* An evangelical pastor in Argentina who defied his ban on church services turns his church into a bar.
* Two doctors in London were suspended from practice for removing a transgender man's vagina without his consent after he had gone in for an operation to give him a penis.
* A story from Alabama about a couple arrested for having sex in a car parked in the parking lot of police
* A man in China who walked into a hospital to have doctors remove a rusty knife left in his skull for 26 years after he was mugged.
About the Author
Professor Birdsong received his B.A. from Howard University, and he received his J.D. from Harvard Law School. He has taught Law in Orlando, Florida for 20 years. During this time, he was awarded Professor of the Year for six years. Before he went into academia, he worked first for several years with a large law firm. He then entered into a very varied and distinguished career in government service, first serving as a diplomat with the U.S. State Department, with various postings in Nigeria, Germany, and the Bahamas. Professor Birdsong later served as a federal prosecutor. After leaving government service, he was in law practice in Washington, D.C. Professor Birdsong has done on-air radio and TV legal analysis work for FOX News, CNN, and Court TV. Currently, he is occasionally invited to appear as a legal commentator on FOX News Radio, CBS Radio, and MSNBC.
Professor Birdsong's 257 Dumbest Pandemic Stories is a 154-page paperback at the suggested retail price of $7.99. The ISBN is 978-09979573-9-6 (also available as an eBook). You can purchase the book at https://www.leonardbirdsong.com/
Leonard Birdsong
Leonard Birdsong
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