Charleston, SC, Oct. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Copper and Coco, two anxious carrots, are tired of being seen as lunch food. The carrots embark on a daring journey through the elementary school to find excitement. Along the way, the carrots learn powerful mindfulness tools, how to conquer their fears and anxiety, and a valuable lesson on courage, determination, and the power of friendship.
In addition, Copper and Coco’s storyline helps to facilitate constructive conversations on how to recognize and cope with uncomfortable feelings.
“The goal of the book is to evoke conversation about uncomfortable feelings and how to navigate them in everyday life from the child’s perspective,” said Ashlyn.
Parents, guardians, teachers, and counselors will love Carrot Chronicles and its uncanny ability to boost the confidence of curious young children who want to explore the world around them.
Carrot Chronicles is available for purchase online at and Barnes and For more information about the author, please visit her social media platform:
Instagram: @lanyashlyn
About the Author:
Lany Ashlyn is a youth mental health advocate who partners with preschools, public schools, and after-school programs to help provide children with tools to help navigate their feelings. Having suffered severe anxiety throughout her childhood, she provides caregivers and educators guidance on childhood emotional development She holds two degrees in psychology, one in contemplative psychology, from Naropa University. Her next journey is to complete graduate school and become a school counselor. She lives in Boulder, Colorado where she stays busy participating in yoga, dancing, and hiking the Rocky Mountains with her Australian shepherd.

Leah Joseph Palmetto Publishing